Why Are There So Many Anti-smoking Ads?



I don't smoke, but I am curious as to why there are so many anti-smoking ads on TV. Who is paying for these and why do they care if people smoke or not?


Jan 22, 2013
a scapegoat basically, rather than talk about pollution, fuel exhaust, chemicals in food and cosmetics, paint fumes, grass cutting allergies, household and industrial chemicals, hydrogen sulfide, asphalt, ect, pharmacueticals...they blame everything on people smoking and not exercising, 2 things that have little to no effect relatively to the above mentioned. The average person who might drive with windows open during traffic is getting more toxins than from second hand smoke for sure. No one complains or talks about that...walking by a bus, same thing. No doubt, inhaling cigarettes straight up is pretty bad, but that's actually more to do with the pestcides, industrial chemicals, bleach, paper and sheer amount of material people smoke. Really though the reason its so talked about, is just as a scapegoat and something to like say 'hes a sinner!' to while ignoring their own and societys real cancer causing problems, basically


Mar 29, 2015
pboy said:
a scapegoat basically, rather than talk about pollution, fuel exhaust, chemicals in food and cosmetics, paint fumes, grass cutting allergies, household and industrial chemicals, hydrogen sulfide, asphalt, ect, pharmacueticals...they blame everything on people smoking and not exercising, 2 things that have little to no effect relatively to the above mentioned. The average person who might drive with windows open during traffic is getting more toxins than from second hand smoke for sure. No one complains or talks about that...walking by a bus, same thing. No doubt, inhaling cigarettes straight up is pretty bad, but that's actually more to do with the pestcides, industrial chemicals, bleach, paper and sheer amount of material people smoke. Really though the reason its so talked about, is just as a scapegoat and something to like say 'hes a sinner!' to while ignoring their own and societys real cancer causing problems, basically

Agreed, smoking is bad but it's not the cause of literally every disease like it's made out to be in media and popular opinion.

I've tried to look for studies where people smoke low amounts of tobacco (1-3 cigarettes a day) and I literally can't find a single one. All studies are on people who smoke like 10+ a day, which is extremely obviously harmful.

Government and anti-tobacco groups have done an amazing job demonizing nicotine and smokers, while estrogens, PUFA and other toxins pervade food and drink.


Dec 6, 2014
Without getting into the health issues, the reason that there are so many anti-smoking ads, at least in america, is because the tobacco industry is required to fund them. The same is actually true of alcohol, hence the proliferation of anti drunk driving commercials. The companies have to pay money into a pool which gets disbursed to independent groups, essentially providing free jobs.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
PeatMonster said:
post 79276 Without getting into the health issues, the reason that there are so many anti-smoking ads, at least in america, is because the tobacco industry is required to fund them. The same is actually true of alcohol, hence the proliferation of anti drunk driving commercials. The companies have to pay money into a pool which gets disbursed to independent groups, essentially providing free jobs.

This is a great answer and I found it thoroughly entertaining/enlightening
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Nov 21, 2015
The government is business partners with Big Tobacco. In order to make it kosher, they take a small portion of the vig, and they pay it out in anti-tobacco advertising.
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