What The Eternal Victims Have Done To Palestine For 75 Years


Aug 13, 2020
In Video 18+: Thousands Of Children Fell Victims To Israeli Strikes





Aug 13, 2020

View: https://youtu.be/TyopPPAXNDE?t=332

[ See transcript below ]

You know, Israel has a policy called the Dahiya. And I think people need to look into this because it's basically an open acknowledgement that Israel's military stance in regards to situations like this is founded not in international law, but in war crimes.

Dahiya means mow the grass. It means that Israel is going to come in with overwhelming, disproportional response that targets the civilian population as a mechanism of punishment so that the civilians will put pressure on Hezbollah or Hamas to bring these down.

It doesn't work that way. I mean, General Lebed, a Soviet general and Russian general, wisely said that the best soldiers are created from the men who lost their families through the indiscriminate bombing of an occupying power because now they have nothing to live for but revenge, and they will get their revenge.

Israel has been carrying out the mowing of the grass from its very inception. The Nakba, the catastrophe was what took place in 1948.

The slaughter of thousands of Palestinians for the purpose of driving them out of their homes.

247 villages, towns in the Negev desert that were supposed to go to the new Palestinian state.

Instead, were taken over by the Israelis because they slaughtered the men, threw their bodies in the ditches and drove the women and children to Gaza, to this open air prison [concentration] camp.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfDhaWlqXf8

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2H-F0HVKDY


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Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
For an eye opener on 'the eternal victims' read "Breaking the Spell" by Nicholas Kollerstrom . Amazon just recently stopped selling it censorship.
Kollerstrom lost his job at Oxford for writing it. Reads like a Murder Mystery following the scientific trail of Zyklon B. Can't say enough good about it!
Powell's - out of stock, Thrift books- out of stock.........see a pattern? The TRUTH is b****!
e book: Breaking the Spell


Aug 13, 2020

Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth & Reality​


Nick Kollerstrom
Castle Hill Publishers, 2014 - 256 pages

In 1941, British Intelligence analysts cracked the German "Enigma" code. This undermined the German war effort - but also threw new light on day-by-day events in the Nazi concentration camp system. Between January 1942 and January 1943, encrypted radio communications between those camps and the Berlin headquarters were intercepted and decrypted. Oddly enough, historians have largely ignored the information furnished in these intercepts relating to "arrivals," "departures," recorded deaths and other events at these camps. The only reasonable explanation for this embarrassing omission is that the intercepted data seriously contradicts, even refutes, the orthodox "Holocaust" narrative. The revealed information does not expose a program of mass murder and racial genocide. Quite the opposite: it reveals that the Germans were determined, desperate even, to reduce the death rate in their work camps, which was caused by catastrophic typhus epidemics.

For an eye opener on 'the eternal victims' read "Breaking the Spell" by Nicholas Kollerstrom . Amazon just recently stopped selling it censorship.
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Aug 13, 2020

The Jewish Hand in the World Wars​


Thomas Dalton
Castle Hill Publishers, 2019 - 198 pages

When we examine the causal factors for war, and when we look at its primary beneficiaries, we repeatedly find a prominent Jewish presence. Throughout history, Jews [not biblical Hebrews] have played an exceptionally active role in promoting and inciting war. With their long notorious influence in government, we find recurrent instances of Jews promoting hard-line stances, being uncompromising, and actively inciting people to hatred. Jewish misanthropy, rooted in Old Testament mandates, and combined with a ruthless materialism, has led them, time and again, to instigate warfare if it served their larger interests. This fact explains much about the present-day world.


Aug 13, 2020
The "6 million Jews" claim was brought up time and time again, from the Stalin-caused famine in Ukraine to WWI and WWII.

How is this possible? Is just propaganda.

10 mentions of 6 million JEWS and the HOLOCAUST in newspapers​

Reviewing newspapers from 1915 to 1938 regarding population of Jews

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KaMynWTvhM


Aug 13, 2020
U.S. Deploys Large Force - Eyes On Syria

That is why I believe that the real aim of this build-up is to finally 'regime change' Syria and to kick out the Russian forces who are there to support its government.

The recent Israeli bombing attacks on the airports of Aleppo and Damascus, disabling both of them, point into this direction.

The neo-conservative lunatics in the White House may well think that they now have a chance to eliminate Russia's presence in the Middle East.

They will think of this as a revenge for their loss of the the war in Ukraine. They also believe that it will prevent, or compensate for, their geopolitical defeat in Gaza.

Russia is undoubtedly prepared for that. Still, its contingent in Syria is too small. A combined attack by all U.S. forces in the area, more than 150 airplanes, would certainly defeat it.

The question then will be: "What's next?"

But I for one do not dare to answer it.

Putin orders permanent patrolling of Black Sea airspace by 'Kinzhal'-armed planes

The Russian leader specified that "these systems have range of over 1,000 km and speed of up to Mach 9"

BEIJING, October 18. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir said that he ordered the Russian Aerospace forces to begin permanent patrolling of the Black Sea airspace with planes carrying 'Kinzhal' missiles.


Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth & Reality​


Nick Kollerstrom
Castle Hill Publishers, 2014 - 256 pages

In 1941, British Intelligence analysts cracked the German "Enigma" code. This undermined the German war effort - but also threw new light on day-by-day events in the Nazi concentration camp system. Between January 1942 and January 1943, encrypted radio communications between those camps and the Berlin headquarters were intercepted and decrypted. Oddly enough, historians have largely ignored the information furnished in these intercepts relating to "arrivals," "departures," recorded deaths and other events at these camps. The only reasonable explanation for this embarrassing omission is that the intercepted data seriously contradicts, even refutes, the orthodox "Holocaust" narrative. The revealed information does not expose a program of mass murder and racial genocide. Quite the opposite: it reveals that the Germans were determined, desperate even, to reduce the death rate in their work camps, which was caused by catastrophic typhus epidemics.
Like I said, the book is incredible, it's just science. Follows the Zyklon B said to gas jews. Spoiler Alert: In reality, Zyklon B has only been found in the fumigation rooms in the camps. It leaves a blue residue , all walls were scraped by numerous experts. The fumigation rooms were to gas the belonginhgs of the prisoners coming off the train cars. They were covered with fleas & lice. Thus the showers!!!!! Also ....never in ANY historical record did anyone claim that any bodies were pink. Seems Zyklon B turns a human body Bright PINK. So, this whole gassing people in showers has been total & complete bull****! When you introduce a gas like Zyklon B into a room, you MUST have the capabilities to extract the same gas out. Otherwise who ever opens the door gets gassed as well. All those horror stories were written after the fact. I want in my lifetime this whole Holocaust Lie to be outed. Besides, Holocaust means to die in a fire. There are still financial reparations being paid by Germany to this day to relatives of camp prisoners. It's the lie that keeps on giving! Poor Germany, the people have been raised by a lie and to believe they were horrible people and to perpetuate a lie. It's ILLEGAL to QUESTION the Holo-hoax in numerous Countries. We can question the Killing Fields in Cameroon, yet not the Holo-hoax. Sure people of all nationalities died in the camps, were worked to death, were experimented on, yet not gassed in millions. That's just smoldering Horse poop! It's war time and you don't kill FREE LABOR! The people were skinny when liberated from camps because the Allies bombed the roads & railroads that brought supplies.


Dec 1, 2021
The Israeli elite want power, simple as. Only difference they have from our leaders is that they do not feel limited by politics as much as we do as they play the eternal victim. That Israel was a safeheaven for criminals and pedophiles is well-known already. The only thing they care about is more power, and it seems that the population doesn't really reflect this desire of their leaders. But then again, we see incidences of Jewish people spitting on Christians and Muslims and being outright racist.

It's all optics, and I'm sure you can defend every side as there is enough material to defend and oppose each angle. It all boils down to who do you believe? Are you willing to make a deep dive to find the ACTUAL truth?

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018

View: https://youtu.be/TyopPPAXNDE?t=332

[ See transcript below ]

You know, Israel has a policy called the Dahiya. And I think people need to look into this because it's basically an open acknowledgement that Israel's military stance in regards to situations like this is founded not in international law, but in war crimes.

Dahiya means mow the grass. It means that Israel is going to come in with overwhelming, disproportional response that targets the civilian population as a mechanism of punishment so that the civilians will put pressure on Hezbollah or Hamas to bring these down.

It doesn't work that way. I mean, General Lebed, a Soviet general and Russian general, wisely said that the best soldiers are created from the men who lost their families through the indiscriminate bombing of an occupying power because now they have nothing to live for but revenge, and they will get their revenge.

Israel has been carrying out the mowing of the grass from its very inception. The Nakba, the catastrophe was what took place in 1948.

The slaughter of thousands of Palestinians for the purpose of driving them out of their homes.

247 villages, towns in the Negev desert that were supposed to go to the new Palestinian state.

Instead, were taken over by the Israelis because they slaughtered the men, threw their bodies in the ditches and drove the women and children to Gaza, to this open air prison [concentration] camp.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfDhaWlqXf8

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2H-F0HVKDY

Propaganda. Go somewhere else. Arafat and successors were given hundreds of millions of dollars to improve Palestine. He and others used the money for their own henefit.

The people on this blog are not ignorant. Peddle your crap somewhere else. Freekin baby pics.


Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
The Israeli government and country are a construct of the BRITISH PILGRIMS SOCIETY (see the Balfour Declaration). The Pilgrims Society is a front for the 4,000 year old death and usury cult known as the Babylonian Radhanites (low info people call them the Khazarian Jews or mafia). In Christ’s day this cult was known as the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. (Rev. 2:9, 3:9). Even Jesus knew that they hide behind the Jews to wage their satanic evil on the world.


Aug 13, 2020
Why are you here @Pablo Cruise, acting like an emotional uneducated person?

You contribute nothing of importance, just shout/jump aggresively like those that know they are on the wrong side, but don't care.

You are fighting facts.

Genocide is not negotiable.

P.S. Make your own thread with whatever faulty logic and insults you like if that's your issue.

Propaganda. Go somewhere else. Arafat and successors were given hundreds of millions of dollars to improve Palestine. He and others used the money for their own henefit.

The people on this blog are not ignorant. Peddle your crap somewhere else. Freekin baby pics.


Dec 1, 2021
Propaganda. Go somewhere else. Arafat and successors were given hundreds of millions of dollars to improve Palestine. He and others used the money for their own henefit.

The people on this blog are not ignorant. Peddle your crap somewhere else. Freekin baby pics.
"They will cry out in pain as they strike you"
Can't ignore all the taxpayer money Israel gets. Ironic it all goes into military as well, considering they use it to bully the middle east WHILE claiming it is a necessity. Lmao. If it weren't for politics they would have taken all that land without second thought. They need it to rebuild Israel, after all.

And after this they will send all those fugitives to Europe. Great.


Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Propaganda. Go somewhere else. Arafat and successors were given hundreds of millions of dollars to improve Palestine. He and others used the money for their own henefit.

The people on this blog are not ignorant. Peddle your crap somewhere else. Freekin baby pics.
yes, Arafat was corrupt and a PAWN! A traitor to his people!


Aug 13, 2020
That's irrelevant, Netanyahu is a war criminal and the most corrupt individual, a complete liar.

We shouldn't go on a tangent or get distracted because a Zionist dislikes the truth.

yes, Arafat was corrupt and a PAWN! A traitor to his people!

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018

View: https://youtu.be/TyopPPAXNDE?t=332

[ See transcript below ]

You know, Israel has a policy called the Dahiya. And I think people need to look into this because it's basically an open acknowledgement that Israel's military stance in regards to situations like this is founded not in international law, but in war crimes.

Dahiya means mow the grass. It means that Israel is going to come in with overwhelming, disproportional response that targets the civilian population as a mechanism of punishment so that the civilians will put pressure on Hezbollah or Hamas to bring these down.

It doesn't work that way. I mean, General Lebed, a Soviet general and Russian general, wisely said that the best soldiers are created from the men who lost their families through the indiscriminate bombing of an occupying power because now they have nothing to live for but revenge, and they will get their revenge.

Israel has been carrying out the mowing of the grass from its very inception. The Nakba, the catastrophe was what took place in 1948.

The slaughter of thousands of Palestinians for the purpose of driving them out of their homes.

247 villages, towns in the Negev desert that were supposed to go to the new Palestinian state.

Instead, were taken over by the Israelis because they slaughtered the men, threw their bodies in the ditches and drove the women and children to Gaza, to this open air prison [concentration] camp.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfDhaWlqXf8

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2H-F0HVKDY

Propaganda. Go somewhere else. Arafat and successors were given hundreds of millions of dollars to improve Palestine. He and others usedthe money for their own henefit.

The people on this blog are not ignorant. Peddle your crap somewhere else. Freekin baby pics.
Why are you here @Pablo Cruise, acting like an emotional uneducated person?

You contribute nothing of importance, just shout/jump aggresively like those that know they are on the wrong side, but don't care.

You are fighting facts.

Genocide is not negotiable.

P.S. Make your own thread with whatever faulty logic and insults you like if that's your issue.
Like I said take your rap to a college campus where people are naive. You mistate the truth.First you want to kill all Jews then it will be all Americans. We don't need your crap.


Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
That's irrelevant, Netanyahu is a war criminal and the most corrupt individual, a complete liar.

We shouldn't go on a tangent or get distracted because a Zionist dislikes the truth.
Both Bibi & Arafat are pawns. Bibi is a fake Jew anyway......real name Mileikowsky. The real Hebrews (and everyone else) are being manipulated & used in Deep State proxy wars.


Aug 13, 2020
@Pablo Cruise, you don't decide anything and what you wrote is the same idiocy I hear from US politicians (Nikki Haley). Grow up!

What you write is so ridiculous so why not give you more rope .. and put you in the list of time wasters (blocked).

First you want to kill all Jews then it will be all Americans. We don't need your crap.


Aug 13, 2020
"Let the dead bury the dead"

Anyone else can watch the massive protests and vigils all around the world against the genocide and for the Palestinians, because the world is watching and is reacting to this evil and criminal enterprise called Zionism.

Even a senile man like Biden (that's saying a lot) sees this:

Netanyahu: We will not allow humanitarian assistance in the form of food and medicines from our territory to the Gaza Strip.

Biden: Look, if you have an opportunity to alleviate the pain, you should do it, period.

Biden: And if you don't, you're gonna lose credibility worldwide.

The silence and apathy of the people in the US will come back to haunt them when the United States breaks up in less than 10 years.

Is the same enemy working from the inside.
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Aug 13, 2020
The hypocrisy is absurd, watch this rabid Zionist Ashkenazi Jew threatening Russia when "Israel" is helping Ukrainian neo-Nazis against Russia.

Criminals always project themselves onto others!

Amir Weitmann, member of Israel's ruling Likud Party threatens Russia on RT

"After we win this war...we will make sure that Ukraine wins...Russia will pay the price..."

View: https://twitter.com/DD_Geopolitics/status/1715013137186042036

Israel helps Ukraine more than it says – Ambassador Prosor

Israel’s Ambassador to Germany, Ron Prosor, stated that the Israeli state helped Ukraine much more than it openly stated. He commented on the situation in an interview with the German edition of WAZ.

We help from behind the scenes and more than meets the eye. We also have a large Jewish community in Russia. These are the two main reasons we stay in the shadows,” stressed Ron Prosor.

Recently, it became known what military technology Israel transferred to Ukraine. According to Ukrainian Ambassador Yevgeny Korniychuk, the Israelis decided to transfer technology for the timely detection of missile and drone launches.
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