38 Male UK. Tired Of Being Like The Walking Dead


Aug 6, 2015

I’m starting a log here, hopefully I’ll keep it up, apologies in advance if I go awol. I do keep a paper diary but it makes more sense to keep a log here and maybe get help from or help others.

I’m a successful financially free 38 year old 6ft 80kg male. My whole life I’ve struggled with depression, low energy, no libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, anhedonia etc etc.

I sleep easily and long but wake up regularly to urinate regularly. Voice is nasal and weak. I suspect estrogen dominance being my major issue.

I’ve taken roaccutane for acne and ssri for depression in the past but both over ten years ago.

thyroid function seems good. Bloods are fine 1.5tsh.

Waking temp this morning was 36.5c 68bpm.
I eat a portion of minced beef/salt and a apple and quickly I am now up to 36.8c.

My temps seem to come up better in the evening and I often see 37C+ after a decent evening meal if I have been eating plenty in the day.

It is UK Winter time atm and despite being a mild winter its cold, so I am pretty satisfied with my temps as a starting point. I dont think my thyroid is in two bad shape.

I have a athletic heart rate which at times has been as low as 40bm.

I have been dabbling with Peats ideas for years on and off, but I am here to have a decent attempt to correct my issues. Ive always suspected diet to having a large part of how I feel. Ive done all the usual low carb, no carb, paleo, primal diets in the past, but nothing extreme for years. I am borderline ortherexic probably, and often consider I am going mental focusing on my health so much.

Generally speaking I feel best when I eat nothing! The more I eat the worse I feel in general. I have zero appetite, could go days without eating if I let my appetite control. Occasionally when I force down massive amounts I feel amazing for a day or two and then crash to even lower than when I started.

Caffeine an make me feel great after the first dose, but after a few days of a few cups it leaves in in complete HELL. Headache depression nausea etc.

I am a muscular lean build, you can see all my abs. I have been my whole life. I used to lift weights but haven’t done in years and I maintain an impressive physique for a 38 year old. I dont do any exercise accept for the physical work I do running my carpet cleaning business part time.

I suspect a estrogen problem. I have no gut issues, I just tried two weeks of strong tetracycline and it didnt do anything for me at all.

I never get strong stress feelings from not eating. I am focusing now on a high protein adequate sugar, a little fat diet. Ive done this for a few days and my morning temp come up from 36.3. My theory at the moment is I haven’t been eating enough protein for my liver to detox estrogen, and I have some what of a build up of it. Anything that increases metabolism like eating a lot, caffeine, exercise leaves me feeling like ***t. Since Ive been eating high protein for 4 days (about 150grams) Ive been feeling like ***t despite my waking temp going up.

Is this a possibility? Pushing metabolism whilst estrogen dominant makes you feel worse? I guess I need to keep going focusing on the protein/carrots/charcoal and hope my estrogen lowers.

I have extremely high SHBG (120nmol!) , decent total T levels, low free testosterone. I have tried injection Testosterone for 6 months, with my levels going from normal to sky high and everything in between. I can honestly say that I could feel no effect from injecting T! It might as well been water I was injecting. This despite my higher test levels being confirmed by blood tests.

Currently sat in bed feeling like ***t, waiting to feel some reprieve. I’m force myself to go on a walk though as the sun is out.

I’ve taking aspirin, have tried almost all peat supplements but no success. Going to focus on consistency with diet.


Aug 6, 2015
Does the body need protein to deal with estrogen?

Could quickly increasing protein cause estrogen to be flushed out of liver causing an increase in symptoms ?


May 21, 2018
Hey man I can relate to the high SHBG and low free testosterone. I think it's maybe a protection for high estrogen?


Aug 14, 2019

I’m starting a log here, hopefully I’ll keep it up, apologies in advance if I go awol. I do keep a paper diary but it makes more sense to keep a log here and maybe get help from or help others.

I’m a successful financially free 38 year old 6ft 80kg male. My whole life I’ve struggled with depression, low energy, no libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, anhedonia etc etc.

I sleep easily and long but wake up regularly to urinate regularly. Voice is nasal and weak. I suspect estrogen dominance being my major issue.

I’ve taken roaccutane for acne and ssri for depression in the past but both over ten years ago.

thyroid function seems good. Bloods are fine 1.5tsh.

Waking temp this morning was 36.5c 68bpm.
I eat a portion of minced beef/salt and a apple and quickly I am now up to 36.8c.

My temps seem to come up better in the evening and I often see 37C+ after a decent evening meal if I have been eating plenty in the day.

It is UK Winter time atm and despite being a mild winter its cold, so I am pretty satisfied with my temps as a starting point. I dont think my thyroid is in two bad shape.

I have a athletic heart rate which at times has been as low as 40bm.

I have been dabbling with Peats ideas for years on and off, but I am here to have a decent attempt to correct my issues. Ive always suspected diet to having a large part of how I feel. Ive done all the usual low carb, no carb, paleo, primal diets in the past, but nothing extreme for years. I am borderline ortherexic probably, and often consider I am going mental focusing on my health so much.

Generally speaking I feel best when I eat nothing! The more I eat the worse I feel in general. I have zero appetite, could go days without eating if I let my appetite control. Occasionally when I force down massive amounts I feel amazing for a day or two and then crash to even lower than when I started.

Caffeine an make me feel great after the first dose, but after a few days of a few cups it leaves in in complete HELL. Headache depression nausea etc.

I am a muscular lean build, you can see all my abs. I have been my whole life. I used to lift weights but haven’t done in years and I maintain an impressive physique for a 38 year old. I dont do any exercise accept for the physical work I do running my carpet cleaning business part time.

I suspect a estrogen problem. I have no gut issues, I just tried two weeks of strong tetracycline and it didnt do anything for me at all.

I never get strong stress feelings from not eating. I am focusing now on a high protein adequate sugar, a little fat diet. Ive done this for a few days and my morning temp come up from 36.3. My theory at the moment is I haven’t been eating enough protein for my liver to detox estrogen, and I have some what of a build up of it. Anything that increases metabolism like eating a lot, caffeine, exercise leaves me feeling like ***t. Since Ive been eating high protein for 4 days (about 150grams) Ive been feeling like ***t despite my waking temp going up.

Is this a possibility? Pushing metabolism whilst estrogen dominant makes you feel worse? I guess I need to keep going focusing on the protein/carrots/charcoal and hope my estrogen lowers.

I have extremely high SHBG (120nmol!) , decent total T levels, low free testosterone. I have tried injection Testosterone for 6 months, with my levels going from normal to sky high and everything in between. I can honestly say that I could feel no effect from injecting T! It might as well been water I was injecting. This despite my higher test levels being confirmed by blood tests.

Currently sat in bed feeling like ***t, waiting to feel some reprieve. I’m force myself to go on a walk though as the sun is out.

I’ve taking aspirin, have tried almost all peat supplements but no success. Going to focus on consistency with diet.

8 Ways on How To Lower SHBG Count Naturally

Here’s some good info how to lower SHBG. I would avoid the boron suggestion though. I’ve seen some uncompelling blood tests of other people who have used it. Likely works for SHBG but also seen it lower T and raise estrogen. And also be carefull of zinc suggestion aswell. With supplements I believe its easy to cause a unbalance between copper, zinc and iron. Instead get your zinc from meat and other natural sources like oysters and seafood. Be sure to eat liver and get iron and copper. You get many recommendations against iron here but for me I find it crucial not to avoid it from diet. Low iron is shown to cause mitochondrial dysfunction, increased lipid peroxidation and the worst thing low dopamine.

Beyond trying to fix your SHBG I would aim to try and raise dopamine. Dopamine from my experience is the most important factor for feeling happy, relaxed with good energy and motivation. If fatigue, sleeping for too long, unmotivation and unhappiness is part of your symptoms you struggle with I can say with certainty that you’re struggling with low dopamine. Do you haves restless legs and concentration symptoms? Coz thats also dopamine related.
Most effective ways of fixing dopamine dysfunction is getting vitamin D. How is your vitamin D? Also sunlight and light in general should be strived after everyday. A light dysregulation will cause your brain to release to little dopamine in the morning and serotonin will take over to rapidly. Serotonin isnt supposed to rise untill the evening so that it can convert to melatonin and put you into sleep/hibernation. Thats why serotonin is called the hibernation hormone. Dopamine gets released in the morning to counter the serotonin and give you energy and happiness through the day. As said earlier iron dys regulation can also be a major cause of low dopamine. Its very crucial for tyrosine hydroxylase which is the rate limiting step to synthesize dopamine. Both too high and too low iron can cause problems with dopamine signalling. So if you have or can get blood test on iron, ferritin and other markers of iron hemeostasis that’s good.
Theres some drugs that also can help increasing dopamine. I’ve used bromantane and I have to say its amazing. It’s easy to get hold of as most nootropic websites sell it. It works by upregulating tyrosine hydroxylase aswell. Reddit has lots of good information on bromantane. Its a game changer totally. Generally no side effects from it and you can quit it coldturkey.
Other things like cortisol reduction could be worth looking into. I think it might be an issue in a case like yours. Cortisol increases SHBG. Not eating enough carbohydrates and overworking yorself is what causes increased cortisol and SHBG.


Aug 6, 2015
Hey man I can relate to the high SHBG and low free testosterone. I think it's maybe a protection for high estrogen?
That’s my thinking, I have a lot of estrogen symptoms. My blood estrogen results look ok although not a accurate test. I assume the shbg is binding the estrogen to protect as you say.

I’ve always had high shbg, and has increased with age as have my symptoms.

I’m reasonably masculine looking. Muscular, good beard etc.


Aug 6, 2015
8 Ways on How To Lower SHBG Count Naturally

Here’s some good info how to lower SHBG. I would avoid the boron suggestion though. I’ve seen some uncompelling blood tests of other people who have used it. Likely works for SHBG but also seen it lower T and raise estrogen. And also be carefull of zinc suggestion aswell. With supplements I believe its easy to cause a unbalance between copper, zinc and iron. Instead get your zinc from meat and other natural sources like oysters and seafood. Be sure to eat liver and get iron and copper. You get many recommendations against iron here but for me I find it crucial not to avoid it from diet. Low iron is shown to cause mitochondrial dysfunction, increased lipid peroxidation and the worst thing low dopamine.

Beyond trying to fix your SHBG I would aim to try and raise dopamine. Dopamine from my experience is the most important factor for feeling happy, relaxed with good energy and motivation. If fatigue, sleeping for too long, unmotivation and unhappiness is part of your symptoms you struggle with I can say with certainty that you’re struggling with low dopamine. Do you haves restless legs and concentration symptoms? Coz thats also dopamine related.
Most effective ways of fixing dopamine dysfunction is getting vitamin D. How is your vitamin D? Also sunlight and light in general should be strived after everyday. A light dysregulation will cause your brain to release to little dopamine in the morning and serotonin will take over to rapidly. Serotonin isnt supposed to rise untill the evening so that it can convert to melatonin and put you into sleep/hibernation. Thats why serotonin is called the hibernation hormone. Dopamine gets released in the morning to counter the serotonin and give you energy and happiness through the day. As said earlier iron dys regulation can also be a major cause of low dopamine. Its very crucial for tyrosine hydroxylase which is the rate limiting step to synthesize dopamine. Both too high and too low iron can cause problems with dopamine signalling. So if you have or can get blood test on iron, ferritin and other markers of iron hemeostasis that’s good.
Theres some drugs that also can help increasing dopamine. I’ve used bromantane and I have to say its amazing. It’s easy to get hold of as most nootropic websites sell it. It works by upregulating tyrosine hydroxylase aswell. Reddit has lots of good information on bromantane. Its a game changer totally. Generally no side effects from it and you can quit it coldturkey.
Other things like cortisol reduction could be worth looking into. I think it might be an issue in a case like yours. Cortisol increases SHBG. Not eating enough carbohydrates and overworking yorself is what causes increased cortisol and SHBG.


I’ve tried all of that to lower it. Nothing shifted it. Injection test, lowered it a little then shot it up. I took proviron which is meant to lower it but did nothing.

As mentioned in previous reply I suspect it’s estrogen being bound. Points me to improving my liver which is my main focus.

ive spent years in the dopamine hunt. Nofap, phenibut, cocaine, mucuana pruiens etc. Anything that gives me that dopamine feel is short lived then does nothing.

bromantane sounds interesting though thanks.

Phenibut at start was amazing I felt so good, but very hit and miss now and tolerance is there after one dose.


Aug 14, 2019
That’s my thinking, I have a lot of estrogen symptoms. My blood estrogen results look ok although not a accurate test. I assume the shbg is binding the estrogen to protect as you say.

I’ve always had high shbg, and has increased with age as have my symptoms.

I’m reasonably masculine looking. Muscular, good beard etc.

cortisol, estrogen, serotonin and prolactin all go hand in hand. Many people experience symptoms of estrogen and cortisol even though blood tests seem normal. What you have floating around in your blood is not the same whats stored in your tissues. Have you tested prolactin?


Aug 14, 2019

I’ve tried all of that to lower it. Nothing shifted it. Injection test, lowered it a little then shot it up. I took proviron which is meant to lower it but did nothing.

As mentioned in previous reply I suspect it’s estrogen being bound. Points me to improving my liver which is my main focus.

ive spent years in the dopamine hunt. Nofap, phenibut, cocaine, mucuana pruiens etc. Anything that gives me that dopamine feel is short lived then does nothing.

bromantane sounds interesting though thanks.

Phenibut at start was amazing I felt so good, but very hit and miss now and tolerance is there after one dose.

Yes but those dopamine boosters you’ve mentioned work directly by releasing dopamine so the high is short lived. The only real way of improving a low dopamine state is by fixing the underlying cause of it which usually is specific lack of nutrients which is needed for the tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme. Thats also the nice thing about bromantane. It doesn’t give you and immediate high. It takes a few days to start working because it has to increase tyrosine hydroxylase first. Then when you stop it you have higher levels of that enzyme for awhile but it will likely go down to normal levels again eventually. But I think I’ve read that bromantane eventually helps the brain make new dopamine neurons that produce tyrosine hydroxlase so long term it can change the brain to become more dopaminergic. Just like SSRI can make you more serotonergic long term.


Aug 6, 2015
I do have some arimidex in the draw. I got it when I was on T. I felt it made me feel worse at the time.

Makes sense to have another go and experiment with it now i am off test and natural.


Aug 6, 2015
Yes but those dopamine boosters you’ve mentioned work directly by releasing dopamine so the high is short lived. The only real way of improving a low dopamine state is by fixing the underlying cause of it which usually is specific lack of nutrients which is needed for the tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme. Thats also the nice thing about bromantane. It doesn’t give you and immediate high. It takes a few days to start working because it has to increase tyrosine hydroxylase first. Then when you stop it you have higher levels of that enzyme for awhile but it will likely go down to normal levels again eventually. But I think I’ve read that bromantane eventually helps the brain make new dopamine neurons that produce tyrosine hydroxlase so long term it can change the brain to become more dopaminergic. Just like SSRI can make you more serotonergic long term.

I’m sold, can you tell me where to buy?

I did buy memantine but not sure if I tried it. Heard of that one?


Aug 14, 2019
I’m sold, can you tell me where to buy?

I did buy memantine but not sure if I tried it. Heard of that one?

yes memantane is another adamantane derivative but its pharmacology is more of the NMDA antagonist. It does promote dopamine aswell but people report they are rather different. I personally have not tried memantane.
Buy Hydrapharm Bromantane | Nootropic | Great Price | Great Reviews

Heres a UK source. Never tried their bromantane but used other things from them and its always worked and been of good quality so suspect that it should be good. Just google ”bromantane nootrpic UK buy” and you get many results

Ive use this one since I live in Sweden and they are swedish company. But they send to the UK aswell.


Aug 14, 2019
I do have some arimidex in the draw. I got it when I was on T. I felt it made me feel worse at the time.

Makes sense to have another go and experiment with it now i am off test and natural.

I would not take estrogen inhibitors. I’ve used them in the past and they always make me feel like crap. Better to use low dose vitamin E or aspirin. But their blood thinning effect tends in the long run make me iron deficient. Always when I used them for a longer time I notice on lab tests my iron drop and I start getting fatigue symptoms.


Aug 9, 2019
Yes but those dopamine boosters you’ve mentioned work directly by releasing dopamine so the high is short lived. The only real way of improving a low dopamine state is by fixing the underlying cause of it which usually is specific lack of nutrients which is needed for the tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme.
Could a stimulating lifestyle boost dopamine? Like living a fulfilling, thrilling, happy, interesting life?


Aug 6, 2015
I would not take estrogen inhibitors. I’ve used them in the past and they always make me feel like crap. Better to use low dose vitamin E or aspirin. But their blood thinning effect tends in the long run make me iron deficient. Always when I used them for a longer time I notice on lab tests my iron drop and I start getting fatigue symptoms.

Thanks for being generous with your time.

I’ve tried vit e, asprin, b vits, etc. I’ve read some are very sensitive to arimidex so I guess I’ll just try micro dosing it again when I get desperate enough.


Aug 6, 2015
Could a stimulating lifestyle boost dopamine? Like living a fulfilling, thrilling, happy, interesting life?

maybe, but I try I really do but I am dead to everything. Exercise, sex, travelling it’s like I’m not even there. I travelled California last year on my own to try and do something exciting and break me out of ortherexic routine. Not one positive emotion.


Aug 9, 2019
I'm currently in a phase when I want to go partying a lot. It's weird, I get a short brief spell of high energy & good mood, and want to do something stimulating. Though my energy quickly fades out and I need to recover.


Aug 14, 2019
Could a stimulating lifestyle boost dopamine? Like living a fulfilling, thrilling, happy, interesting life?

I don’t know man the more i fiddle with the dopamine subject I’m starting to come to realize that unless dopamine is there in the first place you wont have the drive and energy to do it. I mean the whole point of doing activities to raise dopamine does not sound legit if you have a dysfunction of your dopamine system. How are you gonns get a hit of dopamine if your brain cant make enough of it to produce that hit. Once your tyrosine hydroxylase is up your brain will be able and the drive will come back. Im certain about it that if you have a dopamine dysfunction you cant fix it by forcing yourself to accomplish things. Its like trying to get a boner without hormones. Its not possible. Im sure that our mood, energy and drive is not personal traits. Its controlled by these neurotransmitters and when they are optimal thats when people tend to say that they are really feeling like their trueselves. An example is that most people who do take bromantane which helps upregulste tyrosine hydroxylase describes it as having the energy to be more like your true self. Like you always wanted and imagined it to be. And ofc. Lying in bed and not having any motivation to do anything sure doesnt feel like a fullfilling life anyone wants to live. I’ve become so sensitive to when my dopamine is good and when it’s low its silly. I know exactly the symptoms. When dopamine is high i dont even have to think about getting stuff done. I just start working automatically and get stuff done. Nothing feels hard everything is a breeze. And your mood is always up. So many people suffer though from low dopamine.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
maybe, but I try I really do but I am dead to everything. Exercise, sex, travelling it’s like I’m not even there. I travelled California last year on my own to try and do something exciting and break me out of ortherexic routine. Not one positive emotion.
Try the Bromantane and let us know if it worked.
Am in a similar state as yours, btw...
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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