UK Government report admits there are 23.5 Million people in England who have NOT had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine


Feb 18, 2016
The population of England is around 56 million, just to clarify for those who are not from the UK, this isn’t the UK population which is 67 million.
So 23.5 million people not vaccinated, lols!
They will blame the lower social classes and lack of education but the reality will show a lot of above average IQ types in this group mixed with the not so bright.

Why are the the Epstein class willing to lie about all of this, what’s the desperation for? The cyber attack must be coming and the internet wiped, we will all require ID to use the internet again and can’t post anything incriminating against the Epstein class, this is the only thing that can explain their brass balls with such blatant fraud.

Andrew Neil who is quoted in this article because of his fascist authoritarian rant article last week, Neil was in Jeffrey Epstein the child sex traffickers black book, it seems most of Epstein’s friends are circulating the covid wagon since this began, Nicole junkermann another Epstein associate with strong ties to israeli intelligence was consulting on NHS tracking and digitization with Matt Hancock, I covered this here-

Another reason for claiming it’s 5 million is to justify forced vaccination, when people feel like they are the majority they are more empowered to act against a minority, when they know it’s 50/50 your less likely to get this reaction, taking them on is a threat to resources via retaliation , the government just needed social approval and would have gone full on to vaccinate 23 million people against their will, folks would not realize it was 23 million forced vaccinated.
They are pulling out all the psychological warfare tactics, it would be interesting to compile a list of the psychologists organizing this in each country, they will probably all link back to the world economic forum.

@haidut @CreakyJoints

For months the British public have been deceived with tales that there are just 5 million people in the United Kingdom who have refused to take up the offer of a Covid-19 vaccine. But today we can reveal that this is a lie.

It is a complete fabrication that has no doubt been used to make those who have refused the jab feel as if they are part of a minority, because an official UK Government report proves that in England alone there are approximately 23.5 million people who have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.

Within their weekly Vaccine Surveillance Report they publish a section on ‘Population impact’ of the Covid-19 vaccines, and it interestingly states that ‘by 12th December 2021, the overall vaccine uptake in England for dose 1 was 67.9% and for dose 2 was 62.2%.’

The report also clearly states that uptake for dose 3 was 31.4%.

“There are still 5 million unvaccinated British adults, who through fear, ignorance, irresponsibility or sheer stupidity refuse to be jabbed. In doing so they endanger not just themselves but the rest of us.” wrote Andrew Neil for the Daily Mail.

“If they contract Covid, it is they who will put the biggest strain on the NHS, denying the rest of us with serious non-Covid ailments the treatment that is our right. We are all paying a heavy price for this hard core of the unvaccinated”.

Not only is Andrew Neil peddling the lie that there are just 5 million unvaccinated Brits, he’s also peddling the lie that they are putting the biggest strain on the NHS.

Because official data found within several UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance reports shows that it is the vaccinated population who have accounted for the majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations since at least 16 Aug 21


Mar 28, 2019
I LOL'd when they recently tried to claim "6m brits STILL haven't even had one shot of the vaxx!" then a few days later said "1/3 of Londoners STILL haven't even had one shot of the vaxx!" when that alone would be 3m people. So, looking closer to 50/50 embarrassing for them.


Jan 25, 2014
For months the British public have been deceived with tales that there are just 5 million people in the United Kingdom who have refused to take up the offer of a Covid-19 vaccine. But today we can reveal that this is a lie.

It is a complete fabrication that has no doubt been used to make those who have refused the jab feel as if they are part of a minority, because an official UK Government report proves that in England alone there are approximately 23.5 million people who have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.
Nice. I have suspected the numbers are inflated for a while now, and know Jon Rappoport has written articles on this very thing too.

In a recent interview, Clif High estimated the number, globally, to be about 1/3 of the supposed 2 Billion claimed. If these new numbers are to be believed (and they deserve suspicion, too), looks like the numbers might be inflated by about 40% or so. Still, that means there are more than 5 times the number of "unvaxxxed" than they claim.


Feb 18, 2016
Nice. I have suspected the numbers are inflated for a while now, and know Jon Rappoport has written articles on this very thing too.

In a recent interview, Clif High estimated the number, globally, to be about 1/3 of the supposed 2 Billion claimed. If these new numbers are to be believed (and they deserve suspicion, too), looks like the numbers might be inflated by about 40% or so. Still, that means there are more than 5 times the number of "unvaxxxed" than they claim.
Maybe that was the plan all along if they knew the vaccines would kill, keep claiming a high uptake to skew the ratios and statistics, now vaccine deaths and side effects seem much worse, bill Gates learned this technique in his how to lie with statistics book, total psychos.


Dec 8, 2016
What I appreciate about this post is the acknowledgment that the Epstein / Maxwell child sex trafficking ring is intimately attached to the covid nonsense / narrative.

More people need to wake up to this dark (hidden) reality.


Jul 25, 2013
While I'm sure he was intentionally inflating the percentage of vaxxed, he made his statement before approval for under 18. UK vax uptake for people over 18 currently stands at 80% according to the flu/covid vax surveillance report. Since the over-18 population is significantly smaller, and 80% or so were vaxxed (the number has barely moved for months), he may not have been that far off.


Sep 9, 2019
While I'm sure he was intentionally inflating the percentage of vaxxed, he made his statement before approval for under 18. UK vax uptake for people over 18 currently stands at 80% according to the flu/covid vax surveillance report. Since the over-18 population is significantly smaller, and 80% or so were vaxxed (the number has barely moved for months), he may not have been that far off.
You a fan old chap?



I'm posting the table from the OP article, it is visually pleasing :clap



Jul 25, 2013

21.3% of the UK pop is under 18, leaving about 42 M "eligible" at the time of his statement. 80% were already vaxxed leaving around 8 M unvaxxed. So he was off by 3 M at that time. Just the facts. It's all lies, but presenting inaccurate data to promote your case will always backfire. Understand? Hope so.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Let's get to the root of all this. Cananda, Australia, UK, Eruropean countries and the U.S.A. have joined the global rule elitists to make us subservient to exert their tyrannical ways.....ok, now when we hear all this crap about Omicron which no one has died from (!) and was compared to an ordinary cold how much more clear can it be that these elite are attempting tell us when we can go to the toilet and are making bank on unnecessary vaccines? Fauci is a criminal. Again, you would all agree Covid, etc is about politics and changing life in the U.S., and they could give a hoot about you or us just their agenda. Many agree. It's the MIAs on some of these liberal blogs that concern me. And to the premise of this blog, all these countries are lying about the severity, consequences and of course, not recommending preventative measures to this now non pandemic virus.


Sep 9, 2019
21.3% of the UK pop is under 18, leaving about 42 M "eligible" at the time of his statement. 80% were already vaxxed leaving around 8 M unvaxxed. So he was off by 3 M at that time. Just the facts. It's all lies, but presenting inaccurate data to promote your case will always backfire. Understand? Hope so.
3 M or other is not a trivial amount sir. I think we understand he presented inaccurate information to peddle a divisive message that serves only himself and the order of things.



Mar 30, 2020
Thank you for the tag, @Drareg!

Whilst this is a reason to maintain some optimism, I think if @Fred is correct, this is still concerning. I didn't actually realise until this thread that the u18 population of the UK was so large, to be honest with you. Makes sense, of course - I suppose I'd not given much thought to it before.

I wish I had the conviction which some users here display that things will simply turn around. I'll try to stay hopeful! Thanks once again for sharing.


Feb 18, 2016
What I appreciate about this post is the acknowledgment that the Epstein / Maxwell child sex trafficking ring is intimately attached to the covid nonsense / narrative.

More people need to wake up to this dark (hidden) reality.
Yep, big corporate and financial also, it’s a cesspool.





It's amusing to imagine an alternate reality in which nobody wants the vaxx and the pharmaceutical company is a small business struggling to convince even a small percentage to get them. It's possible to through this video, since there's no people where they expected there to be huge lines, and there are more workers than there are people who came to receive them.


Oct 6, 2020
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