Vitamin C In Your Nose To Stop A Cold


Mar 9, 2018
Dr. Cathcart found that you can get rid of it in less than a day.
C reduces symptoms and helps you breathe better, but the cold is still there. I take up to 3000 mg a day when I detect cold symptoms, and it helps me to breathe and function better.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
C reduces symptoms and helps you breathe better, but the cold is still there.
Exactly. Vitamin C is suppressing the cold and lessening the symptoms. It is not healing it. The body is trying to expel, then Allopathic thinking brings in the suppressors. So it will come back another day and the blow back will be worse, because it was not allowed to be removed in the first place. Instead we should let the body run its course and expel what it is trying to. Same thing goes with fevers, let it run its course and do the job these Intelligently designed bodies were meant to do.


Jan 25, 2014
C reduces symptoms and helps you breathe better, but the cold is still there. I take up to 3000 mg a day when I detect cold symptoms, and it helps me to breathe and function better.

You have any proof for this? My personal experience, twice now, is that if you take enough Vitamin C, the cold can be gone, and I mean gone, within a day. 3 grams wasn't enough, one of mine needed 12, the other, 23 grams. This also matched up with Cathcart's clinical experience, which was, the vast majority of the time, you can eliminate the cold. In about 10 percent of cases, you only get the suppression of symptoms, like you say.
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Jan 25, 2014
Exactly. Vitamin C is suppressing the cold and lessening the symptoms. It is not healing it. The body is trying to expel, then Allopathic thinking brings in the suppressors. So it will come back another day and the blow back will be worse, because it was not allowed to be removed in the first place. Instead we should let the body run its course and expel what it is trying to. Same thing goes with fevers, let it run its course and do the job these Intelligently designed bodies were meant to do.

I am with you on fevers, best thing to do (as long as it's below 102, I believe) is to let it run its course. I disagree with your views on Vitamin C, however, I think it is absolutely helping the body to expel the virus. I've also posted studies that showed that it helped protect against endotoxin.


Sep 13, 2012
I used to think a cold or flu was the body needing to clean up old cells but I have since changed my thinking because I believe it is very contagious. If you lived in a bubble you'd likely avoid most of it. So I choose to use vitamin C when in contact with sickly people. I have been able to ward off quite a few contagious illnesses. I think sometimes the body does need to produce a fever sometimes as that seems protective of cancer, but not everyone even gets a fever with a cold. I usually do.
Feb 26, 2018
Letting a flu run it's course can go either way. I have ended up with increased health after not intervening with a flu, other times I have ended up with compromised health for not stepping in and taking some things to suppress it. I think it is a matter of how sick you are before the flu hits, if you are in poor health to start - you may be better off not passively accepting the flu. I think using the passive approach the last time I had a flu cost me about a year of health, it perpetuated my poor health state and slow metabolism. I was feeling so-so and decided to embrace the full flu experience and allow myself to get a bad fever, that means not using any aspirin which will stop the fever - the fever is the part some argue can help to detox you... anyway I went from so-so to run-down after doing this, I know it all started from that flu, instead of bouncing back I was left knocked down.
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Dec 12, 2017
On the subject of colds, since I currently have one, I find NAC (which I know is unpeaty) to dramatically improve my congestion/mucus.


Jan 25, 2014
If you lived in a bubble you'd likely avoid most of it.

This is true, and it's actually been proven in humans. David Vetter, aka "The Bubble Boy," was born with SCID, an inability to produce white blood cells, effectively leaving him with no immune system. He was kept in a 100% sterile bubble from seconds after his birth until 14 years of age. During that time, he never had a single cold. If he had, the results would have been very serious, likely deadly.

He died as a result of catching a dormant virus when receiving a bone marrow transplant that was designed to jump start his immune system. It quickly produced several tumors, also proving that cancer itself has a viral component to it.

"Life in a Germ-Free World":: Isolating Life from the Laboratory Animal to the Bubble Boy



Oct 5, 2014
Exactly. Vitamin C is suppressing the cold and lessening the symptoms. It is not healing it. The body is trying to expel, then Allopathic thinking brings in the suppressors. So it will come back another day and the blow back will be worse, because it was not allowed to be removed in the first place. Instead we should let the body run its course and expel what it is trying to. Same thing goes with fevers, let it run its course and do the job these Intelligently designed bodies were meant to do.
I think Vitamin C mechanism of action is not suppresive.
The body is not always by itself capable of removing an infection.
If you get a very bad case of pneumonia (for instance) you better go for some antibiotics (not necessarly big pharma ones, MB, iodine, silver, herbs, anything) otherwise there are big chances of death or serious permanent side-effects even if your body finally beats the infection by itself.


Mar 29, 2016
I used to think a cold or flu was the body needing to clean up old cells but I have since changed my thinking because I believe it is very contagious. If you lived in a bubble you'd likely avoid most of it. So I choose to use vitamin C when in contact with sickly people. I have been able to ward off quite a few contagious illnesses. I think sometimes the body does need to produce a fever sometimes as that seems protective of cancer, but not everyone even gets a fever with a cold. I usually do.
That makes me wonder if I'm doing okay as I've not had fever nor flu since 2k but before that I get fevers and flu 2x/yr and I was frustrated. But this long without a fever reminds me of people who never had fever and show up to work every day until one day they don't and then you learn they have cancer.

I don't think I'll get cancer though. But I find that with good metabolism my immunity is strengthened even to the point where my allergies are gone. But good metabolism involves a good stress-free source of sugar. And this means I have ample supply of sugar from food as well as from my glycogen reserves. When I have successive days of lack of sleep, my glycogen reserves go low and then I start to sneeze. Then it's early bedtime for me to keep it from worsening.

I find that despite heavy vitamin C intake, I don't get well without good sleep. But with good sleep, I get well even without vitamin C intake.


Sep 13, 2012
This is true, and it's actually been proven in humans. David Vetter, aka "The Bubble Boy," was born with SCID, an inability to produce white blood cells, effectively leaving him with no immune system. He was kept in a 100% sterile bubble from seconds after his birth until 14 years of age. During that time, he never had a single cold. If he had, the results would have been very serious, likely deadly.

He died as a result of catching a dormant virus when receiving a bone marrow transplant that was designed to jump start his immune system. It quickly produced several tumors, also proving that cancer itself has a viral component to it.

"Life in a Germ-Free World":: Isolating Life from the Laboratory Animal to the Bubble Boy

That was really interesting thanks for sharing. Can't believe I never heard of it before. Yes that did show cancer having a viral component. And also that if you avoid germs you avoid sickness! Which leads also to the theory that vaccines likely had very little to do with the improvement in infectious disease but rather a cleaner environment.
Jun 16, 2017
That was really interesting thanks for sharing. Can't believe I never heard of it before. Yes that did show cancer having a viral component. And also that if you avoid germs you avoid sickness! Which leads also to the theory that vaccines likely had very little to do with the improvement in infectious disease but rather a cleaner environment.
Yup, Ray said in an interview that sanitation and being well-fed are much more effective measures against diseases and pathogens. He mentioned a study done with villages of people in which they implemented either vaccinations, multivitamins, or nothing. If I recall correctly, the village that got vaccinations fared worse than the village where nothing at all was done!


Jan 25, 2014
Yup, Ray said in an interview that sanitation and being well-fed are much more effective measures against diseases and pathogens. He mentioned a study done with villages of people in which they implemented either vaccinations, multivitamins, or nothing. If I recall correctly, the village that got vaccinations fared worse than the village where nothing at all was done!

Garbageman and Plumbers over Doctors!


Mar 29, 2014
You could try nasal Methylene Blue also? It is a great microbial killer
That would get around any concerns about being seen with white powder round the nose. :)


Mar 29, 2016
That would get around any concerns about being seen with white powder round the nose. :)
Blue Man Scarface?


Oct 11, 2016
“Vitamin C supplements are contaminated” comments incoming...

Yeah, not a fan of high-dose Vitamin C supplements, but just calling them contaminated seems like a lame way to shut down conversation. Nasal sprays can probably prevent problems with permeable membranes due to being dried out (on airplanes, for example).


Mar 29, 2014
“Vitamin C supplements are contaminated” comments incoming...
If there are concerns about contamination, that would seem like a reason to favour this method - smaller quantity required to get the local effect.


Jan 12, 2019
You could try nasal Methylene Blue also? It is a great microbial killer

No reason not to just take methylene blue orally. Swish a drop around in your mouth for a couple minutes and over your teeth. Your tongue will be blue for the next 12 hours. This is the way I use it. Great for oral health. It really soaks into the oral surfaces and there's not much to swallow.

If I have a lot of skin inflammation I put a small dab of progest-e in the tip of one of my nostrils. That's the best way to take it, IMHO. It gets absorbed over a few hours without wasting any or making a mess. I'm skeptical about swallowing it or smearing it on skin. I don't think it absorbs so well that way.


Oct 5, 2014

I'm reading the book you recommended ( :handok: ) . It shocks me that Pauling says there he was taking his Vitamin C (12 grams) in a single dose at morning.

My understanding is that the body can only accept 1 or 2 grams every hour or so, so most of it would have been wasted ? Cathcart also mentions this. But at the same time... it is Pauling, he must have known what he was doing when dosing Vit C!

I asked Andrew from nongmo in his thread and he says he takes it spreaded through the day.

Janelle525 Pauling also mentioned she takes her daily dose at once and that it works.

Interested to hear your opinion about all this.


Jan 25, 2014

I'm reading the book you recommended ( :handok: ) . It shocks me that Pauling says there he was taking his Vitamin C (12 grams) in a single dose at morning.

My understanding is that the body can only accept 1 or 2 grams every hour or so, so most of it would have been wasted ? Cathcart also mentions this. But at the same time... it is Pauling, he must have known what he was doing when dosing Vit C!

I asked Andrew from nongmo in his thread and he says he takes it spreaded through the day.

Janelle525 Pauling also mentioned she takes her daily dose at once and that it works.

Interested to hear your opinion about all this.

I think the idea that "the body can only accept 1 gram of C" or so is based on what hits the blood serum in a measurable way. Peat and others have often talked about how these measurements can be flawed. As far as C goes, it could certainly do good things on the digestive tract directly, so it would never need to hit the blood serum directly.

As far as dosing goes, I am currently taking 3 grams 3 times a day, so 9 grams a day total. I think it varies a bit from person to person as to what is best. The thing to look out for is bowel tolerance, as excess C in the digestive tract will draw water into the colon. This could even be beneficial (Vitamin C flushes can easily be found all around the web). So I don't doubt absorption can even vary from person to person.

I know it can vary in the same person at different times. When fighting off that last cold (successfully, I might add), I took 22 grams of C over the course of 5 hours. If I wasn't absorbing that much, I'm sure I would have had that "flush" quickly.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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