Progest-E Tastes Different


Mar 29, 2014
Anyone else noticed this? Anyone aware of a change in recipe?
I started new bottle yesterday, and it tastes vey different from previous bottles. I sometimes notice a slight change of taste as I get to the very end of a bottle that has been out of the fridge for a while, but this is quite different.
It's been stored in the fridge since I got it a couple of months ago.
Considering trying the next bottle from the same delivery to see if it's the same.
Gone down with migraine again, can't judge yet if the new batch has the same effect as usual.
There are no batch numbers that I can see on the bottle. I bought it from Electrical Body - 1 of 4.
I'm concerned that it might be contaminated with something harmful, and not sure what to do next.
Anyone got ideas?


Jul 8, 2014
Hmm...I buy about 4 bottles of progest-e every month and the batch I got a couple weeks ago tastes like it's usual gross self. Same with the batch from a couple months ago. It had that same slightly bitter flavor or at least it seems a bit bitter to me. I get mine from Electrical Body also.

Can you describe the off flavor you're picking up from your batch? Also, you could contact Electrical Body and ask, assuming the ingredients listed on your bottle are the same as your previous bottles, if the source of the ingredients have changed at all. I imagine that could be a factor in the change of flavor.


Mar 29, 2014
Hard to describe the new taste - kind of acrid? I don't exactly find the old taste delicious, but pretty benign. This new one tastes really unpleasant. It did occur to me that it could be my sense of taste that was off - my nose goes super-sensitive pre-migraine. But I have a little left in my old bottle, and it still tastes fine.
I think I will email Electical Body and ask if they know or can find out about any change. The new label is exactly the same as the old one.
Mar 30, 2014
A former Dutch colony in the new world
We have a very recent batch from Electric Body and the taste could be described as acrid. But the product has still been effective.

We've been following RP's suggestion of 3 large drops on the gums, wait ten minutes; if the condition does not resolve, repeat. And just keep waiting and repeating, until you've reached the point of anesthesis, though it may take quite a few repetitions.

Something else that was suggested by haidut, is an intranasal application since the nasal membranes are so close to the brain. We've tried three drops in each nostril and, subjectively, it does seem to have a more immediate effect on state of mind, causing a kind of sleepy languor that is quite pleasant, and leads to a great sleep.

Hope you feel better soon!


Mar 29, 2014
visionofstrength said:
We have a very recent batch from Electric Body and the taste could be described as acrid. But the product has still been effective.

We've been following RP's suggestion of 3 large drops on the gums, wait ten minutes; if the condition does not resolve, repeat. And just keep waiting and repeating, until you've reached the point of anesthesis, though it may take quite a few repetitions.

Something else that was suggested by haidut, is an intranasal application since the nasal membranes are so close to the brain. We've tried three drops in each nostril and, subjectively, it does seem to have a more immediate effect on state of mind, causing a kind of sleepy languor that is quite pleasant, and leads to a great sleep.

Hope you feel better soon!

Is this the first batch you've had, or have you had previous ones that tasted different/milder?

I've probably taken up to 30 drops within 2 hrs a couple of times in the past. Enough to make me sleep, but not enough to stop the pain. Maybe I could go higher, but if I get too sedated I have trouble getting up for food, drink and loo.
Haven't tried the nasal application - did it feel odd having very viscous goo in there? Did it stay there long? Did you just apply straight as far as you could reach, or mixed with anything? Don't tell any more detail than you want, but I guess if people on this forum can discuss 'cow pats' maybe I'm allowed to ask about sticking fingers up nose? :lol:


Mar 29, 2014
I emailed electrical body to ask. I'll let you know what they reply.
In the meantime, I've used more of it and I think I can tell it's having an effect.
I'd still like to know what the change was.
Mar 30, 2014
A former Dutch colony in the new world
tara said:
Is this the first batch you've had, or have you had previous ones that tasted different/milder?

First batch.

tara said:
Haven't tried the nasal application - did it feel odd having very viscous goo in there? Did it stay there long? Did you just apply straight as far as you could reach, or mixed with anything? Don't tell any more detail than you want, but I guess if people on this forum can discuss 'cow pats' maybe I'm allowed to ask about sticking fingers up nose? :lol:

Funny! So I hope that's a sign the migraine is passing!! Here are some short answers to your questions, but please let me know if you would like more ... Haven't tried the nasal application - did it feel odd? No, very pleasant. Did it stay there long? Yes, all night like a continuous dosing. Did you just apply straight? Yes, from the dropper directly, and it seems to melt and ebb nicely. Or mixed with anything? Have tried it mixed 50/50 with 98% DMSO, and the DMSO seems to make it even more potent. Maybe I'm allowed to ask about ...? Well, I've asked you questions about how you get into a CO2 bag in your pj's, and you answered, so sure, ask away!


Feb 7, 2013
I noticed the taste too. Awful. Will be interested in hearing your response from Electrical Body.
BTW, I just switched vendors after some ongoing shipping issues with Electrical Body.
After doing some research, I found this vendor. Same price ($28.98 US) and fast shipping, with tracking.

Simplify Your Health

I've not tasted the Progest E but will report back once I do.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
tara said:
Don't tell any more detail than you want, but I guess if people on this forum can discuss 'cow pats' maybe I'm allowed to ask about sticking fingers up nose? :lol:
"Man pats". :mrgreen:


Jul 8, 2014
4peatssake said:
I noticed the taste too. Awful. Will be interested in hearing your response from Electrical Body.
BTW, I just switched vendors after some ongoing shipping issues with Electrical Body.
After doing some research, I found this vendor. Same price ($28.98 US) and fast shipping, with tracking.

Simplify Your Health

I've not tasted the Progest E but will report back once I do.

I checked the Simplify Your Health website out before I ordered from Electrical Body two weeks ago since EB used to only charge $23.95 per bottle and so I dealt with the two weeks it would take for me to receive my shipment. Unfortunately, Simplify Your Health would of cost me almost $14.00 in shipping whereas EB cost me $8.95. Oddly enough, I got my EB shipment in less than a week. I was shocked!

Charlie said:
tara said:
Don't tell any more detail than you want, but I guess if people on this forum can discuss 'cow pats' maybe I'm allowed to ask about sticking fingers up nose? :lol:
"Man pats". :mrgreen:

Ah, yes! No conversation is complete without poo talk. :D


Feb 7, 2013
Jennifer said:
I checked the Simplify Your Health website out before I ordered from Electrical Body two weeks ago since EB used to only charge $23.95 per bottle and so I dealt with the two weeks it would take for me to receive my shipment. Unfortunately, Simplify Your Health would of cost me almost $14.00 in shipping whereas EB cost me $8.95. Oddly enough, I got my EB shipment in less than a week. I was shocked!
I'm aware of the lower cost which is why I purchased from Electrical Body for a several years. I used to endorse this vendor but can no longer do so due to numerous issues that have never been properly resolved.

A friend and I have had ongoing problems with shipping (her last order didn't ship for over 6 weeks) and it led to some serious hormonal imbalances for my friend (despite me giving her bottles of my own that I had in stock). I'd rather pay a few dollars more in shipping costs and have my package tracked and arrive on time.

Customer service is king. ;)


Jul 8, 2014
I'm sorry to hear of the trouble you and your friend had to deal with, 4peatssake. I've spoken with the owner a few times when my packages were over a week and a half late for the same reason as you and your friend. I would run out of it while waiting two weeks for a package I would have thought would take no longer than a week to receive. The owner told me that she has a hard time keeping the product in stock. I could understand that because she had the lowest price on the internet and so many people were probably buying from her to the point that she couldn't keep up with the demand. My biggest issue with that was, why then was she still filling orders when she didn't even have the product? She could of saved herself and a lot of people the grief just by displaying out of stock on the progest-e ordering page when she didn't have any to sell.

After that, I made sure to order at least two weeks in advance and I always make sure I have a full bottle of progest-e before I place my order. But six weeks? I don't blame you for buying elsewhere. That's just crazy unless you live in an Antarctica and your package has to be delivered by penguins.


Feb 7, 2013
Jennifer said:
I'm sorry to hear of the trouble you and your friend had to deal with, 4peatssake. I've spoken with the owner a few times when my packages were over a week and a half late for the same reason as you and your friend. I would run out of it while waiting two weeks for a package I would have thought would take no longer than a week to receive. The owner told me that she has a hard time keeping the product in stock. I could understand that because she had the lowest price on the internet and so many people were probably buying from her to the point that she couldn't keep up with the demand. My biggest issue with that was, why then was she still filling orders when she didn't even have the product? She could of saved herself and a lot of people the grief just by displaying out of stock on the progest-e ordering page when she didn't have any to sell.

After that, I made sure to order at least two weeks in advance and I always make sure I have a full bottle of progest-e before I place my order. But six weeks? I don't blame you for buying elsewhere. That's just crazy unless you live in an Antarctica and your package has to be delivered by penguins.
Yes, it was just a case where it was happening to often, so we went elsewhere.
I've spoken with the owner as well and I think it's a one person operation and it gets overwhelming at times. I know she can't keep it in stock as well. I think you can order and negotiate a decent price direct from kenogen.

My friend and I thought about becoming distributors when we kept running into problems. Once we found the other vendor and spoke with them, we settled on that option because tracking is important to us because we are Canadians who have a US postal address and that service requires tracking numbers. We repeatedly asked for shipping with tracking and said we'd pay for it to no avail. So we had a need to go elsewhere for those reasons as well.

You're smart to keep stock at hand, I do so as well. ;)


Jul 8, 2014
Ooh...I didn't know we could negotiate with Kenogen, 4peatssake. That's good to know! I knew we could order direct from them since I had to get their contact information for my doctor. She wanted to start carrying it in her office after seeing the amazing results I was having with it. I assumed she would get a discount for being a physician, but I didn't know someone without a medical license could as well. I go through so much of it right now and with the new price increase, that's another $20 a month, which doesn't seem like much, but with all the medical tests/supplements that I have to take that aren't covered by my insurance, it really drains my funds fast. But yes, I can completely understand why you looked elsewhere for the progest-e.

My doctor and I haven't been able to figure out why my progesterone levels are nonexistent without supplementation. We think it's due to a leaky gut that was finally discovered a couple weeks ago when I did an allergy test showing I was allergic to everything on it. Other than the low progesterone and resulting severe osteoporosis (has been reversing at an extremely fast rate) everything else with me is normal. I'm only 33, have good thyroid numbers, estrogen levels on the low end of the normal range, low prolactin, normal testosterone levels, no polyps or cysts and my ovaries and uterus look very healthy and this is all before supplementing with progest-e. I even did a 24 hour adrenal saliva test a few months ago to get more accurate results after my cortisol blood levels came back normal. My doctor was convinced I had a leaky gut caused by high cortisol. The results showed my cortisol levels were only ever so slightly elevated, but still in the normal range. At the time I did the test, I was taking care of my dying dog so I was actually shocked that my cortisol levels didn't show off the charts high.

I order some flowers of sulphur and super strength pharmaceutical grade oregano oil to kill off any undetected bad critters and some Metagenics Glutagenics that my doctor recommended to heal my gut lining since the gelatin wasn't working. Hopefully this takes care of it and I'll no longer be at the mercy of someone else for my progesterone fix. ;)
Mar 30, 2014
A former Dutch colony in the new world
You would need to have an operating business with a business license to qualify as a wholesaler.

But if you are on a tight budget and needing to use large quantities, you can also make your own Kenogen progesterone for personal use only, by following RP's patent. [Edit per post below: ]


Feb 7, 2013
visionofstrength said:
You would need to have an operating business with a business license to qualify as a wholesaler.

But if you are on a tight budget and needing to use large quantities, you can also make your own Kenogen progesterone for personal use only, by following RP's patent.
That's not the correct link to RP's patent.

Here is the correct link: RP's Patent

Maybe another product for haidut? ;)


Feb 7, 2013
Jennifer said:
Ooh...I didn't know we could negotiate with Kenogen, 4peatssake. That's good to know! I knew we could order direct from them since I had to get their contact information for my doctor. She wanted to start carrying it in her office after seeing the amazing results I was having with it. I assumed she would get a discount for being a physician, but I didn't know someone without a medical license could as well. I go through so much of it right now and with the new price increase, that's another $20 a month, which doesn't seem like much, but with all the medical tests/supplements that I have to take that aren't covered by my insurance, it really drains my funds fast. But yes, I can completely understand why you looked elsewhere for the progest-e.

My doctor and I haven't been able to figure out why my progesterone levels are nonexistent without supplementation. We think it's due to a leaky gut that was finally discovered a couple weeks ago when I did an allergy test showing I was allergic to everything on it. Other than the low progesterone and resulting severe osteoporosis (has been reversing at an extremely fast rate) everything else with me is normal. I'm only 33, have good thyroid numbers, estrogen levels on the low end of the normal range, low prolactin, normal testosterone levels, no polyps or cysts and my ovaries and uterus look very healthy and this is all before supplementing with progest-e. I even did a 24 hour adrenal saliva test a few months ago to get more accurate results after my cortisol blood levels came back normal. My doctor was convinced I had a leaky gut caused by high cortisol. The results showed my cortisol levels were only ever so slightly elevated, but still in the normal range. At the time I did the test, I was taking care of my dying dog so I was actually shocked that my cortisol levels didn't show off the charts high.

I order some flowers of sulphur and super strength pharmaceutical grade oregano oil to kill off any undetected bad critters and some Metagenics Glutagenics that my doctor recommended to heal my gut lining since the gelatin wasn't working. Hopefully this takes care of it and I'll no longer be at the mercy of someone else for my progesterone fix. ;)
I know a forum member who works in cosmetology negotiated directly and got a discount. I don't think it would be too difficult. I think she presented herself as someone who has clients who'd be interested and that she wanted to test progest e in her skin care work.

I know what you mean about the price increase, I was disappointed as well and $28 and change now seems like the best price we can get retail. Tough for those who need a bottle or more a week til they can knock down estrogen and/or get their progesterone levels up and can produce it at normal levels again.

I hope you get this all worked out swiftly Jennifer.


Mar 1, 2014
I noticed the change in taste as well in my most recent bottle from Electrical Body--I thought it had a less nutty taste compared to the one purchased about a year ago. I haven't been using it much this summer, its just sitting in the fridge and I haven't been able to tell much about its potency. If it has that same taste through other sources than Electrical Body, that would be interesting to know.
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