What are the best plants to have in your home ? Is there a benefit to having Christmas trees in your backyard that you can spend time around ?


Jun 22, 2021
One of my neighbors has these evergreen trees all over her front yard (they have a very clean Christmas Tree smell that you smell when you buy evergreens - I notice that when I am near her house around her trees - The air feels significantly cleaner and I feel a noticeable metabolic boost - I crave just standing there for some time and smelling the trees as odd as that sounds - it smells that good - it's a very large fir tree I believe


Yet, there is a large walkway near my house filled with moreso regular trees (for lack of a better word) and grass that doesn't have any kind of smell (I'm not sure what kind) - that give me allergenic symptoms and make it hard for me to breathe (I am assuming because of pollen)

"As well as improving our well-being, trees play an important role in dispersing and removing pollutants such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM) from the atmosphere. This has benefits both locally and globally."

"Much like trees and their leaves provide shade and relief from the blazing summer sun, evergreen trees protect from harsh winter winds. They can also offer some sound proofing (up to 40%) and can act as an air pollution barrier, depending on the location and conditions"

I notice that trees seem to be a natural air filter of sorts - but I think about having a tree in the house - would it be good and bad since it removes CO2 from the air as well ? I notice that when I have an air filter on for a long time it gets hard to breathe and I start to crave CO2 - I was wondering maybe air filters remove CO2 from the air to an extent as well, but I am not sure just basing this off of feel. I was wondering maybe there are benefits to having these trees in a backyard where you can just stay there for a time and inhale that clean air throughout the day

Are there plants that are best for this that people find even better than fig trees - it really fascinates me - I feel about x10 better walking near my neighbors fig tree (that Christmas tree smell) then when I am just walking in a park filled with the regular trees who don't have this distinct smell
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Jun 20, 2019
You're likely experiencing the olfactory response to the essential oil the tree is putting out. They definitely affect us on all levels. As far as plants for inside your home, it depends on how strong your light is. Some plants need more humidity. But, snake plant, aka mother-in-law's tongue, are excellent for nnemf's and thrive on abuse. Cactus is also good for protecting from them.


Jul 13, 2014
I might have to start a post about your variety of topics??


Jan 1, 2020
Pretty plants are probably good for you. We're naturally supposed to be in lush environments, it's basically a signal to our monkey brains that this place has a lot of food, which is why deserts and withered old trees are naturally repulsive.
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