Was there excess deaths from Covid?


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It is often argued here that there is little or no excess deaths from covid. I personally have no stance on it yet but this article seems fairly convincing.

446,000 More U.S. Deaths Than Normal Since Covid-19 Struck
Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19

In addition, to what @Perry Staltic posted above, here is this little nugget - even mainstream news admits that at least 1/3 of the excess deaths in the US are not due to COVID-19. How many times have you heard ANY politician on TV remind the public of that fact?? Namely, that the excess deaths attributable to COVID-19 (if you even believe the official numbers) are about 300K instead of 450K. Not that 300K is a small number, but still, why promote the higher number knowing full well it is incorrect and amounts to fearmongering??

If you care about data from other countries, here are some links on Sweden and Japan - i.e. no excess deaths in Sweden and massive suicides in Japan that in just one month surpassed all COVID-19 deaths in that country.

And if you care for a bit longer explanation, specific to the UK, here is another link. Basically, the excess deaths started happening months after the lockdowns started. I think that's pretty revealing as to whether the virus killed all those people or something else.

Also, keep in mind the flu deaths went down to zero in most countries that reported scary excess death numbers. If you add the missing flu deaths and that 1/3 to 1/2 of deaths not-due to COVID-19, you get basically the total number of excess deaths for any country that reported excess deaths.

In addition, ask whoever is arguing with you on excess deaths from COVID-19 to explain just how exactly are the lockdowns, masks, social distancing, etc crushing the flu cases yet they seemingly do nothing for COVID-19, not even a dent. I mean, this coronavirus must be something really special to be able to infect at will no matter what we throw at it. Oh, lest I forget, vaccines don't seem to be making a dent on infections and deaths either.

Look, at this point, if you have seen all the evidence, it should be pretty clear that the official narrative is bunk. I am always willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, but the official explanations are laughable and whenever I ask an official/doctor for explanation I get absolutely savage rage in response. To me, the combination of contrarian evidence, open lies and fearmongering (e.g. the 1/3 excess deaths falsely attributed to COVID-19), and vicious reactions of every official I ever approached on this matter is enough to convince me that whatever is going on right now has nothing to do with a virus. Something else may be going on, and what exactly is anybody's guess, but it is not a viral pandemic decimating all those people/countries.
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Jan 9, 2019
In addition, to what @Perry Staltic posted above, here is this little nugget - even mainstream news admits that at least 1/3 of the excess deaths in the US are not due to COVID-19. How many times have you heard ANY politician on TV remind the public of that fact?? Namely, that the excess deaths attributable to COVID-19 (if you even believe the official numbers) are about 300K instead of 450K. Not that 300K is a small number, but still, why promote the higher number knowing full well it is incorrect and amounts to fearmongering??

If you care about data from other countries, here are some links on Sweden and Japan - i.e. no excess deaths in Sweden and massive suicides in Japan that in just one month surpassed all COVID-19 deaths in that country.

And if you care for a bit longer explanation, specific to the UK, here is another link. Basically, the excess deaths started happening months after the lockdowns started. I think that's pretty revealing as to whether the virus killed all those people or something else.

Also, keep in mind the flu deaths went down to zero in most countries that reported scary excess death numbers. If you add the missing flu deaths and that 1/3 to 1/2 of deaths not-due to COVID-19, you get basically the total number of excess deaths for any country that reported excess deaths.

In addition, ask whoever is arguing with you on excess deaths from COVID-19 to explain just how exactly are the lockdowns, masks, social distancing, etc crushing the flu cases yet they seemingly do nothing for COVID-19, not even a dent. I mean, this coronavirus must be something really special to be able to infect at will no matter what we throw at it. Oh, lest I forget, vaccines don't seem to be making a dent on infections and deaths either.

Look, at this point, if you have seen all the evidence, it should be pretty clear that the official narrative is bunk. I am always willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, but the official explanations are laughable and whenever I ask an official/doctor for explanation I get absolutely savage rage in response. To me, the combination of contrarian evidence, open lies and fearmongering (e.g. the 1/3 excess deaths falsely attributed to COVID-19), and vicious reactions of every official I ever approached on this matter is enough to convince me that whatever is going on right now has nothing to do with a virus. Something else may be going on, and what exactly is anybody's guess, but it is not a viral pandemic decimating all those people/countries.
The response to covid seems like the perfect recipe as the stress it induces increases all cause mortality. Then some of those reasons for death are taken and labeled covid deaths.

Not to mention the WHOs recent revision on "cases" and testing criteria which now requires symptoms to be present, yet, those stats used to fear monger people haven't been updated and just grandfathered in.

Some individuals I know were rejected testing (for their own peace of mind) unless they had symptoms so they lied just to get tested... this criteria is much less liberal than what it was. The vaccines will be given credit for the case decrease of course with no context of changing policy.

Excess deaths do exist. Excess deaths caused by a novel virus however? No.

This guy at least does a fairly decent article about the matter (12/20) An Update on COVID “Excess Deaths”

Lord Cola

South Korea's official death statistics of 2020 were not out of the ordinary. They did not lock down. More people died last year than the year before, but that is likely (according to the head of population trends department) because of the aging population. When you break down the deaths by age group, you can see that the proportion of deaths to the population of each age group in 2020 is actually about the same or lower than those in 2019 and 2010.

The country started "vaccinating" on February 26, 2021 (about 13% of the population is twice "vaccinated" at the moment, according to ourworldindata.org), so the data has nothing to do with injections.

I attached a rough translation of the data and the source document. You can find the untranslated table in page 15 of the source document.


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