Why did ray peat die at 86? Serious


May 22, 2021
That is often a popular idea on this forum, but Ray Peat and his followers are no threat at all to the powers that be. If this was a huge movement, then yes, I could understand it being a threat. In the grand scheme of things, quite honestly, nobody cares about Ray Peat or the Ray Peat Forum.
And yet, I seem to recall that the CIA had some interest in Peat when he started Blake College in Mexico... and this was before his PhD (and subsequent work).


Jul 9, 2020
Doubtful of any grand conspiracy. You gotta take into context the era we're talking about. Cold war, Espionage Act, McCarthyism. The CIA stalked, wire tapped, and surveilled several young and radical leftists back then.

I believe it was Ohio University (?) that Ray help the students and teachers to syndicalize. Taking over education centers during this time period would've put you on a short list no doubt. Come to think of it, that'll get you on the short list regardless of the time period, lol.


Dec 3, 2015
Why did ray peat die of what seems to be a stroke at 86

many ppl who dont care about their health at all outlived ray peat

this makes me distrust ray peat stuff since the only endpoint in a lifetime of ray peat dieting was dead at 86

86 isnt a bad age but he pretty much dedicated his life to longevity and didnt come close to beat male average on blue zones(88 or so)

many of the guys who did big science stuff lived long gilbert ling around 100, Fred Kummerow 102, ancel keys a bit more then a 100 i think, gv man around 96, guys like uffe ravnskov still alive at around 88

the list goes on and on
Think you should read Regnerative Energy to see a little of what Ray went through early on his reseaches. There is always arguments by exception that many fall for....


Dec 3, 2015
I don't want to sound all conspiracy-ey but is it possible he was done away with by the powers that be?

His outlook definitely was anti-thetical to the new world agenda.

Also, they can induce strokes, heart attacks, etc. easily with directed energy weapons via satellite

I have direct experience of this
Yes that's what they did to Dr. Gonzaliz I suspect. And before all this technology they tried to poison Dr Gerson with arsenic twice and they got him the second time.


Mar 29, 2016
So if I’m reading you correctly you’re saying viruses don’t exist, Peat believed they did, and that’s the one flaw in his whole ideology? I don’t think you’re saying that that’s what killed him tho.
His focus is on metabolism not so much the bugs. The bugs got to him before he got around to know them and defeat them. That's his Achilles heel.It is impossible to find any expert who has a good handle on everything. The experts that understand bugs often recommend taking PUFAs for health.

Ultimately he’s 6ft under, just like the rest of us will be. But I didn’t consider how if you’re a service to others than it’d make sense to live longer, to help more people out.
He's a one-man army. Who will succeed him to carry the torch?


Feb 18, 2018
His focus is on metabolism not so much the bugs. The bugs got to him before he got around to know them and defeat them. That's his Achilles heel.It is impossible to find any expert who has a good handle on everything. The experts that understand bugs often recommend taking PUFAs for health.

He's a one-man army. Who will succeed him to carry the torch?

Ah ok now I understand what you are saying. Yes I do believe the bugs and microbiome are especially important, as those make it or break it when it comes to digestion and the ability to extract energy from the food we eat. Having a bad microbiome where eating anything becomes problematic becomes the quick spiral towards death.

Well theres still plenty of people in this health game and ultimately the people who have the most results turning peoples lives around I believe will be the ones worth listening to and giving clout to. I know I’m going to trust a doctor who takes chronically sick people and makes them well over anyone else, cuz it shows they actually know how to heal people. The doctors who are healing people with auto-immune conditions, CFS/ME, MS, cancer, etc….

And then so long as we ourselves are healthy we can be the beacons of light in a sick society and our own experience can be testimonials to the effectiveness of our methodologies.


New Member
Nov 7, 2022

View: https://youtu.be/R5i-BZR8JFw

Here is a Turkish grandma also called as sugar-grandma.She used to eat 1kg of sugar everyday and lived until she was 92(official records),113(What she said before her death).So does this make the Peat completely true and death of Peat makes him completely false?
We dont know about Peat's personal life or endless reasons that led to his death.


Mar 29, 2016
Ah ok now I understand what you are saying. Yes I do believe the bugs and microbiome are especially important, as those make it or break it when it comes to digestion and the ability to extract energy from the food we eat. Having a bad microbiome where eating anything becomes problematic becomes the quick spiral towards death.

Well theres still plenty of people in this health game and ultimately the people who have the most results turning peoples lives around I believe will be the ones worth listening to and giving clout to. I know I’m going to trust a doctor who takes chronically sick people and makes them well over anyone else, cuz it shows they actually know how to heal people. The doctors who are healing people with auto-immune conditions, CFS/ME, MS, cancer, etc….

And then so long as we ourselves are healthy we can be the beacons of light in a sick society and our own experience can be testimonials to the effectiveness of our methodologies.
As Ray would say the naturopathic health community isn't really free from the influence of false ideas. So it is caveat emptor or "buyer beware," as I have personally experienced. The naturopathic doctor I recommended to my brother-in-law, who was very helpful when my mom was very sick with flu 12 years ago, who at eighty then, was able to get well and avoid the risk of being confined in the hospital prison. This time though, he recommended taking a phytoestrogen from soy, called genistein, for prostate cancer. We all know the role of estrogen in cancer, and it pains me to see mybown naturopathic doctor being oblivious to the pharma lie of estrogen being the answer to cancer.

I've long since decided to be my own doctor. And without Ray Peat I would be in the dark on so many things. And still, I had to do research that Ray hadn't covered. And even then, I had to wing it when there wasn't definitive research on the subject. I even had to take a gamble when I decided twenty years ago not to take any blood pressure lowering medication and I stuck to that decision as my blood pressure continued to go to what most people would consider shockingly insane high levels. But through it, and despite that, my health has never deteriorated. And even improved.

Still, I wasn't reckless. I made an educated decision that is simply contrary to conventional wisdom, but it made sense when I read Peat's writing on the role of albumin in increasing plasma volume to increase blood volume and lower blood pressure. Knowing my albumin was lower than its healthy levels, I made the case that my high BP levels were the result of low blood volume caused by low serum albumin. The cause of this I would figure out as well. But with less blood to go around, the BP had to be increased to compensate for low blood volume. And this was the right analysis.

Had I taken BP medication, I would not be feeding my organs, especially the liver, kidneys, and heart, with adequate blood-delivered nutrients and not transporting enough metabolic wastes from the cells for excretion. I would be more sick, which I believe is the case with many people taking BP medication, with increases degeneration in their vital organs.

The point I make here is that it had to be me making the decision, taking a gamble and owning the process of making that decision. No doctor would take that risk for me, for obvious reasons that has mostly to do with the risk of being sued. Do what everyone is doing, even when you know it doesn't work, as that hisnhow the risk-reward game is played in the litigious environment we are in.

A deeper point is that the system cannot be trusted to save one from a chronic condition that leads to early disability and death. You could go to a mechanic to fix your car, and have great confidence it will be fixed and that will be the end of the story. That same thinking cannot apply to getting your body fixed. More often than not, your body will get worse. Your life will be ruined.

I wish I didn't have to spend so much time. trying to fix myself, and simply wish I could delegate that to someone I can trust to take care of my health above his risk of being sued. But the world as it is now makes that wishful thinking.

Ray Peat is hard reading, and I had to go through that like I'm earning a college degree. But it's not for everyone to go through. The sad thing is that those who understand Ray Peat's ideas well can really only help themselves. Because it takes a lot of effort arguing Peat's case to sick people, even people who in other matters will trust me. I stand helpless seeing a friend die of cancer and not being in any position to help because I can't force him to believe me, nor would I dare tell him to trust me.

Sorry if I went off-tangent and made this a very long post. Ray Peat is a gift, and he didn't start out knowing what he would become, but he now is a folk hero not by design but by accident. How the planets would align for another Ray Peat to capture our minds and our hearts would have to come out of the bossom of the Almighty.


Jan 6, 2019
nor would I dare tell him to trust me
You'd think that if you believe in a treatment modality enough to personally follow it, it would be easy to tell others to follow it too. Yet in the end it's easier to accept the consequences of unwittingly harming yourself than others. I don't understand how doctors do it day after day. They must really trust in their methods beyond all doubt.


Apr 15, 2015
Hi @yerrag,
Do you mind to tell us a bit about your diet plan these days ?
do you consume milk or any other type of dairy ?


Apr 15, 2015
what's the point of living 150 years on this dumb planet? what's important is living well and dying peacefully. Dying in your sleep must be the best kind of death. 87 years is enough. you assume death only comes down to one's health, but there are so many things we don't know about our existence.
the point....breathing fresh air, enjoying sun, eating tasty food, sleeping well , meditating... I can do that for ever :) 100 years , 1000years...no limits


Sep 22, 2020
And yet, I seem to recall that the CIA had some interest in Peat when he started Blake College in Mexico... and this was before his PhD (and subsequent work).

Yes that sounds like a nice little story. Where does that story actually originate from? Was it actually true? And even if it was true, why would they waste their time on somebody who wasn't a massive influencer? How many people in the world have actually heard of Ray Peat? How many people in the world actually adopt his philosophies? 100,000? How many people are there in the world? 8 billion? Yes the CIA must have been keeping a VERY close eye on him.

If he was such a threat, why is this forum still here? This place wouldn't even exist. 'The powers that be' (or whoever they are) have much bigger fish to fry. In today's world, somebody like Andrew Tate is more of a threat to them than Ray Peat ever will be.

That's not to say I'm dissing Ray. Ray Peat changed my whole life, but it's easy (on this forum) to believe that we are somewhat more significant than what we actually are. Like a beach with grains of sand, the Ray Peat Forum is perhaps a single grain of sand.


Nov 22, 2015
Yes that sounds like a nice little story. Where does that story actually originate from? Was it actually true? And even if it was true, why would they waste their time on somebody who wasn't a massive influencer? How many people in the world have actually heard of Ray Peat? How many people in the world actually adopt his philosophies? 100,000? How many people are there in the world? 8 billion? Yes the CIA must have been keeping a VERY close eye on him.

If he was such a threat, why is this forum still here? This place wouldn't even exist. 'The powers that be' (or whoever they are) have much bigger fish to fry. In today's world, somebody like Andrew Tate is more of a threat to them than Ray Peat ever will be.

That's not to say I'm dissing Ray. Ray Peat changed my whole life, but it's easy (on this forum) to believe that we are somewhat more significant than what we actually are. Like a beach with grains of sand, the Ray Peat Forum is perhaps a single grain of sand.
Yes the conspiracy stuff is way OTT. Peeps that follow Ray need to chill with that. This forum has something like 12k members and those that are active would be a fraction of that. There are a few Facebook pages and "Peat Influencers" like Roddy but if you throw them all together you might be lucky to get 20 or so thousand, most of which aren't actively engaged but just interested in some left of centre content or have come and gone. This is absolutely a tiny single grain of sand. Ray has been around for a while and his ideas have never gained anything close to threatening momentum or multiplying. The idea that the CIA or other ominous organisations would be interested is cute but a waste of energy.


May 22, 2021
IMO It's the anti-conspiracy folks who are OTT. Any slightest mention of the thought or the slightest possibility of something nefarious seems to bring out the hammer. I see no conspiracy theories on this forum. In fact, just the barest mention of it brings out the would-be censors.

ETA: I believe the CIA "story" came from Ray Peat himself at some point in the distant past. I suspect he stopped talking about it to avoid the eye rolls and dismissiveness that I'm seeing here. And yes, I doubt his death was part of some sort of conspiracy. However, I do think his ideas are revolutionary, and we should be able to discuss it without telling each other what to think or believe.
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Aug 18, 2015
agreed with OP, something doesn't really add up there. RIP ray, but i wonder if he was experimenting with something. he hit everyone with the line that he doesnt think 100 grams of protein is necessary randomly and then i remember he also mentioned he was taking testosterone at one point? i wonder if he could have been doing something else to experiment.

or why was he changing his mind about certain things? did something change with the 100 grams of protein that was only recently he said that.

he told me once he thought you could halt aging if you did something with carbdon dioxide, i wonder could he have been supplementing with carbdon dioxide in new ways that could have caused this?

@haidut do you have any insight into what caused his death or @charlie have you heard anything?

honestly RIP though so sad man i was hoping i could meet him one day.


Aug 9, 2015
86 is very good, I just read a bio about an native American actor born in 29, died at 80yo, my grandma, super healthy other than high BP, produced more than a lot of us combined, always doing something, died at 73, my dad's side alot of my Uncles died in 50-60 range, genetics matter. Most of us here will be lucky to make it to 86, if we were in good health, we wouldn't even be on these boards.
Nov 21, 2015
Because he was poor. He didn’t value money. Had he Had money he could have proably lived much longer. That’s my theory.

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
Imagine discovering Peat at 65 after 65 years of "modern food", and you start to follow Peat principles, you die 2 months after starting, people will say "Peat is Bull****". It's not about if Peat died young or not, it's about what changes he has made in his life. He made a lot of mistake and tried many things on him to converge to the "right ideas". Also he suffered many years from malnutrition and modern food, so he could have started full Omega 3 diet at 50 and died at 55. Mentally he was more fluid and had better memory than 15-20 yo kids nowadays. So 86 is not bad at all. Maybe if he was Peating before discovering Peat he would have spared some years but at the end we all meant to die, only remains what you did during your time. And God knows that Peat did some nice stuff and saved/changed many lives. RIP Doc !
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