What Does Your Diet Look Like?


Aug 28, 2012
Im thinking of giving this a whirl as want to make stronger shots and then plenty more milk. Drip method crap for that. Im wondering what are all the materials made from? Is it all glass and paper filters? No plastic Im hoping.


Feb 7, 2013
nwo2012 said:
Im thinking of giving this a whirl as want to make stronger shots and then plenty more milk. Drip method crap for that. Im wondering what are all the materials made from? Is it all glass and paper filters? No plastic Im hoping.

It uses paper filters but there is also a stainless steel filter than can be purchased separately.

It is made from plastic, not glass but the press time is 20 seconds, less than a minute start to finish.

Here is the company description of the materials used in its manufacture.

Materials used in the AeroPress™® coffee maker

The AeroPress is made of three different plastics. The clear chamber and plunger are made of copolyester. The hard black filter cap, filter holder, funnel, and stirrer are made of polypropylene. The rubber like seal on the end of the plunger is made of a thermoplastic elastomer. All of these materials are FDA approved for use in contact with food. None of these materials contain bisphenol-A (BPA) or any phthalates, chemicals that have been in the news lately because of possible health effects.

Aerobie has been shipping AeroPress coffee makers made of the materials described above since August 1st, 2009. Prior to that date, the clear chamber and plunger were made of a very special high humidity and temperature resistant polycarbonate. Polycarbonate does not contain phthalates but it does contain BPA. Even though the FDA and other governmental agencies around the world approve polycarbonate for use in contact with food, we had an independent lab test coffee brewed in a well used AeroPress to determine how much, if any, BPA leaches into coffee brewed in a polycarbonate AeroPress. Absolutely none was detected. Given that result, one could ask why we switched to using copolyester. The answer is simple. The use of copolyester removes any perceived risk from BPA and it is a more attractive material.

We frequently get asked if we plan to make a glass or stainless steel AeroPress coffee maker. Interestingly we also receive frequent emails from consumers thanking us for not making the AeroPress of glass. I suspect those people are tired of breaking glass coffee carafes or glass coffee presses. The facts are that glass is fragile, heavy, and expensive to manufacture with the tolerances required for the AeroPress. People then ask how about stainless steel. Unfortunately stainless steel is heavy, expensive, and opaque and anyone that has used an AeroPress knows that transparency is helpful when using an AeroPress coffee maker. We therefore have no plans to make a glass or stainless steel AeroPress coffee maker. We believe that the AeroPress coffee maker we currently manufacture is superior to a glass or stainless steel AeroPress coffee maker.

Even though the independent test lab was unable to detect BPA in the coffee brewed in a polycarbonate AeroPress, people who are concerned about using an AeroPress made of polycarbonate can take advantage of our spare parts policy. Just call the Aerobie Customer Service Department at 1-650-493-3050 and you can purchase replacements for any of the AeroPress parts including the plunger and chamber.


Feb 7, 2013
Just had my first Aeropress cup of Joe! :coffee

It was so incredibly good. I love that I can make a double expresso and turn it into a latte or Americano.
So efficient and does taste like it came from Starbucks! It is quick and easy to use.
Highly recommended.


Nov 7, 2012
4peatssake said:
Just had my first Aeropress cup of Joe! :coffee

It was so incredibly good. I love that I can make a double expresso and turn it into a latte or Americano.
So efficient and does taste like it came from Starbucks! It is quick and easy to use.
Highly recommended.

Very cool, glad you like it!

- Scott


Nov 30, 2012
I drink milk and orange juice daily and eat a lot of cheese. Fruits I use regularly include dates, oranges and black grapes. I have one cup of coffee daily, always with an aspirin. I try to get the carrot salad in as many days a week as I can. I'm about to make it now actually....

Dinner is my favorite meal; usually I have eggs or meat. I'm trying to add oysters more regularly. My meals often include tomatoes cooked in coconut oil and sometimes white rice (I prefer it to potatoes) If I have meat, I always have it with gelatin. I have more fruit or OJ at dinner often or sometimes a Coke.

I've cut way back on Hagen Daazs but will be adding it back in the next few weeks. I eat chocolate a few times a month but don't really crave or like it that much. I have flavored yogurts weekly (the health food store kind); they're my cheat food.


Aug 10, 2012
I drink oj (w bak soda), tea with milk, eggs, beef including occas liver, broth with meat, lattes (non-Starbucks if I can get it), orange julius's that I make, oj jello, rinsed cottage cheese, lower fat cheese (jarlsb.), a carrot, some cokes, some ginger ale, occasional tortilla chips, applesauce, honeydew melon...That's what I can think of at this moment.

I don't get any crazy cravings with this way of eating. All my life I was searching for the solution to that one. Not actively searching but suffering cravings.

Right now, with the warm weather, I've turned a pot roast into sliced cold meat with aspic using my stock. I did the onions and all a la Julia Child. I'm pretty happy with the results. There is a little estrogenic (red) wine in it. My husband just tried it and says the aspic is delicious. :eek:

Sorry, no way to delete this extra one?


Nov 1, 2012
Hi Birdie, what are you using for your stock? I will have to look up aspic, I need a new recipe. Did you use recipe from Julia Child cookbook? I enjoy the flavor of red wine with roast, too.


Jan 22, 2013
Soybeans, Lima Beans, Tofu, Chia seeds, Whole Wheat products, Raw Cabbages and Kale, unripe bananas, raw apples, tap water with agave syrup, margarine creamer, in chickory root inulin + flaxseed tea, and lots of tuna fish, going along with a fish oil supplement, an iron supplement, and statins...oh and I am on SSRI's as well
(I kid)

Mostly coffee / cocoas / teas / herbal/spice teas with ghee, cream, milk, sugar, and/or maple syrup and salt, sometimes a piece of cheese or egg, and usually 1-2 servings OJ or pineapple juice a day
That's pretty much it! (I don't like cooking much, and am on the go a lot)


Aug 10, 2012
That's funny pboy!! A little stunning to read your 1st para!! I needed that.

HD, I make things slowly. Stock one day. Buy beef one day. Marinate it. Yes, I use Mastering by JC. I buy bones without marrow since I started listening to Ray.. Knuckle bones sometimes. I used some pork rinds in the pot roast. Got the butcher to do them for me. I cooked them for 10 minutes in boiling water after cutting into portions to freeze for later and use now. I think I might heat them in coconut oil before adding them to the pot roast next time to reduce the pufa. It only takes a few ounces and really gives some good body to the dish.

It came out with the nice pink inside. So good that I was afraid to ruin it with the aspic. Luckily it was good too. You really need to flavor it according to the instructions. A bland aspic would be horrible I think. Of course I couldn't really tell the taste until it was all set up. :)

I don't like cooking too much but I love good food so sometimes I cook. I do like it really but just have so many other things to do. Mostly I do cooking the easy way or I take a lot of steps. Then it's okay.


Jun 12, 2013
First thing in the morning, I eat the carrot salad, or if I'm too lazy to grate carrot and make the dressing, I just eat a carrot.

I give that some time, and then if I'm hungry, I'll usually have a little cheese and fruit (fresh or canned).

I make coffee. I have the first cup with a packet of gelatin, 1 t. coconut oil, along with the 1% milk and sugar. I have more coffee with just the milk and sugar. In the evenings sometimes I have a decaf with the milk, sugar, gelatin and co.

Lunch is one of these "small meals" or a combo: cottage cheese + canned or fresh fruit; 1 or 2 oz. Kraft 2% cheese + fresh or canned fruit; homemade milkshake of vanilla ice cream + 1% milk (and flavoring if desired); leftovers from dinner night before, etc. I salt the foods.

Sometimes I'm real hungry for lunch and I'll fry up a quick meal of shrimp and/or a small piece of steak or liver. As a side, I might do a little rice or mac n cheese or potato.

After the lunch, I have more coffee.

If I'm making dinner, I just eat as Peatish as I can. All our favorite meals and foods from before are usually OK, I just try to keep some Peatish things in mind and adjust where I can.

In the evening, I often have decaf coffee with the gelatin and coconut oil (besides milk and sugar) or a bit of cheese and fruit or a little ice cream.

This doesn't seem like a lot of variety but really each day is different to some degree and I never go hungry or feel disatisfied. That aspect along with the results I see and feel make this the easiest woe I've ever done, once I got the basics under my belt. :)


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Aug 10, 2012
And Ray has said, " Decaf is okay."

In other places he does indicate that caf is better, so that must have been an answer to somebody who didn't tolerate caffeine.

I've been kind of slow to adjust, but now can pretty much drink all the caffeine I want even at bedtime. At least it seems that way for now.

Jenn, this is one of the most useful discussions for me.


Jun 12, 2013
I do feel like I'm getting more tolerant to caffeine as I go. I used to have to mix regular and decaf in the morning, then switch to decaf all afternoon and evening.

The last couple weeks, I've been having regular in the morning and early afternoon before switching to decaf.

Maybe I'll eventually be like my Grandma who can lie in bed at night sipping coffee before she goes to sleep! :lol:


Jun 12, 2013
What about the effects of coffee/caffeine on fibrocystic breast? Sorry if this is too off-topic - if so I could start a new one. But since we were talking about coffee and caffeine... I thought my flare ups of fib. br. disease that tend to happen in the second half of my cycle were from too much coffee & caffeine - another reason I used a lot of decaf. Years ago my gyn said only have one cup of coffee per day (to prevent the pain and lumps). Any thoughts on this or can point me to where RP said anything about it?


Feb 7, 2013
Peata said:
Maybe I'll eventually be like my Grandma who can lie in bed at night sipping coffee before she goes to sleep! :lol:
Now there's an idea!

I'm like Jenn - put in a lot of milk/cream, sugar and gelatin and I sleep great. Most nights though I just do milk and sugar before bed. Quick N Easy.


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Feb 24, 2013
Peata said:
What about the effects of coffee/caffeine on fibrocystic breast? Sorry if this is too off-topic - if so I could start a new one. But since we were talking about coffee and caffeine... I thought my flare ups of fib. br. disease that tend to happen in the second half of my cycle were from too much coffee & caffeine - another reason I used a lot of decaf. Years ago my gyn said only have one cup of coffee per day (to prevent the pain and lumps). Any thoughts on this or can point me to where RP said anything about it?

It's the lack of progesterone in your second half of cycle. The need for progesterone is highest during that time frame. When the cycle starts again, the demand drops.


Jun 12, 2013
4peatssake said:
Peata said:
Maybe I'll eventually be like my Grandma who can lie in bed at night sipping coffee before she goes to sleep! :lol:
Now there's an idea!

I'm like Jenn - put in a lot of milk/cream, sugar and gelatin and I sleep great. Most nights though I just do milk and sugar before bed. Quick N Easy.

Cute! :)

I had half cup of milk, gelatin, sugar, and salt before bed and slept great last night.


Jun 12, 2013
Jenn said:
Peata said:
What about the effects of coffee/caffeine on fibrocystic breast? Sorry if this is too off-topic - if so I could start a new one. But since we were talking about coffee and caffeine... I thought my flare ups of fib. br. disease that tend to happen in the second half of my cycle were from too much coffee & caffeine - another reason I used a lot of decaf. Years ago my gyn said only have one cup of coffee per day (to prevent the pain and lumps). Any thoughts on this or can point me to where RP said anything about it?

It's the lack of progesterone in your second half of cycle. The need for progesterone is highest during that time frame. When the cycle starts again, the demand drops.

For the last few months, I've been using a progesterone cream - Source Naturals. I use 1/4 t. once per day the 2nd half of cycle. The progest. comes from soy. It has less pufas than most any other cream I found. Anyway, it's not been doing as much for me since the first or second month. I'm wondering if it's not enough progest. and is causing the estrogen to rebound (not sure if that's the right term).

I just ordered RP's Progest E.

I'm wondering if I should go at it hard-core like the directions say - at first do 3 drops 5 x day and then back down but keep using it nonstop for a month or more. I'm afraid of causing more problems. Not sure what to do, as in whether to go by those instructions or not be so aggressive.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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