What The Eternal Victims Have Done To Palestine For 75 Years


Oct 2, 2018
Your supposed love of the 'human family' couldn't be more disingenuous when you've decided that entire cultures are inherently evil, unworthy, that civilians aren't really civilians if you don't want them to be and that sympathies should be with a bunch of Europeans who razed the villages of the natives starting in 1948 and have continued to adopt it as a national sport.
Why should I love Arab's and especially the hard line Arab people's whose religion is happy to describe me as an infidel and prescribe that it is fine to kill me because I don't follow Islam. Many of these people would happily move to my country, slit my throat and take everything we have built IF THEY COULD. Thankfully they can't....yet. But who knows what lies ahead in the future.

Think about how sympathetic people in the Middle East would be if I was in trouble. Care factor would be ZERO. Yet I'm am supposed to be sympathetic and supportive of them even though I believe their values and choices have been terrible.

Plus none of the other Arab nations care one iota for the Palestinians. The Egyptians who ruled over them from 1948 - 1972 want nothing to do with them, nor does the rest of their Muslim brothers. They are simply being used as a convenient attack dog to kill Jews since the rest of the Arab world hates the Jews the most. So if none of your blood brothers care for you, why should I as a white man, who you despise and would happily kill care for you either.
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Aug 10, 2014
Why should I love Arab's and especially the hard line Arab people's whose religion is happy to describe me as an infidel and prescribe that it is fine to kill me because I don't follow Islam. Many of these people would happily move to my country, slit my throat and take everything we have built IF THEY COULD. Thankfully they can't....yet. But who knows what lies ahead in the future.

You've been conditioned to be very scared of Arabs and Muslims and it's led you to support the sort of things that ironically make us less safe.


Aug 13, 2020
They managed to derail the thread momentarily with manipulative posts they can answer themselves, just put them in the block list.

"Conceptually, a tangent implies the permutation of an existing idea into a completely different line of thinking."

Each will have to make a choice, we can't make them.
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Aug 13, 2020
That is what the US should be doing, instead of wasting hundreds of billions in war (Ukraine, Israel) and illegal immigration.

Politicians always eager to spend other people's money, just not on its citizens (never).

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Aug 13, 2020
Remember, I don't have to (think for you) account for every little detail, that's your job.

Obama is only pointing out the obvious to extremists, he's not a humanitarian.

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Aug 13, 2020
Israel "teaching a lesson", but they never learn, except for the usurpation of political and media power.

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Mar 21, 2021
Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …"

Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)."

Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …"

This is the core of the problem right here !!!!!

A vast majority majority of Muslims are good people and the people in Hamas were good people at one point. We are not born evil. But were manipulatied to think killing people is good and they god is on their side and doing his will.

The people in Ukraine and Palestine are suffering because their is a proxy war between America and Russia and a proxy war between Iran and Israel.
America used Ukrainians as tools by financing, infiltrating their government with puppets propped up with western money, and Hamas is propped up with Iranian money. Iran doesn’t care about the lives of Palestinians, because if they did they wouldn’t finance and promote hamas that in the end only ends up killing thousands of Muslims. Us doesn’t care about Ukrainians to promote bombing of Russian Ukrainians that lead to Russia invading Ukraine and lead to hundred thousand deaths of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.

I don’t get how people are not intelligent enough to see people in power using these people for their political gain. And when Iran and America prop up corrupt actors In Palestinian and Ukraine that don’t not care about the welfare of their people and are only seeking their own power.

And if you think I am wrong tell your kid to go to their school and shoot it up and tell them they are justified because they were bullied and then tell them to kidnap some kids and then come home and when the police use tactic that might lead to the rest of your family getting killed while you are at the same time resisting the cops and refuse to leave. Then post pictures online about the police brutality.


Mar 21, 2021
Who knows what you are talking about. It was all over the news for ages.

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I imagine if it dragged on for as long as the Israelis have been committing crimes -75 years - the crowds would be even bigger. Nobody was surprised by the barbarism of the Saudis. Israel however has always advertised itself as being a light of humanity in sea of backwards people. Israelis don't get to complain when they are held to the higher standard they claimed to exemplify.
A handful of people here and there and if you ask 90 percent of the world about the war and genocide of the people in Yemen they would have no idea about it.

10 thousand Palestinians have been killed in 75 years and a couple thousand Israelis and 377, 000 people in Yemen have been killed in 8 years and Muslims didn’t care didn’t care. If this is about humanity. Why didn’t the world care when the death toll was times ten of Palestinians.

Chomsky talked about worthy and unworthy victims. Are the dead children in Yemen unworthy victims in your eye s and the world eyes.


Aug 13, 2020
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Aug 13, 2020
How nice of people to defend Israel when Israel (or their own government) doesn't care about them.

Sixth Fleet Abandons USS Liberty Under Fire. DoD Approves Of Their Action

ON JUNE 8, 1967, while patrolling in international waters in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was savagely attacked without warning or justification by air and naval forces of the state of Israel. Of a crew of 294 officers and men (including three civilians), the ship suffered thirty four (34) killed in action and one hundred seventy three (173) wounded in action.

During the air attack, USS Liberty’s crew had difficulty contacting Sixth Fleet to request assistance due to intense communications jamming. The initial targets on the ship were the command bridge, communications antennas, and the four .50 caliber machine guns, placed on the ship to repel boarders. After the Israeli fighter aircraft completed their attacks, three Israeli torpedo boats arrived and began a surface attack about 35 minutes after the start of the air attack. The torpedo boats launched a total of five torpedoes, one of which struck the side of USS Liberty, opposite the ship’s research spaces. Twenty-five Americans, in addition to the nine who had been killed in the earlier air attacks, were killed as a result of this explosion.

The War Crimes Report we filed lists allegations of acts committed during the attack on our ship, including:

  • The jamming of our radios on both US Navy tactical and international maritime distress frequencies;
  • The use of unmarked aircraft by the forces attacking the USS Liberty;
  • The deliberate machine gunning of life rafts we had dropped over the side in anticipation of abandoning ship; and
  • The recall of two flights of rescue aircraft that had been launched from Sixth Fleet aircraft carriers. After those flights were recalled, Sixth Fleet personnel listened to our calls for help as the attack continued knowing they were forbidden to come to our assistance.
The Department of Defense has unilaterally waived its obligation under the Department of Defense Law of War Program by refusing to investigate the allegations contained in the War Crimes Report.



Mar 21, 2021
How nice of people to defend Israel when Israel (or their own government) doesn't care about them.

Sixth Fleet Abandons USS Liberty Under Fire. DoD Approves Of Their Action

ON JUNE 8, 1967, while patrolling in international waters in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was savagely attacked without warning or justification by air and naval forces of the state of Israel. Of a crew of 294 officers and men (including three civilians), the ship suffered thirty four (34) killed in action and one hundred seventy three (173) wounded in action.

During the air attack, USS Liberty’s crew had difficulty contacting Sixth Fleet to request assistance due to intense communications jamming. The initial targets on the ship were the command bridge, communications antennas, and the four .50 caliber machine guns, placed on the ship to repel boarders. After the Israeli fighter aircraft completed their attacks, three Israeli torpedo boats arrived and began a surface attack about 35 minutes after the start of the air attack. The torpedo boats launched a total of five torpedoes, one of which struck the side of USS Liberty, opposite the ship’s research spaces. Twenty-five Americans, in addition to the nine who had been killed in the earlier air attacks, were killed as a result of this explosion.

The War Crimes Report we filed lists allegations of acts committed during the attack on our ship, including:

  • The jamming of our radios on both US Navy tactical and international maritime distress frequencies;
  • The use of unmarked aircraft by the forces attacking the USS Liberty;
  • The deliberate machine gunning of life rafts we had dropped over the side in anticipation of abandoning ship; and
  • The recall of two flights of rescue aircraft that had been launched from Sixth Fleet aircraft carriers. After those flights were recalled, Sixth Fleet personnel listened to our calls for help as the attack continued knowing they were forbidden to come to our assistance.
The Department of Defense has unilaterally waived its obligation under the Department of Defense Law of War Program by refusing to investigate the allegations contained in the War Crimes Report.

Has Palestine, Palestinians or Hamas committed in war crimes? And could you list out the war crimes they committed


Aug 17, 2016
How nice of people to defend Israel when Israel (or their own government) doesn't care about them.

Sixth Fleet Abandons USS Liberty Under Fire. DoD Approves Of Their Action

ON JUNE 8, 1967, while patrolling in international waters in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was savagely attacked without warning or justification by air and naval forces of the state of Israel. Of a crew of 294 officers and men (including three civilians), the ship suffered thirty four (34) killed in action and one hundred seventy three (173) wounded in action.

During the air attack, USS Liberty’s crew had difficulty contacting Sixth Fleet to request assistance due to intense communications jamming. The initial targets on the ship were the command bridge, communications antennas, and the four .50 caliber machine guns, placed on the ship to repel boarders. After the Israeli fighter aircraft completed their attacks, three Israeli torpedo boats arrived and began a surface attack about 35 minutes after the start of the air attack. The torpedo boats launched a total of five torpedoes, one of which struck the side of USS Liberty, opposite the ship’s research spaces. Twenty-five Americans, in addition to the nine who had been killed in the earlier air attacks, were killed as a result of this explosion.

The War Crimes Report we filed lists allegations of acts committed during the attack on our ship, including:

  • The jamming of our radios on both US Navy tactical and international maritime distress frequencies;
  • The use of unmarked aircraft by the forces attacking the USS Liberty;
  • The deliberate machine gunning of life rafts we had dropped over the side in anticipation of abandoning ship; and
  • The recall of two flights of rescue aircraft that had been launched from Sixth Fleet aircraft carriers. After those flights were recalled, Sixth Fleet personnel listened to our calls for help as the attack continued knowing they were forbidden to come to our assistance.
The Department of Defense has unilaterally waived its obligation under the Department of Defense Law of War Program by refusing to investigate the allegations contained in the War Crimes Report.

Interviewer with the author is below the description



Aug 13, 2020
The chemical Weapons of M**** Destruction hoax again?

They tried that in Syria, Ukraine, and now Gaza?

Just like the US, Israel NEEDS to vilify Hamas and call them terrorists to justify their genocide of the Palestinians (we see through you!)

"First, the Israelis helped build up a militant strain of Palestinian political Islam, in the form of Hamas and its Muslim Brotherhood precursors; then, the Israelis switched tack and tried to bomb, besiege, and blockade it out of existence."

"A False Flag attack is coming in Gaza" EX-CIA agent says GET READY!

Ex CIA analyst Larry Johnson says that over the past 24 hours we've seen some really troubling rhetoric coming from mainstream media and the Israeli government telling us that Hamas has been preparing chemical weapons.

View: https://youtu.be/CdDXWYkfQMQ?t=144

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Aug 13, 2020
Hamas is underground so all Israel can do is bomb civilians in Gaza (genocide).

Israel already demonstrated their military incompetence in Lebanon (2006), where they lost to Hezbollah.

Israel has a conscript army and is not prepared for a ground invasion of Gaza.

So Israel will continue the genocide to force the Palestinians to leave Gaza, then it will claim the Palestinians left of their own.
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Mar 21, 2021
Hamas is underground so all Israel can do is bomb civilians in Gaza (genocide).

Israel already demonstrated their military incompetence in Lebanon (2006), where they lost to Hezbollah.

Israel has a conscript army and is not prepared for a ground invasion of Gaza.

So Israel will continue the genocide to force the Palestinians to leave Gaza, then it will claim the Palestinians left of their own.
Were you not able to list the war crimes committed by Palestinians and Hamas. If this is tribal for you you are not helping the Palestinians people you are just contributing to the problem.
There are evil actor on both sides that use people fears to gain power. And it is a whole easier to gain power when you tribe is attacked by the other tribe. We evolved from monkeys and about 2000 and 3000 years some men wrote books to control the population. This was before the internet so they had an excuse to believe these fairy tales, but we are in the year 2023 and we have men that will give up their live in attempts to kill others because thousands of years ago some con man wrote some books.

That the core of the problem and both sides can point fingers of who did this who did that, but violence begets violence. Hamas attack did nothing for the Palestinian people but bring more deaths and violence. Hamas is about Hamas

Jackson Chung

Jul 30, 2017
I hate to go into this thread. But area51puy is right. Yes Israel isn't perfect, but if the roles were reversed and islam was in the position of Israel with unwavering support from the west, what would happen? Genocide like you have never seen.

How do I know? personal experience, i had a good friiend that was muslim in college. He was religious, but initially didn't mention it. as i got closer to him, his true side came out. I was called kaffir (infidel) when he spoke to his other muslim friends. i was told to convert or god will cut my head off.

it really is scary to think about.

Also Israel did not start it.
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