What Are Your Best Sources For Independent Journalism On COVID-19?

May 29, 2013
I love the UnHerd YT channel. It's a refreshing alternative to the British press.

I don't know if there are any other British peeps here, but it feels like blasphemy to question the "prevailing narrative". No one wants to hear anything that might question it. It's as though you're attacking the NHS. And God forbid you suggest that the NHS is anything but an army of heroes.

I've tried opening the discussion about different studies, differing opinions from different scientists etc. with friends and they just go silent like you're showing signs of mental illness. THE NEWS IS THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. It baffles me.
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Apr 15, 2013
Did you see the staff in the nursing home at the beginning of the video walking in and out of different resident rooms with the same gown/gloves on.
They were even sitting in the break room with their gowns/gloves and one staff was even rubbing her eyes with her gloves.
They said more than half the resident are experiencing symptoms and most over 75 arent taken to the overcrowded hospitals. They dont even test them.
I wonder if these residents who expire are included in Spains coronavirus deaths.

I would think if they dont have enough gloves to change between visiting residents rooms, it might be more hygienic not to use any gloves at all and use hand sanitizer instead.
This is sad for those elderly.
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
I love the UnHerd YT channel. It's a refreshing alternative to the British press.

I don't know if there are any other British peeps here, but it feels like blasphemy to question the "prevailing narrative". No one wants to hear anything that might question it. It's as though you're attacking the NHS. And God forbid you suggest that the NHS is anything but an army of heroes.

I've tried opening the discussion about different studies, differing opinions from different scientists etc. with friends and they just go silent like you're showing signs of mental illness. THE NEWS IS THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. It baffles me.

60 year old British mathematician Andrew Mather has practically come out of retirement to dedicate his YouTube channel to the incredible statistical fiction that characterizes the current "coronacrisis": .

He's also made one television appearance (on an obscure platform, no doubt): .


Feb 22, 2017
Yeah, I don't really share alternate views unless asked or someone is outright lying/fear mongering as it's such a sensitive area. If you question the severity of a supposed pandemic or the response to it you're basically committing manslaughter in some people's eyes.

It's becoming, if not already, common knowledge that the PCR tests are unreliable (apparently in Tanzania a pawpaw fruit tested positive for covid-19) and as a consequence the death statistics are also unreliable, which should logically raise other questions. It's also becoming more widely known that the WHO may not be a reliable source of global health advice due to the conflicts of interest involved. I guess the dissenters are still in the minority but if this doesn't wake people up then I don't know what will...

I think a lot of people probably sense something isn't quite right but are too scared to look into it any more, other than admitting the media usually fear-monger and this is probably no different. To be honest, the reality of this situation is potentially far more disturbing than the proposed virus, so I can't blame them for not wanting to see things they can't unsee.

The best websites I've found so far are:

Facts about Covid-19


Latest News and Comment from the UK Column | UK Column

21st Century Wire


Lew Rockwell LewRockwell.com


The Corbett Report

Activist Post - Alternative News & Independent Views

The Critic Magazine | Britain’s new monthly magazine for politics, ideas, art, literature and more

Lockdown Sceptics – Stay sane. Protect the economy. Save livelihoods.

Covid-19 in Proportion?


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
James Delingpole has done some very excellent interviews. Can be found on YouTube and rumble and odysee
Also - Anna Brees.
Talk Radio - sometimes okay.
Sceptic nurse on youtube - interviews
Spiked online
Russell Brand occasionally is pretty good


Jul 8, 2019
There are all kinds of doctors and scientists, including vax scientists, talking to each other about the vax on twitter. I follow all of them that aren't obvious Peter Daszak plants, like Amy Maxmen of Nature, who has repeatedly lied about her association with Daszak and cuts off replies so you can't post all the photos and videos of them together.


Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk Radio is a decent critic, pretty fearless, and Talk Radio is close to mainstream.
Jun 4, 2021
There are all kinds of doctors and scientists, including vax scientists, talking to each other about the vax on twitter. I follow all of them that aren't obvious Peter Daszak plants, like Amy Maxmen of Nature, who has repeatedly lied about her association with Daszak and cuts off replies so you can't post all the photos and videos of them together.
Do you have a list or can you share your twitter. Would love to follow some of them


Jul 8, 2019
Do you have a list or can you share your twitter. Would love to follow some of them

@jaclynhord, @ducky68257909, @covid19critical links to new studies, @pierrekory, @rwmalonemd, @arkmedic, @heidegger79 (has to change handles frequently), @robinmonotti2, @veryvirology.

There are more I can't remember off the top of my head but if you pay attention to comments under the posts of these people, plus the people they are retweeting, especially jaclynhord and ducky, you'll find a lot more scientists worth following.



Ramola D Reports. She has great interviewing skills.​

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