2 Questions About Nose Breathing


Nov 20, 2014
Couple questions about the nose and breathing.

First of all I've seen a few posts with people suggesting placing a piece of tap over the mouth during sleep and specifically in one post while sitting at the computer? Is the goal to breath in and out through the nose completely all day long? Even during exercise?

Second, I seem to have some inflamed turbinates - no fluid just inflammation. The severity of the inflammation seems to alternate from one nostril throughout the day though even. For instance I can get very little air in our out through my right nostril in the morning but I get about 80% flow in and out my left. But then it seems to alternate multiple times throughout the day. I've heard some people say this is normal but it doesn't seem normal to me. Seems like one should be able to breathe well in and out both nostrils at the same time but maybe I'm wrong. So what do you think? Is this normal or not?

Thanks for you input


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
firebreather said:
post 115245 Is the goal to breath in and out through the nose completely all day long? Even during exercise?
Yes. Yes.
firebreather said:
post 115245 Second, I seem to have some inflamed turbinates - no fluid just inflammation. The severity of the inflammation seems to alternate from one nostril throughout the day though even. For instance I can get very little air in our out through my right nostril in the morning but I get about 80% flow in and out my left.
Possibly from low CO2. Have you tried squeezing your nose and rocking your head to and fro when this happens? If you search Buteyko you can find exact instructions on how to do that.
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Nov 21, 2015
yes, tape at night, ONLY nose breathe, even (especially) when exercising.

It IS normal to have one nostril open, the other closed. And they alternate during the day. Only when exercising do you have both nostrils open. This is natural, normal and as it is supposed to be.

The swollen feeling will subside. It may take a few weeks or months. As you raise your CO2 levels, it will feel more normal. Some times of year, "allergy" will create this in some people, even those people with high CO2.


Nov 20, 2014
Charlie said:
post 115248
firebreather said:
post 115245 Is the goal to breath in and out through the nose completely all day long? Even during exercise?
Yes. Yes.
firebreather said:
post 115245 Second, I seem to have some inflamed turbinates - no fluid just inflammation. The severity of the inflammation seems to alternate from one nostril throughout the day though even. For instance I can get very little air in our out through my right nostril in the morning but I get about 80% flow in and out my left.
Possibly from low CO2. Have you tried squeezing your nose and rocking your head to and fro when this happens? If you search Buteyko you can find exact instructions on how to do that.

Thank you so much. I have tried the Buteyko method but I suppose I was too impatient with the lack of results.
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Nov 20, 2014
ecstatichamster said:
post 115252 yes, tape at night, ONLY nose breathe, even (especially) when exercising.

It IS normal to have one nostril open, the other closed. And they alternate during the day. Only when exercising do you have both nostrils open. This is natural, normal and as it is supposed to be.

The swollen feeling will subside. It may take a few weeks or months. As you raise your CO2 levels, it will feel more normal. Some times of year, "allergy" will create this in some people, even those people with high CO2.

Within a few weeks of doing what?

I've had this for a couple years now all throughout the day but it seems I've have had this issue during exercise for decades.

Long before any of my other issues popped up (all within the last 5 years) I've struggled with inflammation in my nose especially during exercise - most noticeably during any type of running.

During exercise is when it is most difficult to only breathe through the nose for me.

Funny, I thought that was the case for everyone.
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Nov 21, 2015
Couple questions about the nose and breathing.

First of all I've seen a few posts with people suggesting placing a piece of tap over the mouth during sleep and specifically in one post while sitting at the computer? Is the goal to breath in and out through the nose completely all day long? Even during exercise?

yes including exercise, ESPECIALLY exercise. That is your time to increase CO2 levels the most and mouthbreathing kills it.

Second, I seem to have some inflamed turbinates - no fluid just inflammation. The severity of the inflammation seems to alternate from one nostril throughout the day though even. For instance I can get very little air in our out through my right nostril in the morning but I get about 80% flow in and out my left. But then it seems to alternate multiple times throughout the day. I've heard some people say this is normal but it doesn't seem normal to me. Seems like one should be able to breathe well in and out both nostrils at the same time but maybe I'm wrong. So what do you think? Is this normal or not?

Thanks for you input

it always alternates, that's how it's supposed to work. Both nostrils are open at the same time only when you have peak demands through physical exercise.

Your nose has wisdom and knows how much to open or close. Just nose breathe and let it have its way with you :)


Nov 20, 2014
yes including exercise, ESPECIALLY exercise. That is your time to increase CO2 levels the most and mouthbreathing kills it.

it always alternates, that's how it's supposed to work. Both nostrils are open at the same time only when you have peak demands through physical exercise.

Your nose has wisdom and knows how much to open or close. Just nose breathe and let it have its way with you :)

That makes sense. Nevertheless when I exercise I cannot just breathe through my nose. It's as if both nostrils close up somewhat maybe 60% flow each


Jul 27, 2016
Very interesting. I tried it the other day for about 40 minutes. I did the deepest breathes I could, holding it and then releasing as much as I could to try and stimulate the regions effects by each nostril.
I noticed a very large increase in body heat. I noticed mild euphoric sensations; just felt happy and wonderful/laughing easily. All fatigue was gone, it was very difficult to fall asleep that night; felt very stimulated and full of energy.

When I tried it for just a few minutes, it felt more relaxing, especially without the breathe holds.

Sometimes when I hold the breathes I will push on the diaphragm/stomach and massage the region vigorously. I remember reading that boxers of old would train their stomachs this way regularly.
Nov 21, 2015
That makes sense. Nevertheless when I exercise I cannot just breathe through my nose. It's as if both nostrils close up somewhat maybe 60% flow each

then you are exercising beyond your fitness level. Slow down the intensity and build up some air hunger.


Nov 20, 2014
Very interesting. I tried it the other day for about 40 minutes. I did the deepest breathes I could, holding it and then releasing as much as I could to try and stimulate the regions effects by each nostril.
I noticed a very large increase in body heat. I noticed mild euphoric sensations; just felt happy and wonderful/laughing easily. All fatigue was gone, it was very difficult to fall asleep that night; felt very stimulated and full of energy.

When I tried it for just a few minutes, it felt more relaxing, especially without the breathe holds.

Sometimes when I hold the breathes I will push on the diaphragm/stomach and massage the region vigorously. I remember reading that boxers of old would train their stomachs this way regularly.

You tried what? Only breathing through one nostril?

According to ecstatichamster everyone already does that.

Or are you saying you tried something else?


Jul 27, 2016
You tried what? Only breathing through one nostril?

According to ecstatichamster everyone already does that.

Or are you saying you tried something else?
Yes that; like the video posted above. You put one thumb over the nostril and breath in and out; switching nostrils.
Otherwise my natural breathing is through both my nostrils, definitely not just through one.
I believe most who have trouble with normal nose breathing have weak abs/diaphragms; having good control of these helps too for Mongolian throat singing.
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