What is the point of de-populating the world ? Do Billionaires know something we don't ?


Jun 22, 2021
I think many of us have seen the threads on this forum focused on the de-population agenda set by the Usual Suspects - but what I am wondering is what is the point exactly of doing this ?

Exitus acta probat
Is there starting to be not enough food to support the world population and are the Billionaires doing some "the ends justify the means" planning to ensure those are not strong enough to resist their attempts to bend the knee suffer consequences ? (i.e. vaccine deaths, etc.)

View: https://medium.com/@jeremyerdman/we-produce-enough-food-to-feed-10-billion-people-so-why-does-hunger-still-exist-8086d2657539#:~:text=The%20world's%20farmers%20produce%20enough,this%20excess%2C%20hunger%20still%20exists

"The world's farmers produce enough food to feed 1.5x the global population. That's enough to feed 10 billion (we are at 7.6 billion currently). Despite this excess, hunger still exists."


Is this an age-old ritual that takes place every XYZ amount of years as a way to curb population explosion and keep population growth steady ?

"Table ranking "History's Most Deadly Events": Influenza pandemic (1918-19) 20-40 million deaths; black death/plague (1348-50), 20-25 million deaths, AIDS pandemic (through 2000) 21.8 million deaths, World War II (1937-45), 15.9 million deaths, and World War I (1914-18) 9.2 million deaths."

What other reasons could there be for de-populating the world besides what's above ? I am having a hard time thinking of other reasons


Dec 8, 2016
Have you read the Georgia Guidestones?

Do you know who placed them there and wrote the new “commandments”?

I believe this will indirectly help you answer your question.


Jan 25, 2014
I think many of us have seen the threads on this forum focused on the de-population agenda set by the Usual Suspects - but what I am wondering is what is the point exactly of doing this ?

What other reasons could there be for de-populating the world besides what's above ? I am having a hard time thinking of other reasons

They might understand basic math. If there's only a few thousand or hundred thousand or even million "elite," that means that there are 8+ Billion NON-elite people on the planet. If you are outnumbered 8,000 to 1, or more, even the most well trained military assassin doesn't stand much of a chance with those odds, and the elite are not well trained in that regard. In fact, their biggest mistake was outsourcing their security to normal people.

They need to kill off 95% of the population before too many people wake up, or they are toast.
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Upward mobility and competition. The larger the pool of serfs, the higher the chance that the some of us will be more intelligent and harder working than them, supplant their dullard offspring (Chelsea Clinton et al.), and terminate their dynasties.

This is why they also want us to own nothing. The goal of the lockdowns is to destroy small businesses. Entrepreneurship is a major threat because it allows some of us to accumulate enough wealth to have a fighting chance.


Upward mobility and competition. The larger the pool of serfs, the higher the chance that the some of us will be more intelligent and harder working than them, supplant their dullard offspring (Chelsea Clinton et al.), and terminate their dynasties.

This is why they also want us to own nothing. The goal of the lockdowns is to destroy small businesses. Entrepreneurship is a major threat because it allows some of us to accumulate enough wealth to have a fighting chance.

I don't think the level of elite you are refering to is ever reached by hard-work, dedication, or any level of money actually.

To be clear, Musk, Besos, Gates, or even Putin, are not even near being the ruling elite that makes the decisions that matter.

You belong to that elite by inheritance only. The crown of England, the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, and some other mighty clans.

Working hard and building a multi-billion fortune will only make you a larger-scale slave, with quite some more freedom than the average Joe, granted.

But you still won't be out of the depopulation agenda, or able to be part of the ruling class.


Jun 22, 2021
Have you read the Georgia Guidestones?

Do you know who placed them there and wrote the new “commandments”?

I believe this will indirectly help you answer your question.
" 1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature. "

Interesting ... I'm thinking of other responses in this thread and the current state of our world ...

Number 3 sounds like the promotion of Globalism which we are heavily focused on and

I think about number 2 and so many countries with wide open borders (i.e. the US and many countries in the EU) I wonder if they are using these open borders to guide reproduction so that everyone looks like the same mixed race over time - I'm reminded of this propaganda piece by the National Geographic saying that all Americans will look like the same mixed race by 2050 ...


I think about number 8 "balance personal rights with social duties" that sounds exactly like this mask BS - "It's not about your freedoms its about PROTECTING PEOPLE"

Very suspicious -

" Just who are these people behind Georgia’s Stonehenge who want to kill off 94 percent of the people on Earth? To this day, the true owners and financial backers have not been publicly disclosed. And that’s a bit scary.

In 1979, a man using the pseudonym of “Mr. Christian” hired Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build the monument. It was commissioned on behalf of a “small group of loyal Americans” who wanted to remain anonymous. The stone workers, bankers and other vendors were sworn to secrecy. "
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Dec 8, 2016
" 1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature. "

Interesting ... I'm thinking of other responses in this thread and the current state of our world ...

Number 3 sounds like the promotion of Globalism which we are heavily focused on and

I think about number 2 and so many countries with wide open borders (i.e. the US and many countries in the EU) I wonder if they are using these open borders to guide reproduction so that everyone looks like the same mixed race over time - I'm reminded of this propaganda piece by the National Geographic saying that all Americans will look like the same mixed race by 2050 ...

View attachment 29919

I think about number 8 "balance personal rights with social duties" that sounds exactly like this mask BS - "It's not about your freedoms its about PROTECTING PEOPLE"

Very suspicious -

" Just who are these people behind Georgia’s Stonehenge who want to kill off 94 percent of the people on Earth? To this day, the true owners and financial backers have not been publicly disclosed. And that’s a bit scary.

In 1979, a man using the pseudonym of “Mr. Christian” hired Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build the monument. It was commissioned on behalf of a “small group of loyal Americans” who wanted to remain anonymous. The stone workers, bankers and other vendors were sworn to secrecy. "
Secrets, secrets....
Whom could it be?

An international secret society maybe?
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Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
I don't think the level of elite you are refering to is ever reached by hard-work, dedication, or any level of money actually.

To be clear, Musk, Besos, Gates, or even Putin, are not even near being the ruling elite that makes the decisions that matter.

You belong to that elite by inheritance only. The crown of England, the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, and some other mighty clans.

Working hard and building a multi-billion fortune will only make you a larger-scale slave, with quite some more freedom than the average Joe, granted.

But you still won't be out of the depopulation agenda, or able to be part of the ruling class.

Yes, of course I understand your perspective. Maybe I'm naive, but I like to think that the holy trinity of talent + hard work + luck can still take one to the top. Also, even though many people on the internet talk about a trillionaire class inhabiting the shadows, I don't have solid evidence of their existence.

What I do have evidence of is the hundred-billionaire class. Gates is changing the course of the entire world through the funding his foundation provides. Bezos and Musk are literally colonising space. Soon they will own planets and make the Carnigie, Morgan, and Vanderbilt empires seem relatively unimpressive. So until I see a bit more than a picture of Putin kissing a wrinkled Rockefeller hand or a scaley Reptilian claw, I will assume all four of those men you mentioned answer to no one and therefore represent the top.


Oct 20, 2021
We are approaching the intersection of two problems. A Grand Solar Minimum by 2030, lasting 30-70 years historically, bringing with it volatile and overall cooler weather conditions that will obliterate the growing capacity of much (most) farmland; cherry on top being that the electromagnetic field of earth derives its strength in an exponential curve from sunspot density, meaning we'll be vulnerable to previously insignificant Coronal Mass Ejections, threatening us with nuclear apocalypse should a CME EMP affect the "right" area. On top of that, the circulation of the ocean, which distributes heat around the world, will drop to near 0. Additionally, the EROI (estimated return on investment) of oil has dropped precipitously from 100-1000+ in the early 1900's, to 2:1 in 2008, all the way down to 1.3:1 now, the closer to 1:1, the less our economies based around infinite expansion make sense. 1:1 is often described as "the death cross" for this reason.

Carbon, and I'll say pollution as a whole, is a "simple" red herring (problem) designed to generate a desired reaction from the population in order to guide them into a pre designed "solution" (Georgia Guidestones et all, the breeding of the blue pilled masses is seen as an abberation on "their" pure earth) the wet dreams of eugenists ie Fauci Gates etc since time immortal FINALLY have a chance at realization, as well as the NWO plans of the trillionaire international bankers; top this off with governments being principally concerned with self preservation and viola, the unholy trinity is revealed, the widescale cooperation (operation lockstep, cyberstorm, etc. originate from the rockefeller foundation) makes perfect sense in this context. The former deagle.com prediction of a 2030 population of 60 million in America also begins to make foreboding sense..

A "Dark Winter" indeed.



maunder minimum2.gif

maunder minimum1.png
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Jun 22, 2021
We are approaching the intersection of two problems. A Grand Solar Minimum by 2030, lasting 30-70 years historically, bringing with it volatile and overall cooler weather conditions that will obliterate the growing capacity of much (most) farmland; cherry on top being that the electromagnetic field of earth derives its strength in an exponential curve from sunspot density, meaning we'll be vulnerable to previously insignificant Coronal Mass Ejections, threatening us with nuclear apocalypse should a CME EMP affect the "right" area. On top of that, the circulation of the ocean, which distributes heat around the world, will drop to near 0. Additionally, the EROI (estimated return on investment) of oil has dropped precipitously from 100-1000+ in the early 1900's, to 2:1 in 2008, all the way down to 1.3:1 now, the closer to 1:1, the less our economies based around infinite expansion make sense. 1:1 is often described as "the death cross" for this reason.

Carbon, and I'll say pollution as a whole, is a "simple" red herring (problem) designed to generate a desired reaction from the population in order to guide them into a pre designed "solution" (Georgia Guidestones et all, the breeding of the blue pilled masses is seen as an abberation on "their" pure earth) the wet dreams of eugenists ie Fauci Gates etc since time immortal FINALLY have a chance at realization, as well as the NWO plans of the trillionaire international bankers; top this off with governments being principally concerned with self preservation and viola, the unholy trinity is revealed, the widescale cooperation (operation lockstep, cyberstorm, etc. originate from the rockefeller foundation) makes perfect sense in this context. The former deagle.com prediction of a 2030 population of 60 million in America also begins to make foreboding sense..
Interesting - so we could see a mass extinction event between 2030-2050 and maybe the elites view what they are doing is throwing barrels off the sinking ship as a chance for the ship not to sink - I am concerned about this future - it seems as though the world's end may not be too far enough in the distance - I feel inclined to gather many resources and become a farmer and build myself a nuclear bunker - maybe that is why the rush to mars is so strong

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
" 1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature. "

Interesting ... I'm thinking of other responses in this thread and the current state of our world ...

Number 3 sounds like the promotion of Globalism which we are heavily focused on and

I think about number 2 and so many countries with wide open borders (i.e. the US and many countries in the EU) I wonder if they are using these open borders to guide reproduction so that everyone looks like the same mixed race over time - I'm reminded of this propaganda piece by the National Geographic saying that all Americans will look like the same mixed race by 2050 ...

View attachment 29919

I think about number 8 "balance personal rights with social duties" that sounds exactly like this mask BS - "It's not about your freedoms its about PROTECTING PEOPLE"

Very suspicious -

" Just who are these people behind Georgia’s Stonehenge who want to kill off 94 percent of the people on Earth? To this day, the true owners and financial backers have not been publicly disclosed. And that’s a bit scary.

In 1979, a man using the pseudonym of “Mr. Christian” hired Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build the monument. It was commissioned on behalf of a “small group of loyal Americans” who wanted to remain anonymous. The stone workers, bankers and other vendors were sworn to secrecy. "

Immediately below this is the outline of a square, inside which is written:

Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason

Author: R.C. Christian
(a pseudonyn) [sic]

Sponsors: A small group
of Americans who seek
the Age of Reason


Dec 8, 2016
RC Christian is homage to a secret society or cult: the Order of the Rose Cross. Or Rosicrucian Order.

They thought they were being clever or double entendres.
How cute.

It all leads to the same people group and goal...
And none of it, not one thing of it, is good.


May 25, 2020
but if theory is right that here is consciousness in the universe everywhere, and the principle of complexity, that nature likes to get things more and more complicated, than the number of human race should grow even more.


Sep 9, 2019
Subconsciously they see us as a threat, they fear us. Consciously they simply don't like and see us as a subspecies.

In the natural order population needs no control. They set the conditions for population to explode, mining for innovation to control the remainder.

Don't try to rationalise their actions @JamesGatz.
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Subconsciously they see us as a threat, they fear us. Consciously they simply don't like and see us as a subspecies.

In the natural order population needs no control. They set the conditions for population to explode, mining for innovation to control the remainder.

Don't try to rationalise their actions @JamesGatz.
They control our population. We control their population! Eye for an eye, we Pick how many they have Thinned off! :angel:
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