
  1. haidut

    The Diverse Effects Of Lactate Are Finally Being Recognized

    Ray has written a lot on the toxicity of lactate and how it is not just a harmless metabolite. However, modern medicine treats lactate not just as harmless but even as beneficial (for the brain, of all tissues). This latest study is starting to expose the many faces of lactate, even though the...
  2. haidut

    Both Types Of Diabetes Are Caused By The Same Mechanism

    Ray has written on the similarities between type I and type II diabetes and how they are really the same disease, but of different severity. Modern medicine claimed for years that the two types are fundamentally different, and type I is an auto-immune condition. This article claims scientists in...
  3. haidut

    Humans mature more slowly because of their big brains

    Ray wrote about the phenomenon of cephalization and how higher order species tend to have bigger and energetically more expensive brains. Apparently, up until recently this was just speculation without much evidence going for it. Now, it appears the evidence has been "found". So, in children the...
  4. haidut

    Having A Gut Free Of Germs Makes You Healthier And Leaner

    I know Ray has said he tries to keep his gut as germ-free as possible due to the beneficial effects on metabolism of having a clean gut. So, the overall conclusions of this study did not really come as a surprise to me. What is surprising to an extent, is that running endurance was highest in...
  5. haidut

    Serotonin Inhibits The Senses

    The hallucinogenic effects of LSD are thought to be due to removing of the inhibition of the "thinking" part of the brain over sensory responsivity. This implies that serotonin inhibits that responsivity. This study seems to confirm that view and makes one wonder how something that inhibits the...
  6. haidut

    Tofu / Soy Is Toxic To The Brain

    Ray wrote in one of his articles that tofu is associated with dementia. It is likely that it is the tofu's (and all soy products for that matter) highly estrogenic effects that are to blame. There was a study back in 2009 that confirmed Ray's views and this latest (and larger) study adds even...
  7. haidut

    Protein Requirements Increase With Age

    Ray has written on the dangers of chronic protein deficiency and often recommends at least 80g of protein a day. In younger people (20-30 years old) the anabolic effects of protein peak at about 20g of protein per meal. It looks like in older people the requirement is higher. I have known about...
  8. haidut

    Coconut Oil + Vinegar Or OJ = Potent Antibiotic

    Ray has written on the merits of coconut oil in terms of bacterial inhibition. He also recommends coconut oi and vinegar as a carrier for carrot to reach the intestine. However, I don't think Ray has written on the combination of the oil and vinegar as a natural alternative to antibiotics. This...
  9. haidut

    Cacoa Extends Lifespan And Keeps Dopamine High

    Ray wrote that cacao has bromocriptine, which I have not been able to verify, but there is a study that backs up his claim. "...Caffeine increases your metabolic rate, so it's important to take it with food, including enough sugar. Coffee and cocoa are very...
  10. S

    Cyproheptadine Prevents Exercise-induced Leaky Brain

    Increased blood-brain barrier permeability following acute short-term swimming exercise in conscious normotensive young rats.
  11. haidut

    Coffee May Prevent Tinnitus

    The study claims that the beneficial effects is due to caffeine. If tinnitus is commonly caused by stomach issues, then caffeine is probably protective for the gut. I posted a study some time ago that showed caffeine being protective for IBS, and excessive gut serotonin...
  12. haidut

    Pau D'Arco (lapacho Tree) Lowers Estrogen Levels

    This may be one of the many reasons it is effective against cancer. If the naphtoquinones and anthraquinones are the active compounds and they reduce estrogen, I wonder if Cascara has the same effect... Growth inhibition of estrogen receptor positive human breast cancer cells by Taheebo from...
  13. haidut

    Common food ingredient causes low IQ in babies

    I find it just shocking that a compound that is used as a "treatment" for hyperthyroidism (and thus causes hypothyroidism) is approved for as a food ingredient, and is NOT regulated for its presence in drinking water. ... lorate.cfm Life is stranger than...
  14. haidut

    Dieting Is Stressful, And Probably Makes You Fat

    There is a quote on the front page of the forum from Ray saying that chronic dieting leads to hypothyroidism. One of the mechanisms this happens through is the chronically elevated cortisol levels that dieting causes. Here is a study that discussed the effects of dieting on cortisol in humans...
  15. haidut

    Stress gives you 11 extra pounds of body weight (fat) a year

    I think we all know that stress makes you fat, but this is more specific and measured how much stress affects your weight. The study used a high-fat diet, which probably aggravated the wight gain even more, but the overall diet was not hypercaloric. The 11lbs of fat per year is nothing to laugh...
  16. haidut

    Negative effects of aspirin may be due to glycine depletion

    Some people have trouble taking aspirin even in small doses. Most often they get symptoms like tinnitus, GI discomfort, nervous system overexcitement, etc. It just happens that glycine (and also taurine) happen to help with all of these symptoms. So, I did some digging and it looks like aspirin...
  17. haidut

    Taurine Enhances Aspirin Absorption

    Given how similar taurine is structurally to glycine, this is not surprising but I wanted to post it anyways as an extra option for people who do not have access to glycine powder/tablets but have taurine. "...Aspirin absorption from the stomach or...
  18. haidut

    Glycine Virtually Eliminates Adverse GI Effects Of Aspirin

    I posted a study earlier on co-administration of glycine improving the absorption of aspirin. It looks like it also prevents the negative GI symptoms of aspirin intake in some people. The ratio needed is 2:1 in favor of aspirin, which means that if you are taking 1g of aspirin, you need to take...
  19. haidut

    Cinnamon May Help SIBO

    Cinnamon has been promoted in alternative health circles for helping keep SIBO under control, and it appears there is some truth behind the claims. According to this study, in very low concentrations (easily achievable with food/supplements) cinnamon killed most bacteria associated with food...
  20. managing

    DHEA and lipolysis

    RP has been widely cited as recommending very small doses (2-3mg) of DHEA for diabetics. Presumably, this is to prevent low BG problems. But DHEA acts through lipolysis. Is it simply a lesser of two evils...
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