UK covid bailouts for foreign states and tax exiles


Feb 18, 2016
While the peasants receive bread and circuses the billionaire classes finances are kept topped up via the UK tax payer, this article is from the guardian, the guardian is an outright unashamed propaganda outlet so look beyond this article, they are likely saying look over there while ignoring bank bailouts which are in the trillions.
Banks are still having their credit default swaps from 2008 bought up by central banks in the USA,UK and Europe.

Most of the fourth industrial revolution is centered around money creation via the central banks, central bank backed digital currencies is central to the panopticon they desire, the central banks are positioning themselves again to look like saviors down the line.
The big Banks and central banks are behind the funding of wokism in society to keep the heat off what they are doing, folks are busy arguing about race and whether men with penises are women.

Billionaire tax exiles, the British National party, Saudi royals and oil-rich Gulf states have claimed millions of pounds in taxpayer-funded furlough money, the Guardian can disclose.

The revelations, based on analysis of government information, have sparked dismay among MPs at the use of a scheme designed to support struggling businesses and prevent mass unemployment, with one complaining of public money being scattered “like confetti”.

Beneficiaries behind companies that have drawn on the coronavirus job retention scheme include:

  • Members of the Saudi royal family
  • Qataris behind Harrods and the Ritz
  • The ruler of Dubai
  • Tax exiles Jim Ratcliffe and Guy Hands
  • Billionaires Evgeny Lebedev, Len Blavatnik and Mohamed Al Fayed
  • The British National party


Feb 18, 2016
LOL! Just as I suspected the guardian were doing with this article, frauds and psychotics.



Feb 18, 2016
Another good article highlighting covid was used to justify a bank bailout, the banks were faltering in 2019.

Vighi describes how, in pre-Covid times, the world economy was on the verge of another colossal meltdown and chronicles how the Swiss Bank of International Settlements, BlackRock (the world’s most powerful investment fund), G7 central bankers and others worked to avert a massive impending financial meltdown.

The world economy was suffocating under an unsustainable mountain of debt. Many companies could not generate enough profit to cover interest payments on their own debts and were staying afloat only by taking on new loans. Falling turnover, squeezed margins, limited cashflows and highly leveraged balance sheets were rising everywhere.

Lockdowns and the global suspension of economic transactions were intended to allow the Fed to flood the ailing financial markets (under the guise of COVID) with freshly printed money while shutting down the real economy to avoid hyperinflation.
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