Why the Vaxed Look Healthy, the Unvaxed not so?


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Oct 18, 2021
Here on this forum, most of us are against the vax and it's many evils to the individual, families and society. On the last Donny Roddy podcast, he and Georgi listened to Ray as he plunged them and viewers deeper into fear and foreboding similar to the dystopia of George Orwell's 1984. Georgi joked that the Appalachian Mountains are a possible escape route. Yet, many people I know who have been vaccinated, including my sister and her 30 year old son are in perfect health. They took the vax almost a year ago, and they are strong, vibrant, and energetic, and don't show any of the 'deadly' signs detailed by the anti-vax camp. I can instantly tell the difference between a vaxed and unvaxed person. The unvaxed is afraid, weary and wary. Masked, he acts and thinks the whole world is against him. Not so, the vaxed. As I mentioned above they're the exact opposite. So, what to do? Do we continue to listen to the doomsayers who'd tell us about the deadly contents of the vax, or do we take into account that the vaxed are not dying or suffering from serious crippling side effects (excluding the thousands who were killed in hospitals with ventilators).

We really need to soberly, calmly and truthfully address this issue. Especially we need to stop listening to the fake videos made by the anti-vax camp which are heavily infiltrated and abused by the fear-mongering "Destroy the U.S., and Western world" camp. I personally am against any vaccination. I refused the Flu vax since they aggressively started pushing it on people more than 10 years ago. And I'm not saying I'm about to give up and take the jab, I'd probably be the last person on earth to take it. This post is a call to answer the question: why the vaxxed are not dying, but are living normal, healthy lives? A gregarious young lady neighbor got vaxed, and she hasn't stopped laughing and giggling since. Personally, I think a woman who laughs a lot is starved for sex. Unfortunately I'm too old for her :D. @haidut, @charlie, @tankasnowgod, @boris, @Mr.Bollox, @Blossom, @ecstatichamster, @Pina, @Vileplume, @Lollipop2, @Drareg, @Birdie, @Jon2547,
In my job with cancer patients, vaxxes were pushed on them by their oncs. I have lost soooo many clients, friends and associates. Those is remission for 25 years got a rapid growing cancer and were dead within weeks. Clients I haven’t seen because they were cancer free, got it back or a rare cancer weeks following the jab. My long term others, have strange symptoms that are inflammatory in nature, but the cognitive dissonance blocks their ability to see the timeline of symptom onset in relation to the shot. I have chart notes that clearly show the relationship, but it doesn’t matter. I have friends doing the same thing. One of my biggest compliments from my education and professional supervisors is my ability to track multiple cases no matter how complicated without note taking…. Healthy? I’m not sure about that. If there are some who are, I believe they got a placebo or weak jab.


May 25, 2020
omg .... you know what? There are MANY MANY women out there who are laughing a lot because they no longer have to have sex.
I know married women who laugh a lot, and they are young as well, does that mean their husbands are gay or impotents?


May 25, 2020
I have heard anecdotes about the vaccinated suffering from reduced cognitive capacity and personality changes. I have been suspicious about it, because I have not been able to confirm any of it.
I know 3 vaxed people with brain fog. They really slowed down. Also, 1 cancer, one death, and one pneumonia after vax. I heard that Phizer trial was made public and all participants in it got sick in it, but with "unrelated" illnesses, sometimes they got few illnesses at once, the vax is out for a year, so long term effects and mortality are not known.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
I know married women who laugh a lot, and they are young as well, does that mean their husbands are gay or impotents?
Or maybe the implication is their hubbys aren't very good at it, so it's a duty or chore to be avoided if possible.


Jun 22, 2021
So laughing a lot means you are starved for sex ? Sheesh - guess I should stop making jokes then - I guess that means I should start being ANGRY and making people ANGRY grrrrrr


Aug 9, 2019
I have a theory: most young people, let’s say under 35, who took the vaccine have had good metabolic health throughout their childhood, and their 20s. As such, they didn’t really worry about their health, and didn’t need to discover alternatives to mainstream medicine advice. That made them to trust the authorities and the “official” science more easily


Sep 6, 2020
I have a theory: most young people, let’s say under 35, who took the vaccine have had good metabolic health throughout their childhood, and their 20s. As such, they didn’t really worry about their health, and didn’t need to discover alternatives to mainstream medicine advice. That made them to trust the authorities and the “official” science more easily
For sure. I think even older people who never had severe health issues (e.g. CFS) are more trustworthy to health authorities. That is why hating on people who comply is moronic and too easy. A lot of people are different and not like people on health forums, etc. They just go with the flow.

Cant say I like most CFS/health issue forums people as I get my health back. Understand that even on forums like this there is a stereotypical way of looking at the world. Just like the so called sheeple. Best thing is to be as autonomous as possible. Incl. stepping away from gurus like Ray Peat.


Mar 15, 2014
Yet, many people I know who have been vaccinated, including my sister and her 30 year old son are in perfect health. They took the vax almost a year ago, and they are strong, vibrant, and energetic
You give no control group for comparison. Many unvaccinated people who've contracted COVID are also strong, vibrant, and energetic.
On the other hand many people have died (both from the vaccine, and from covid)

It all comes down to your body's response to the spike protein. No matter vaccine or virus, the spike will make your body do whatever it's destined to do.

I have a theory: most young people, let’s say under 35, who took the vaccine have had good metabolic health throughout their childhood, and their 20s. As such, they didn’t really worry about their health, and didn’t need to discover alternatives to mainstream medicine advice. That made them to trust the authorities and the “official” science more easily
This as well. Ignorance is bliss, and bliss maintains ignorance.


Oct 6, 2020
I have a theory: most young people, let’s say under 35, who took the vaccine have had good metabolic health throughout their childhood, and their 20s. As such, they didn’t really worry about their health, and didn’t need to discover alternatives to mainstream medicine advice. That made them to trust the authorities and the “official” science more easily

Thats not a theory. Thats what it is. I woudn't be here or read / try alternative stuff and question authority if i hadn't become that ill and be confronted with a bundled amount of incompetence that doctors display on a day to day basis.


Nov 1, 2021
I have a theory: most young people, let’s say under 35, who took the vaccine have had good metabolic health throughout their childhood, and their 20s. As such, they didn’t really worry about their health, and didn’t need to discover alternatives to mainstream medicine advice. That made them to trust the authorities and the “official” science more easily
Makes sense


Nov 1, 2021
Thats not a theory. Thats what it is. I woudn't be here or read / try alternative stuff and question authority if i hadn't become that ill and be confronted with a bundled amount of incompetence that doctors display on a day to day basis.
But I had never been “that” ill when I started listening to alternative health people. In fact, I never had to go to the doctors for almost 13 years, yet I was reading alternative health blogs and forums.
Maybe it’s a type of inquisitive personality and not questioning authority that leads some people to these forums.


Oct 6, 2020
But I had never been “that” ill when I started listening to alternative health people. In fact, I never had to go to the doctors for almost 13 years, yet I was reading alternative health blogs and forums.
Maybe it’s a type of inquisitive personality and not questioning authority that leads some people to these forums.

I think its mostly how someone is growing up. As greek said, simply being healthy most of their lifes, learning from the parents home that "if sick, go doctor" then most of thoose people won't go and become "independend" in terms of health. They don't question. Afterall its complicated "chemistry and biology". Just go with the recommendation and all will be fine. 2-3 times dentist checkup. Dermatologist too ofcourse because sun= evil. So on and so forth.

They don't need to be critical until it may be already to late. For some, the whole world has to break loose (cancer etc.) For others its the loss of a loved one who was left to die by the medical establishment. But i don't think the majority of people is the way you described it. I mean it would be great if they were.

Personality is not a binary "you either are or your not" thing. Its constantly growing with the person. I'd never have thought of becoming such a health fanatic. But obviously its driven by this unbearable torture state im in.


Nov 1, 2021
I think its mostly how someone is growing up. As greek said, simply being healthy most of their lifes, learning from the parents home that "if sick, go doctor" then most of thoose people won't go and become "independend" in terms of health. They don't question. Afterall its complicated "chemistry and biology". Just go with the recommendation and all will be fine. 2-3 times dentist checkup. Dermatologist too ofcourse because sun= evil. So on and so forth.

They don't need to be critical until it may be already to late. For some, the whole world has to break loose (cancer etc.) For others its the loss of a loved one who was left to die by the medical establishment. But i don't think the majority of people is the way you described it. I mean it would be great if they were.

Personality is not a binary "you either are or your not" thing. Its constantly growing with the person. I'd never have thought of becoming such a health fanatic. But obviously its driven by this unbearable torture state im in.
I agree with everything you said! And of course, the majority of the people are not like what I described. I was talking about myself that I just never went to the doctors and questioned everything without actually being ill. It seems for me it’s a highly inquisitive personality type. And so I thought there must be at least some people like me who end up seeking alternative solutions etc,


Feb 12, 2020
From Ray's most recent newsletter, "Immunology, Ideology, Power":

"Moderna had been working on RNA vaccines for years when the 'novel' corona virus was identified, and they had been testing it as a vaccine for corona virus in mice, so when they received the genetic code by telephone from China, it took them only a few hours to produce the vaccine. As they rushed through the preliminary trials, it supposedly didn't occur to anyone that the vaccine might spread throughout the body, or that it would infect the lining of blood vessels with the spike protein, or that the infected endothelial cells would cause systemic clotting and inflammation, or that if the spike protein reached the lungs it would severely damage them, or that anti-spike antibodies would be toxic to the lungs, or that anti-antispike antibodies would contain an antigen similar to the spike antigen. They, like Pfizer, were undoubtedly aware of the risks of the shedding phenomenon. These facts would imply either that no one in the vaccine business had studied physiology or immunology with any attention, or that their plan - to inoculate everyone in the world with a highly toxic genetic material - wasn't intended to improve public health."

I am starting to become a bit concerned about Ray Peat's safety. It's admirable and brave of him to not make these statements anonymously, however whoever it is that is making a huge effort to censor everyone and everything has shown that they do not hesitate to off anyone in the scientific community who speaks out. Even if people in those fields consider him a "rogue scientist", Ray has managed to make a name for himself, he has a sizeable following and his influence is growing. This statement has already been made so it's too late but perhaps some caution should be advised in the future


Jan 25, 2014
I am starting to become a bit concerned about Ray Peat's safety. It's admirable and brave of him to not make these statements anonymously, however whoever it is that is making a huge effort to censor everyone and everything has shown that they do not hesitate to off anyone in the scientific community who speaks out. Even if people in those fields consider him a "rogue scientist", Ray has managed to make a name for himself, he has a sizeable following and his influence is growing. This statement has already been made so it's too late but perhaps some caution should be advised in the future

I don't think there is any need to worry. The thing that get's people killed is secrets. This is why Whistleblowers are top targets. Peat only references publicly available information, the same way Alex Berenson, Anthony Colpo and Steve Kirsh do. I don't think any of them are targeted, though I have little doubt they would like to shut all of them up, if they could. And he certainly doesn't have the following that Berenson or Kirsh do, especially in regards to Covid issues. Peat got away from the Beast medical system long ago.

If anything, Michael Yeadon and Robert Malone are the ones who might be targeted. They both worked for this Beast system more recently, and might have specialized knowledge (or secrets) that the system doesn't want out there.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
I am starting to become a bit concerned about Ray Peat's safety. It's admirable and brave of him to not make these statements anonymously, however whoever it is that is making a huge effort to censor everyone and everything has shown that they do not hesitate to off anyone in the scientific community who speaks out. Even if people in those fields consider him a "rogue scientist", Ray has managed to make a name for himself, he has a sizeable following and his influence is growing. This statement has already been made so it's too late but perhaps some caution should be advised in the future
I agree with @tankasnowgod, especially the Yeadon and Malone examples. Yeadon in particular seemed quite exacerbated with the situation, figured the people running the show expected a certain number of "noisy" individuals and included them in the outcome calculations. I share your concern but Dr. Peat has been doing his thing for a long, long time now, and I think the way nutrition has crystalized makes him easy to dismiss on first (and maybe second) glance, which protects him.


Feb 26, 2016
I don't think there is any need to worry. The thing that get's people killed is secrets. This is why Whistleblowers are top targets. Peat only references publicly available information, the same way Alex Berenson, Anthony Colpo and Steve Kirsh do. I don't think any of them are targeted, though I have little doubt they would like to shut all of them up, if they could. And he certainly doesn't have the following that Berenson or Kirsh do, especially in regards to Covid issues. Peat got away from the Beast medical system long ago.

If anything, Michael Yeadon and Robert Malone are the ones who might be targeted. They both worked for this Beast system more recently, and might have specialized knowledge (or secrets) that the system doesn't want out there.
I’ve started to think it’s less about a virus & more about the economy. So the Yeadons, Malones, even Peats are tolerated b/c they are focused on important inconsistencies. But inconsistencies that aren’t the economy.


Feb 26, 2016
If the vaccines cause some version of ADE then vaxxed might seem fine. That is, until they come in contact in future with pathogens that require a robust immune response.
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