19 year old male: insomnia, water retention, depression and suicidal thoughts (blood work, labs included)

Feb 9, 2022
Here are a couple of my threads with a collection of things addressing depression Denizka….

Thank you, this is interesting information, I will re-read it again.
Feb 9, 2022
Is the 'estro' test Estradiol? From my experience E2 this low will leave you feeling like absolute ***t on the verge of death. E2 this low is most likely because your free T is low. You should definitely test the rest. Whether the hormonal issues are the source or a symptom of whatever is happening to you remains to be seen, but I'd agree with other posters that it's most likely long term malnutrition.
I have the same experience. My estradiol has dropped from 60 to <37 and I feel like a corpse.
Feb 9, 2022
Redsun was right. His advice helped me. For me it was white rice, 9-10 grams sodium (edit 9-10 grams of salt), beef, 6 eggs, liver and cocoa for copper. I slept like a baby. I could fall asleep anytime, anywhere. Now, if redsun advises something, be sure to listen. This person knows more than 95 percent of the people on this forum. I am very grateful to him.

Now the other side of the coin. I want to kill myself even more. Every day I see how my body swells like a balloon. Now I look like an Asian. My eyes have shrunk by half and my nose has doubled in size. My cheeks swelled even more, although I was already constantly swollen. I didn't increase my calories or carbs. The steps remained the same (10-12k steps per day) + light warm-up workouts at the university.
I understand that no one can help me. The only thing I haven't tried yet is diuretics. But in our country, diuretics are not sold without a doctor's prescription. I pray to God every day to kill me quickly. I had sports ambitions, charisma, constant female attention, beautiful face, girls, friends...
Now every step is given with difficulty and pain. My brain seems to be switched off and I am in a state of depersonalization and derealization 24/7. I literally have no feelings. I imitate feelings in order to comply with social norms. I don't feel love for my family. Absolutely empty inside. I went to several endocrinologists with my symptoms and tests. The last time (like August 25 or 26, I don’t remember exactly) the doctor told me that I most likely have hypothyroidism, but according to my tests, everything is normal, so she can’t do anything.
Please don't repeat my mistakes. Appreciate what you have, love your family, friends, etc. Thank you for listening. I've lost hope. I will no longer fight and decide something.
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Dec 17, 2018
Redsun was right. His advice helped me. For me it was white rice, 9-10 grams sodium, beef, 6 eggs, liver and cocoa for copper. I slept like a baby. I could fall asleep anytime, anywhere. Now, if redsun advises something, be sure to listen. This person knows more than 95 percent of the people on this forum. I am very grateful to him.

Now the other side of the coin. I want to kill myself even more. Every day I see how my body swells like a balloon. Now I look like an Asian. My eyes have shrunk by half and my nose has doubled in size. My cheeks swelled even more, although I was already constantly swollen. I didn't increase my calories or carbs. The steps remained the same (10-12k steps per day) + light warm-up workouts at the university.
I understand that no one can help me. The only thing I haven't tried yet is diuretics. But in our country, diuretics are not sold without a doctor's prescription. I pray to God every day to kill me quickly. I had sports ambitions, charisma, constant female attention, beautiful face, girls, friends...
Now every step is given with difficulty and pain. My brain seems to be switched off and I am in a state of depersonalization and derealization 24/7. I literally have no feelings. I imitate feelings in order to comply with social norms. I don't feel love for my family. Absolutely empty inside. I went to several endocrinologists with my symptoms and tests. The last time (like August 25 or 26, I don’t remember exactly) the doctor told me that I most likely have hypothyroidism, but according to my tests, everything is normal, so she can’t do anything.
Please don't repeat my mistakes. Appreciate what you have, love your family, friends, etc. Thank you for listening. I've lost hope. I will no longer fight and decide something.
What you experiencing now is a sudden crash in your metabolism. Your body crashed because it can finally relax. But now it put you into a deep depressive state. When you provide the nutrients you were missing for a long time, your self-awareness of your life and everything that you experienced comes rushing back so it can hurt a lot and it can make you even shut off. So what we need to do is reduce the crash effect a little bit. So relax, don't be so dramatic. I know it can feel like complete despair that will never go away but we will figure this out. I will help you out. Look on the bright side you can finally sleep. I mean surely you are happy about that? Sleep is the first step to help your body rejuvenate so you can actually be more healthy and not live on stress hormones. This is what is happening to you now. You were flying high on stress and once you started eating properly you crash hard.

First off, No one here ever said 9-10g of sodium. I was talking about salt as in 9-10g of sodium chloride. 9-10g of sodium is too much. So if you are doing that, that could be way you are swelling even more than usual. So it needs to be 4-5g of sodium which ends up being around 9-10g of salt AT MOST. And yes you will swell but the swelling will reduce as the body gets used to the sodium intake. So don't think thats permanent I promise you its not. So if you have been actually doing 9-10g of sodium you need to immediately cut that in half.

Do not eat anymore liver. The very high vitamin A levels in liver can lower glutamate and cause reduced emotional function and depression. It is good to get some copper but it is not necessary especially if you are getting these kinds of issues. You can get copper from cashews, cocoa, fruits. Liver is not required.

Also half the amount of eggs to 3. Some people can handle over a gram of choline daily easily with no problems while others get too much depression from very high choline intake. There is no known answer only theories on why this is the case but for now go from 6 to 3. This should help improve your mood. I would also use iodized salt and not regular salt since you are not eating dairy and only get a little bit of iodine from a few eggs. This should help reduce water retention dramatically. You get very little iodine right now and your old diet of beef, honey, fruits has virtually no iodine so very likely your body is depleted of iodine and you need to replete it.

Don't give up and don't worry too much. Your mood can change so quick. Do these things I just suggested and your mood should improve quickly. Believe me when I say I have been in your shoes. It sucks and it hurts but I never dared giving up on myself no matter how bad I had it. You will get through this.
Feb 9, 2022
First off, No one here ever said 9-10g of sodium. I was talking about salt as in 9-10g of sodium chloride. 9-10g of sodium is too much. So if you are doing that, that could be way you are swelling even more than usual. So it needs to be 4-5g of sodium which ends up being around 9-10g of salt AT MOST. And yes you will swell but the swelling will reduce as the body gets used to the sodium intake. So don't think thats permanent I promise you its not. So if you have been actually doing 9-10g of sodium you need to immediately cut that in half.
Yes, I spelled it wrong, I was consuming 4000 mg of sodium, not 9-10 grams. My brain doesn't work at all, that's why I make such mistakes in the message.
It sucks and it hurts but I never dared giving up on myself no matter how bad I had it. You will get through this.
You are much stronger than me spiritually and mentally. I don't want to be pitied. I really don't need help anymore. Apparently I deserved all this for being a bad person. You are a good person and so are everyone else
Also half the amount of eggs to 3. Some people can handle over a gram of choline daily easily with no problems while others get too much depression from very high choline intake. .
My state of mind is definitely not directly related to choline or vitamin A, etc. My depression and anhedonia started at the age of 12-13. Bullying at school, dermatitis, short height left an imprint on my soul. I'm broken. The only thing that makes me emotional is the "specialists" I turned to for help. My family spent a lot of money on psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, endocrinologists, allergists and other "doctors" to cure me. But all these people said that I was fine. **** it all.


Dec 17, 2018
Yes, I spelled it wrong, I was consuming 4000 mg of sodium, not 9-10 grams. My brain doesn't work at all, that's why I make such mistakes in the message.

You are much stronger than me spiritually and mentally. I don't want to be pitied. I really don't need help anymore. Apparently I deserved all this for being a bad person. You are a good person and so are everyone else

My state of mind is definitely not directly related to choline or vitamin A, etc. My depression and anhedonia started at the age of 12-13. Bullying at school, dermatitis, short height left an imprint on my soul. I'm broken. The only thing that makes me emotional is the "specialists" I turned to for help. My family spent a lot of money on psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, endocrinologists, allergists and other "doctors" to cure me. But all these people said that I was fine. **** it all.
I am not pitying you. I experienced exactly the same kind of anguish you did. And I got through it. This is not pity. I am helping you help yourself. Do you think you were the only one bullied at a young age? Or struggled with body image? That thinks they are broken beyond repair. That dealt with severe depression? Some are still bullied now mercilessly by others even as adults. Everyone experiences what some like to call the dark night of the soul. It is up to you whether you want to stay a victim or come out a new person.

Follow my new recommendations to you on the iodine, liver, eggs and work on breaking out of your victim mentality. I did it, many have done it, and many now still continue to do it. I am not stronger than you mentally. Don't be so hard on yourself. You have so much time. Give yourself a break and go easy on yourself. Not only can you do this. You will do this. It just takes time and it can be uncomfortable but it is necessary for change. You cannot become new without first breaking down your old foundation to set a new one.


Feb 24, 2019
problems started after I tried a raw fruit diet and veganism.This took about 1 year.
At that time, Did you eat the vegetables raw ?

problems with grains intestinal pain, increased hunger and appetite, fatigue, brain fog, joint pain and weight gain.
Can you get Aspirin in Russia?

problem with dairy products. Stuffy nose, constipation, depression, I want to close myself in the room from everyone and not leave the house at all, weight gain and hunger with appetite
do you have a high blood pressure? Do you get bloated from what foods?


May 31, 2018
I am not pitying you. I experienced exactly the same kind of anguish you did. And I got through it. This is not pity. I am helping you help yourself. Do you think you were the only one bullied at a young age? Or struggled with body image? That thinks they are broken beyond repair. That dealt with severe depression? Some are still bullied now mercilessly by others even as adults. Everyone experiences what some like to call the dark night of the soul. It is up to you whether you want to stay a victim or come out a new person.

Follow my new recommendations to you on the iodine, liver, eggs and work on breaking out of your victim mentality. I did it, many have done it, and many now still continue to do it. I am not stronger than you mentally. Don't be so hard on yourself. You have so much time. Give yourself a break and go easy on yourself. Not only can you do this. You will do this. It just takes time and it can be uncomfortable but it is necessary for change. You cannot become new without first breaking down your old foundation to set a new one.

I'm in the same boat as this young man, relatively. I have Salicylate Intolerance and docs don;t even know WTF that is, so i have been on my own researching for 25 yrs.

I started taking Omega-3 which lowered my really high BP wonderfully, but now I feel floaty and weird and depressed even more than before (been kicked in the **** by life for the last 10 years STRAIGHT with back to back to back to back bull****) .. weirdness could be my effed up neck/SCM muscles which also make me off balance or maybe it's just my immense ongoing stress. I have nothing but worries and life-changing things for the absolute worse ahead in my life and near future, and I don't know why I bother to try. But this guy is young, and i want him to give what you suggested a good go. My dude, at least you have something to follow and try!! What a waste to not give it your best shot.
Nov 5, 2019
Hey man, sorry to hear you’re feeling this way at only 19.
At your age, you shouldn’t be worried about only having 4 grams of salt per day, and not 6. Be careful, this mindset it a viscous cycle, you’ll see it on this forum people wasting YEARS trying to perfect gram for gram intake of x this week or y this week, with the only result being frustration, wasted money and time!
I think you should strip it right back to basics, do a carnivore diet and eliminate everything. Slowly incorporate foods back in one at a time and gauge your response accordingly.
Don’t overcomplicate it!
Now with all this time because you’ve simplified your diet and nutrition, think about your life aspirations and dreams!
Mental health, in my opinion, isn’t going to improve with unhealthy fixation on diet. If anything it’ll create more stress worrying about intake of x or y, etc.
Don’t neglect talking to people about how you feel, whether it’s a profressional, family member or friend. Don’t suffer in silence whatever you do.
At 19, these are some of the most important years developing yourself as an adult, ultimately that means your mindset and qualities as a man.
Just like your time in boxing, it’s all about discipline. You can’t always throw your right hook and win in round 1 with a knockout. Sometimes you’ve got to go the time and chip away at your opponent, the full 12 rounds and keep going at it with CONSISTENCY. Sometimes you get knocked down and don’t feel like getting back up, but a fighter doesn’t quit, you have to ask yourself how bad do you want to win?
Start with small achievements in life, set small goals (time bound) and stick to achieving them. Keep a journal, write things down, what you’re proud of, what you’ve achieved, what you want to do tomorrow, next week, next year, etc. Small specific things you want to improve with yourself (must be realistic and doable!)
Lastly, we often quickly assume a bad diet = bad physiological and mental health, but do we ever consider if poor mental health is the root cause. The mind and body are interconnected. Taking a HOLISTIC approach will always reap the most reward.


May 31, 2018
At your age, you shouldn’t be worried about only having 4 grams of salt per day, and not 6. Be careful, this mindset it a viscous cycle, you’ll see it on this forum people wasting YEARS trying to perfect gram for gram intake of x this week or y this week, with the only result being frustration, wasted money and time!

Mental health, in my opinion, isn’t going to improve with unhealthy fixation on diet. If anything it’ll create more stress worrying about intake of x or y, etc.

Lastly, we often quickly assume a bad diet = bad physiological and mental health, but do we ever consider if poor mental health is the root cause. The mind and body are interconnected. Taking a HOLISTIC approach will always reap the most reward.


Don't pooh-pooh on a suggestion of adding meditation to your arsenal. Most people can't do it for more than 1 minute because we are so revved up and in fight-or-flight mode. If the body doesn't learn and feel relaxation, it will stay in a stressed mode and wreck havoc on your whole system. I'm living it. I know.
It makes "bad" turn to "unbearable".
Feb 9, 2022
I appeal to everyone who writes in this thread. Do not write here anymore, please. I have decided that I will commit suicide this month. This is not an impulsive decision. I've been thinking about this since I was 12-13. Last summer, I already came up with a suicide plan and set a specific date. Don't waste your time and energy on me. I am the most stupid and useless person. Thanks to everyone for the advice and willingness to help.
Now I will give you one last piece of advice. Do not let your children fall into despair and depression. Do everything so that your children do not feel abandoned and alone. Do not drink alcohol or other drugs around your children. Give your son to wrestling or boxing from an early age. Make time for your son.


May 31, 2018

DenizkaRedizka, I love you. And you may have helped me with your thread just now.​

I looked up your concern with round face and found high cortisol which comes from ongoing high stress.
I see myself in the list of high cortisol symptoms. I never considered high cortisol up to this point. Thank you.
Mar 10, 2021
I have sent off copies, of his last message, to everyone I know who prays, to pray for him. I have been frustrated with family members I know who don’t deserve their children and this is another one of those travesties. My niece’s life is ruined, because of her self serving alcoholic mother, who’s mother was just as bad. Why do people repeat the same things on their children that they didn’t like done to them? It makes no sense to me at all no matter how much psychology people try to impress me with. Our children should be our treasure. I wish you had been my son Denizka, cause you would clearly see your value. Know you are loved by those who love God.


Feb 3, 2020
Brother, I love you, even though I never met you, but the similarity between you and me has truely shooked me.

There is a way out of this, I swear, even though no solution seems in sight!

If you need someone to talk to to or chat, reach out for me, anytime, brother.

We care about you. We love you.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ju6Q8Azcmg


May 31, 2018
Research has shown that an ongoing calorie deficit will dramatically increase cortisol levels, which slows metabolism and increases water retention.

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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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