Would appreciate good information regarding How to Reverse Autism

Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
Hello forum,

I was interested in doing some research regarding how to reverse autism, but trying it just browsing through the Internet was to no effect, because it is all biased towards Big Pharma's agenda.

So, I would like first to establish some premises:

The first one would be that, of course, vaccines are the major cause of it.

And the second; that reversing is reversing; healing. Not that "just quit starch and you're done". No, because starches are not the major cause of autism. That they affect the people with autism in a very clear way is for sure, but that is because of some damage caused by the vaccines in the first place. I hope you follow what I want to say.

So, I would like to know about a thorough protocol for example, with documented cases of people who were able to reverse their autism. This including quitting starch, chelation therapy, enduring it the necessary amount of time, or whatever has to be taken into account to be able to get the person rid of it.

Thank God that I don't suffer it, nor any in my family, but I think that in these times we should all know what to do about it to be able to help these people that sadly, end up in their desperation consulting stupid ignorant people in white robes that simply don't know how to solve them their problem because simply, they just don't care. Because if they did, they would have broken with the system long ago.

I hope you share the feeling, and we can all benefit from some good inputs shared here.
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Feb 21, 2021
Search Chlorine dioxide. Jim Humble, who discovered the health benefits named it MMS, Miracle Mineral Solution. If you search the main stream sites, you'll get results that say it's bleach and can harm you if ingested. If anyone says it's bleach because it has a Cl molecule, then they'd have to say the same thing about salt. And if Big Pharma and Big Medical are lining up against chlorine dioxide, it probably is because it is a cure for many illnesses.


Nov 8, 2021
Missouri, USA
My oldest son is multiply handicapped with severe autism. I spent over 2 decades researching and trying soooo many things. The ONLY thing that made a difference was the gfcf (gluten free casein free) diet, as well as homemade yogurt. He cried literally for the first time EVER after a week of gfcf. He never cried before that, even if he hurt himself. He let me hold him and even wanted that for the first time. His speech improved, also. Not a cure but helped in the most major way. Chelation did not SEEM to help but we couldn't get the hang of that and saw worsening symptoms and were too afraid to keep moving forward through that. He couldn't verbalize what he was feeling which also made it too risky for us. Everything else that helped was just coping skills: communication skills, active ignoring, predicting, and LOTs of positive reinforcement. Now at 26 he laughs, cries, expresses all of his basic needs, and enjoys company. However he still has occasional meltdowns for seemingly no reason, still needs a lot of routine and structure and predicting, and needs constant music via headphones or he can't cope with his lack of sensory data.

Not sure there is a way to completely reverse it yet.
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I appreciate all the answers.
My oldest son is multiply handicapped with severe autism. I spent over 2 decades researching and trying soooo many things. The ONLY thing that made a difference was the gfcf (gluten free casein free) diet, as well as homemade yogurt. He cried literally for the first time EVER after a week of gfcf. He never cried before that, even if he hurt himself. He let me hold him and even wanted that for the first time. His speech improved, also. Not a cure but helped in the most major way. Chelation did not SEEM to help but we couldn't get the hang of that and saw worsening symptoms and were too afraid to keep moving forward through that. He couldn't verbalize what he was feeling which also made it too risky for us. Everything else that helped was just coping skills: communication skills, active ignoring, predicting, and LOTs of positive reinforcement. Now at 26 he laughs, cries, expresses all of his basic needs, and enjoys company. However he still has occasional meltdowns for seemingly no reason, still needs a lot of routine and structure and predicting, and needs constant music via headphones or he can't cope with his lack of sensory data.

Not sure there is a way to completely reverse it yet.

Now this one really touched me. Thank you very much Deborah for telling us your story.

I really think that there has to be a way to reverse it, and not just to cope with it.

Really, this is my thought: if there is practically always a bacteriological imbalance in the gut, this practically sure is caused by the heavy metals, which are known to have antibacterial properties, this way causing the imbalance, in which just some bacteria thrive, leaving the whole system in some kind of shortcircuit (brain-gut axis).

So I think that chelation therapy would be the main player in what refers to reversing autism. Though this of course, as Deborah commented, is usually paired with conflictive results first-hand. This is always a delicate matter, but I think that the solution goes through here mainly, and all the rest would be some kind of supplementing.

Thank all of you, I'll be researching what you shared.


Jan 6, 2019

My oldest son is multiply handicapped with severe autism. I spent over 2 decades researching and trying soooo many things. The ONLY thing that made a difference was the gfcf (gluten free casein free) diet, as well as homemade yogurt. He cried literally for the first time EVER after a week of gfcf. He never cried before that, even if he hurt himself. He let me hold him and even wanted that for the first time. His speech improved, also. Not a cure but helped in the most major way. Chelation did not SEEM to help but we couldn't get the hang of that and saw worsening symptoms and were too afraid to keep moving forward through that. He couldn't verbalize what he was feeling which also made it too risky for us. Everything else that helped was just coping skills: communication skills, active ignoring, predicting, and LOTs of positive reinforcement. Now at 26 he laughs, cries, expresses all of his basic needs, and enjoys company. However he still has occasional meltdowns for seemingly no reason, still needs a lot of routine and structure and predicting, and needs constant music via headphones or he can't cope with his lack of sensory data.

Not sure there is a way to completely reverse it yet.
In the above link improvements from dairy & grains are ascribed to copper toxicity as the cause of autism


Nov 1, 2021
I found this while looking up possible remedies for a family friend years back. I don’t personally know anyone that has tried it, but it seemed to “make sense” to me then, and still now.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nLP0Ijo2CK4

Most of Dr. Campbell-McBride’s recommendations are for a GAPS diet, which isn’t too far off from Peat’s advice. The only big difference I would say is that while you can have plenty of fruit, but you can’t have refined sugars or honey on GAPS until you correct the gut issues that she links to autism’s effect. After you fix those issues, though, I believe you’re good to eat as you please. She also advocates for the use of fermented foods, which Peat generally doesn’t support. However, I don’t know exactly which strains she does or doesn’t enforce. I’ve seen GAPS sites say to avoid Lactobacillus acidophilus milk products and Peat has also warnes against lacto fermented foods and fermented dairy, but I don’t know if all of her fermentation recommendations are anti-lactic acid or if it’s that particular strain.
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May 19, 2017
Autism can't be "cured" because it is not an "illness".

Average neurotypical person is way more "sick" than average autistic person.


Jan 26, 2017
A place that needs more coconuts and sun
I think a line needs to be delineated between non-functioning, functioning, and high-functioning autism. This can most likely done by symptoms and the ability to cope with modern life. For example, a high-functioning autist (aspie?) can make significant contributions to their field or special interest, but at the cost of maybe having to isolate a bit more or having to keep a different group of friends and comrades than most neurotypicals (self-medicated through music? be careful of EMF-emitting wireless earbuds). Treating key specific symptoms is important like anxiety, rigidity, social maladjustment, development issues, etc.

The things that have helped me the most are: Pregnenolone, high doses of b-vitamins, aspirin, sun, stretching (I remember some book called the body keeps the score? something about releasing trauma through stretching and psoas release), and a variety of things to increase oxytocin (either self hugging or with loved ones, vitamin C, cuddling with pets, etc.). I am not sure if autism is created by any singular thing and the "disease" occurs and presents differently to each person.

I agree with @BearWithMe as the neurotypical currently in America is programmed, dogmatized, and sold a false dream...


Dec 8, 2016
Autism can't be "cured" because it is not an "illness".

Average neurotypical person is way more "sick" than average autistic person.

Im no expert….
But i do know i met many an “autistic” child and or adult whom was clearly gifted.


May 18, 2020
Anything that increases GABA should mitigate a lot of the symptoms of autism, like sensitivity to noise and the need to stim, or the lack of mental energy to do certain tasks that are necessary. A decent dose of Phenibut might help in some circumstances.


Jan 26, 2017
A place that needs more coconuts and sun
Anything that increases GABA should mitigate a lot of the symptoms of autism, like sensitivity to noise and the need to stim, or the lack of mental energy to do certain tasks that are necessary. A decent dose of Phenibut might help in some circumstances.
+1. A lot of people I know with autistic-like symptoms (including myself) have problems with alcohol; niacinamide and l-theanine can help too.


Sep 13, 2012
My son is an Aspie and probably I am too though all the tests show only a little bit of autism. It is way harder to diagnose in women. We have never treated him like he has a disease. His HTMA shows he does have great issue excreting heavy metals as do I and he was low on so many essential minerals. The build up of heavy metals is very damaging to the brain, they make the good minerals not be able to do their job, if certain metals lodge in areas of the brain that are supposed to process sensory things that could cause the sensory processing, it could also be why they have greater levels of social anxiety and irrational fears and obsessions.

The greatest thing they need is supportive parents who are willing to get into their world. They have a hard time opening up because they are deeply deeply sensitive humans and are extremely loyal so once they let you in you better not hurt them!

I was fully vaccinated so I may have passed that on, he has had no vaccines and self weaned past 5.


Jan 10, 2023
I have reversed my autism pretty much.

Amy yaskos methylation protocol is probably one of the best approaches, it works on fixing the gaba glutamate imbalance (key feature of autism), fixing the gut (addressing pathogens and microbiome imbalances), supporting methylation, fixing mineral imbalances, removing heavy metals.

Return to Autism Page -

Impaired methylation + toxic exposure + altered gut microbiome + Genetic weaknesses = Autism


Jan 16, 2023
Anything that increases GABA should mitigate a lot of the symptoms of autism, like sensitivity to noise and the need to stim, or the lack of mental energy to do certain tasks that are necessary. A decent dose of Phenibut might help in some circumstances.
This is a good recommendation.

The effect of glutamate toxicity in exacerbating autism and autistic symptoms is frequently overlooked. I recommend a search of the keywords 'autism' and 'glutamate' on scholar.google.com

as well as homemade yogurt
I don't see how that would be casein free... Of course all dairy is high in glutamate, except perhaps for non-industrialized, pastured products, which would be higher in glutathione than glutamate. Highly processed, refined glut-en products also present the risk of raising glut-amate levels.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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