Why do some people get almost never sick and others all the time?


Nov 24, 2017
For example: I get sick way too often. I got a cold right now twice in a row!! Never had that, but always was prone to colds and flu‘s.

Am I super healthy? No way. Some might know my issues (histamine intolerance ; low zinc / copper , eczema , slow digestion ).

But others that are absolutely not super healthy either never get sick? How? If they do they have a day they feel a little off, but I‘m done for a week when I’m catching a cold.

One guy I‘m talking about is overweight, balding and grey in his mid 30‘s. Absolutely not a sports or healthy food dude and can’t even remember when he got sick last time.

Then a girl I’m talking about has depression, feeling like dying everytime she has her period. Has an absolute restricted crappy diet.

I absolutely don’t get it.

Edit: btw, if you have advice for getting rid of an extreme stuffy nose pls let me know
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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Gargling is not a magic bullet, but it will help. Instead of looking for something that will be 100%, consistently practice 100 things that each improve your life 1%.


May 22, 2021
I used to get colds quite frequently, my kids too. We no longer restrict carbs/sugars and eat as many nutrient dense foods as we can. The kids and I rarely get sick now and if we do our bodies fight the illness off in just a day or 2, whereas it use to take us a week or longer to fight off.

As far as why some people never get sick... I’ve heard that if someone has such a high toxic load, their body doesn’t have the energy to fight illnesses, so they rarely get sick because of it. I know people like that. I also suspect that they don’t get sick because their mind is strong. Their head doesn’t let their body get sick if that makes sense?

Why do some people get sick all the time?? I believe it is from poor diet & also from how a person deals with stress. Carbs help us be more resilient to stress which is why I think increasing carb intake for us has helped us fight illness off or not get sick at all.


Oct 6, 2020
I can honestly say, during the time where i had my eating/cooking habits, sleeping habits and training/workout habits on point, without stressing over them and living them to my liking i was able to be sick free for 2 years straight. That was completly new to me at that time. Usually i would get 1-2 inflammed trhoats minimum per year.

The logic behind being sick often or not is both easy and complicated. The inner workings of a body are more complex. I'd rather have a cold once or twice a year than be bald/depressed/overweight etc. There was a virologist who i've read about a few weeks back and one sentence realy hit me. Let me try to quote from memory:

The immune system is more than antibodies and b-cells. It is affected by food, environment, air, water. It's affected by our emotions and our social life. It is part of it all.

Sugarbabe's and some others posted vitamin c in higher dosages and currently im trying salt + vit c in higher dosages out and while everyone around me currently at work and at home are sick, i dont feel like having any issues at all. ANd my bowel movements are incredibly good/fast from the higher salt.

Now it is to short to say if thats good long term or not. But thus far i'm quite surprised how effective, yet subtle it seems to be.


Jun 20, 2019
I've rarely gotten sick my entire life from seasonal stuff going around but we have two immunity pathways and so I suffer from hypothyroidism probably from yo-yo dieting because I've only lived outside of toxic environments with good light and water, so there's always something that we deal with and in my experience and studies it comes down to trauma and emotions but that part of our health just isn't mainstream so outside of the normal paradigm. Look up flower essences and see how health correlates to issues. German New Medicine explains alot even though it's a difficult modality because, honestly, I don't care for any of the people presenting it. And I do think stress is about 99% of disease and it's difficult to mitigate if you don't trust the Lord to manage things for you. Seriously, our spiritual lives have been hijacked and we've lost our connection. as a society, to what matters because we're beholden to the beast system instead of what God provides. That said, you probably need to detox gut, liver, etc and for goodness sake, use Methylene Blue. My husband hasn't suffered any excema since I started giving it to him daily, along with B1 and Niacinamide and aspirin! And get lots of sleep! Are you mitigating blue light/emfs? Those are hidden bugaboos.


Mar 29, 2016
Homeostasis is key.

Terrain is important. Not too acidic. Not too alkaline. This is having optimal acid-base balance.

What affects our acid-base balance most?

Sugar metabolism. Optimize it and you have plenty of CO2. Foul it and you have lactic acid and keto acids. CO2 is easily exhaled thru the lungs. Lactic and keto acids have to be excreted by the kidneys, which takes longer. Plus, CO2 is not a waste product whereas lactic and keto acids are. You need it for many things, one being good tissue oxygenation. Do you know how to test for good sugar metabolism? If not, how can you improve it? There are many factors involved. Where to begin? Most just take manysubstances hoping something flips a switch. Not methodical. Not efficient.

Of course, this assumes you eat without incurring deficiencies.

Then there is the subject of bacteria, which is a load on the body. The body can deal with a chronic bacterial load. It just allocates resources to deal with it. The tradeoff is that energy used for defense is not used for 'offense,' so your oxidative metabolism will be downregulated. This is the body adapting to keep you going, despite this 'bad hand' you're dealt with. But still, the body should still produce enough energy to defend you from colds and flu.

Then there are toxins that will be an energy sink or will deprive you of making that energy your body needs.

Mine was mercury toxicity from dental amalgam. It made me hypoxemic, and there is less oxygen transported by hemoglobin in the rbc. It would cause hypoxia, and my tissues would always be deprived of oxygen that is a critical raw material for energy production. When I am so handicapped, I have less energy to ward off little insults. An allergen would easily give me allergic rhinitis, and that would quickly trigger my already low blood sugar state into a cold, then a fever.

For the early part of my life, I was very sickly with flu once or twice a year.

Once I knew the cause/s, and tackled these root causes, I have not had a flu for 20 years already. And for 5 years, I have had no allergy.

This is despite having a chronic periodontal infection, a low-grade infection (which does not manifest as a fever) and which causes very high blood pressure, which I have been working on to eliminate but has proven to be a much more higher mountain to climb.

For this reason, my metabolic rate is lower than optimal, with my heart rate settling down to 67. But that is how the body adapts and balances.

I would say to focus on what your priority is. Maximizing metabolism is nice, but getting balance to help your body adapt to your existing conditions, with a view to fixing them, is how you should approach your healing.


Jan 6, 2019
Edit: btw, if you have advice for getting rid of an extreme stuffy nose pls let me know
Points to hyperexcitation and hyperventilation, which in turn lead to co2 wastage. The latter is what your nose is trying to prevent by becoming stuffy. You can confirm this by holding your breath as long as you can, your nasal passages should feel more open afterwards due to co2 buildup. The same issue is preventing your immune system (and your body at large) from working properly. You are essentially in a state of subclinical and chronic cellular hypoxia which affects every gland and organ in your body.


Jan 27, 2021
For example: I get sick way too often. I got a cold right now twice in a row!! Never had that, but always was prone to colds and flu‘s.

Am I super healthy? No way. Some might know my issues (histamine intolerance ; low zinc / copper , eczema , slow digestion ).

But others that are absolutely not super healthy either never get sick? How? If they do they have a day they feel a little off, but I‘m done for a week when I’m catching a cold.

One guy I‘m talking about is overweight, balding and grey in his mid 30‘s. Absolutely not a sports or healthy food dude and can’t even remember when he got sick last time.

Then a girl I’m talking about has depression, feeling like dying everytime she has her period. Has an absolute restricted crappy diet.

I absolutely don’t get it.

Edit: btw, if you have advice for getting rid of an extreme stuffy nose pls let me know


Feb 22, 2014
I've rarely gotten sick my entire life from seasonal stuff going around but we have two immunity pathways and so I suffer from hypothyroidism probably from yo-yo dieting because I've only lived outside of toxic environments with good light and water, so there's always something that we deal with and in my experience and studies it comes down to trauma and emotions but that part of our health just isn't mainstream so outside of the normal paradigm. Look up flower essences and see how health correlates to issues. German New Medicine explains alot even though it's a difficult modality because, honestly, I don't care for any of the people presenting it. And I do think stress is about 99% of disease and it's difficult to mitigate if you don't trust the Lord to manage things for you. Seriously, our spiritual lives have been hijacked and we've lost our connection. as a society, to what matters because we're beholden to the beast system instead of what God provides. That said, you probably need to detox gut, liver, etc and for goodness sake, use Methylene Blue. My husband hasn't suffered any excema since I started giving it to him daily, along with B1 and Niacinamide and aspirin! And get lots of sleep! Are you mitigating blue light/emfs? Those are hidden bugaboos.
So refreshing to read your post. So many things you say are true, how to deal with life and trust in the Lord. Thank you for sharing!


Nov 24, 2017
I've rarely gotten sick my entire life from seasonal stuff going around but we have two immunity pathways and so I suffer from hypothyroidism probably from yo-yo dieting because I've only lived outside of toxic environments with good light and water, so there's always something that we deal with and in my experience and studies it comes down to trauma and emotions but that part of our health just isn't mainstream so outside of the normal paradigm. Look up flower essences and see how health correlates to issues. German New Medicine explains alot even though it's a difficult modality because, honestly, I don't care for any of the people presenting it. And I do think stress is about 99% of disease and it's difficult to mitigate if you don't trust the Lord to manage things for you. Seriously, our spiritual lives have been hijacked and we've lost our connection. as a society, to what matters because we're beholden to the beast system instead of what God provides. That said, you probably need to detox gut, liver, etc and for goodness sake, use Methylene Blue. My husband hasn't suffered any excema since I started giving it to him daily, along with B1 and Niacinamide and aspirin! And get lots of sleep! Are you mitigating blue light/emfs? Those are hidden bugaboos.

How much MB and b1?
I tried MB once , only one drop and I got a panic attack from it. Maybe coincidence, I don’t know.

What do you mean with mitigating blue light and EMF? I honestly did not pay much attention to this besides my cellphone is always on nightmode


Jun 20, 2019
How much MB and b1?
I tried MB once , only one drop and I got a panic attack from it. Maybe coincidence, I don’t know.

What do you mean with mitigating blue light and EMF? I honestly did not pay much attention to this besides my cellphone is always on nightmode
I'm not sure why some peeps react to MB. I would guess that one would need something along the lines of a precursor since it's a serious redoxer? Not sure but taking it with coffee might give you a better response. Thiamine deficiency FB group with good info. What else electric, wifi, smart meter, etc is in your environment? Some people are super sensitive and it can be related to Vit D sattus as someone else mentioned. We also need IR AM light to activate melanin cycle and other things. Do you sleep in total darkness? night is stress but light interferes with our sleep cycle. Is your cell near your bed at night? Even on airplane mode it's transmitting IMO. Electricity began disease. No wonder, Lucifer is ruler of the air. That's why 5G is pushed.


Apr 17, 2017
Main Symptoms of Silent Reflux
Sore throat
Burning sensation in the throat
Bitter taste in the throat
Need to clear the throat
Chronic cough
Feeling like there is a lump in the throat
Difficulty swallowing
A sensation of post-nasal drip
A sensation of mucus build-up or sticking in the throat
Red, swollen, or irritated vocal cords and larynx (voice box)



Nov 18, 2019
it's higher histamine

kids get lightly sick often bc of both higher thyroid and histamine and thyroid raises histamine signaling

those falling lightly sick as kids are healthier i find

IME peating (dairy fruits coffee based) = stopped getting colds but damn at what price (infection i never had before, iron anemic, high cholesterol, hypogonadism, low thyroid, high prolactin, feeling high serotonin, apathetic, lazy, just needing to megadose caffeine to feel somewhat functionnal)
peating is only really sustainable with thyroid supps i think


Nov 1, 2019
Points to hyperexcitation and hyperventilation, which in turn lead to co2 wastage. The latter is what your nose is trying to prevent by becoming stuffy. You can confirm this by holding your breath as long as you can, your nasal passages should feel more open afterwards due to co2 buildup. The same issue is preventing your immune system (and your body at large) from working properly. You are essentially in a state of subclinical and chronic cellular hypoxia which affects every gland and organ in your body.
how does one solve this issue of chronic cellular hypoxia?


Oct 19, 2019
IME peating (dairy fruits coffee based) = stopped getting colds but damn at what price (infection i never had before, iron anemic, high cholesterol, hypogonadism, low thyroid, high prolactin, feeling high serotonin, apathetic, lazy, just needing to megadose caffeine to feel somewhat functionnal)
peating is only really sustainable with thyroid supps i think
Brutal. Have you managed to reverse your way out of it?


Jul 11, 2017
For example: I get sick way too often. I got a cold right now twice in a row!! Never had that, but always was prone to colds and flu‘s.

Am I super healthy? No way. Some might know my issues (histamine intolerance ; low zinc / copper , eczema , slow digestion ).

But others that are absolutely not super healthy either never get sick? How? If they do they have a day they feel a little off, but I‘m done for a week when I’m catching a cold.

One guy I‘m talking about is overweight, balding and grey in his mid 30‘s. Absolutely not a sports or healthy food dude and can’t even remember when he got sick last time.

Then a girl I’m talking about has depression, feeling like dying everytime she has her period. Has an absolute restricted crappy diet.

I absolutely don’t get it.

Edit: btw, if you have advice for getting rid of an extreme stuffy nose pls let me know
Buteyko breathing works for the nose. A clogged nose (most of the time) is a symptom of faulty breathing patterns.


Apr 15, 2015
Edit: btw, if you have advice for getting rid of an extreme stuffy nose pls let me know
Have you ever checked it with your doctor ? (nose, throat specialist )
A deviated nasal septum can be a reason . It was for me until i fixed it.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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