Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“The food-derived polyunsaturated fatty acids play important roles in the development of all of the problems associated with aging--reduced immunity, insomnia, decreased learning ability, substitution of fat for muscle, susceptibility to tissue peroxidation and inflammation, growth of tumors, etc., and are probably involved in most other health problems, even in children. If research hadn't been guided by the economic interests of the seed oil industry, many of those problems would have been solved by now.“ -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
So I have been having a lot of cry spells this past few months. They come upon me with hardly any notice, and even in the middle of the night when I am barely conscious, but this past 7 days I couldn’t cry if I wanted to, which I couldn’t help noticing. I was trying to figure out why these cry spells have subside, and this morning the answer came to me! I have been eating seafood this week, 3 times! I always have eaten seafood except not this past few months, but I have been diligent to get my 3 ounces of liver, once ounce a day at a time. What a breakthrough for me! My high copper has depleted my zinc!

“Recent research looking into GAD suggests that an imbalance of zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu), two essential trace minerals within the body, may be contributing and worsening the condition. Researchers of a study titled “Decreased zinc and increased copper in individuals with anxiety” used Inductively Coupled Plasma-mass Spectrometry (ICP) to measure trace minerals in 38 chronically-anxious individuals. They compared the mineral status of these individuals with the mineral status of 16 people in a control group without anxiety symptoms. They found that individuals with chronic anxiety had significantly higher plasma levels of copper and very low levels of zinc, and their anxiety improved significantly with zinc supplementation (2).

In other words, people who suffer from anxiety have way too much copper in their bodies, and not enough zinc. I used to suffer from GAD and depression, and increasing my intake of zinc, and limiting my intake of copper, is one of the most impactful actions I have taken to overcome them, so this makes sense to me personally.“



Jul 10, 2017
"There is yet another angle to this. How much of our world's hostile behavior is from consuming meat from animals that were under extreme stress? I have heard of people receiving organ transplants having memories that are not theirs. How much of mental diseases can be attributed from ingesting the trauma, fear and depression that those poorly raised animals stored in their tissues?"
I had heard of this idea several years ago and it's stuck with me since. As someone who struggles at times with what I call "irrational emotions" that is - being overly emotional when there is not what I'd consider a good reason to be, in hindsight. Since I started raising chickens for eggs, I have been eating less chicken and meat in general. I know how horribly chickens are treated in factory farm settings. Seeing my hens and how much they love to scratch in the dirt looking for food and how much they just love being outside, I just don't want to support such awful practices. I seem to be feeling better with a bit less protein as well. And the protein I am getting is mostly from eggs and cheese, raw milk. Less from meat and it's mostly beef when it is.

Also thanks for the reminder regarding Zinc. It's one of few supplements I can take and notice a positive difference. Magnesium being the most noticeable. I was not aware that high copper would be an issue regarding anxiety, although I am somewhat aware of the copper / zinc balance in various body functions. Might be helpful to lay off the chocolate for a while. :)
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I had heard of this idea several years ago and it's stuck with me since. As someone who struggles at times with what I call "irrational emotions" that is - being overly emotional when there is not what I'd consider a good reason to be, in hindsight. Since I started raising chickens for eggs, I have been eating less chicken and meat in general. I know how horribly chickens are treated in factory farm settings. Seeing my hens and how much they love to scratch in the dirt looking for food and how much they just love being outside, I just don't want to support such awful practices. I seem to be feeling better with a bit less protein as well. And the protein I am getting is mostly from eggs and cheese, raw milk. Less from meat and it's mostly beef when it is.

Also thanks for the reminder regarding Zinc. It's one of few supplements I can take and notice a positive difference. Magnesium being the most noticeable. I was not aware that high copper would be an issue regarding anxiety, although I am somewhat aware of the copper / zinc balance in various body functions. Might be helpful to lay off the chocolate for a while. :)
I had to say something about this zinc copper connection this morning, because I am not a cryer, and it has been bizarre for me to cry like this. I is not a depressed cry, and last week it came in four times in one day! Do you eat seafood?


Jul 10, 2017
I had to say something about this zinc copper connection this morning, because I am not a cryer, and it has been bizarre for me to cry like this. I is not a depressed cry, and last week it came in four times in one day! Do you eat seafood?
Occasionally wild caught salmon or haddock. Maybe 2-3 x a month. I can't get oysters down. They are just really unpleasant to me, unfortunately. I've tried a few times with different kinds.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Occasionally wild caught salmon or haddock. Maybe 2-3 x a month. I can't get oysters down. They are just really unpleasant to me, unfortunately. I've tried a few times with different kinds.
Canned oysters are awful until you make one of my most favorites soups with them, this oyster stew! I use the canned oysters packed in water, and drain off the water. I figure it might have some heavy metals I don’t want, and it makes a milder soup. It comes together quick too, it is such a treat! I put the recipe at the bottom of page one in my protein recipe thread, I linked below….



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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“How miserably things seem to be arranged in this world. If we have no friends, we have no pleasure; and if we have them, we are sure to lose them, and be doubly pained by the loss.” -Abraham Lincoln


Jun 22, 2022
Which liver do you guys eat?
I recently added it to my diet (after being vegetarian for 10 years, at first it was hard adding it) and all I gotta say is: damn!
30 min to an hour after eating I felt so energetic (and also a bit hornier than usual, which I loved) that I decided to keep it forever
As of now I’m eating beef liver
But I’ve also seen lamb, chicken and some others I think
Just wondering which one you eat and why :)
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Which liver do you guys eat?
I recently added it to my diet (after being vegetarian for 10 years, at first it was hard adding it) and all I gotta say is: damn!
30 min to an hour after eating I felt so energetic (and also a bit hornier than usual, which I loved) that I decided to keep it forever
As of now I’m eating beef liver
But I’ve also seen lamb, chicken and some others I think
Just wondering which one you eat and why :)
I am eating beef liver via braunschweiger from the company I linked below. I just fry it up in ghee like hamburger. I portion it out into 6 pieces, so I am having one ounce of liver a day, three to four days a week. I have made a couple of pates with beef liver, one using bacon and one using sautéed mushrooms, and both were good.

Apr 22, 2019
“How miserably things seem to be arranged in this world. If we have no friends, we have no pleasure; and if we have them, we are sure to lose them, and be doubly pained by the loss.” -Abraham Lincoln

Philippians 1:21-22
[21] For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
[22] But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not.

1 Corinthians 15:54-55
[54] So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
[55] O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

Hallelujah to be alive and hallelujah for the end of this cursed flesh.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“In the context of the excitatory actions of estrogen, and the inhibitory action of glycine, it would be reasonable to think of glycine as one of the antiestrogenic substances. Another type of amino acid, taurine, is structurally similar to glycine (and to beta amino propanoic acid, and to GABA), and it can be thought of as antiestrogenic in this context. The specific kinds of excitation produced by estrogen that relate to reproduction occur against a background of very generalized cellular excitation, that includes increased sensitivity of sensory nerves, increased activity of motor nerves, changes in the EEG, and, if the estrogen effect is very high, epilepsy, tetany, or psychosis.“ -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"… emodin can produce to some degree all of the effects that he (Koch) believed could be achieved by correcting the cellular respiratory apparatus: Antiinflammatory, antifibrotic (Wang, et al., 2007) antiviral, antidepressant, heart protective, antioxidant, memory enhancing, anticancer, anxiolytic and possibly antipsychotic." – Ray Peat PhD

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Antiserotonin drugs can sometimes alleviate stress and normalize blood sugar. Simply eating sucrose was recently discovered to restrain the stress hormone system (“A new perspective on glucocorticoid feedback: relation to stress, carbohydrate feeding and feeling better,” J Neuroendocrinol 13(9), 2001, KD Laugero).” -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Today I tried quitting starch, I had meat and mangos for breakfast with salted tangerine juice. I felt this sensation that I was being elevated and I was finally becoming free, it was like a freedom from a prison that I didn't know I was even locked up in. It's hard to pinpoint what exactly I was free from, but as soon as I ate starch again for lunch (sweet potatoes) I felt like I was back in this prison. Starch sort of creates this barrier and prevents me from seeing another side of the world, honestly though it did feel a little overwhelming and eating the starch sort of brought me back to "normal". But I really want to try this again, I really liked that side of the world.

The way I saw the world with no starch was like I could think and come up with new ideas, I felt like I was living rather than letting my life just move on as I doze off and scroll through my phone. There's just something about starch that puts me into that mode. When I went keto a while back I thought that "carbs" were the problem and I felt better because I cut "carbs" but it really was just the starch. Because even with fruit and other sugars, I feel that same feeling. It's this weird bliss, like nothing is holding me back.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“The presence of lactose in milk, and of fat, to slow absorption of the amino acids, helps to minimize the secretion of cortisol. The main protein of milk, casein, seems to have some direct antistress effects (Biswas, et al., 2003).” -Ray Peat
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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