Who is your favorite user on the forum?


Aug 9, 2019
Hey you religious dumbass @charlie go ahead and get the ban going, what are you waiting for? There's no need to waste my time with the stuck up cunts, old women and religious incel tards on here, or married cucks as my man @haidut expressed clearly. Let me go so I don't have to worry about the status of this account.

Mandatory dropcalls on the way out:

@tankasnowgod retarded know it all wannabe, stuck up, thinks he's got at arguing when he's good at going in circles mostly

@Rinse & rePeat Old dry **** who is such a loser with no life purpose she racks up over 10,000 posts. Guess nothing else to do when you're expired, right?

@ImNoOne (or however she put it) nasty, bigoted, 30 something b**** who looks like she's 50-60 already. Nice low serotonin gal here, sure lol

@redsun dumbass 20 something "smart guy" who only compares X with Y, has no means of looking between the lines. Also got dumber with time.

@Sugartits/InChristAlone dumb, degerantive whore of a mother who talks about sucking dicks on the net ... Not kidding, look in her post history, trust me. It's hilarious, a name about God/religion yet has no qualms about talking about giving a blowjob & has mocked me on here before too.

@ursidae dumb young, know-it-all wannabe, man hating whore like many these days, repeatedly has mocked & I had said nothing badabout her (until now, but justified). By the way nice job trying to hide your pics, but there's a little thing called Google cache, and screenshotting is always a thing, miss smarts so there you go lol
What does this achieve ? Honestly. Delete it, and try again


Jul 29, 2014
I liked @Such_Saturation . He usually was making jokes (which I found amusing, but some people seemed to find annoying) but he was also quite knowledgeable.

Other members I liked were the intellectual types who would challenge some of common ideas around here. That's when I would learn the most because I'd try to get really deep into the research on various topics. It also taught me to keep questioning things. There have been a lot of times in my life where I was certain I was right about something and then I turned out to be wrong...

I remember Bukowski from the old Peatarian forum used to write little posts challenging some of Rays ideas.

I dislike members who are constantly fighting and name calling for seemingly no reason.


Apr 6, 2023
Why should I care what you say, Nomane Euger/typing style retard that matches that guy? He's that moron who always responds with, "Hi", to everything, like come on.

The part other people don't like is that I tell the truth, I just spent years posting here not being an ***hole about it. Well, now I've joined the ranks of elitist ***hole.

Thanks for your help.

Thank you all really ... You showed me just how great the world can be when you're in a vulnerable position & repeatedly ***t on/mocked by people here. Thanks. The difference between me and Gatz is I'm not okay being seen as a crazy loser or weirdo. If that's how this forum sees me, then I'd want to be removed from here for sure.

Btw, I've taken over 50+ drugs and supplements since having posted here, and had many life events. The result? None of that stops other people from being pieces of ***t. It grows tiring trying to deal with stupid people who value stupid things. I'm tired of being the person not even considered valuable enough even as a "stupid" to some.

So **** off all of you, hopefully someone gets angry or loses it or something and at least some of the forum members I mentioned suffer some consequences for it.

I'm out, final post, print and frame it, and make sure to send it to the CIA, along with carbon copies of all of my posts + the middle finger pic that'll be embedded

You wanted to express your frustration, and potentially be heard, so I gave you my point of view, yes there is a consideration bias for the comments of popular members, it is not optimal, it does not necessarily imply that your comments/posts are not considered enough.

Feel free to express your frustration, I'm just saying that it's not optimal for you, I wish you the best, and it's not optimal to insult others on the forum if you want to influence them.

I think that nobody should be mocked, including you.
I have not personally seen the people who called you stupid, I think that their opinion should not matter to you.


Jun 22, 2021
Hey you religious dumbass @charlie go ahead and get the ban going, what are you waiting for? There's no need to waste my time with the stuck up cunts, old women and religious incel tards on here, or married cucks as my man @haidut expressed clearly. Let me go so I don't have to worry about the status of this account.

Mandatory dropcalls on the way out:

@tankasnowgod retarded know it all wannabe, stuck up, thinks he's got at arguing when he's good at going in circles mostly

@Rinse & rePeat Old dry **** who is such a loser with no life purpose she racks up over 10,000 posts. Guess nothing else to do when you're expired, right?

@ImNoOne (or however she put it) nasty, bigoted, 30 something b**** who looks like she's 50-60 already. Nice low serotonin gal here, sure lol

@redsun dumbass 20 something "smart guy" who only compares X with Y, has no means of looking between the lines. Also got dumber with time.

@Sugartits/InChristAlone dumb, degerantive whore of a mother who talks about sucking dicks on the net ... Not kidding, look in her post history, trust me. It's hilarious, a name about God/religion yet has no qualms about talking about giving a blowjob & has mocked me on here before too.

@ursidae dumb young, know-it-all wannabe, man hating whore like many these days, repeatedly has mocked & I had said nothing badabout her (until now, but justified). By the way nice job trying to hide your pics, but there's a little thing called Google cache, and screenshotting is always a thing, miss smarts so there you go lol
Damn Scurve, honestly, I liked your older threads/posts and personally, I did notice when you disappeared from the forum for awhile, but damn bro, I wish you would have not gotten yourself banned by writing this man


Oct 4, 2022
Ha! Guy leaves the forum for a few months & people are worried sick. I disappear for like a year & only one of my threads is bumped. If @haidut vanished for even a few weeks I'd imagine a few users here would be calling the CIA, FBI, etc. to see if someone has hired some hit on him or something due to his absence being "unsettling."

olive barely posted & vanished, people still bring him up & all he did was tout typical health advice BS you can rehash off of Wiki or Googling, nothing unique at all.

The Beard is the forum steroid king yet he was a douchey asshat who loved to talk down to others a lot & he's revered like some God because he took hormones, that of which only 3/4 of users here have done anyways. I mean guys are that hard up? A guy takes the secret sauce, and you all gather around him & pray like he's a God?

I can understand the likes of Travis, Amazoniac, etc. who had their quirks and input/knowledge, but it seems even unremarkable people are considered more valuable on this forum than me, when I've written/expressed probably 10x the content if not more on here than several of these so-called liked members. Guess you gotta know who to blow or which retarded sheep to get to suck up to you with the most mundane, basic knowledge one can bother looking up themselves if you want any kind of recognition in the likes of this forum (or just put up a picture of Mike Tyson's neck & call other people dumbasses while talking about taking steroids like it's some secret, hidden info).

I guess I know now why some people are remarkable and others aren't ... You gotta appeal to the lowest common denominator to elicit any kind of feedback. It's typically why the dumbest, most basic people are bound to have friends, while super smart types are more likely to be lonely & unliked because most people just want clever BS.

Since the majority of my posts are focused on hints of consciousness, subjectivity, elusiveness, truths/experiences, and questioning you'd think that would be valued in a Ray Peat forum. But no, you got some middle aged old ladies on here who just copy/paste crap and spend half their days sh!tposting & that's valid over my input of course.

And I don't really care the slightest if this offends anyone, even if any mods or charlie doesn't like it. I wouldn't care if I was banned honestly, but I'm not gonna avoid the glaringly obvious facts that we've got people sitting here on their fancy little thrones who don't deserve it ... Not at all. Nobody will convince me otherwise.

People here have mocked me, ridiculed me, etc. Pathetic whores & worthless posters on here who offer nothing of value besides whatever ***t they parrot. **** you guys, seriously. Go get raped, die in a car crash, get cancer, starve, whatever. I'm not going to spend a second of my time or efforts posting here if I don't get any recognition for it. Go laugh, whatever. I know the identity of some real posters here who I can dox at anytime I want, so do remember that as I can always lurk. **** you, signed The Lunatic.

Lol wtf is this


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@MetabolicTrash, choosing hatred and negativity truly hurts you more than anyone else. As my mom used to say, “If you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all” and the longer I live the more I appreciate her guidance and wisdom. I do sincerely hope you get to feeling better soon. Things are tough and challenging for many of us now so hopefully we can all just manage to be kind to one another both here and in our daily lives to help start making things a tad better.


Mar 20, 2021
@MetabolicTrash, choosing hatred and negativity truly hurts you more than anyone else. As my mom used to say, “If you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all” and the longer I live the more I appreciate her guidance and wisdom. I do sincerely hope you get to feeling better soon. Things are tough and challenging for many of us now so hopefully we can all just manage to be kind to one another both here and in our daily lives to help start making things a tad better.

We only hurt ourselves with bitterness and grudges. Others cruise on by...

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
We only hurt ourselves with bitterness and grudges. Others cruise on by...
I’m not sure this is true. Internalized anger just leads to masochism, it’s thought people commit suicide because of the rage they feel for someone else. If all the poor people raged against the rich instead of drinking the new age/religious kool aid of being docile and peaceful, we probably would live in a much different world. Righteous anger is justified and often has a repairative function, better to get the poison out than let it eat you alive.


Mar 20, 2021
I’m not sure this is true. Internalized anger just leads to masochism, it’s thought people commit suicide because of the rage they feel for someone else. If all the poor people raged against the rich instead of drinking the new age/religious kool aid of being docile and peaceful, we probably would live in a much different world. Righteous anger is justified and often has a repairative function, better to get the poison out than let it eat you alive.
I agree. I think you may have misunderstood me though... I meant that by holding grudges and remaining bitter we only hurt ourselves.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I agree. I think you may have misunderstood me though... I meant that by holding grudges and remaining bitter we only hurt ourselves.
I hear you. The popular opinion is to “let go” of grudges and anger and gaslight yourself into feeling at peace when there hasn’t been any real biological or psychological solution because you didn’t get the chance to express your rage. That was my point pretty much, we can’t simulate peace and there’s a lot to be angry about given the circumstances of the world.


Mar 20, 2021
I hear you. The popular opinion is to “let go” of grudges and anger and gaslight yourself into feeling at peace when there hasn’t been any real biological or psychological solution because you didn’t get the chance to express your rage. That was my point pretty much, we can’t simulate peace and there’s a lot to be angry about given the circumstances of the world.
Very true. I was referring to some of the very bitter and angry posts earlier in this thread...
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