Waking Up At Night, PCOS, Acanthosis Nigricans


Feb 20, 2013
Grape is known to have high amount of Sulphur added during cultivation
and white thin layer on skin is of yeast. Sulphur can cause allergy problem.
Histamine content of fish rises very quickly just after it's death. Freezing slows down the
process, but it is still good idea to eat very fresh fish.
Check inactive ingredients in supplement you are taking.
toxinless.com has good list of supplements with safer ingredients.


Aug 24, 2013
Even in organic grapes?
I usually get fish 0-1 days after its been caught. But freeze most of it then, so I hope it's still okay...
Thanks for the link. But I wish Aus shoppers could buy from amazon. :(


Aug 24, 2013
So... I'm relieved it's not the grape juice.
Today I noticed that my neck started getting itchy around sunset... Come to think of it, this is when it usually does.
... Could this be something to do with digestion slowing?
I wonder if it's not even food, and if some kind of bacteria could cause the same kind of thing.
But I usually have my carrot salad a couple hours before sunset...


Aug 24, 2013
I'm overweight. Can say that much. Not allowed to know numbers nor do I want to know. I'm on the tall end of average.


Feb 20, 2013
I think raw carrot might be the cause for allergic reaction. I get mild scratchy throat when i eat
raw carrot and the reaction is more pronounced with carrot with stronger taste. Mild tasting one is
easier. Try lowering the amount of carrot or look for mild tasting carrot or try cooked bamboo shoot.


Aug 24, 2013
Hmm, that's interesting. Do you think canned bamboo shoots would be okay to try? I've never seen raw ones.


Feb 20, 2013
I tried canned bamboo shoot. It was a bit better than carrot. But it did cause a minor digestive issue
for me. May be i needed time to adjust. I boiled the canned bamboo shoot for 5-10 min to remove
the bad taste. It is all about trial and error.
RP mentioned that it takes few weeks for body to get adjusted to new food.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Shesjay said:
Even in organic grapes?
Organic grape growers are allowed to use sulfur as a fungicide. I imagine they might be more likely to use sulfur because their fungicide options are limited.

Pesky trade-offs everywhere...


May 7, 2013
@Shesjay: Among all factors, BMI is the most important risk factor for diabetes. There's also data that it is caused by energy overabundance, i.e. eating more energy than your metabolism can burn.


Aug 24, 2013
@Gabriel, yeah, I have this problem, I gained weight very fast after having an eating disorder (prior to this I had always been on the slim side of healthy, but only see that now). So I know I was eating more than what my metabolism could burn for a period of time (months, I think). I had a choice of weight or health. So now I worry that I picked the wrong thing, i.e. what if this weight gain will ultimately make my health decline again...

@Mittir, I didn't eat a carrot today and the same thing happened!

This has me thinking that maybe I should eat a basic diet for 3 days before adding in one food at a time. It had once been suggested that I try this with rice, lamb and pears. I don't want to do that. Maybe I could do cottage cheese, potato protein, and sucrose, or something? With epsom salt baths?


Aug 24, 2013
This is not insulin resistance at all, and you would know that if you read peat's articles on insulin :geek: Sugar metabolism is only 8% of insulins mechanism, so let's put that to bed! so to speak.

What you have is sleep maintenance insomnia (which I also have) this is because your body has impaired sugar metabolism (not really to do with insulin), and blood sugar drops severely after you fall asleep, raising cortisol and adrenaline. Your body is storing it as fat instead of burning it. You cannot correct this by eating more sugars or cutting out sugar, but instead as you improve your thyroid function it will correct itself, also, if you eat a large amount of protein at night ((not gelatin) your blood sugar will deplete more quickly and you'll low wake up faster. So eating protein earlier in the day, with plenty of carbohydrate, can prevent this. Also, having coconut oil or other saturated fat at night with sugar can prolong blood sugar levels, and getting enough unrefined salt can help combat the adrenaline response (salt is maintained by thyroid) More importantly is to regain Your thyroid function to correct the damage done by low carb eating, and sleep will restore itself.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Thyroid hormone makes the body more sensitive to adrenaline, etc. So as the thyroid hormones come up with supplementing, the sensitivity increases, then you feel like you have a bunch more adrenaline, even energy, its more of a nervous energy though. The body will then start making less adrenaline/stress hormones because its realizing you do not need so much anymore. At the same time, good energy will be coming up, but its a slow process. Also, a lot of us are learning that thyroid supplementing will also bring up estrogen, estrogen drags cortisol up along with it, probably even prolactin from what I understand. So its good to watch out for that and take measures to combat it if needed.

The best way to get around all this is to VERY SLOWLY increase thyroid supplement. Starting off really low, super low, and increasing super slow, maybe every 8 weeks. But this is just my opinion of what I have been seeing.


Aug 24, 2013
Whoops I just saw these extra comments.
@natedawggh well thanks, I know what you're saying... But I really do have insulin resistance as well.

Basically a few days ago my brother (just finished 3rd year of study in medicine) saw my brown/pink, velvety pigmented underarms (yeah, not cool, can't raise my arms without being totally embarrassed) and said it was a sign of insulin resistance (Acanthosis nigricans). I always thought it was fungal, seeing as I have oral thrush. Surely enough, I went to a specialist 2 days later and she confirmed that it is a sign of serious IR. She says it's due to PCOS, but of course I know what is behind that. I also have cortisol problems. So obviously my thyroid sucks! Genes must play a role in some things, because I've never eaten anything really bad (I never had toooo much PUFA), never smoked, never had alcohol, estrogen has never been too high... Yet the rest of my family is all completely healthy.

It finally makes sense to me why nothing that I try seems to be helping my health. She wanted me on metformin, but I don't think I will take it. She also wanted me off thyroid ASAP. Yeah, right...

I contacted RP about it and he gave me a bunch of studies, and was helpful, as always.
However I don't know how to donate to him. I have been planning for ages to send something to the address that was on his site, but as I live in Australia that is a bit difficult. I asked him if I can send money to his email through Paypal, but of course there was no response to this. I don't really know how this function of Paypal works, does anyone know if I can do that?


Oct 10, 2012
Shesjay said:
Whoops I just saw these extra comments.
@natedawggh well thanks, I know what you're saying... But I really do have insulin resistance as well.

Basically a few days ago my brother (just finished 3rd year of study in medicine) saw my brown/pink, velvety pigmented underarms (yeah, not cool, can't raise my arms without being totally embarrassed) and said it was a sign of insulin resistance (Acanthosis nigricans). I always thought it was fungal, seeing as I have oral thrush. Surely enough, I went to a specialist 2 days later and she confirmed that it is a sign of serious IR. She says it's due to PCOS, but of course I know what is behind that. I also have cortisol problems. So obviously my thyroid sucks! Genes must play a role in some things, because I've never eaten anything really bad (I never had toooo much PUFA), never smoked, never had alcohol, estrogen has never been too high... Yet the rest of my family is all completely healthy.

It finally makes sense to me why nothing that I try seems to be helping my health. She wanted me on metformin, but I don't think I will take it. She also wanted me off thyroid ASAP. Yeah, right...

I contacted RP about it and he gave me a bunch of studies, and was helpful, as always.
However I don't know how to donate to him. I have been planning for ages to send something to the address that was on his site, but as I live in Australia that is a bit difficult. I asked him if I can send money to his email through Paypal, but of course there was no response to this. I don't really know how this function of Paypal works, does anyone know if I can do that?

Are you aborigine ?


Feb 20, 2013
Shesjay said:
. So obviously my thyroid sucks! Genes must play a role in some things, because I've never eaten anything really bad (I never had toooo much PUFA), never smoked, never had alcohol, estrogen has never been too high... Yet the rest of my family is all completely healthy.

You mentioned in your original post that you were on a very low carb, almost zero carb,
for 10 months. IIRC you also mentioned somewhere that you were on a very low calorie
diet. Low carb and low calories together for 10 months can create tons of health problems
even if you avoided PUFA, smoke and alcohol. High cortisol increases blood sugar,
that is a temporary diabetic condition. One cortisol is lowered this blood sugar problem
goes away.


Aug 24, 2013
Yes that's true, Mittir.
I guess I didn't think before writing that.
Although, I was thinking that a lot of the symptoms I had during low cal/carb have come back now, so I feel like there was always a greater underlying issue. Some are worse (e.g. Pins & needles problems, but I know IR/DM can cause nerve damage). I had "PCOS" before I screwed with my diet (and I also forgot that I was on the OCP for this, for about 18months). It's actually what started me dieting. I had pressure to "lose 10% of my body weight" although I was still within the healthy BMI range. I was often unwell as a teenager, as well. So I guess I had a health problem before, and inadequate nutrition just amplified it... I wonder what started it.
...Maybe it's because I had soy milk for 5 weeks as a baby, lol.


May 11, 2013
I too have PCOS< and have had it for years. I am so interested in all this knowledge you all have about fixing thyroid and how that will perhaps get rid of the "temporary" insulin resistance, so that maybe my PCOS, androgen symptoms will go away. I always have high adronestione (did I spell it right) and it causes me lots of problems. I also struggle so much with sleeping. I used to do low carb, so maybe that caused it, but I would be so happier if I could balance my hormones out. Someone said they have been able to talk directly to Peat, himself, is that true?? If now, is there anyone on this site who could help me out?? I would so love to help prevent any more thinning of my hair from these male hormones, and I don't want to use Rogain in the future.
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