YouTube Censoring Is Out Of Control


Sep 24, 2016

At least in Germany just 5-10 years ago there were still pharma critical and especially vaccine critical reports and documentaries in the state owned broadcasting. It made a big shift about 2-3 years ago to more and more "anti-vaxxer" ridiculing content.

Just recently in February or March there was still a TV report featuring Wolfgang Wodarg explaining how the PCR test is showing false results and the pandemic scare is uncalled for. It got deleted from their website by the TV channel (to erase it like that goes against ethical journalism principles). The censoring and diffamation of any government/corona critical voice even in the supposed neutral media feels totally new here. It's shocking how many people don't see how wrong this is.

It’s not that new. 2015 migration crisis saw this massive propaganda and defamation of opposing voices too - to a lesser extent during the 2012 so called „Euro-crisis“ too.

It’s Germany, after all. The BRD is the successor to the Nazi-State and absorbed the other totalitarian state the DDR only 30 years ago. Both were master states of propaganda


Jul 13, 2017
This comment may be a bit branched away, but still the censorship on youtube is a branch of the same rotten tree.
I get the people who are discontent, but there are many who are in fact surprised. And youtube has it's terms and conditions for the people who are about to join and use the platform. Not rules, but "guidance"as they often call it. I have an account there I use solely to organize music playlists I listen to sometimes, and I did not read a word of the things I did agree to durring registration. Out of curiosity I did read them few days later but I don't know people who do. And youtube is owned by Google. If I haven't been fooled, from what I have understood Google and all it's platforms and services earn money by advertisement. This is not news. But not many people are aware how efficient this advertisement model is meant to be and how much google and microsoft know about us. Often more than we do, since we people tend to fool ourselves from time to time, but we don't lie to google.

Have you searched something on google, and later to find it as an advertisement on your facebook news feed? Facebook, google (all of it's services and platforms), yahoo, yandex and so forth have trackers allover the internet. The regular cookies are not the only means. Your google and youtube searches are just a tip of an iceberg. If you have seen a "Like/share us on facebook" icon on any website, that little thumbs up image has a tracker. It signals facebook (or with other trackers - google, yt ect.) that you have been there. Not such an option, image, icon? Still, quite often there's still a tracker. Aside from being stored and updated constantly and permanently, your entire inner world is being shared to advertisement companies, in a clever way you always get ads for things you quite often are genuinely interested in. That's literally your whole being - for sale. And that's only about those who are just consumers of these services. This is what users are meant to be in use for. You have something to say that we won't like? It's our platform, so your mouth is gonna be shut. Don't like it? Say whatever you want somewhere else. That's the monopolist attitude. I'm the only one selling bread in the town. Don't like it? Eat grass then. Or make bread yourself. Well, that's slowly happening.

A lot can be said, but here are some suggestion I'd like to share. If it's nothing new for some of you, please pardon me.

Operating systems:
You can get rid of Windows. I did so recently, switched to Linux Mint and it's a different world. Countless of different distros available, each serving different needs. Mint's environment looks like Windows', so a transition wont be a challenge. And I don't find Linux inferior to Windows in any field. And my computer runs better. The one downside is I can no longer fry an egg on it.

Firefox and few others are good, with the correct privacy settings. Some browser add-ons I use (so far) like Privacy Badger and uMatrix (this one is tricky) can reveal to you a lot of filth which follows every step of yours online. The add-ons list can be extended of course, depending on the needs.

Search Engine:
Say no to Google, say yes to DuckDuckGo or StartPage. As I'm typing this, It's about three weeks since I haven't seen google's page and neither I miss it, nor I need it.

E-mail providers:
ProtonMail, Tutanota and few others are vastly superior to gmail, if security is your priority.

Social Media:
Friendica is seen as a decentralized Facebook alternative. There may be more. Also, Instead of Twitter, there's and Mastodon. Instead of Instagram, there are and PixelFed. Diaspora* seems like it's worth exploring. Of course, the giants are far more crowded. People go wherever they see other people going. An established social network can be re-created on a privacy oriented social media. Overnight maybe not, but gradually for sure. Especially for an organized communities like this one here, it shouldn't be difficult at all. [edit] - as time passes by it will be more and more clear which is better, which worse. Facebook has started as a different network initially.

Video Streaming Platforms:
Instead or along youtube, it's blockchained/federated alternatives like and (maybe there are more, like PeerTube) are the way to go. Youtube users and especially uploaders/creators get freaked out because for many the platform is a decent source of income. And in order to keep the cash flowing, censorship and de-monetisation of some videos are something sometimes people are forced with. Well, one can upload on youtube and on an alternative platform, and even if youtube exercises censorship or else, the content would still be on the alternative platform. And if the audience of the said uploader have migrated from youtube to the alternative platform also, ditching youtube at some point may actually turn out to be an easy decision. Youtube is no longer the only way to monetize video content, if that's what one wants.

Keywords: Blockchain, encrypted, decentralized, federated - these equal freedom, security, privacy.

A bit long comment, but hopefully useful for someone. Those who try to shut people's mouths are not longer indispensable.
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2016
This comment may be a bit branched away, but still the censorship on youtube is a branch of the same rotten tree.
I get the people who are discontent, but there are many who are in fact surprised. And youtube has it's terms and conditions for the people who are about to join and use the platform. Not rules, but "guidance"as they often call it. I have an account there I use solely to organize music playlists I listen to sometimes, and I did not read a word of the things I did agree to durring registration. Out of curiosity I did read them few days later but I don't know people who do. And youtube is owned by Google. If I haven't been fooled, from what I have understood Google and all it's platforms and services earn money by advertisement. This is not news. But not many people are aware how efficient this advertisement model is meant to be and how much google and microsoft know about us. Often more than we do, since we people tend to fool ourselves from time to time, but we don't lie to google.

Have you searched something on google, and later to find it as an advertisement on your facebook news feed? Facebook, google (all of it's services and platforms), yahoo, yandex and so forth have trackers allover the internet. The regular cookies are not the only means. Your google and youtube searches are just a tip of an iceberg. If you have seen a "Like/share us on facebook" icon on any website, that little thumbs up image has a tracker. It signals facebook (or with other trackers - google, yt ect.) that you have been there. Not such an option, image, icon? Still, quite often there's still a tracker. Aside from being stored and updated permanently, your entire inner world is being shared to advertisement companies, in a clever way you always get ads for things you quite often are genuinely interested in. That's literally your whole being - for sale. And that's only about those who are just consumers of these services. This is what users are meant to be in use for. You have something to say that we won't like? It's our platform, so your mouth is gonna be shut. Don't like it? Say whatever you want somewhere else. That's the monopolist attitude. I'm the only one selling bread in the town. Don't like it? Eat grass then. Or make bread yourself. Well, that's slowly happening.

A lot can be said, but here are some suggestion I'd like to share. If it's nothing new for some of you, please pardon me.

Operating systems:
You can get rid of Windows. I did so recently, switched to Linux Mint and it's a different world. Countless of different distros available, each serving different needs. Mint's environment looks like Windows', so a transition wont be a challenge. And I don't find Linux inferior to Windows in any field. And my computer runs better. The one downside is I can no longer fry an egg on it.

Firefox and few others are good, with the correct privacy settings. Some browser add-ons I use (so far) like Privacy Badger and uMatrix (this one is tricky) can reveal to you a lot of filth which follows every step of yours online. The add-ons list can be extended of course, depending on the needs.

Search Engine:
Say no to Google, say yes to DuckDuckGo or StartPage. As I'm typing this, It's about three weeks since I haven't seen google's page and neither I miss it, nor I need it.

E-mail providers:
ProtonMail, Tutanota and few others are vastly superior to gmail, if security is your priority.

Social Media:
Instead of Facebook, there are blockchained, Friendica, there may be more. Instead of Twitter, there's and Mastodon. Instead of Instagram, there are blockchained and PixelFed. Of course, the giants are far more crowded. People go wherever they see other people going. An established social network can be re-created on a privacy oriented social media. Overnight maybe not, but gradually for sure. Especially for an organized communities like this one here, it shouldn't be difficult at all.

Video Streaming Platforms:
Instead or along youtube, it's blockchained alternatives like and (maybe there are more) are the way to go. Youtube users and especially uploaders/creators get freaked out because for many the platform is a decent source of income. And in order to keep the cash flowing, censorship and de-monetisation of some videos are something sometimes people are forced with. Well, one can upload on youtube and on LBRY (or another decentralized blockchained platform) and even if youtube exercises censorship or else, the content would still be on the alternative platform. And if the audience of the said uploader have migrated from youtube to the alternative platform also, ditching youtube at some point may actually turn out to be an easy decision. Youtube is no longer the only way to monetize video content, if that's what one wants.

Keywords: Blockchain, encrypted, decentralized - these equal freedom, security, privacy.

A bit long comment, but hopefully useful for someone. Those who try to shut people's mouths are not longer indispensable.
Thanks Teres. It's a great post.
A few years ago, James Corbett also suggested to hold on to some "lo-tech". He thought it good idea to keep a landline phone and a fax.


Oct 27, 2018
The communist style censorship in big tech was originally applauded by progressives and leftists. Now look at these two recent examples of censorship that ought to shock just about any leftist with a heart:

I feel I must reiterate an vital point that have led many here, all free speech and discourse is absolutely critical if we are to find the truth and build a better society, even if it may sound hateful or hurt people’s or a people’s groups feelings or go against the mainstream narrative. The idea that certain speech can be hateful and therefore must be banned has a sinister people behind it with a sinister agenda. Everyone here has realized this in some form in the medical and scientific world but it is happening on a grand scale with many dogmas and dangerous radical solutions for sociey.

Censoring a guy who says, "Fudge." Way to go YouTube.


Feb 18, 2016
This comment may be a bit branched away, but still the censorship on youtube is a branch of the same rotten tree.
I get the people who are discontent, but there are many who are in fact surprised. And youtube has it's terms and conditions for the people who are about to join and use the platform. Not rules, but "guidance"as they often call it. I have an account there I use solely to organize music playlists I listen to sometimes, and I did not read a word of the things I did agree to durring registration. Out of curiosity I did read them few days later but I don't know people who do. And youtube is owned by Google. If I haven't been fooled, from what I have understood Google and all it's platforms and services earn money by advertisement. This is not news. But not many people are aware how efficient this advertisement model is meant to be and how much google and microsoft know about us. Often more than we do, since we people tend to fool ourselves from time to time, but we don't lie to google.

Have you searched something on google, and later to find it as an advertisement on your facebook news feed? Facebook, google (all of it's services and platforms), yahoo, yandex and so forth have trackers allover the internet. The regular cookies are not the only means. Your google and youtube searches are just a tip of an iceberg. If you have seen a "Like/share us on facebook" icon on any website, that little thumbs up image has a tracker. It signals facebook (or with other trackers - google, yt ect.) that you have been there. Not such an option, image, icon? Still, quite often there's still a tracker. Aside from being stored and updated constantly and permanently, your entire inner world is being shared to advertisement companies, in a clever way you always get ads for things you quite often are genuinely interested in. That's literally your whole being - for sale. And that's only about those who are just consumers of these services. This is what users are meant to be in use for. You have something to say that we won't like? It's our platform, so your mouth is gonna be shut. Don't like it? Say whatever you want somewhere else. That's the monopolist attitude. I'm the only one selling bread in the town. Don't like it? Eat grass then. Or make bread yourself. Well, that's slowly happening.

A lot can be said, but here are some suggestion I'd like to share. If it's nothing new for some of you, please pardon me.

Operating systems:
You can get rid of Windows. I did so recently, switched to Linux Mint and it's a different world. Countless of different distros available, each serving different needs. Mint's environment looks like Windows', so a transition wont be a challenge. And I don't find Linux inferior to Windows in any field. And my computer runs better. The one downside is I can no longer fry an egg on it.

Firefox and few others are good, with the correct privacy settings. Some browser add-ons I use (so far) like Privacy Badger and uMatrix (this one is tricky) can reveal to you a lot of filth which follows every step of yours online. The add-ons list can be extended of course, depending on the needs.

Search Engine:
Say no to Google, say yes to DuckDuckGo or StartPage. As I'm typing this, It's about three weeks since I haven't seen google's page and neither I miss it, nor I need it.

E-mail providers:
ProtonMail, Tutanota and few others are vastly superior to gmail, if security is your priority.

Social Media:
Friendica is seen as a decentralized Facebook alternative. There may be more. Also, Instead of Twitter, there's and Mastodon. Instead of Instagram, there are and PixelFed. Diaspora* seems like it's worth exploring. Of course, the giants are far more crowded. People go wherever they see other people going. An established social network can be re-created on a privacy oriented social media. Overnight maybe not, but gradually for sure. Especially for an organized communities like this one here, it shouldn't be difficult at all. [edit] - as time passes by it will be more and more clear which is better, which worse. Facebook has started as a different network initially.

Video Streaming Platforms:
Instead or along youtube, it's blockchained/federated alternatives like and (maybe there are more, like PeerTube) are the way to go. Youtube users and especially uploaders/creators get freaked out because for many the platform is a decent source of income. And in order to keep the cash flowing, censorship and de-monetisation of some videos are something sometimes people are forced with. Well, one can upload on youtube and on an alternative platform, and even if youtube exercises censorship or else, the content would still be on the alternative platform. And if the audience of the said uploader have migrated from youtube to the alternative platform also, ditching youtube at some point may actually turn out to be an easy decision. Youtube is no longer the only way to monetize video content, if that's what one wants.

Keywords: Blockchain, encrypted, decentralized, federated - these equal freedom, security, privacy.

A bit long comment, but hopefully useful for someone. Those who try to shut people's mouths are not longer indispensable.

Thanks for this, I have been looking into Linux lately ,I use Mac but they overstepped the line during covid 19 by providing tracking information during lockdown to governments , they said it was anonymous, it turns out in the end this tracking can be done by anyone, we can look up apple device movements ,regardless of whether people can see if it’s you it’s still informative for anyone speculating where you may be and do random force hacks on multiple traces.

There is also GOD mode to worry about, intel chips had backdoor to their chips and so do the other companies , apple encryption is irrelevant at this point .


Feb 18, 2016
Twitter today adding fact checking recommendations to tweets now, idiots, the fact checking emperor is one guy and has "expertise" in everything ,he’s basically a god.

How will twitter deal with latent falsehoods? The whole issue of a lie making it around the world by the time the truth is getting its boots on, how would they deal with the weapons of mass destruction Iraq war justification?

Basically twitter logic is - it’s a fact if it’s popular with the rich elite ruling class.

Will they deal with financial falsehoods for example? Jack be like no way that’s how I make money with my unicorn stock price! His business like all unicorns is the stock price not the profitable business model of old, that kind of business model is for the peasants stuck in capitalism.

They really have set themselves up to fail on this.


Mar 3, 2016
YT is getting their just desserts. People are leaving their platform. Jogan leaving is huge
but good news in terms of the Joe Rogan podcast switching over to Spotify!! **** youtube!

Spotify also censors. All the big tech corporations are run by disgusting people and they all conspire against the people. Those who refuse to censor dissent get their payment gateways shut down, visa/mastercard block transactions, and they get their bank accounts shut down. Spotify censored Alex Jones and some non-pc music.

The truth is most people are in favor of censorship, most people are against free speech, so they don't care about these things. First they censor nazis, then conspiracy theorists, then alternative health information, then all dissent.


Apr 30, 2015
The truth is most people are in favor of censorship, most people are against free speech, so they don't care about these things.

That is because most people do not understand that free speech is free speech they don't like

Like Chomsky said, even Goebbels was pro speech he agreed with, but to be for free speech is to be for hate speech and other forms of speech you find abhorrent


Mar 3, 2016
That is because most people do not understand that free speech is free speech they don't like

Like Chomsky said, even Goebbels was pro speech he agreed with, but to be for free speech is to be for hate speech and other forms of speech you find abhorrent
Yes, the authoritarian culture and the public fool system really did a number on them.


Whenever any website or media website sensors, you know what side they're on. The only thing to do is to boycott and to stop using their services. And this includes boycotting Facebook YouTube Vimeo, Etc. It's the only way people need to start waking up and boycotting and protesting the services.


Aug 17, 2016
Whenever any website or media website sensors, you know what side they're on. The only thing to do is to boycott and to stop using their services. And this includes boycotting Facebook YouTube Vimeo, Etc. It's the only way people need to start waking up and boycotting and protesting the services.
I agree. Mass non-compliance and turning away from their junk that they "love bomb" into our lives.


Jul 9, 2020
I think repealing the telecommunications act is a good first step. There's this perennial "revolving door" so to speak that exists between the private sector and the government. If you were to sever this connection, and private entities where made 100% reliable for any and all content on their sites, they would watch their behavior more carefully. If they didn't, you could essentially sue them out of existence.People are driving the train in the wrong f**king direction. You can't regulate someone into submission. Instead, you make the private sector choose between their "political leanings" and their desire to make profit.

A not so well kept secret is....the latter ALWAYS wins. When the consumers are no longer in the driver seat, business becomes just as exploitative as the State, and maybe even more so (depending on one's perception). You've got to flip the hierarchy on it's head, because the bottom of the pyramid is the only thing that makes the top of the pyramid even possible. Once people realize their true power, nothing will be able to stop them.

Incidentally, you can find similar parallels with civil rights. There is no "regulating" racism, lol. The best regulator of racism is no regulations at all. Businesses that discriminate will dry up and shrivel away.


Feb 18, 2016
Google are now taking over transatlantic cables.
Google data cable to link US, UK and Spain

Remember these cables were hijacked by intelligence organizations along time ago, as a source of information these lines are gold.
We know google has links to intelligence with regard to their origins and creation.

One of the reasons western governments were so against 5g networks is China being so far ahead on it , it could take the monopoly away from the transatlantic cables in western countries by allowing huawei into countries like the UK, the UK have been pressured to pull back on its dealings with huawei.
It wouldn’t surprise me if some of the more obscure theories around 5g were seeded by intelligence units.


Nov 28, 2014
BRUTAL F****** MURDER! They killed The HighWire. Bastards! All of that amazing material. I killed all of my Chrome browsers in response, although they are handy in my country. I am not surprised, but very angry and sad. At least they still have their website The Highwire – The alternative news network to everything health.
According to The Richie Allen Show a mass culling is taking place against anyone questioning the safety of vaccines:
I've a couple of mates who work for Google. They both must remain anonymous of course. They drip feed me bits of information from time to time. Around four years ago, one of them told me that the demonetisation of alternative news channels would become standard. He was right as I learned when my original YouTube channel, which had nearly 100,000 subscribers, was deleted for no reason, three years ago.

I heard from him this morning. He told me two things. He said that when the covid vaccine is ready, or shortly before then, Google/YouTube is planning to take down thousands of channels that have traditionally hosted open discussion around vaccine safety. They will do this he said, in tandem with Facebook and Twitter. According to him, discussions between all three have already taken place. He reckons it'll be the biggest culling to date, of content creators and independent vloggers/commentators.


Jun 11, 2018
Who runs the tech companies? As in who are their CEOs, execs, directors, and investors? Who influences them? What are these people biased for and against?

I listened James Corbett´s episode about DARPA. He said DARPA has a hand in all those Big Tech companies, because they use a lot of their inventions. Probably other the government in general has a role in them. Like NASA. Elon Musk is supported by the government a lot also. What I don´t understand is how? There are these developmental plans, like Agenda 21, World Economic Forum, but there has to be some direct control as well. Maybe it is done in those Council of Foreign Affairs or Bilderberg Group type of things. In his World War I episode James Corbett talked about the conspiracy to start the First World War. In there was that Cecil Rhodes created a small circle of conspirators who control the outer circle of "useful idiots". So a small group of very powerful people could create a world view that the outer circle has to execute


Apr 6, 2018
I listened James Corbett´s episode about DARPA. He said DARPA has a hand in all those Big Tech companies, because they use a lot of their inventions. Probably other the government in general has a role in them. Like NASA. Elon Musk is supported by the government a lot also. What I don´t understand is how? There are these developmental plans, like Agenda 21, World Economic Forum, but there has to be some direct control as well. Maybe it is done in those Council of Foreign Affairs or Bilderberg Group type of things. In his World War I episode James Corbett talked about the conspiracy to start the First World War. In there was that Cecil Rhodes created a small circle of conspirators who control the outer circle of "useful idiots". So a small group of very powerful people could create a world view that the outer circle has to execute

What are the names of the key players (CEOs, directors, investors) in big tech and their most common backgrounds?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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