Vitamin A (retinol) Is Not Toxic To The Liver In High Doses


Oct 21, 2018
Just reading this thread. I've been taking vitamin a at 15,000 iu per day in a split dose. I take 6000 of D in a split dose for the synergy, especially hormone optimisation. My very persistent and nasty body acne has completely subsided in a matter of days. There was little effect with D alone, so I added in the A with great results. My acne was cystic and I was getting new body hair all of after going on trt for six months. I quit that trt and went totally Peat. Recovered my hormones to better than original levels within weeks - so anyone who says trt is permanent is wrong. Also, this idea that sugar suppresses testosterone production is not my experience. The sugar is actually a great way to keep SHBG down so that more testosterone is free to activate receptors. I used to have a shbg of 83 on a low carb paleo diet! It's 30 now.
I did notice a little depression sensation at anything over 15,000 iu of A - very similar to the feeling that aromatase inhibitor Arimidex gives me. Combined A and D and E are, for me, the best anti estrogen I've ever experienced - much better than any drugs for that job and I've tried them.
I loved Haidut's comment about visual clarity with the A. I noticed it yesterday - a sort of hyper reality for a few hours.
I'm taking methyl b12 too, and it's making a serious difference to my health situation. I'm in the middle of the 'detox' period mixed with regular hints of good things to come. B12 converts carotene to vitamin A. I used to take a lot of carotene and never felt I was getting A, but now I know it was also hammering my thyroid. I note that the methyl b12 seems to clear out the liver like a power hose on graffiti. Not totally pleasant, but clearly there was a huge unmethylated backlog in my system. I did a blood test after supplementing normal synthetic b12 several years ago. My levels were sky high, but it was as if they were doing absolutely nothing, just accumulating in my blood. Now I know why. It's similar for vitamin D3. The subsequent 25ohd blood serum metabolite is useless without vitamin K2 to activate it. Last year I built up 25ohd blood levels to 140 after short term high dose therapy - it was accumulating because I had no K2 in my diet, so I used K2 alone for a few months to clear that backlog.
Lol. K2 doesnt activate vitamin D. Magnesium does

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Do you think vitamin A 'toxicity' stems from studies done using B carotene? Also, I hve taken up to 250,000 iu a day with only benefits similar to yours and Nick's.
how long 250k IU? isnt there a hair loss problem with A, not due to a thyroid antagonistic effect but something else. I remember reading about it and it speeds up a certain phase of the hair follicle cycle, maybe it speeds up shedding? for that reason ive been sticking to 5000 IU retinyl palmitate and 5000 Iu D3 daily. I just added A again recently after not using it for over 3 years, during which time I took doses as high as 10k IU D3 daily for a long time. I added A and D3 back in due to the anti endotoxin effects.


Oct 21, 2018
how long 250k IU? isnt there a hair loss problem with A, not due to a thyroid antagonistic effect but something else. I remember reading about it and it speeds up a certain phase of the hair follicle cycle, maybe it speeds up shedding? for that reason ive been sticking to 5000 IU retinyl palmitate and 5000 Iu D3 daily. I just added A again recently after not using it for over 3 years, during which time I took doses as high as 10k IU D3 daily for a long time. I added A and D3 back in due to the anti endotoxin effects.
U ever experience hair issue when u were on the A?
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