What The Eternal Victims Have Done To Palestine For 75 Years


Mar 21, 2021

View: https://youtu.be/b9fmjHeRh4k?si=YtD0mfUxmUO40zUI

Your are spewing propaganda again. We are inherently tribal by nature because it was necessary for survival for the human species.

I understand you think you are fighting for the little guy, but the ultimate problem is in this modern era is that the gangsters that run the world who are competing for power and the people that prop them up, prey on people tribalism and fear of the other to gain and maintain power.

There are people on Boths sides that understand we evolved from monkeys and as we evolved as humans that being apart of the heard was necessary for survival and create conflict between the monkeys to create fear and then step up and say I will be the one to protect the tribe. And then convince these monkeys to commit atrocities on both sides for the good of the idea of whatever group they created in these people mind that was forced upon them from birth.

How are the leaders of Hamas billionaires and currently living in other countries while they constructed an attack that killed thousands of people and set their people up to be killed in the tens of thousands and country destroyed.

And truth is you can’t even argue the propaganda you are posting. All you are doing is reposting your tribalism you believe in.

So if the ultimate goal was to defeat the Zionist, giving them the tool of fear of the other by the attack on October 7th only empowered them.

It’s so clear to you that Israel’s attack on Gaza only empowers the leaders of Hamas.

But fail to see the other side.

These gangsters on both side understand this. Both of these gangsters do not care about their own people but only their own money and power.

So calling out one side of the evil will not solve the problem. Until all the people call out all the evil on their side. Which is the side they have most power to change. these problems will not be solved.


Aug 13, 2020
The US is willing to start a new war in the Red Sea to defend Israel because both countries share the same values.

When things start to heat up, the brain-dead populations in the US and Europe will feign ignorance, but the rest of the world knows that this evil must be stopped.

Will they claim that the terrorists want to kill them? You bet.


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Aug 10, 2014

View: https://youtu.be/b9fmjHeRh4k?si=YtD0mfUxmUO40zUI

Your are spewing propaganda again. We are inherently tribal by nature because it was necessary for survival for the human species.

Biological determinism is the domain of people who like war and tell lies, so no surprise there I guess.

Criticizing violence and neglecting the conditions that lead to it is as dishonest as pretending you would tolerate being treated the same way people in Gaza are.


Mar 21, 2021
Biological determinism is the domain of people who like war and tell lies, so no surprise there I guess.

Criticizing violence and neglecting the conditions that lead to it is as dishonest as pretending you would tolerate being treated the same way people in Gaza are.
It’s called tribalism and you can’t get past it.

There are forces that use fear of the other to gain and maintain power and wealth.

All the criticism you can make of Zionism you can make the same criticisms of the Muslims religion. When you combine tribalism with the people believing in a sky god that see when your sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows if you’ve been bad or good or committed jihad or not , so you better commit jihad sake. For Jihad sake.

The main difference I guess is the Jewish sky god team up with gods son Jesus in America who wrote the constitution and their god had a bigger weapons.

But if the Muslim god gave Palestinians bigger weapons I know there wouldn’t be any Jews in Israel.


Mar 21, 2021
And if you look at the treatment of Americanist of blacks in America they should have committed thousands of October 7ths, but most of the rebellion were riots were mostly property was destroyed and do not go around killing and raping innocent women and children. But a majority of them followed Jesus, so maybe that explains the non violence protests in the 50’s and 60’s to maintain so equal rights


Mar 21, 2021
Projection, obviously.

Behavior is what is being evaluated. Not much equivalency there.
Behavior is what I evaluated, I was more pro Palestinian before October 7th. But thought both were fighting over a sky god and land where they both thought that their sky god might have been in the past. And when they broke through the fence and if they attack military targets I would have not been happy with the violence, but at least they were attacking the Israeli forces. But when they went exclusively after innocent civilians and deliberately killing women and children and the joy and excitement that got from killing these women and children and then parading them around like some hunter who just shot a deer and the cheering from random Palestinians civilians I knew it was a death cult that would rather kill or be killed rather then living with or next to Jewish people. And you can criticize the treatment of the Palestinians people, but after seeing what I saw and the weapons were in the other hands the Israeli people would have been massacred years ago. And the only reason they can’t is because of billions for a security fences and a iron dome that shoots random rockets.

And soon came to realize they put their women and children in harms way hoping they can get propaganda photos. I realized they do not care about their own women and children, see them as property and 1 in 10 females reported being raped by the brother or father. And the shame in that religion about being pure the percentage is probably way hirer then that.

It’s a death cult with rampant incest streaming through that country.


Sep 9, 2019
@area51puy you are a disgustingly cynical little cretin. Anyone who can maintain the patience required to pull your dumb **** out of the mud for no gain is probably going to be able to levitate. Sure as s*it it won't be me.


Aug 13, 2020
The Nazis of Ukraine and Israel (same source) are united in genocide, except both are getting killed.

It wasn't a coincidence that the AshkeNAZI Jews (Department of State) in the US orchestrated the Maidan color revolution (Victoria Nuland) in Ukraine and created a proxy war against Russia.

If people still believe that the US is a force for good, they should share whatever they are smoking.


CONFIRMED: 7 Ukrainians fighting for #Israel killed in #Gaza killed. Vid shows chalked up board in school they were hiding in. "Glory to #Ukraine. Mom I'm in Gaza." Fighting for another country when there's general mobilization in your own, is quite the allegiance to take.

View: https://twitter.com/IntelRepublic/status/1737782968196714894

Want To Understand The Ukraine's Crisis?

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Aug 13, 2020
For a country betting on WW3, the US doesn't seem prepared for anything.



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Aug 13, 2020
Target #1 coming into view ..

"The Biden Administration is arming and encouraging Taiwan to declare independence from China though this violates America’s signed promise :lol: in 1972, to China’s Government, that the U.S. Government acknowledges and agrees with China that “Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position.” However, now that China has the world’s largest economy, the U.S. Government can’t tolerate peace with China but wants a war between China and its province Taiwan, to serve the U.S. regime as a pretext, an excuse, to invade China if and when Taiwan announces its independence from China (which the U.S. Government has been constantly encouraging for the past few years); and (America’s billionaires hope) America would then invade China, so as to conquer and obtain control over the world’s biggest economy, which since 2015 has been and is China."

Maybe, if the US wasn't on the wrong side of things for a change ..

"It is important to remember that the US is currently in a serious economic and social crisis, which is the result of all the problems faced by the country in recent years. Soon after the ["]pandemic,["] Washington began a billion-dollar military aid campaign to the Kiev regime, sending successive packages of weapons and equipment in a completely irrational manner [AshkeNAZI US DoS], without taking into account its own national interests [AshkeNAZI US DoS]. Now, faced with the crisis in the Middle East, the country is trying to promote a new similar military campaign, but financial resources are not sufficient to repeat the suicidal measures previously implemented in Ukraine."

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Aug 13, 2020
Isn't this the same thing Israel is doing today with also 90% approval rating, the killing of innocent civilians?

"The way the American system is set up, even a good leader can’t ever get more than a 50% approval rating. That’s been the case since George W. Bush got 90% after starting wars as revenge for 9/11."

EDIT: We know it wasn't really revenge, except in the minds of those taken for fools, just like Israel is continuing the genocide since 1948, just an excuse to wage war against innocent countries, other than those actually involved in 9/11.
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Sep 9, 2019

"Carlin had a history of heart problems spanning three decades. This included heart attacks in 1978, 1982, and 1991; an arrhythmia requiring an ablation procedure in 2003; a significant episode of heart failure in 2005; and two angioplasties on undisclosed dates. On June 22, 2008, at the age of 71, he died due to heart failure at Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California."



Mar 21, 2021
Watching this thread your are seeing the propaganda, which is ultimately the war on Christians, especially white Christians and your are seeing the war on Ukraine which is a Christian nation and Israel the only nation that is an ally to Christians. The alliance between Russia and China and these Middle East nations are the start of the ultimate goal of eliminating the white Christian and Ukraine and Israel are their first target. They are also attacking from the inside by using anti Christian atheists and Muslims to push their propaganda from the inside.

Trump wanted to do a Muslim ban to protect Christian, because he saw the their anti Christian ways and knew their ultimate goal was to tear apart America from the inside. But he he was stopped by the anti Christian atheists.

It’s looking more and more if Trump doesn’t win in 2024 will see the genocide of white Christians. They are attacking from the inside and out.
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