Vitamin D hypersensitivity


May 4, 2019
I managed to narrow down severe electrical symptoms to vitamin D supplementation (at reasonable doses and with 30ng blood levels). repeated non-stop twitching all over my body & face, sudden involuntary foot movement, erratic heart rhythm changes with sharp electrical spike pains, & also waking up in adrenaline rushes. + the common recommendation of magnesium just took it up a notch made it worse.

It all settled once I stopped supplementation & levels came down in winter without sun. all came back once i re-tried the D3. and now it annoyingly comes back from summer sunlight after a couple weeks.

- idk for sure but the only angle I got for this so far is that it's some sort of hyper-response with calcium that doesn't show up in serum as hypercalcemia (severe soft tissue calcification can occur in people without showing up in blood work as over the range). considering my diet has been low in vitamin k and vitamin A for many years and very low in calcium (mainly from fortified grain since i stopped milk last decade, which i recently realized is ridiculous intake). so this is worth a shot (k1 + vit a + mk4 + calcium (unintitively) as more in diet reverses parathyroid hormone effects)


^ Vitamin D alone spikes up the levels of defective uncarboxylated MGP which can't bind calcium (wonder if its directly harmful too on top of not being effective?).

Ordinarily with enough Vitamin A and K1 this brings down the level of uncarboxylated MGP and carboxylates it, through increasing conversion of K1 -> k2 mk4 and increasing utilization of mk-4 to carboxylate the MGP elevated by vit d. then calcium is binding correctly instead of wrecking havoc in places it shouldn't be.

^ Interestingly there's a case report in a woman with an extreme form of soft tissue calcium deposit. she was cured by giving this protocol for months -

"Intravenous therapy was begun with 10 mg vitamin K and a multivitamin given at every dialysis session. The multivitamin contained retinol 3500 IU, cholecalciferol 5.5 μg, vitamin E 11.2 IU, vitamin C 125 mg, thiamine 3.51 mg, riboflavine 4.14 mg, pyridoxine 4.53 mg, cyanocobalamin 6 μg, folic acid 414 μg, dexpanthenoic acid 17.25 mg, d-biotin 69 μg, niacin 46 mg, glycocholic acid 140 mg and lecithin 112.5 mg. "

Currently trying:
- 700,000iu total Vit A spread out over a month or so - in people with low intakes a +10% response in serum is seen by 1 month from 70,000iu weekly Vitamin A supplementation and plasma retinol levels: a randomized trial among women - PubMed and as an example in an autism study in children where vit a deficiency is high a ~+50% correction in serum was needed to reach standard levels which came with 1 dose 200,000iu (maybe 3.5x - 4x bodyweight for an adult). another study in aids patients showed i think around +25% increase with 1 600,000iu dose by 3 months (doesnt seem safe like that though). [so far this has made me feel lightheaded / dizzy / weak for some reason - maybe the palmitate form might try another]

- k2 mk-4 1.5mg - Low-dose menaquinone-4 improves γ-carboxylation of osteocalcin in young males: a non-placebo-controlled dose–response study

- k1 1mg - 2mg A high phylloquinone intake is required to achieve maximal osteocalcin gamma-carboxylation - PubMed

- calcium 500mg every 4-6 hours morning afternoon evening to keep parathyroid hormone low

(solgar k1 for a couple days initially increased anxiety a lot (maybe as low dose could be all the other ingredients x10 not sure) so i've switched suppliers to try a different source. maybe just the Vit A + mk-4 is enough as then dont need much k1 conversion to k2 but going by the case report i'll try all of them. worth a shot to see if it works for 1 or 2 months and good to have anyway)

Not sure how relevant this is to your situation and unique context, but I started developing calcified bumps on the back of my hands after several months of taking large doses of supplemental vitamin D (both orally and topically in navel), eating a lot of calcium-rich foods and hardly drinking any water. For several years before this I had also been taking "reasonable" doses of vitamin D ranging from 2000-5000 units per day. Now that you mention it I did experience muscle twitching/involuntary movements occasionally.

Since I stopped the supplemental vitamin D cold turkey around 2 years ago, started drinking 2-3 liters of water everyday, along with taking vitamin K2 and boron, the soft tissue calcium deposits (?) on my hands have gradually dissolved and are barely noticeable any longer. This was freaking me out because I could see the deeper arteries pulsating under the skin as the calcified deposits pushed them to the surface. Never ******* touching vitamin D again. Sun never had this effect on me.

Also I would be careful about trying to rectify the situation with vitamin A supplementation. See the Grant Genereux "Poison A" thread for retinol supplementation horror stories. In fact I think there is some evidence that hypervitaminosis A can lead to bone resorption and hypercalcemia. I would just focus on whole foods with retinol like dairy and eggs.
Mar 10, 2021
Not sure how relevant this is to your situation and unique context, but I started developing calcified bumps on the back of my hands after several months of taking large doses of supplemental vitamin D (both orally and topically in navel), eating a lot of calcium-rich foods and hardly drinking any water. For several years before this I had also been taking "reasonable" doses of vitamin D ranging from 2000-5000 units per day. Now that you mention it I did experience muscle twitching/involuntary movements occasionally.

Since I stopped the supplemental vitamin D cold turkey around 2 years ago, started drinking 2-3 liters of water everyday, along with taking vitamin K2 and boron, the soft tissue calcium deposits (?) on my hands have gradually dissolved and are barely noticeable any longer. This was freaking me out because I could see the deeper arteries pulsating under the skin as the calcified deposits pushed them to the surface. Never ******* touching vitamin D again. Sun never had this effect on me.

Also I would be careful about trying to rectify the situation with vitamin A supplementation. See the Grant Genereux "Poison A" thread for retinol supplementation horror stories. In fact I think there is some evidence that hypervitaminosis A can lead to bone resorption and hypercalcemia. I would just focus on whole foods with retinol like dairy and eggs.
I am with you Korven. Vitamin D, topically, did not serve me well. It is too precarious for me to risk my health again with it. I get early sun while grounding most days of the week and from foods now.


Jul 27, 2022
Not sure how relevant this is to your situation and unique context, but I started developing calcified bumps on the back of my hands after several months of taking large doses of supplemental vitamin D (both orally and topically in navel), eating a lot of calcium-rich foods and hardly drinking any water. For several years before this I had also been taking "reasonable" doses of vitamin D ranging from 2000-5000 units per day. Now that you mention it I did experience muscle twitching/involuntary movements occasionally.

Since I stopped the supplemental vitamin D cold turkey around 2 years ago, started drinking 2-3 liters of water everyday, along with taking vitamin K2 and boron, the soft tissue calcium deposits (?) on my hands have gradually dissolved and are barely noticeable any longer. This was freaking me out because I could see the deeper arteries pulsating under the skin as the calcified deposits pushed them to the surface. Never ******* touching vitamin D again. Sun never had this effect on me.

Also I would be careful about trying to rectify the situation with vitamin A supplementation. See the Grant Genereux "Poison A" thread for retinol supplementation horror stories. In fact I think there is some evidence that hypervitaminosis A can lead to bone resorption and hypercalcemia. I would just focus on whole foods with retinol like dairy and eggs.
interesting, is the k2 u take mk-4 and if so do u dose once daily?

had a look ty yeah i read too much vitamin A can be a b**** to get rid of because of the liver storage, but is also vital if at the low end. probably takes many months / a year or so of high dose daily to be a problem but depends where someone is starting from course. I saw 15,000iu daily is used to treat eye issues and is generally well tolerated over a long time (but not if you're already overloaded i guess or body doesn't agree with the form). and also higher single doses somewhere in the 6 figures IU are linked to toxicity. get too little bunch of issues, get too much bunch of issues

700,000iu total when spread out looks reasonable for someone on typically low intake though. probably have been under the daily 900mcg the majority of the days of every year of my life, mainly just got some from butter rarely carrots & I stopped milk about 7 years ago. and i do have some autistic-like traits i guess so low vit a fits there too. tho so far not doing well on it (lower doses increase thyroid, higher doses decrease thyroid? decreasing cortisol? or maybe just the form being processed shitly -> Thoughts & Concerns On Retinyl Acetate , and there are stability issues with a lot of Vitamin A products

I rarely get lightheaded and retinyl palmitate over a week induced lightheadedness on even 20,000iu on a day and worse stuff on the higher end (also noticed the same when i tried it short term maybe a year ago different supplement company). someone else here mentioned this too Bad reaction to retinyl palmitate. thinking maybe its the form. so yeah I might just try liver for Retinol instead. beef liver looks a bit high in copper, but chicken liver gives a reasonable amount with maybe 10,000iu of vitamin A Retinol per 100g. 700,000iu would take 70 days on 100g but maybe Retinol is the more effective form so could take less.

after looking into the study / what chris masterjohn talked about / other stuff here, taking mk4 & reducing PTH with enough calcium in diet looks key. it might be that vit A + k1 is the natural pathway for generating mk-4 to do its thing so you'd see the same results from just ingesting mk-4 alone without them. or maybe doing it through mk-4 works but isn't as effective alone due to its half life where taking them all together works more around the clock (mk-4 for boosts and corrected vit a levels + k1 supply for the body to be able to keep that carboxylation going the rest of time generating mk-4 internally, during sleep etc). idk though, will try them together. cheers
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May 4, 2019
interesting, is the k2 u take mk-4 and if so do u dose once daily?

had a look ty yeah i read too much vitamin A can be a b**** to get rid of because of the liver storage, but is also vital if at the low end. probably takes many months / a year or so of high dose daily to be a problem but depends where someone is starting from course. I saw 15,000iu daily is used to treat eye issues and is generally well tolerated over a long time (but not if you're already overloaded i guess or body doesn't agree with the form). and also higher single doses somewhere in the 6 figures IU are linked to toxicity. get too little bunch of issues, get too much bunch of issues

700,000iu total when spread out looks reasonable for someone on typically low intake though. probably have been under the daily 900mcg the majority of the days of every year of my life, mainly just got some from butter rarely carrots & I stopped milk about 7 years ago. and i do have some autistic-like traits i guess so low vit a fits there too. tho so far not doing well on it (lower doses increase thyroid, higher doses decrease thyroid? decreasing cortisol? or maybe just the form being processed shitly -> Thoughts & Concerns On Retinyl Acetate , and there are stability issues with a lot of Vitamin A products

I rarely get lightheaded and retinyl palmitate over a week induced lightheadedness on even 20,000iu on a day and worse stuff on the higher end (also noticed the same when i tried it short term maybe a year ago different supplement company). someone else here mentioned this too Bad reaction to retinyl palmitate. thinking maybe its the form. so yeah I might just try liver for Retinol instead. beef liver looks a bit high in copper, but chicken liver gives a reasonable amount with maybe 10,000iu of vitamin A Retinol per 100g. 700,000iu would take 70 days on 100g but maybe Retinol is the more effective form so could take less.

after looking into the study / what chris masterjohn talked about / other stuff here, taking mk4 & reducing PTH with enough calcium in diet looks key. it might be that vit A + k1 is the natural pathway for generating mk-4 to do its thing so you'd see the same results from just ingesting mk-4 alone without them. or maybe doing it through mk-4 works but isn't as effective alone due to its half life where taking them all together works more around the clock (mk-4 for boosts and corrected vit a levels + k1 supply for the body to be able to keep that carboxylation going the rest of time generating mk-4 internally, during sleep etc). idk though, will try them together. cheers

Sorry for late reply. Yeah it was the MK4 form (I used idealabs Kuinone product), 4-6 mg per day applied on gums, sometimes taken orally. K1 form is pretty easy to get from cooked greens e.g broccoli.

But mostly I think it was just stopping the vitamin D, drinking plenty of fluids, and enough time.

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
I took a total of 350'000 IU of vitamin D over the course of 6 days and I am feeling fine on it. I had some negative experiences with D in the past and due to that I was quite nervous to take my first big dose of 50'000 IU of vitamin D, but nothing bad happened.
I used it to initally increase my vitamin D by roughly 25ng/ml as quick as possible, due to current COVID infection. I'll go back to my maintenance dose tomorrow.

I think an initial phase of replenishing vitamin D can be very useful, because at a normal physiological dose of 5000 IU it might take 3-6 months to correct the deficiency.

How much day on 50 000 IU do you need to get back to normal level of vitamin D for someone that is extremly low (below 15) you'd say ? Also during that time did you supplement with high calcium and high K2 to compensate/prevent high dosage bad effects ?


Feb 3, 2020
How much day on 50 000 IU do you need to get back to normal level of vitamin D for someone that is extremly low (below 15) you'd say ? Also during that time did you supplement with high calcium and high K2 to compensate/prevent high dosage bad effects ?
Depends on your desired vitamin D level, gender and body weight.


Jun 2, 2017
took a total of 350'000 IU of vitamin D over the course of 6 days and I am feeling fine on it. I had some negative experiences with D in the past and due to that I was quite nervous to take my first big dose of 50'000 IU of vitamin D, but nothing bad happened.
That is both intriguing and bizarre. As someone who also has negative effects from vitamin D supplements, I'm curious if you attribute your success to the larger dose satisfying a deficiency; or, are there any other factors involved that you think may have allowed the higher doses to be successful for you?
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