Who Is Q?


Mar 2, 2016
#TakeTheOath started trending on Friday. Wonder what that's all about.

edit: actually before but who's keeping track?


Apr 28, 2018
How can I "Trust the Plan" when I don't even know what the plan is?[/QUOTE]

Part of the plan is that trump is working with a legion of old head military, not necessarily active duty, that have been planning against the neocons for decades, waiting for the org to get stronger and the exact right time. Time will tell I guess.


Oct 13, 2014
How can I "Trust the Plan" when I don't even know what the plan is?

Part of the plan is that trump is working with a legion of old head military, not necessarily active duty, that have been planning against the neocons for decades, waiting for the org to get stronger and the exact right time. Time will tell I guess.[/QUOTE]
Wishful thinking


Nov 9, 2018
I guess you guys didn't see the first post. Look into Austin Steinbart. His explanation of Q anon is very convincing. He says it's a time machine operation where they send messages from the future to the past using quantim internet hence the Q

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
I guess you guys didn't see the first post. Look into Austin Steinbart. His explanation of Q anon is very convincing. He says it's a time machine operation where they send messages from the future to the past using quantim internet hence the Q



Nov 9, 2018
i know it sounds crazy but his explanation behind alot of things going on in the world is very convincing in general he's says hes apart of the defense intelligence agency. Check him out.


Jul 17, 2022
st louis mo
Dusting off this ol' thread as there's been some movement. Q is back posting again. Yippee.

I laughed a bit when I read this as I honestly don't know if the Q/Trump thing is complete bull**** or the savior of the universe. Keeping that in mind, this is a bit absurd. DNA? ASCENSION?

What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Information is power.
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.

I'm tired of messing with my secret decoder ring. If I could tell Q one thing it would be this: The world demands that people inject themselves with deadly potions, sorry if I'm a little impatient with puzzles.


Apr 28, 2018
Dusting off this ol' thread as there's been some movement. Q is back posting again. Yippee.

I laughed a bit when I read this as I honestly don't know if the Q/Trump thing is complete bull**** or the savior of the universe. Keeping that in mind, this is a bit absurd. DNA? ASCENSION?

What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Information is power.
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.

I'm tired of messing with my secret decoder ring. If I could tell Q one thing it would be this: The world demands that people inject themselves with deadly potions, sorry if I'm a little impatient with puzzles.
The shots change your dna. TPTB are moving forward on the premise that vackst humans are no longer human and now their property via the patented self-assembling material in them.


I guess you guys didn't see the first post. Look into Austin Steinbart. His explanation of Q anon is very convincing. He says it's a time machine operation where they send messages from the future to the past using quantim internet hence the Q

That's a wild theory. Just because it's wild doesn't mean it's false, but I think a much more believable theory is based on what we know to be true. The elites hold so much power and control over the world, they orchestrate large events that seemingly appear to look like reactionary issues. Most wars including this Russia vs Ukraine are completely manufactured to a T.

I can't remember the name of it but I remember reading about a man in the late 1800's having written a 'prophecy'. He detailed several things including the first two world wars. Well this 'prophecy' if it does exist would most likely just be an action plan prepared by the elites. They 'prophesize' something and then make it happen.

To me, that is what Q is. It was their action plan for their orchestrations. They didn't see the future, they just wrote down what they were planning to do, in a cryptic way.

So many people for some reason believe the elites are in power only because of their vast wealth. For some reason, so many people think the elites are dummies, or at the very least not highly intelligent geniuses. In my opinion, this is a designed belief, the elites want you to think they're stupid, and in fact they're most likely the smartest people on the planet.

Perhaps Nostradamus was among these elite, and his prophecies were their action plan, preparing for events thousands of years into the future. Many of his prophecies didn't come to fruition, perhaps because the elites change their minds/plan over the years.

It's strange but we do know that they often like to write down and tell people what they're planning to do, like it's some game to them.


Jan 25, 2014
Dusting off this ol' thread as there's been some movement. Q is back posting again. Yippee.

I laughed a bit when I read this as I honestly don't know if the Q/Trump thing is complete bull**** or the savior of the universe. Keeping that in mind, this is a bit absurd. DNA? ASCENSION?

What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Information is power.
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.

I'm tired of messing with my secret decoder ring. If I could tell Q one thing it would be this: The world demands that people inject themselves with deadly potions, sorry if I'm a little impatient with puzzles.
Are you sure? I think it could have been the Annunaki that coded something into our DNA.

And while, again, the obvious answer (of the times) would seem to suggest that the Covid shots are what alters your DNA, the fact of the matter is, EVERYTHING has the potential to alter your DNA. Ever kissed someone? Had sex? Eaten some food? Congrats, your DNA was likely altered. And the whole idea of gene editing tech comes from bacteria. Because all sorts of bacteria can apparently edit DNA. So, if you have done anything in your life other than live in a germ free bubble, you have been exposed to billions (maybe trillions? quadrillions?) of DNA editing organisms. Talk about a "war."

The only true way to protect your DNA in this "war" is to die. But, that seems counter productive. Maybe simpler steps like taking antibiotics occasionally along with serotonin antagonists would be a better strategy.

In truth, because my DNA (along with pretty much all other living things) has been altered probably every day of my existence on this mortal coil, I'm not that worried about it. I don't even think DNA is all that important, after conception. We all know the Human Genome Project has been a complete bust and waste of time and money. Isn't DNA mainly a blueprint? If you alter a blueprint after a building is completed, that doesn't change the building. I think DNA is similar, in that respect.

Of course, that doesn't mean I would consider one of the Covid shots. They are useless and dangerous, regardless of the mechanism. So, I won't be touching those.

Also, I seriously doubt the "we will be repressed no more" stuff. Assuming "we" refers to people, and the general population at that, it's become very clear to me that most people WANT to be enslaved. They don't really want freedom, because that always carries responsibility. They would rather have daddy take care of everything, and then whine and complain about daddy not doing everything the way they they wished, or having to follow daddy's rules. And, if you "give" someone freedom, they will necessarily have the freedom to contract unlimited, meaning they can easily contract back into servitude at any time (which is basically what happened in the united states of America).

Of course, that's not everyone. The best thing you can do if that isn't you is start researching contract law and such, start communicating with your public servants, and renegotiate the contracts, or rescind your agreement, due primarily to their incompetence and fraud.

Having said all that, the one thing that Q did brilliantly is expose the abject laziness and incompetence of the Mass Satanic Media. There's much suspicion and evidence that those posts came from within the Trump administration (especially the photos from inside Air Force One that didn't appear anywhere else on the net prior to the post), but none in the Mass Satanic Media EVER created a series of questions directed at Trump (whether when President or After) to confirm or deny if he or someone in his administration was posting that. And no, that weak **** question from Savannah Guthrie does NOT count, she didn't press the issue at all, just made some lame **** mention that Trump easily brushed off. That is NOT how any investigated journalist would ever work.


Sep 9, 2019
I don't even think DNA is all that important, after conception. We all know the Human Genome Project has been a complete bust and waste of time and money. Isn't DNA mainly a blueprint? If you alter a blueprint after a building is completed, that doesn't change the building. I think DNA is similar, in that respect.
Mr Horse, I'm intrigued by your suggestion it's a blueprint.

If I said it wasn't a blueprint but a readout for the state of a cell in response to it's environment. A mere reflection. That alteration could never be made permanent, even in areas seemingly protected from common epigenetic change. Which would also render it unimportant. Would it be a mistake to your critical mind to be so declarative? Or would it simply be a mistake?


Aug 17, 2016
Are you sure? I think it could have been the Annunaki that coded something into our DNA.

And while, again, the obvious answer (of the times) would seem to suggest that the Covid shots are what alters your DNA, the fact of the matter is, EVERYTHING has the potential to alter your DNA. Ever kissed someone? Had sex? Eaten some food? Congrats, your DNA was likely altered. And the whole idea of gene editing tech comes from bacteria. Because all sorts of bacteria can apparently edit DNA. So, if you have done anything in your life other than live in a germ free bubble, you have been exposed to billions (maybe trillions? quadrillions?) of DNA editing organisms. Talk about a "war."

The only true way to protect your DNA in this "war" is to die. But, that seems counter productive. Maybe simpler steps like taking antibiotics occasionally along with serotonin antagonists would be a better strategy.

In truth, because my DNA (along with pretty much all other living things) has been altered probably every day of my existence on this mortal coil, I'm not that worried about it. I don't even think DNA is all that important, after conception. We all know the Human Genome Project has been a complete bust and waste of time and money. Isn't DNA mainly a blueprint? If you alter a blueprint after a building is completed, that doesn't change the building. I think DNA is similar, in that respect.

Of course, that doesn't mean I would consider one of the Covid shots. They are useless and dangerous, regardless of the mechanism. So, I won't be touching those.

Also, I seriously doubt the "we will be repressed no more" stuff. Assuming "we" refers to people, and the general population at that, it's become very clear to me that most people WANT to be enslaved. They don't really want freedom, because that always carries responsibility. They would rather have daddy take care of everything, and then whine and complain about daddy not doing everything the way they they wished, or having to follow daddy's rules. And, if you "give" someone freedom, they will necessarily have the freedom to contract unlimited, meaning they can easily contract back into servitude at any time (which is basically what happened in the united states of America).

Of course, that's not everyone. The best thing you can do if that isn't you is start researching contract law and such, start communicating with your public servants, and renegotiate the contracts, or rescind your agreement, due primarily to their incompetence and fraud.

Having said all that, the one thing that Q did brilliantly is expose the abject laziness and incompetence of the Mass Satanic Media. There's much suspicion and evidence that those posts came from within the Trump administration (especially the photos from inside Air Force One that didn't appear anywhere else on the net prior to the post), but none in the Mass Satanic Media EVER created a series of questions directed at Trump (whether when President or After) to confirm or deny if he or someone in his administration was posting that. And no, that weak **** question from Savannah Guthrie does NOT count, she didn't press the issue at all, just made some lame **** mention that Trump easily brushed off. That is NOT how any investigated journalist would ever work.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/OaEBRIcfcGd2/


Jan 25, 2014

Man, I still don't understand why everyone is so focused on the World Economic Forum. They aren't the only globalist organization. Nor the most famous. Nor are they they most powerful. Nor even obviously doing anything.

The obvious runners of the fake pandemic was the WHO, which is a part of the United Nations, not the WEF. It was the WHO's declaration that made Covid a "pandemic," despite only 10,000 deaths in 4 months worldwide (ridiculous, as there are about 7,700 deaths a day in the US alone). Of course, if you look at this and point that is was really just a WHO declaration, it also calls out the "achievement" of "eradicating smallpox," as really, the only source for that is the exact same WHO declaration. That is the same playbook, in reverse.

What to create a pandemic? Simple, just rebrand common cold and other symptoms as "Covid."
What to eradicate smallpox? Simple, just make a declaration that it's over, and rebrand the symptoms as "chicken pox," or measles.
It's so straightforward, and no one seems to notice.

Beyond the UN, there is also the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, IMF, World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, and a whole slew of others, mostly who work together. Pretty much any polititian you can find that is "influenced" by the WEF will also be "influenced" or a member of something like the Trilateral Commission, or the CFR.

When it comes to the Elohim of the old testament (a plural, which somehow gets translated into a singular "God" in English in pretty much every bible translation), I really liked this video from Yusef El that points some of these things out. Basically, the gods of the Old Testament is likely not the Creator of the Boundless Universe (or The All, or The One).

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUV_P_QyOlo
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