Why the Vaxed Look Healthy, the Unvaxed not so?


Apr 6, 2018
You give no control group for comparison. Many unvaccinated people who've contracted COVID are also strong, vibrant, and energetic.
On the other hand many people have died (both from the vaccine, and from covid)

It all comes down to your body's response to the spike protein. No matter vaccine or virus, the spike will make your body do whatever it's destined to do.

This as well. Ignorance is bliss, and bliss maintains ignorance.
The vaccine control groups were virtually completely lost by the companies by intentionally unblinding the placebo participants (who subsequently panicked and went to vaccinate themselves with non-placebos) [1][2].

This was an outright violation of the demands by the FDA [3] and a clear ethical violation. The companies had been given indemnity so there are is no legal recourse.

[1] Moderna Provides Clinical and Supply Updates on COVID-19 Vaccine Program Ahead of 2nd Annual Vaccines Day

[2] Covid-19 vaccines: In the rush for regulatory approval, do we need more data?

[3] https://www.fda.gov/media/143982/download
Mar 10, 2021
I am starting to become a bit concerned about Ray Peat's safety. It's admirable and brave of him to not make these statements anonymously, however whoever it is that is making a huge effort to censor everyone and everything has shown that they do not hesitate to off anyone in the scientific community who speaks out. Even if people in those fields consider him a "rogue scientist", Ray has managed to make a name for himself, he has a sizeable following and his influence is growing. This statement has already been made so it's too late but perhaps some caution should be advised in the future
I am surprised he has made it this far, calling the medical system out on their greedy and incompetence.


Nov 18, 2019
I agree with @tankasnowgod, especially the Yeadon and Malone examples. Yeadon in particular seemed quite exacerbated with the situation, figured the people running the show expected a certain number of "noisy" individuals and included them in the outcome calculations. I share your concern but Dr. Peat has been doing his thing for a long, long time now, and I think the way nutrition has crystalized makes him easy to dismiss on first (and maybe second) glance, which protects him.
Jul 17, 2021
Here on this forum, most of us are against the vax and it's many evils to the individual, families and society. On the last Donny Roddy podcast, he and Georgi listened to Ray as he plunged them and viewers deeper into fear and foreboding similar to the dystopia of George Orwell's 1984. Georgi joked that the Appalachian Mountains are a possible escape route. Yet, many people I know who have been vaccinated, including my sister and her 30 year old son are in perfect health. They took the vax almost a year ago, and they are strong, vibrant, and energetic, and don't show any of the 'deadly' signs detailed by the anti-vax camp. I can instantly tell the difference between a vaxed and unvaxed person. The unvaxed is afraid, weary and wary. Masked, he acts and thinks the whole world is against him. Not so, the vaxed. As I mentioned above they're the exact opposite. So, what to do? Do we continue to listen to the doomsayers who'd tell us about the deadly contents of the vax, or do we take into account that the vaxed are not dying or suffering from serious crippling side effects (excluding the thousands who were killed in hospitals with ventilators).

We really need to soberly, calmly and truthfully address this issue. Especially we need to stop listening to the fake videos made by the anti-vax camp which are heavily infiltrated and abused by the fear-mongering "Destroy the U.S., and Western world" camp. I personally am against any vaccination. I refused the Flu vax since they aggressively started pushing it on people more than 10 years ago. And I'm not saying I'm about to give up and take the jab, I'd probably be the last person on earth to take it. This post is a call to answer the question: why the vaxxed are not dying, but are living normal, healthy lives? A gregarious young lady neighbor got vaxed, and she hasn't stopped laughing and giggling since. Personally, I think a woman who laughs a lot is starved for sex. Unfortunately I'm too old for her :D. @haidut, @charlie, @tankasnowgod, @boris, @Mr.Bollox, @Blossom, @ecstatichamster, @Pina, @Vileplume, @Lollipop2, @Drareg, @Birdie, @Jon2547,
Honestly, it’s the other way around
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