Too Skinny


Feb 3, 2019
You could try mass gainer shakes, but what I find really works is gorging yourself on macronutrient full meals. What I mean is like eating another chicken breast plus rice, full meals and eating whenever you can. If you start to get too fat cut back but usually taking advantage to eat more will allow the body to grow and increase its resting size and metabolism


Feb 3, 2019
When I worked at UPS occasionally they would have free hotdogs or pizza, eating my complete fill or as much as possible of these extra meals helped me gain weight over the years.


Mar 10, 2016
Agreed on consistency. I have several health issues that leave me too sick / strung out to eat all day. A couple days a month. Those put a dent in your weight gain!! I'm trying to gain weight too...


Apr 15, 2015
Same problem here. I'm a skinny guy. What really helps me is 4-6 days of gluten free (and rather low carb diet, it helps to improve digestion) and then 1- 2 weeks of all-allowed diet ( no PUFA of course) with a stress on PIZZA (with thick bread) with mandatory Coca cola and Fanta (rice dishes in between). Fanta works better. I have access only to Coca/Fanta with HFCS, sugar would probably not work. Sugar rather makes me thinner. And excess of coffee is not good for gaining weight too. And try to rotate this diet for a while, week of low carb and gluten free, then a week or two of pizza+fanta diet. As soon as you see that you don't gain weight anymore, go back to low carb for several days .
Pizza should have lots of normal white flower bread with good amount of cheese (but without excess) healthy breads with bran as they only slow down digestion. French baguette didn't help me either.

Though the low carb part is pretty challeging for me . I started gaining fat around belly and my cholesterol raised to 220 mg/dl (while norm is under 200). I quit this diet but nothing else have ever worked for me. And CocaCola / Fanta became very pricy in my country. I tried to replace Fanta with cheaper brands, they don't work. I guess Fanta has the highest amount of HFCS and it has more gas than other cheaper brands. In my country lots of obese people and consumption of Coca/Fanta/pizza is very high. I also tried lots of beer+pizza, it didn't work.

Gaining weight is not only about calorries and amount of food you eat. Many people refuse to understand that. It is rather about how good you digest food and metabolize it. Though even if I can eat lots of protein shakes, digestive enzyms, high calory foods ... eventually I only overload my digestive sytem and rather start loosing weight and feel very crappy.

Anyway I would be happy to hear other's stories with success in gaining weight from being very skinny for unknown reasons.
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Feb 18, 2018
Same problem here. I'm a skinny guy. What really helps me is 4-6 days of gluten free (and rather low carb diet, it helps to improve digestion) and then 1- 2 weeks of all-allowed diet ( no PUFA of course) with a stress on PIZZA (with thick bread) with mandatory Coca cola and Fanta (rice dishes in between). Fanta works better. I have access only to Coca/Fanta with HFCS, sugar would probably not work. Sugar rather makes me thinner. And excess of coffee is not good for gaining weight too. And try to rotate this diet for a while, week of low carb and gluten free, then a week or two of pizza+fanta diet. As soon as you see that you don't gain weight anymore, go back to low carb for several days .
Pizza should have lots of normal white flower bread with good amount of cheese (but without excess) healthy breads with bran as they only slow down digestion. French baguette didn't help me either.

Though the low carb part is pretty challeging for me . I started gaining fat around belly and my cholesterol raised to 220 mg/dl (while norm is under 200). I quit this diet but nothing else have ever worked for me. And CocaCola / Fanta became very pricy in my country. I tried to replace Fanta with cheaper brands, they don't work. I guess Fanta has the highest amount of HFCS and it has more gas than other cheaper brands. In my country lots of obese people and consumption of Coca/Fanta/pizza is very high. I also tried lots of beer+pizza, it didn't work.

Gaining weight is not only about calorries and amount of food you eat. Many people refuse to understand that. It is rather about how good you digest food and metabolize it. Though even if I can eat lots of protein shakes, digestive enzyms, high calory foods ... eventually I only overload my digestive sytem and rather start loosing weight and feel very crappy.

Anyway I would be happy to hear other's stories with success in gaining weight from being very skinny for unknown reasons.
Just eat more every single day without fail , don't go more than 2-3 hours without a meal.

Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
@Redshine — supplements will often screw with weight if you’re taking them, however, consuming a lot of sugar will often have a ramping effect on metabolism (ime), making it somewhat advantageous to eat some good starch occasionally if you tolerate it. (I go back and forth on this.) Good saturated fats like grass fed butter and ice cream will increase your calories almost effortlessly. I also side on counting calorie as a reference — at one point I was eating significantly less than I believed. However, even now I am dubious about the quantities I can consume without gaining.


Apr 15, 2015
Just eat more every single day without fail , don't go more than 2-3 hours without a meal.
That's what everyone is trying to do. It works only for those who don't have any problem with gaining weight.

Often meals will speed up metabolism or may screw your digestion. I used to folow this advise rigorously. When in reality we skinny people need to slow down a bit metabolism and improve digestion. Sumo diet is helpfull here. Skip breakfast, start eating late, closer to 11- 12 noon (it will slow metabolism, easier to gain weight)... Lots of rice with proteins, big portion at once for lunch. And another big portion in the evening. White rice is easily digested. Stretched stomach will produce more juice. If you going to snack in between you won't produce enough stomach juice for your main meal in the evening and probably won't have enough appetite to eat good because there will still be some undigested food in the stomach. Though liquid easy digestible calories should be ok in between... maybe an apple will be ok too.

Summo wrestlers gain weight pretty effectively and they don't gain much visceral fat at that. Virtually they are fatty but not obese they are healthy. Physical exersize is important. And the diet is rather "peatty". And it is just 2 big meals per day. Though that's true many of them overuse beer but that's up to you. Extra liquid calories...
Not being physically active during the day will hamper the progress. When I seat all day at the computer with low physical activity I'm losing muscles as well as fat no matter what and how much I eat. When I'm on vacation I usually have lot's of walking/hiking , actually all day of walking until I'm really exhausted, with just two big meals per day, maybe coffee/ice cream in between if I'm lucky. To my surprise I always gain 3-4 extra kilos in a week. Which goes away pretty quickly as soon as I'm back to my sedentary life in the office.
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Oct 1, 2019
How is your pulse/temp/achilles tendon relaxation reflex? Thyroid helped me gain weight.

Also when you don't get a good breakfast you will run on more stress hormones and melt more tissue away.


Apr 15, 2015
How is your pulse/temp/achilles tendon relaxation reflex? Thyroid helped me gain weight.

Also when you don't get a good breakfast you will run on more stress hormones and melt more tissue away.
I thought about taking Thyroid . Not sure where to get it. What kind of Thyroid did you use?

Good breakfast is nessary for those trying to loose keep high matabolism. Summo wrestlers skip breakfast purposefully . Surely their tissue doesn't melt... on the contrary.
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Feb 18, 2018
That's what everyone is trying to do. It works only for those who don't have any problem with gaining weight.

Often meals will speed up metabolism or may screw your digestion. I used to folow this advise rigorously. When in reality we skinny people need to slow down a bit metabolism and improve digestion. Sumo diet is helpfull here. Skip breakfast, start eating late, closer to 11- 12 noon (it will slow metabolism, easier to gain weight)... Lots of rice with proteins, big portion at once for lunch. And another big portion in the evening. White rice is easily digested. Stretched stomach will produce more juice. If you going to snack in between you won't produce enough stomach juice for your main meal in the evening and probably won't have enough appetite to eat good because there will still be some undigested food in the stomach. Though liquid easy digestible calories should be ok in between... maybe an apple will be ok too.

Summo wrestlers gain weight pretty effectively and they don't gain much visceral fat at that. Virtually they are fatty but not obese they are healthy. Physical exersize is important. And the diet is rather "peatty". And it is just 2 big meals per day. Though that's true many of them overuse beer but that's up to you. Extra liquid calories...
Not being physically active during the day will hamper the progress. When I seat all day at the computer with low physical activity I'm losing muscles as well as fat no matter what and how much I eat. When I'm on vacation I usually have lot's of walking/hiking , actually all day of walking until I'm really exhausted, with just two big meals per day, maybe coffee/ice cream in between if I'm lucky. To my surprise I always gain 3-4 extra kilos in a week. Which goes away pretty quickly as soon as I'm back to my sedentary life in the office.
I was skinny all my life 8-9 stone 5ft7 , only past 2ish years have I gained lots of weight, I just made sure I ate 3000+ calories every single day without fail . If appetite is a problem use cyproheptadine, I use to have a terrible appetite would only be able to eat 1000 calories max , cyproheptadine gave me an appetite to be able to eat loads but had to stop due to it causing problems with libido and erections so I started using mk677 and it gave me great appetite , now I haven't used cypro or mk677 in quite a long time and my appetite is still pretty good , could be better though... You literally just have to eat more .


Feb 18, 2018
I thought about taking Thyroid . Not sure where to get it. What kind of Thyroid did you use?

Good breakfast is nessary for those trying to loose keep high matabolism. Summo wrestlers skip breakfast purposefully .
Don't skip breakfast if you are trying to gain weight.


Oct 1, 2019
@Apollo from a Peat perspective slowing metabolism is not desirable. If you can't gain weight even though you are eating a lot, it can mean that your body is wasting resources or can't absorb enough nutrients, in which case thyroid could help. I use tiromel 6mcg (quarter tablet) after meals, it works fine so far. But I have no comparison to other thyroid supplements yet.

My liver was in a pretty bad state, so if I skipped breakfast and/or lunch I went into high cortisol mode very fast and would lose muscle mass and fat.
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