TyroMax - Liquid Thyroid (NDT), USP


Aug 6, 2015
So is it a standardized product? Is there the same dose of hormones in each drops?

How much drops should you apply on your skin to get the same dose of 1 grain with oral supplement?
Nov 26, 2013
haidut said:
post 115345
zooma said:
post 115338 Wow great news! I've been considering trying thyroid recently but was unsure what product to buy. Now it's a no-brainer :mrgreen:

I know you explained that TyroMax is 3x the strength of the regular NDT products, but would 1 dose of TyroMax applied topically be equivalent to 3 grain of armour taken orally?

I guess that is correct, assuming 100% absorption.
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Dec 17, 2015
answersfound said:
post 115501
cantstoppeating said:
Glad that there's now another high quality thyroid supplement.

Why not just avoid the whole strength confusion by saying that 8 drops equals 1 grain, and adjust the serving size to 8 drops and servings per container to 90.


Do people usually take 2 servings per day? Would that mean this container would last for 45 days at that dosage? By the way, what exactly is the meaning of "grain"? What's the purpose of having a specialized term?
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New Member
Nov 16, 2015
I don't visit the Dr. often - I used to do lab work for them and I just don't believe in that kind of medicine any more for anything but emergencies. I've finally had to resort to taking clonidine for 24/7 random flushing episodes that don't abate on their own. So last month I had to go in to get the refill and told him my temperature had been consistently around 95.5 and should I try some Armour thyroid -- he said contrary to the 98.6 myth that temperature is in the normal range and thyroid can have some serious side-effects, so NO. I'm tormented by feeling the temperature is uncomfortable 99% of the time. My feet are always cold and my head is always burning up, especially all night long. Hands are either too hot/feel swollen or too cold and won't warm up without intervention, and rarely are they neither.

In March my TSH, 3rd GEN was 2.73 (Normal Range 0.270-4.20).

So is this a thyroid I could take and try on my own - I'm so tired of this misery.


Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
answersfound said:
post 115501
cantstoppeating said:
Glad that there's now another high quality thyroid supplement.

Why not just avoid the whole strength confusion by saying that 8 drops equals 1 grain, and adjust the serving size to 8 drops and servings per container to 90.


I'd argue in favor of this as well, I've already seen people misinterpret how the dose works.
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Oct 5, 2014
FredSonoma said:
post 115474
Makrosky said:
post 115405
Tarmander said:
Holy Camolie,

Haidut this is awesome. Do you have body guards to protect you from the marauding hordes of serotonin zombies that the FDA will send your way?

I read somewhere else that your body, after being on thyroid, will lower endogenous production to compensate after a few days of being on it. Would using this only sparingly and not over 3 days work experimentally? In other words can I get some and experiment to my hearts content for 3 days or under and not influence endogenous production?

Also interested on this

I'm on my third day of taking thyroid and feel really tired - could it be that my body has lowered it from taking it and I need to up my dose?

Metabolism boost = much more need for nutrients and correct liver functioning IMHO.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
cantstoppeating said:
post 115491 Glad that there's now another high quality thyroid supplement.

Why not just avoid the whole strength confusion by saying that 8 drops equals 1 grain, and adjust the serving size to 8 drops and servings per container to 90.

That's a good point. The reason the initial batch lists 1 grain, 3X is that the vendor for the thyroid powder labels it like that. I think legally I am required to label 1 grain as 1 grain. So, while 8 drops would be the equivalent of 1 grain in strength it won't be equivalent to 1 grain in weight. I will check with the manufacturer if I am legally allowed to claim functional equivalence vs. weight/volume.
Thanks for bringing this up.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Parsifal said:
post 115510 So is it a standardized product? Is there the same dose of hormones in each drops?

How much drops should you apply on your skin to get the same dose of 1 grain with oral supplement?

Yes, it is standardized but I can't legally talk about hormone contents of the supplement. All I can say is that applying 8 drops would give you the equivalent of 1 grain, and it should give the same effect if used topically. If you Google around you will find how much hormones are usually present in 1 grain of NDT.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Dagwood said:
post 115558
answersfound said:
post 115501
cantstoppeating said:
Glad that there's now another high quality thyroid supplement.

Why not just avoid the whole strength confusion by saying that 8 drops equals 1 grain, and adjust the serving size to 8 drops and servings per container to 90.


Do people usually take 2 servings per day? Would that mean this container would last for 45 days at that dosage? By the way, what exactly is the meaning of "grain"? What's the purpose of having a specialized term?

The "grain" is an old measurement of drug amount. A regular aspirin tablet is 5 grains. Not sure why NDT products still use the grain method but if you take 1 serving (24 drops) per day, that would be the equivalent of 3 grains, and would last 30 days. If you take 16 drops per day, that would be the equivalent of 2 grains, and the bottle would last 45 days as you mentioned.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
KarenEck said:
post 115560 I don't visit the Dr. often - I used to do lab work for them and I just don't believe in that kind of medicine any more for anything but emergencies. I've finally had to resort to taking clonidine for 24/7 random flushing episodes that don't abate on their own. So last month I had to go in to get the refill and told him my temperature had been consistently around 95.5 and should I try some Armour thyroid -- he said contrary to the 98.6 myth that temperature is in the normal range and thyroid can have some serious side-effects, so NO. I'm tormented by feeling the temperature is uncomfortable 99% of the time. My feet are always cold and my head is always burning up, especially all night long. Hands are either too hot/feel swollen or too cold and won't warm up without intervention, and rarely are they neither.

In March my TSH, 3rd GEN was 2.73 (Normal Range 0.270-4.20).

So is this a thyroid I could take and try on my own - I'm so tired of this misery.



Sorry to hear about your issues. I would still recommend working with your doctor before embarking on taking a thyroid supplement. Your temperatures are certainly not in the desirable range, as below 95 is technically considered hypothermia. So, you can Google around and show the doctor the official definitions. If you are dismissed again then I think it is time to find a new doctor. Many doctors would be OK with you taking a supplement as long as you are honest about it with them, show them the product, and coordinate with them how much to take so they can track your progress and side effects. If you are not feeling well it is the doctor's job to find out why and try to fix it. So, please do not take no for an answer just because it came from an authoritarian serotonergic freak.
So, you can certainly buy TyroMax and experiment but I think finding a supportive doctor is probably more important.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Dan Wich said:
post 115674
answersfound said:
post 115501
cantstoppeating said:
Glad that there's now another high quality thyroid supplement.

Why not just avoid the whole strength confusion by saying that 8 drops equals 1 grain, and adjust the serving size to 8 drops and servings per container to 90.


I'd argue in favor of this as well, I've already seen people misinterpret how the dose works.

Thanks Dan, noted. I would also prefer to have it that way, but I am probably not allowed to list 1/3 of the dose as 1 grain since it is technically 1/3 grain but with 3 times more "power". Maybe I can squeeze in some kind of explanation on the tiny tiny label...
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Oct 10, 2012
haidut said:
post 115480
John Frusciante said:
post 115381 Why not a T3 product? NDT was already widely available. It was a good T3 only product that was lacking. :(

Because isolated T3 is a controlled substance in the US and quite clearly illegal to sell as a supplement. NDT is murkier legally, but so far the other NDT vendors seem to be OK and I am hoping that I will be left alone too.

Are you sure its a controlled substance ? From my understanding, it's just a prescription drug, so you can't sell it over the counter.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
jag2594 said:
post 115771
haidut said:
post 115480
John Frusciante said:
post 115381 Why not a T3 product? NDT was already widely available. It was a good T3 only product that was lacking. :(

Because isolated T3 is a controlled substance in the US and quite clearly illegal to sell as a supplement. NDT is murkier legally, but so far the other NDT vendors seem to be OK and I am hoping that I will be left alone too.

Are you sure its a controlled substance ? From my understanding, it's just a prescription drug, so you can't sell it over the counter.

Legally it's treated as a steroid in the US. There was a guy in Texas who was selling herbal supplements contaminated with T3 and when the FDA busted him. He was charged under the controlled substances law and got a hefty fine and prison. The argument that the AG made and the judge bought was that T3 was an anabolic steroid. While that is not true, due to this case now there is a precedent allowing people to be prosecuted as if they were selling Nandrolone or something along those lines. I am certainly not willing to risk it unless a few lawyers chime in and explain why it would not be dangerous.
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Oct 10, 2012
haidut said:
post 115791
jag2594 said:
post 115771
haidut said:
post 115480
John Frusciante said:
post 115381 Why not a T3 product? NDT was already widely available. It was a good T3 only product that was lacking. :(

Because isolated T3 is a controlled substance in the US and quite clearly illegal to sell as a supplement. NDT is murkier legally, but so far the other NDT vendors seem to be OK and I am hoping that I will be left alone too.

Are you sure its a controlled substance ? From my understanding, it's just a prescription drug, so you can't sell it over the counter.

Legally it's treated as a steroid in the US. There was a guy in Texas who was selling herbal supplements contaminated with T3 and when the FDA busted him. He was charged under the controlled substances law and got a hefty fine and prison. The argument that the AG made and the judge bought was that T3 was an anabolic steroid. While that is not true, due to this case now there is a precedent allowing people to be prosecuted as if they were selling Nandrolone or something along those lines. I am certainly not willing to risk it unless a few lawyers chime in and explain why it would not be dangerous.

Absolutely, just wondering due to the ability to buy if from mexico. And possibly legal changes that may inhibited one to buy from overseas.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
jag2594 said:
post 115792
haidut said:
post 115791
jag2594 said:
post 115771
haidut said:
post 115480
John Frusciante said:
post 115381 Why not a T3 product? NDT was already widely available. It was a good T3 only product that was lacking. :(

Because isolated T3 is a controlled substance in the US and quite clearly illegal to sell as a supplement. NDT is murkier legally, but so far the other NDT vendors seem to be OK and I am hoping that I will be left alone too.

Are you sure its a controlled substance ? From my understanding, it's just a prescription drug, so you can't sell it over the counter.

Legally it's treated as a steroid in the US. There was a guy in Texas who was selling herbal supplements contaminated with T3 and when the FDA busted him. He was charged under the controlled substances law and got a hefty fine and prison. The argument that the AG made and the judge bought was that T3 was an anabolic steroid. While that is not true, due to this case now there is a precedent allowing people to be prosecuted as if they were selling Nandrolone or something along those lines. I am certainly not willing to risk it unless a few lawyers chime in and explain why it would not be dangerous.

Absolutely, just wondering due to the ability to buy if from mexico. And possibly legal changes that may inhibited one to buy from overseas.

Technically, if you are a US citizen/resident it is illegal to buy from Mexico (and most other online sources) unless you have a valid prescription. In some cases, it is illegal to buy even with a valid prescription. If the public suddenly goes apeshit on buying and using thyroid the FDA will move in and instruct customs to start confiscating packages.
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May 31, 2013
I was just wondering about one thing. What is the role of T4? is it primarly to just store in liver and create T3 as needed or does T4 has other properties as well?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
superhuman said:
post 115871 I was just wondering about one thing. What is the role of T4? is it primarly to just store in liver and create T3 as needed or does T4 has other properties as well?

T4 does have properties of its own independently of T3. Some of these include effects on the gastric mucosa, muscle breakdown, and even bone resorption. T4 if known to affect all of these beneficially, unlike T3 where its effects are either non-existent (gastric mucosa) or controversial (muscle breakdown). And of course, T4 is a pro-hormone suitable for long term storage given its long half life.
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May 31, 2013
haidut said:
post 115921
superhuman said:
post 115871 I was just wondering about one thing. What is the role of T4? is it primarly to just store in liver and create T3 as needed or does T4 has other properties as well?

T4 does have properties of its own independently of T3. Some of these include effects on the gastric mucosa, muscle breakdown, and even bone resorption. T4 if known to affect all of these beneficially, unlike T3 where its effects are either non-existent (gastric mucosa) or controversial (muscle breakdown). And of course, T4 is a pro-hormone suitable for long term storage given its long half life.

Cool thanx. I have been using mainly T3 since im a little afraid of T4 turning to rT3.

Also i know RP likes to only nibble t3 only like max 4mcg an hour. But all the studies i look and what i read about T3 it says that its half life is 24-36 hours. So that means you can take the whole T3 dose once or twice a day if you want.
Whats your take on that and what have you read about T3 supplementation, half life etc
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
superhuman said:
post 115976
haidut said:
post 115921
superhuman said:
post 115871 I was just wondering about one thing. What is the role of T4? is it primarly to just store in liver and create T3 as needed or does T4 has other properties as well?

T4 does have properties of its own independently of T3. Some of these include effects on the gastric mucosa, muscle breakdown, and even bone resorption. T4 if known to affect all of these beneficially, unlike T3 where its effects are either non-existent (gastric mucosa) or controversial (muscle breakdown). And of course, T4 is a pro-hormone suitable for long term storage given its long half life.

Cool thanx. I have been using mainly T3 since im a little afraid of T4 turning to rT3.

Also i know RP likes to only nibble t3 only like max 4mcg an hour. But all the studies i look and what i read about T3 it says that its half life is 24-36 hours. So that means you can take the whole T3 dose once or twice a day if you want.
Whats your take on that and what have you read about T3 supplementation, half life etc

I think T3 is used immediately and the studies on its half life are misleading since an excess of T3 will get deactivated by the deiodinase enzyme. My experience shows that if you take a hefty dose of T3 you may get a thyroid storm and in a few hours it subsides. If the half-life of T3 was as long as the studies claim, the thyroid storm would last for days.
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