Wouldn't Keto Be The Least Bad Diet For A Food Shortage?

Nov 17, 2017
Considering the likelihood of some kind of (probably) engineered food shortage, and bearing in mind the fact that Elon Musk was reportedly advised to send astronauts to Mars on a keto diet to save money, would you not agree that a keto-type diet might be worth considering for the determined survivor?

Reduced hunger is an obvious advantage in times of shortage, and keto boasts numerous anecdotes of reduced appetite. Longevity of food items is another important point to consider, and keto foods like coconut oil, ghee, salt/electrolytes, water, canned oysters, canned fish, Spam, corned beef, dark chocolate, pickled eggs and pickled vegetables are obviously more shelf-stable than fresh fruit juice and milk.

Might not desperate times call for a desperate remedy? Should a Peat-informed ketogenic diet be at least considered in the preparations of an informed and intelligent Westerner? It may even reduce the learned helplessness of believing in a particular diet which happens to be wholly impractical in times of shortage and poverty.

In any case, I think that some kind of belief in the diet a person is compelled by necessity to eat could be advantageous. There is an inspiring quote by vintage RPF member Pboy which says that:

"I think ketogenic diets, so long as the fat is mainly saturated, having enough thyroid support, and still enough calories consistently would be fine metabolically...though still some sugars would be necessary. You must still speak to your body that there is abundance...by telling yourself mentally that you are preferring a fat based diet, but that you have no hang-ups about still getting enough nutrition (you do this by appropriate eating and thoughts, behaviors) you'll be good."

Let us take the situation we are presented with, and interpret it in the most positive way. And if you disagree or agree, please state your opinion in the comments. It may be of value to lurkers and members alike.


Mar 9, 2022
United States
Considering the likelihood of some kind of (probably) engineered food shortage, and bearing in mind the fact that Elon Musk was reportedly advised to send astronauts to Mars on a keto diet to save money, would you not agree that a keto-type diet might be worth considering for the determined survivor?

Reduced hunger is an obvious advantage in times of shortage, and keto boasts numerous anecdotes of reduced appetite. Longevity of food items is another important point to consider, and keto foods like coconut oil, ghee, salt/electrolytes, water, canned oysters, canned fish, Spam, corned beef, dark chocolate, pickled eggs and pickled vegetables are obviously more shelf-stable than fresh fruit juice and milk.

Might not desperate times call for a desperate remedy? Should a Peat-informed ketogenic diet be at least considered in the preparations of an informed and intelligent Westerner? It may even reduce the learned helplessness of believing in a particular diet which happens to be wholly impractical in times of shortage and poverty.

In any case, I think that some kind of belief in the diet a person is compelled by necessity to eat could be advantageous. There is an inspiring quote by vintage RPF member Pboy which says that:

"I think ketogenic diets, so long as the fat is mainly saturated, having enough thyroid support, and still enough calories consistently would be fine metabolically...though still some sugars would be necessary. You must still speak to your body that there is abundance...by telling yourself mentally that you are preferring a fat based diet, but that you have no hang-ups about still getting enough nutrition (you do this by appropriate eating and thoughts, behaviors) you'll be good."

Let us take the situation we are presented with, and interpret it in the most positive way. And if you disagree or agree, please state your opinion in the comments. It may be of value to lurkers and members alike.
Of course. I think a high-fat diet consistent with some bioenergetic principles is preferable to grain subsistence, preferable to the standard western diet, and preferable to most prep-ration packs. Ray Peat chose to starve and under-eat when the local foods in Mexico contained PUFA. Yet I must ask: why those foods, several known sources of heavy metal contamination, in particular? Why not potatoes, cheese, gourds, or other well-preserved and relatively unprocessed foods which can be grown or made at home? If you live in a city and are attempting to prepare for social unrest, most approaches will be fruitless (both figuratively and literally). If you have land, get a goat and some chickens, and start planting lots of vegetables. Good-quality coconuts can be chilled and stored for a reasonably long time (especially on the basis of the unusual stability of its fats), and are a suitable medium between sugars and long-chain fatty acids.

I think it's good to have the oysters on hand though. They're so dense in trace minerals.
May 13, 2020
It depends what food will you be able to get on food shortage. I guess, that we will be able to get some canned products, maybe grains or something like that when real food shortages will hit. Theres also canned meat, but when world has collapsed then it will be very expensive to get. Keto is mostly meat and veggies. I dont think we will think much about diets when we will be starving. Best diet on food shortages will be water fast (if water will be available). Those who are fat will probably survive better - if not killed because of lack of ability to run for prolonged time.


May 18, 2020
There won't even be a food shortage if enough of us get conscious and deliberately change the vibration of the world. Never give up on hope, even the hope that bad people are capable of change. All the fear porn and deliberately depressing news and media is proof that they know how important mindset is.

If keto helps you do it, then fine. For others it will be classic Peat or economical starches Peat, or whatever else. Just find a way of eating that resonates and do that, while consciously maintaining a hopeful outlook on the future.


Oct 22, 2014
There won't even be a food shortage if enough of us get conscious and deliberately change the vibration of the world. Never give up on hope, even the hope that bad people are capable of change. All the fear porn and deliberately depressing news and media is proof that they know how important mindset is.

If keto helps you do it, then fine. For others it will be classic Peat or economical starches Peat, or whatever else. Just find a way of eating that resonates and do that, while consciously maintaining a hopeful outlook on the future.


Jan 25, 2014
Considering the likelihood of some kind of (probably) engineered food shortage,
Personally, I think the "food shortages" already happened in 2020, and everyone is freaking out over a past event.

But even if that's not the case..... what if it's mainly meat that is in short supply? Wouldn't that make Keto much worse for that sort of shortage?
and bearing in mind the fact that Elon Musk was reportedly advised to send astronauts to Mars on a keto diet to save money, would you not agree that a keto-type diet might be worth considering for the determined survivor?
Lol. There is so much that is ridiculous about that statement.

First off, there is no way men are going to Mars anytime soon with the publicly acknowledged technology. It's been 40 years now since we "last sent men to the moon," and no one has "repeated" those missions (which were obviously faked, to anyone who starts looking at the details of NASA's ridiculous claims). So, in the past 40 years, humans have only travelled 200-400 miles into space. In the 60's and early 70's, men allegedly went to the moon, which is 240,000 miles away, roughly 1000 times further than we can travel today (with the twin advantages of decades of experience in space travel, and far superior technology). Mars is about 34 Million miles away (at it's closest), which is another 100 times further than the supposed moon missions, and over 200,000 times further than astronauts travel today.

Second, with the insane freaking costs that it would be to even build a spaceship that could go to Mars (and capable of keeping humans alive during the trip), probably running into the hundreds of billions, or even trillions, of dollars, the paltry amount of savings that could be had from any particular diet would be pointless. It would be like advising builders to use 50 cent light switch covers instead of the dollar ones, to save money on building a 10 room mansion.

Third, it's incredibly ironic that the man who is the owner of a car company that peddles expensive cars that have a driving range about half that of the competition is talking about travelling the longest distance humans have ever travelled. Tesla only gets about 250 miles to a full charge, while cars like Hondas, Hyundais, Fords, and Toyotas can get about 500 miles to a full tank of gas, and some hybrids a bit longer. Those companies also sell their vehicles for about half to a third of the price of a Tesla (and that's after all the government subsidies Tesla has sucked up to even make their uncompetitive cars in the first place). So, when it comes to both saving money and travelling longer distance, Elon Musk is outpaced by pretty much everyone else he competes with.

In a survivor situation, you eat what's available. If you are prepping for something like that, you get shelf stable foods, with things like beans, rice, and pasta being the cheapest to stock up on and save for years/decades. And the way to save money while "sending men to Mars" is to simply fake the trip here on Earth.
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