World's most popular video game comes out in full Satanic/Luciferian force


Oct 21, 2013
As a Christian kid, I sat through many presentations on the evil of rock & roll music, how it was Satanic etc. They weren't wrong. I think we're seeing the fruits of generations thinking that influence isn't harmful. It's going to get worse.


Nov 18, 2019
As a Christian kid, I sat through many presentations on the evil of rock & roll music, how it was Satanic etc. They weren't wrong. I think we're seeing the fruits of generations thinking that influence isn't harmful. It's going to get worse.
But then there is some that is good and truth telling. Hard to label all rock and roll in one fell swoop. HOWEVER, games are another matter and built for mind control - there is even a name and theory for it: gamification theory - parting you with all your money.


Feb 3, 2020
I don‘t like labeling things as good or evil, even though I grew up with that sort of thinking through my christian family.

For me it was just too hard to live in duality and with a purist mindset. It sucked all the joys of life out of me when I was into religion with real commitment. I had a constant inner moral police running around telling me that I cannot do this or that, because it was not pure. Then I stopped even joking and so on, because joking often is pathetic.

„Everything human is pathetic. The secret source of humor itself is not joy but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven.“ — Mark Twain
Apr 22, 2019
Then I stopped even joking and so on, because joking often is pathetic.

„Everything human is pathetic. The secret source of humor itself is not joy but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven.“ — Mark Twain

Proverbs 14:12-14
[12] There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
[13] Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness.
[14] The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself.


Jun 29, 2021
I don‘t like labeling things as good or evil, even though I grew up with that sort of thinking through my christian family.

For me it was just too hard to live in duality and with a purist mindset. It sucked all the joys of life out of me when I was into religion with real commitment. I had a constant inner moral police running around telling me that I cannot do this or that, because it was not pure. Then I stopped even joking and so on, because joking often is pathetic.

„Everything human is pathetic. The secret source of humor itself is not joy but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven.“ — Mark Twain
As a devout Catholic, I would submit to you that you (like the infamous Martin Luther) may have suffered from scrupulosity. Look it up. Almighty God made us to be religious actually so when you don’t subscribe to a faith you will find a replacement. I highly recommend at a bare minimum for you to seek an understanding of what scrupulosity is and how it’s not a good thing and actually rooted in the sin of pride. Humbling yourself and accepting that we sin and that thoughts and inclinations are NOT sin themselves (only temptations to sin) is the first step at understanding our human fallen nature. God has a preference for how he wishes to be worshiped, yet man in his self-centered ness believes he can worship however, whatever, whenever. God is the creator, we are the creation and we were created for a purpose. When we push against the purpose (His will) we have troubles that could otherwise be totally avoided. Prayers for your journey and I appreciate your honesty here. True joy is found in selflessness, in a pouring out of oneself for others, just as Christ did.


Feb 3, 2020
As a devout Catholic, I would submit to you that you (like the infamous Martin Luther) may have suffered from scrupulosity. Look it up. Almighty God made us to be religious actually so when you don’t subscribe to a faith you will find a replacement. I highly recommend at a bare minimum for you to seek an understanding of what scrupulosity is and how it’s not a good thing and actually rooted in the sin of pride. Humbling yourself and accepting that we sin and that thoughts and inclinations are NOT sin themselves (only temptations to sin) is the first step at understanding our human fallen nature. God has a preference for how he wishes to be worshiped, yet man in his self-centered ness believes he can worship however, whatever, whenever. God is the creator, we are the creation and we were created for a purpose. When we push against the purpose (His will) we have troubles that could otherwise be totally avoided. Prayers for your journey and I appreciate your honesty here. True joy is found in selflessness, in a pouring out of oneself for others, just as Christ did.
Thanks for sharing brother. I am still interested in catholicism and christianity and love reading the diaries of the saints (St. Faustina is my favourite)

Still struggling on finding the path, practically speaking.


Sep 10, 2019
This isn’t really shocking at all. Occult symbolism is in almost everything these days.


Apr 9, 2021
Dude this is true, but its really unimportant to the real world. Deprivation of cellular energy, and dogmatic culture is whats ruining kids, not anything else.

Stay the **** away from religion and satanic/occult type stuff, it only takes u away from realizing everything is energy, and bioligical energy governs everything.


Jun 29, 2021
Thanks for sharing brother. I am still interested in catholicism and christianity and love reading the diaries of the saints (St. Faustina is my favourite)

Still struggling on finding the path, practically speaking.
God bless you! I’ve been there. If you are seeking, you shall find ❤️


Sep 19, 2016
Maybe Fortnite stuff just looks cool, and cool is associated with this phenomenon people consider to be satan, and kids like cool things.

Everything is symbolic and has some sort of meaning to somebody, especially the more you look at it, and the more things you fill your head with of any kind. There's a quote for everything, and something to hide behind, but a lot of it doesn't really matter. Marketing taps into the primal innermost things people enjoy at any place in time. Fact is, kids (individuals) like cool stuff, and emotion, and being a part of something; and grown-ups (with things to take care of<typically responsible/communitive>) like a well-functioning society filled with peace, logic, happiness, and good work to be done wherein which their investments can thrive and also be happy (pets, children, friends, etc.)

Just be a good person, and believe there is goodness in others shadowed by "sin" AKA, the lack of things fulfilled by the hierarchy of needs that cannot be obtained due to circumstance and is actively pursued in a negative way in order to survive, as well as a combination of a lack of empathy, and self-reflection due to many different factors.

I'd never speak badly of a religious person, but Id always advocate more for the logic behind why something was put in a book to teach rather than an explanation of what it says, or a justification.

Religion is the backbone of everything we hold dear, but I'd love to see more advances in trying to bridge the gap for younger people rather than outright faith just because the world is a crazy, and illogical place. If the church was more like a clubhouse or a library and I could go whenever I wanted to play some games with friends, and learn about life skills from adults who stop by, I'd have gone willfully rather than just being forced to go as a kid on a Sunday to listen to someone recite some things I'd already read from the corresponding book. Even conspiracy; dead sea scrolls; what was Jesus as a teenager, philosophy, Atlantis/dead sea scrolls, what were his influences outside of the bible, etc.

I think more focus should be around helping people be healthy first, then confirming their reality as who they are as their born with s_x, and then helping them if they want further help through being a listening ear, home economics, and then lastly, the why "we" do it: Religion, and lastly if something of the prior isn't accepted, accept them, and live as an example, but stand on your rights if they attempt to harm you, and protect yourself, and your community first.

Just informing people to avoid pufa and irritating foods can change lives. Teaching people how to read a nutrition label, and that there's titanium and aluminum in some foods, etc. Informing people that if they're irritable, they may have low blood sugar and it happens to us all.

Just some thoughts.

also, what @Darin said. I think good religion is just a manifestation of good energy, and something we look to when the world stops making sense (which we now have science for to understand ourselves, which we can use to help us deal with the day-to-day).


Jun 22, 2021
In - The New World Order written by HG wells he describes the first steps taken to destroy a society should be corrupting their youth - hence why celebrities, movies, and games all seem to have the same satanic symbolism that everyone brushes off as coincidental - the end goal of the New World Order is to rule a technological theocracy

theocracy - a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.



Satanic symbolism present everywhere you look - even on your own US dollar yet the idea is brushed off as coincidental


It is worth noting that in "God the Invisible King" in which Wells is not referring to God but is actually referring to Satan - he refers to the new theocracy as "Luciferian" - a secret deity he worships in his lodge - he states

"In God the Invisible King, Wells regards belief in God as welling up from within the individual: "if you do not feel God then there is no persuading you of him; we cannot win over the incredulous." The book argues that God seeks "the conquest of death," through a struggle to "transform the world into a theocracy""

He then goes on to say that Christianity in particular - is the biggest issue standing in their way becuase it instills in people the belief that they have rights and they cant just kill everybody

Killing everybody is key to bringing in this new theocracy - "the conquest of death"


It is worth noting that Marxism is to be utilized to bring on the technocratic order - Marx himself has said that his soul is "chosen for Hell"

The people bringing in this theocracy are literal satanic worshippers/Luciferians and they don't try to hide it



Dec 8, 2016
In - The New World Order written by HG wells he describes the first steps taken to destroy a society should be corrupting their youth - hence why celebrities, movies, and games all seem to have the same satanic symbolism that everyone brushes off as coincidental - the end goal of the New World Order is to rule a technological theocracy

theocracy - a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

View attachment 32626

View attachment 32633

Satanic symbolism present everywhere you look - even on your own US dollar yet the idea is brushed off as coincidental

View attachment 32635

It is worth noting that in "God the Invisible King" in which Wells is not referring to God but is actually referring to Satan - he refers to the new theocracy as "Luciferian" - a secret deity he worships in his lodge - he states

"In God the Invisible King, Wells regards belief in God as welling up from within the individual: "if you do not feel God then there is no persuading you of him; we cannot win over the incredulous." The book argues that God seeks "the conquest of death," through a struggle to "transform the world into a theocracy""

He then goes on to say that Christianity in particular - is the biggest issue standing in their way becuase it instills in people the belief that they have rights and they cant just kill everybody

Killing everybody is key to bringing in this new theocracy - "the conquest of death"

View attachment 32631

It is worth noting that Marxism is to be utilized to bring on the technocratic order - Marx himself has said that his soul is "chosen for Hell"

The people bringing in this theocracy are literal satanic worshippers/Luciferians and they don't try to hide it

This is correct.
This is the battle.
A true war.


Dec 8, 2016
In - The New World Order written by HG wells he describes the first steps taken to destroy a society should be corrupting their youth - hence why celebrities, movies, and games all seem to have the same satanic symbolism that everyone brushes off as coincidental - the end goal of the New World Order is to rule a technological theocracy

theocracy - a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

View attachment 32626

View attachment 32633

Satanic symbolism present everywhere you look - even on your own US dollar yet the idea is brushed off as coincidental

View attachment 32635

It is worth noting that in "God the Invisible King" in which Wells is not referring to God but is actually referring to Satan - he refers to the new theocracy as "Luciferian" - a secret deity he worships in his lodge - he states

"In God the Invisible King, Wells regards belief in God as welling up from within the individual: "if you do not feel God then there is no persuading you of him; we cannot win over the incredulous." The book argues that God seeks "the conquest of death," through a struggle to "transform the world into a theocracy""

He then goes on to say that Christianity in particular - is the biggest issue standing in their way becuase it instills in people the belief that they have rights and they cant just kill everybody

Killing everybody is key to bringing in this new theocracy - "the conquest of death"

View attachment 32631

It is worth noting that Marxism is to be utilized to bring on the technocratic order - Marx himself has said that his soul is "chosen for Hell"

The people bringing in this theocracy are literal satanic worshippers/Luciferians and they don't try to hide it



In - The New World Order written by HG wells he describes the first steps taken to destroy a society should be corrupting their youth - hence why celebrities, movies, and games all seem to have the same satanic symbolism that everyone brushes off as coincidental - the end goal of the New World Order is to rule a technological theocracy

theocracy - a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

View attachment 32626

View attachment 32633

Satanic symbolism present everywhere you look - even on your own US dollar yet the idea is brushed off as coincidental

View attachment 32635

It is worth noting that in "God the Invisible King" in which Wells is not referring to God but is actually referring to Satan - he refers to the new theocracy as "Luciferian" - a secret deity he worships in his lodge - he states

"In God the Invisible King, Wells regards belief in God as welling up from within the individual: "if you do not feel God then there is no persuading you of him; we cannot win over the incredulous." The book argues that God seeks "the conquest of death," through a struggle to "transform the world into a theocracy""

He then goes on to say that Christianity in particular - is the biggest issue standing in their way becuase it instills in people the belief that they have rights and they cant just kill everybody

Killing everybody is key to bringing in this new theocracy - "the conquest of death"

View attachment 32631

It is worth noting that Marxism is to be utilized to bring on the technocratic order - Marx himself has said that his soul is "chosen for Hell"

The people bringing in this theocracy are literal satanic worshippers/Luciferians and they don't try to hide it

Resident Evil is a series in which a viral leak from a huge pharmaceutical company (Umbrella Corporation) infects a city called Racoon City and it's destroyed. Here, the symbol of Wuhan Lab.


In Resident Evil 4, often considered to be one of the best horror games of all time, the protagonist is called Leon Kennedy, like JFK who went against the Cabal and got assassinated, and RFK Jr who is one of the biggest fighters against the medical establishment, such as the vaxx. He fights a cult called Los Illuminados.


Gotthard tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland, scrubbed from Wikipedia.


Los Illuminados infect people with parasites in order to make them rabid and control them.


Something was apparently found in a vaxx.


The fourth game in particular had a magical appeal to it. Much of the series focuses on apocalyptic results of pharmaceutical corporatism, but the setting in Europe and the cult which is obviously based on the Illuminati makes me wonder if the creator knows their involvement in the industry.
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