When Will The World Go Full Peat?


Mar 15, 2014
This is Paleo, not Peat. And still reductionist, as it singles out "Dietary Guidelines" instead of a more helpful set of "Health Guidelines" which include dietary, as well as lifestyle and behavior guidelines.

With regards to popularity, here's a google trends comparison of the two.


Apparently, Ray Peat in 2017 is as popular as Paleo was in 2004. If we assume that Ray Peat takes off at the same rate, starting right now, it will be another 8 years until it matches Paleo at the peak of its popularity.

It also doesn't have the same kind of emotional, new-age intuition about it as paleo does, where paleo claims it's "natural" and "evolutionarily correct".

Also interesting is that interest in "Paleo" spikes every January, probably due to people searching for a new diet as a New Year's resolution.
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Mar 29, 2016
I don't want to get into a politics discussion because doing so invariably causes tempers to start getting high. But every action he has taken and every nominee he has appointed so far except for General Mattis and maybe Rex Tillerson has shown that Trump is just like every other politician that people are sick of. Everything he has done so far is making corruption worse, not better. Also, you didn't respond to my original comment at all. You didn't name a single thing he's done that would even come close to helping reduce corruption, which was the fundamental premise of his campaign. Instead, you called people "libtards." Donald Trump is just another liar with no regard for anyone or anything but himself and his bank account.
Trump isn't Moses. Don't expect so much done yet for a few days sitting in the Oval Office. Obama ran on a "change" platform, and you've seen the sort of change that happened, and more so, that didn't even happen much less show up. I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt. I don't expect you to, but I hope you will give Trump that. No more, no less.


Mar 29, 2016
This is Paleo, not Peat. And still reductionist, as it singles out "Dietary Guidelines" instead of a more helpful set of "Health Guidelines" which include dietary, as well as lifestyle and behavior guidelines.

With regards to popularity, here's a google trends comparison of the two.


Apparently, Ray Peat in 2017 is as popular as Paleo was in 2004. If we assume that Ray Peat takes off at the same rate, starting right now, it will be another 8 years until it matches Paleo at the peak of its popularity.

It also doesn't have the same kind of emotional, new-age intuition about it as paleo does, where paleo claims it's "natural" and "evolutionarily correct".

Also interesting is that interest in "Paleo" spikes every January, probably due to people searching for a new diet as a New Year's resolution.
I guess we should resign ourselves to be healthy at the outer fringe of life.


Dec 10, 2016
Apparently, Ray Peat in 2017 is as popular as Paleo was in 2004. If we assume that Ray Peat takes off at the same rate, starting right now, it will be another 8 years until it matches Paleo at the peak of its popularity.

As long as authorities in the established institutions don't start promoting his ideas, it will never take off to the extend as paleo.
Paleo is an extremely simple idea/dogma which can be communicated to the public much easier.
If you would do some surveys on this forum concerning educational level and social background, you would quickly realize what a very specific group of people is drawn to his work.


Dec 1, 2012
Nutrition is complicated. Humans vary greatly, and it's difficult to tease out correlation from causation given the limitations of scientific studies.

I think Peat's nutritional philosophy points in the right general direction, but at the end of the day it's just a model of a very complex part of the universe that human being's are still thoroughly confused about. It will be very surprising if all of Peat's ideas about nutrition hit the bullseye. It's not a good idea to be dogmatic about anything, especially in areas where the evidence is such that you're confidence shouldn't be that strong. Experiment with Ray's ideas and use them as a compass to get you moving in the right direction, but you should never go full Peat.


Experiment with Ray's ideas and use them as a compass to get you moving in the right direction, but you should never go full Peat.
This is good common sense. I have noticed that those around these ideas for a few years or more display this maturity. People do have to find their own way :):


Mar 12, 2016
McDougall's diet is the closest thing that the entire world can embrace. Other diets are way too

Dr McDougall in Shocking Vegan Interview - Diet Doctor

He recommends:

High starch
low fat
Table sugar
Vegetable and fruits

People should eat the healthiest diet they can afford - in the meantime the rest of the world should work towards making the 'healthiest' diet more affordable for everyone else.


Sep 28, 2016
Nutrition is complicated. Humans vary greatly, and it's difficult to tease out correlation from causation given the limitations of scientific studies.

I think Peat's nutritional philosophy points in the right general direction, but at the end of the day it's just a model of a very complex part of the universe that human being's are still thoroughly confused about. It will be very surprising if all of Peat's ideas about nutrition hit the bullseye. It's not a good idea to be dogmatic about anything, especially in areas where the evidence is such that you're confidence shouldn't be that strong. Experiment with Ray's ideas and use them as a compass to get you moving in the right direction, but you should never go full Peat.
What makes Peat's ideas great is that they are inherently not dogmatic. He approaches problems from a very realistic perspective and will admit any miscalculations in an instant if he believes the evidence opposes any of his views. He also tells people to not simply listen to him and think for themselves. Dogma also requires authority, a role Peat intentionally avoids. I think the primary danger regarding Peat's ideas are that they are often misinterpreted or taken to the extreme. Nevertheless one should always think for one's self and never blindly believe another's logic.


Mar 12, 2016
Ultimately one must realise that vitality neither begins nor ends with Peat. After all, "knowledge is tentative".


Mar 15, 2014
Paleo is an extremely simple idea/dogma which can be communicated to the public much easier.

Yeah, that's what I meant by "new age intuition". Same reason why there are so many people who theorize about evolutionary stuff without actually reading much published science.


Mar 29, 2016
Yeah, that's what I meant by "new age intuition". Same reason why there are so many people who theorize about evolutionary stuff without actually reading much published science.
I suppose Paleo is more easily explained. How can you explain Ray Peat?

If you can encapsulate Ray Peat in a silver bullet, then Ray Peat would climb up the charts like pop music.


Jun 18, 2015
This is a great statement.

I'm just realizing, the image you use in your avatar... I have often thought of myself as striving to be truly pure of heart, wondering if and when the flying nimbus would support me. Is this why you chose that image?
In the emancipatory sense, the idea of „God as the creator of the world” is the result
of the historical development of society and it signifies man's becoming a sovereign cosmic
being. The development of the self‐consciousness of man as a creative being and a creator of
(his own) world is the basis for the theory of the world as „God's creation". „God" is an
expression of man's becoming independent from nature and placing his powers „above" the
powers of nature. Through the idea of „God", man becomes an autonomous creative power
and, in that sense, a sovereign cosmic being: the creation of the world is a conscious and
volitional act. „God" is not the creator of the human world, but a symbolic expression of the
specific relationship of man as a sovereign cosmic being to the universe. He appears as a
historical quality through which man comes to an idea of the world as a specific cosmos and
to an idea of himself as a specific cosmic being, and as a quality that provides the possibility
for man as a specific cosmic being to overcome the infinite (physical) quantum of the
cosmos and perceive the cosmos as a life‐creating whole. At the same time, the idea that
spirit can create matter may mean that man's creative powers and his creative imagination
are the forces that can create the non‐existent. Man with his creative spirit and creative
abilities cannot produce matter out of nothing (creatio ex nihilo), but is able through the
creative processing of matter to enable it to realize its life‐creating potential. This is the
affirmation of the life‐creating principle as a universal cosmic principle and man as a
specific cosmic being that is the highest form in which the life‐creating nature of the
universe is realized.
The notion that the true essence, which enables man to overcome the existing
world, lies not outside, but within man, is one of the most important emancipatory ideas of
Christianity. Rather than lightening him from the outside, it is the inner illumination
(enlightenment) that is the fundamental principle of spiritualization of man. It follows that
the emanating radiance of man's humanity, from which Walter Benjamin's aura is derived,
is the basis for establishing society as a fraternal community of „radiant" people. At the
same time, the humanity emanating from man is the light that illuminates the road ahead.
One of the most dramatic truths, which enables man in the face of the worst tyranny to keep
the faith that he can fight for a just world, is this: the faintest light penetrates the densest
darkness. Candle flame is the symbol of that truth. Exposure of churches to artificial light is a
way of sterilizing their power of enlightenment and of converting them into the scenery of
the existing world. The purpose of their existence is to radiate light that enables man to see
that which is invisible. They should emanate the true light that does not lighten but
enlighten man. „Grandiose" places of worship are not beacons of the light of truth, but an
embodiment of the Earthly political and economic power of the ecclesiastical oligarchy.
Rather than enlighten, they astonish the (philistine) citizenry with their monumentality.
Greatness of faith is not measured by the size of places of worship, but with the depth of
conceiving what is true. Faith does not inhabit the walls of churches, but the hearts of
people. A false faith is based on a spectacular illusion; true faith is based on an invisible
The question of „God" is really a question about the essence of man and the cosmos.
As such, it is a „mediator" between mankind and the universe. With man's emancipation as a
cosmic being, the idea of „God" acquires a new dimension. In the era of the cosmic
expansion of humanity, it no longer has anything to do with „heaven". The idea of „God" can
survive only in the depths of the human being, primarily as an aesthetic idea, which enables
man to comprehend the cosmos in a human way and treat it as a life‐creating whole. At the
same time, it has a reason to exist as one of the unifying ideas for humanity within the anti‐
capitalist movement ‐ as a symbolic synthesis of the humanistic heritage and the humanist
potentials of mankind in relation to the technical world and the reduction of man to mere
matter, meaning, in relation to the mechanistic materialism that has an anti‐spiritual and anti‐life character.


Mar 29, 2016
These are great insights. Thanks, nicolabeacon.
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