
Jan 25, 2014
Youtube took out a ton of Patriots today.

Indeed they did. The smart ones had to have backup channels on places like Bitchute (who I think even have a Youtube backup feature) and/or hard copies of their work offline. This move has been somewhat expected since the coordinated de-platforming of Alex Jones a couple years ago, and was telegraphed heavily in the past few months.


It's obvious to me at this point that the anti-conspiratorial person's excuse of "it just can't be because then everybody would have to be in on it" is succinctly debunked. My primary work was in audio and media, especially online. I knew a few people working for media sites like YouLose. They've expressed, with concern, that they have no clue as to the decisions that are made by the higher-ups, but that they feel repulsed by them, such as this stunt of pure censorship. You don't need everybody in on it. Just a few psychopathic, wealthy, and string pulling people. I've always said this that control and manipulation is best done by the few, creating more and more obfuscation and confusing. They thrive on it.

Remember fairly recently, Timpone asking Peat "so what do we have to do regarding the social media si..." and before he could finish Peat was already saying "yep yep getting off Farcebook and the like is the first step."

Personally, I came off of Farcebook and don't use the others. I just have a FB business account and certainly don't share personal info or thoughts there.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It's obvious to me at this point that the anti-conspiratorial person's excuse of "it just can't be because then everybody would have to be in on it" is succinctly debunked.

I think a lot of that opposition to "conspiracy" is not done in good faith. What I mean is that many of those people who get agitated, angry and even violent at the mentioning of conspiracies do so not because they truly believe there is no conspiracy but because of the cognitive dissonance and...panic that besets them when they attempt to process the consequences of a conspiracy indeed existing about this or that matter. Danny Roddy has a video called "Organizing the Panic" and it was titled that way precisely because both him and Peat got the sense that the reason a lot of people push back against many of the political, medical and dietary "conspiracies" discussed by them and on this website is that people simply panic and start literally losing it at the thought of "what if this is true". However, even the average Joe on the street at this point agrees that things are not only systemically bad but have been getting worse for years, so keeping their head in the sand is no longer an option. Twitter was down today for 5+ hours and I think a good portion of that was due to millions of average, anti-conspiracy Joes trying to retweet that NYP article about the Bidens and Ukraine and Twitter's servers trying to detect and block every such retweet, which eventually brought the site down.
Panicked or not, ignorance is doomed IMO simply because things have gotten so bad that even anti-conspiracists cannot deny it any more, even if they tell you otherwise in public conversations. The powers that be tried to capitalize on that panic and turn the two sides (Biden vs. Trump) of every day people against each other but the censorship and months of lockdown/isolation probably led to a social-wide de-sensitization to the panic...and now the avalanche is starting...or at least I hope that is what is happening.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
People have several times in arguments said "If that is true then...". So they are almost aware that they are engaging in motivated reasoning to defend their views. And there seems to fear of not having the right views. Much has been talked about how this happens with the woke, who constantly need to keep up with the accepted views to stay in the cult (1), and I think the same is true for a lot of people. Professionals need to have a certain belief system to maintain their social position, and apparently teenagers need to like the popular music to be accepted.

1. The Cult Dynamics of Wokeness


Aug 7, 2013
Thought I'd send this video out, before YouTube decides to get rid of it. All roads lead to Rome.



World Alternative Media and Amazing Polly of whom I followed. RIP.
Guys don't forget, people like Polly have a presence on BitChute. So get over there and show them the support. She was smart enough to have done this a little while ago and has something like 36K followers on BitChute. :thumbsup:


I think a lot of that opposition to "conspiracy" is not done in good faith. What I mean is that many of those people who get agitated, angry and even violent at the mentioning of conspiracies do so not because they truly believe there is no conspiracy but because of the cognitive dissonance and...panic that besets them when they attempt to process the consequences of a conspiracy indeed existing about this or that matter. Danny Roddy has a video called "Organizing the Panic" and it was titled that way precisely because both him and Peat got the sense that the reason a lot of people push back against many of the political, medical and dietary "conspiracies" discussed by them and on this website is that people simply panic and start literally losing it at the thought of "what if this is true". However, even the average Joe on the street at this point agrees that things are not only systemically bad but have been getting worse for years, so keeping their head in the sand is no longer an option. Twitter was down today for 5+ hours and I think a good portion of that was due to millions of average, anti-conspiracy Joes trying to retweet that NYP article about the Bidens and Ukraine and Twitter's servers trying to detect and block every such retweet, which eventually brought the site down.
Panicked or not, ignorance is doomed IMO simply because things have gotten so bad that even anti-conspiracists cannot deny it any more, even if they tell you otherwise in public conversations. The powers that be tried to capitalize on that panic and turn the two sides (Biden vs. Trump) of every day people against each other but the censorship and months of lockdown/isolation probably led to a social-wide de-sensitization to the panic...and now the avalanche is starting...or at least I hope that is what is happening.

Couldn't agree more. I have these discussions with my gf and we fully acknowledge the cognitive dissonance surrounding the doubt. It is a personal dilemma for me right now, as for example, a very otherwise intelligent family member doesn't subscribe to the conspiracies. At this point, just as you mentioned even the average Joe senses somethings are off now, it is truly naive to think things are as they appear or are spoonfed to us since unclassified information never surfaces as anything innocent. A little deduction at that point should start telling us something.

People have several times in arguments said "If that is true then...". So they are almost aware that they are engaging in motivated reasoning to defend their views. And there seems to fear of not having the right views. Much has been talked about how this happens with the woke, who constantly need to keep up with the accepted views to stay in the cult (1), and I think the same is true for a lot of people. Professionals need to have a certain belief system to maintain their social position, and apparently teenagers need to like the popular music to be accepted.

1. The Cult Dynamics of Wokeness

Good way to put it. That fear of not having the right view coupled with the aforementioned cognitive dissonance has now been put on a pedestal. The movement of bashing conspiratorial thinking is in full effect. Whether it's the radio or popular YouBoob videos, the sentiment that conspiratorial thinking is "the trendy thing" to do is being bandied around. I was actually shocked! hearing these people have the audacity to say such things. I hear one of these ignorant bootlickers even refer to the conspiracy thinking as "the echochamber." LOL I said "WHAT!?" On one hand they acknowledge us as a small, deranged and paranoid group of people. And now it is popular to marginalize our logic and thinking but to also elevate its status as the trendy thinking. So on the other hand ultimately they are saying it's common. Obviously you can see the flaw in their line of thinking not to mention the huge contradiction. Subservience, obedience and blind following is the norm; the echochamber (which we hope will change).


Jun 11, 2018
Guys don't forget, people like Polly have a presence on BitChute. So get over there and show them the support. She was smart enough to have done this a little while ago and has something like 36K followers on BitChute. :thumbsup:

Due to my health it is very easy for me to watch antiglobalists on TV, which YouTube enables. I can not sit behind a computer and watch videos. YouTube has also watch later, which is very convenient and you can easily resume where you left off. I have a tablet and watch Del Bigtree´s show with it (on BitChute), but it is too small and makes my eyes and muscles hurt while watching. Also I watch London Real with it sometimes. I had previously subscribed on BitChute to Max Igan, Del Bigtree and Dan Dicks, now I subscribed to Amazing Polly and World Alternative Media as well. My watchlist on YouTube is still very long. It would be great if there were censorship free apps, that enable TV watching, I haven´t found any yet. If the killings continue I guess I have to start using my tablet or phone more.


Sep 15, 2017
I'm not too tech savvy, even tho I'm technically a millenial, but I've been working on a website and a podcast for a while and I'd like to avoid being deplatformed by my ISP. What options do I have to avoid this from happening?

I already have an external hard drive where I save copies of research articles, videos, and now articles I'm writing and eventually the podcast, but how do I protect the website I created? Arranging everything on the website again if it gets taken down would be very annoying.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I'm not too tech savvy, even tho I'm technically a millenial, but I've been working on a website and a podcast for a while and I'd like to avoid being deplatformed by my ISP. What options do I have to avoid this from happening?

I already have an external hard drive where I save copies of research articles, videos, and now articles I'm writing and eventually the podcast, but how do I protect the website I created? Arranging everything on the website again if it gets taken down would be very annoying.

The two options that are probably the most censorship resistant are setting up a Tor website (with a .onion extension) and/or a node on IPFS. The former would require people to have the Tor browser installed in order to get to your website but built-in support for .onion sites is about to be added to all major browsers so in the next year or two this should become more mainstream. IPFS is the less frowned-upon option since .onion website are often considered an attempt to hide something illegal. IPFS is also not fully mainstream yet but it has more support across browsers and most large IT companies are supporting it, unlike Tor (which is considered a shady way to host a site). here are some links. Other IT savvy people on the forum may have additional suggestions.
Tor Hidden Services: How to Make your Site Visible on the Dark Web
How to Host a Site on the Dark Web
Host a single-page website on IPFS
How to Easily Host a Website on IPFS
Are there any IPFS file hosting services? : ipfs


Sep 15, 2017
The two options that are probably the most censorship resistant are setting up a Tor website (with a .onion extension) and/or a node on IPFS. The former would require people to have the Tor browser installed in order to get to your website but built-in support for .onion sites is about to be added to all major browsers so in the next year or two this should become more mainstream. IPFS is the less frowned-upon option since .onion website are often considered an attempt to hide something illegal. IPFS is also not fully mainstream yet but it has more support across browsers and most large IT companies are supporting it, unlike Tor (which is considered a shady way to host a site). here are some links. Other IT savvy people on the forum may have additional suggestions.
Tor Hidden Services: How to Make your Site Visible on the Dark Web
How to Host a Site on the Dark Web
Host a single-page website on IPFS
How to Easily Host a Website on IPFS
Are there any IPFS file hosting services? : ipfs

Appreciate it Haidut, will look into setting these up. Are you setting your blog up on these as well? Wouldn't want to lose all of the studies you have up on there.


Feb 18, 2016
It's so big and deliberate at this point, I'm starting to wonder if that's the point- draw attention to this side through obvious censorship campaigns. Censorship and other forms of speech suppression can and do work, but only if done on a scale small enough not to be noticed.

I agree, the pile on effect from the usual who’s who of alt media and MSM always seems coordinated, us versus them, live drama and entertainment at the circus.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Appreciate it Haidut, will look into setting these up. Are you setting your blog up on these as well? Wouldn't want to lose all of the studies you have up on there.

Not yet, but I am looking into it. Can't be too careful these days.


Aug 17, 2016
I think the level of "cybersecurity" and AI control is going to be orders of magnitude more than we can now imagine.
The depth of the spook control of the earth and all the people and all things in it is breathtaking:



People have to start waking up to NOT using Google, YouBoob or Farcebook for starters.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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