Jun 12, 2021
Hello! I've come seeking help on stabilizing my morning temperature and any other insight.

I am 29, female, 140 lbs, 5 ft 7 in.

I have been dealing with yeast infections since 2013 and for years cut back on dessert, then fruit then carbs. I have tried many "candida diets" and protocols with "natural" antibiotics and anti fungals. In late 2019 through early 2020 I went on a really restrictive keto-like diet to "starve" the candida as an attempt to get rid of it. Well, spring 2020 I developed a lot of hypothyroid symptoms such as constipation, acne, dry skin, hair loss, chronic depression, weight gain although my temps stayed relatively the same (but still low).

It has been a year since I have been eating a Peaty diet and almost immediately my chronic depression went away. Only about 3 months ago has my constipation and hair loss improved when I changed my carb sources from potatoes, rice and oatmeal to more cooked fruit, juice, honey and sugar.

As long as I've been temping (3 years) my morning basal body temperature has been around 97.1 - 97.4 F. Switching up my carbs has improved my temps a bit. I will have a few days in my follicular phase where my temps are 97.6 - 97.8 F. However, my morning temp yesterday was 97.7 and this morning it was 96.7. I can't help but get frustrated. I can always find a reason why it would drop so low like I ran out of oysters for a day, I smoked weed, had a bit of gluten, or in yesterday's case: I went out for vanilla frozen custard at an ice cream stand and who knows if it was made from HFCS or not. I have struggled with cow dairy and generally only consume goat milk starting this last year.

What I eat: OJ, sugar, eggs, peppers, onions, zucchini, coffee, collagen, gelatin, goat milk, refined coconut oil, ghee, cocoa powder, chicken, beef, oysters, camu camu, canned peaches, applesauce, cottage cheese, blueberries, mangoes, carrots, honey, broth, around 1.5 tsp of salt daily and egg shell calcium. I take shilajit, vitamin E, digestive enzymes and niacinamide in the morning. I have a hard time eating liver and am waiting on some supplements. ~2,000 calories and I don't work out.

Some more health background: I have had blood clots since I started my period at 14 (they have lessened), was "iron deficient", used to get strep throat often, blood sugar swings since I was a kid, chronic yeast infections and UTI's (back in 2013 I had 9 yeast infections and 6 UTI's in one year), brain fog, gas/bloating, low energy, poor attention span (in 2013 I couldn't focus while driving and would go through red lights and stop signs) anxiety plus all the hypo thyroid symptoms that started in early 2020. My parents are both type 2 diabetic.

I am not sure if its because I have spent years consuming a restrictive diet that my temps need more time to improve and stabilize? Or is there something I am missing? A supplement for extra support?

Thank you in advance <3


Aug 23, 2018

My personal experience has been similar, but I have been following the peat-style diet for about 8 years and my temperature is now very consistent, between 98.1 and 98.2 when I wake up. I can tell you that the most significant improvements were when I had been on the diet for about 5-6 years. Perhaps because I made many mistakes in the beginnings, like not listening to my body when "healthy" foods gave me discomfort.

Your digestion is likely poor, so you will have a high endotoxin load even with many foods favored by the Peat diet. This is very noticeable by your improvement with reduced starches.

I would cut out the bell peppers, zucchini, canned peaches, and apple sauce, they all have the potential to increase endotoxins, at least in my experience. I would also prefer well-ripe raw fruits, and reduce cooked fruits, and avoiding pears or peaches which are high in pectin.

Of the supplements, shilajit seems to me of doubtful benefit ... although if it benefits you, then great. You could try having well-cooked green vegetable broth to increase your mineral intake. I cook them for 10-15 minutes and mostly do not consume the leaves, only the broth to avoid the fiber that usually increases my endotoxin load and causes me discomfort.

You can try artichoke extract pills. They can increase bile secretion and improve digestion on any diet.

When it comes to candida, it is a bad idea to try to starve it. You can try potassium iodide pills, which is very specific to strengthen the activity of neutrophils, which are the most active white blood cells against candida, but beware, you have to start with low doses and measure your tolerance.

Maybe someone else can guide you better and more specifically, I am only speaking from my experiences so that you can take ideas and do your own tests.

Best of luck.
Nov 21, 2015
Dr. Peat doesn’t really emphasize waking temperatures because he has found, as I have, that many people just have colder waking temperatures but as long as they get up to temperature during the day it’s fine. With all respect, you are obviously super smart but with that comes anxiety… perhaps you are stressing out about this waking temp thing. And, I’d drop shalajit as it’s hard on the gut.
Jun 12, 2021

My personal experience has been similar, but I have been following the peat-style diet for about 8 years and my temperature is now very consistent, between 98.1 and 98.2 when I wake up. I can tell you that the most significant improvements were when I had been on the diet for about 5-6 years. Perhaps because I made many mistakes in the beginnings, like not listening to my body when "healthy" foods gave me discomfort.

Your digestion is likely poor, so you will have a high endotoxin load even with many foods favored by the Peat diet. This is very noticeable by your improvement with reduced starches.

I would cut out the bell peppers, zucchini, canned peaches, and apple sauce, they all have the potential to increase endotoxins, at least in my experience. I would also prefer well-ripe raw fruits, and reduce cooked fruits, and avoiding pears or peaches which are high in pectin.

Of the supplements, shilajit seems to me of doubtful benefit ... although if it benefits you, then great. You could try having well-cooked green vegetable broth to increase your mineral intake. I cook them for 10-15 minutes and mostly do not consume the leaves, only the broth to avoid the fiber that usually increases my endotoxin load and causes me discomfort.

You can try artichoke extract pills. They can increase bile secretion and improve digestion on any diet.

When it comes to candida, it is a bad idea to try to starve it. You can try potassium iodide pills, which is very specific to strengthen the activity of neutrophils, which are the most active white blood cells against candida, but beware, you have to start with low doses and measure your tolerance.

Maybe someone else can guide you better and more specifically, I am only speaking from my experiences so that you can take ideas and do your own tests.

Best of luck.
Thanks for the reply! I will keep a closer eye on patterns with peaches, applesauce, peppers and zucchini. The broth is an interesting idea! I will definitely be giving that a shot. What do you think about aloe juice as a means to increase minerals?

I haven't noticed any significant different with the shilajit so I don't think I will be buying more. I'll look into the artichoke and potassium supplements, thanks!

I think you're right that I may just need more time consuming nutritious foods and making modifications.

Thank you for your insight


Aug 23, 2018
Thanks for the reply! I will keep a closer eye on patterns with peaches, applesauce, peppers and zucchini. The broth is an interesting idea! I will definitely be giving that a shot. What do you think about aloe juice as a means to increase minerals?

I haven't noticed any significant different with the shilajit so I don't think I will be buying more. I'll look into the artichoke and potassium supplements, thanks!

I think you're right that I may just need more time consuming nutritious foods and making modifications.

Thank you for your insight

I've not used aloe vera bc most juice brands contain additives, and are actually very low on real aloe. But if I find a clean source I would definitely try it.

I think you would benefit greatly if you focus in optimizing digestion and reducing endotoxin with a food based approach, so that you do not depend too much on supplements. For me, everything changed when I minimized starches and fiber, and focused on sugars: honey, coffee with lots of sugar, grape juice (I don't like OJ,) ripe fruit low in pectin like mangoes, berries of all colors, some bananas, melons. Also low fat, around 30g/day and relatively low on protein, around 100g / day.

This diet is low in calcium (I do not tolerate milk) and magnesium, so I use the greens broth instead. Any dark leafy green is good for that.

If you keep going, you will find your optimal combo of foods/supplements and significant improvements will follow.
Jun 12, 2021
Dr. Peat doesn’t really emphasize waking temperatures because he has found, as I have, that many people just have colder waking temperatures but as long as they get up to temperature during the day it’s fine. With all respect, you are obviously super smart but with that comes anxiety… perhaps you are stressing out about this waking temp thing. And, I’d drop shalajit as it’s hard on the gut.
Thank you for the reply!

I would be inclined to believe that, however, on days when I wake and my temp is high I have better, more frequent stools, my energy is better and my skin is clearer and brighter. You are definitely not wrong with the anxiety. Once I changed my carbs and saw my morning temps rising, I became very fixed on it... sometimes letting it control the tone of the day. In my mind I have convinced myself that if I get my temps up, and all that goes with that, I'll be rid of the candida-like symptoms once and for all.

I've been considering uploading my temp at a less influential time (I wear a temp monitor on my arm at night that saves it). Perhaps your insight is just the push I needed to do so.

I didn't realize shilajit was hard on the gut. Good to know! I have no issues dropping that since it is expensive and I've never noticed a difference even with increased doses.

Thanks again :)
Jun 12, 2021
I've not used aloe vera bc most juice brands contain additives, and are actually very low on real aloe. But if I find a clean source I would definitely try it.

I think you would benefit greatly if you focus in optimizing digestion and reducing endotoxin with a food based approach, so that you do not depend too much on supplements. For me, everything changed when I minimized starches and fiber, and focused on sugars: honey, coffee with lots of sugar, grape juice (I don't like OJ,) ripe fruit low in pectin like mangoes, berries of all colors, some bananas, melons. Also low fat, around 30g/day and relatively low on protein, around 100g / day.

This diet is low in calcium (I do not tolerate milk) and magnesium, so I use the greens broth instead. Any dark leafy green is good for that.

If you keep going, you will find your optimal combo of foods/supplements and significant improvements will follow.
I can't believe you don't like OJ! First time I've heard someone say that. It is sooo thirst-quenching!

Okay, you have convinced me to experiment with different fruits. A few weeks ago I ate a raw apple and had some indigestion. If I peeled it would that help? Or maybe it was the pectin? I love mangoes and berries so I am looking forward to increasing those :)

I will try this dark leafy green broth before I invest in something supplemental. Are you cooking the greens in a bone broth or just cooking them in water for 10 minutes?
Nov 21, 2015
Thank you for the reply!

I would be inclined to believe that, however, on days when I wake and my temp is high I have better, more frequent stools, my energy is better and my skin is clearer and brighter. You are definitely not wrong with the anxiety. Once I changed my carbs and saw my morning temps rising, I became very fixed on it... sometimes letting it control the tone of the day. In my mind I have convinced myself that if I get my temps up, and all that goes with that, I'll be rid of the candida-like symptoms once and for all.

I've been considering uploading my temp at a less influential time (I wear a temp monitor on my arm at night that saves it). Perhaps your insight is just the push I needed to do so.

I didn't realize shilajit was hard on the gut. Good to know! I have no issues dropping that since it is expensive and I've never noticed a difference even with increased doses.

Thanks again :)

I take T4 and T3. I think that it can help to take only T3 for a month, following Dr. Willson's protocol. I personally could not stop taking thyroid after it, and it didn't work for me but for others it has worked very well being a temporary measure to raise metabolism and temperature on a permanent basis without having to perpetually take thyroid supplementation.

If I was you and I was focused on improving night time temperatures I'd wake up at 3AM and take some more T3.


Aug 23, 2018
I can't believe you don't like OJ! First time I've heard someone say that. It is sooo thirst-quenching!

Okay, you have convinced me to experiment with different fruits. A few weeks ago I ate a raw apple and had some indigestion. If I peeled it would that help? Or maybe it was the pectin? I love mangoes and berries so I am looking forward to increasing those :)

I will try this dark leafy green broth before I invest in something supplemental. Are you cooking the greens in a bone broth or just cooking them in water for 10 minutes?

Hahaha. I do like home-made orange juice, but the store bought one is usually sour and/or with a slight moldy taste. I prefer ripe oranges to get the benefits.

I use water for the broth, and put some spices like onion, garlic powder, and salt so it doesn't taste like grass. I let it boil for 10 minutes and drink it after it cools down. The greens+bone broth also sounds great.

I do not have problems with raw apples, with or without the peel, but if I cook them they give me discomfort. I believe the pectin is the offender, and it is more readily absorbed from cooked fruit.


Feb 23, 2020
I've not used aloe vera bc most juice brands contain additives, and are actually very low on real aloe. But if I find a clean source I would definitely try it.

I think you would benefit greatly if you focus in optimizing digestion and reducing endotoxin with a food based approach, so that you do not depend too much on supplements. For me, everything changed when I minimized starches and fiber, and focused on sugars: honey, coffee with lots of sugar, grape juice (I don't like OJ,) ripe fruit low in pectin like mangoes, berries of all colors, some bananas, melons. Also low fat, around 30g/day and relatively low on protein, around 100g / day.

This diet is low in calcium (I do not tolerate milk) and magnesium, so I use the greens broth instead. Any dark leafy green is good for that.

If you keep going, you will find your optimal combo of foods/supplements and significant improvements will follow.
So, if you only eat 30 g of fat 100g of protein and you avoid starches, your main source of calories are from sugar, juice, honey, and some fruits?
How could you eat enough calories from this?
Jun 12, 2021
I take T4 and T3. I think that it can help to take only T3 for a month, following Dr. Willson's protocol. I personally could not stop taking thyroid after it, and it didn't work for me but for others it has worked very well being a temporary measure to raise metabolism and temperature on a permanent basis without having to perpetually take thyroid supplementation.

If I was you and I was focused on improving night time temperatures I'd wake up at 3AM and take some more T3.
I haven't heard of Dr Willson's protocol. Do you have a link?

I am not that excited to wake up in the middle of the night to take something. Probably wont do that :p


Aug 23, 2018
So, if you only eat 30 g of fat 100g of protein and you avoid starches, your main source of calories are from sugar, juice, honey, and some fruits?
How could you eat enough calories from this?

With enough carbs. I consume around 2000-2100 calories a day. That is 30-35g of fat (this is the hardest), 100-120g protein and 300-350g of mostly simple carbs.
I still consume small amounts of starch, in the form of corn and corn tortillas, 1-2 portions per day because I tolerate them very well.

This diet is delicious, but not all that satisfying, so I add plenty of snacks. I have a fruit smoothie mid-morning, and if I feel like it, another one mid-afternoon. Before bed, I usually have a slice of cheese and a few grapes/blueberries sprinkled with salt and go to sleep.

I also track my food in Cronogram, not for the calories, but to make sure I have enough minerals (mainly calcium and magnesium).

If you tolerate milk (which I don't) it is easier to ramp up calcium and bump the calories.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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