>70 g of PUFA a day | Does diet even matter?


Feb 12, 2020
One thing I struggle to understand are the PUFA fiends out there who have been eating high amounts of PUFA years, with perfect skin, intact hairline and in generally good health. I have been observing these nut butter/tahini addicts for quite a while and the only explanation I have is if you start out healthy, it really does not matter much:

Shouldn’t these people be dropping instead of looking absolutely great?


Aug 24, 2020
These people are fitness models and look like they are in their 20s so having great bodies and skin is literally their job. I would be curious how they look and feel in 10-20 years from now.


Feb 12, 2020
Wait til 35 years +
That's when life catches up with ya.
Life caught up to me at 20. What I’m saying is if they are ingesting such large amounts of a compound that is toxic to human health there is no way 20 years have to pass for the effects to show up


Oct 6, 2020
Yeah i've been wondering about that too. But that question imo goes beyond pufa. How is that one person smoking, drinking and not doing anything in terms of educated nutrition become so old? Knowing all about the dangers of pufa, alcohol etc. how are people not dropping dead in masses? I mean holy ***t what ive seen in these club scenes ...

How are two people, perhaps even twins going trough the majority of their life with similar amounts of toxins, enviromental factors and stress trough the majority of their life (same school, social circle, workload etc) and one ends up chronically ill and the other remains "healthy" until old age?

There is more to it than we know, or else we would all be striving and be a beacon of ultimate health since we are "enlightened" by peats work .... idk there is more to it than we know. Complex mechanisms that are insanely individuall which makes it impossible to find one cookie cutter plan for health. What if health issues are caused by an undiagnosed issue and no simple "diet" is fixing it? I doubt people here are deficient in nutrients since we are all eating livers and nutritional stuff right? Or perhaps we are deficient due to an underlying issue, not due to diet.

Perhaps the best thing is traditional cooking/preparing/eating whole foods, avoiding enviromental endocrine disruptors as much as possible and get the ******* social life in order while taking advantage of sun/nature as much as possible. If these are in order and things still don't pick up then ******* we need some doctor house personas doing some serious investigation.

These people are fitness models and look like they are in their 20s so having great bodies and skin is literally their job. I would be curious how they look and feel in 10-20 years from now.

That's not an argument. Why do some people have from their childhood or teenage years on full blown acne and skin issues? I knew one girl in school back then that had ******* hair loss and greying and she ate "normally" by the age of 14.

I for my part did all the health stuff from around 17 years of age on, lifting, eating "clean" (thats fairly debatable what that intails), no alcohol or drugs. You know being the boring guy for the sake of health. Not even 24 and i got tinnitus which evolved further into more health issues from skin issues, hairloss, insane weight loss, eye sight issues etc. etc. By no logic should i have these issues compared to all these other people.

I dont think its that simple. And "It" being your job is not an argument either. Everyone with an 9to5 job can do meal prep and get 2-3 workouts in per week. Unless they are cheating with makeup etc. on their pictures there is no reason they "look" healthier due to their model job. I go as far and say most models are extremely unhealthy people.


Jun 13, 2019
when your young, your anti inflammatory hormones are enough to do pretty much whatever, especially if you excersise. all it takes is a couple stressful events and their lives can be flipped upside down. Also when i was at my worst, i still had good skin and a full set of hair, i wouldn't base everything on looks


Life caught up to me at 20. What I’m saying is if they are ingesting such large amounts of a compound that is toxic to human health there is no way 20 years have to pass for the effects to show up
I'm finding it strange that on this forum there are so several individuals who have this very linear View of the organism. every individual will be somewhat different and that range of difference of course does have an average but you have to consider these peoples metabolic history, both themselves and their parents. you have to consider the environments of the womb in which they developed. In other words the principles are the same across the board they just apply somewhat differently depending on the given individual . We are working with a sliding scale. And this idea also applies to the age I mentioned of 35. Can some individuals go past that and have no problems of course they can. but eventually and ultimately there will be consequences. Will somebody hit hard before 35 or so ? Of course . And generally the principles on this forum help to explain or describe what's happening, and more or less understand how to avoid said consequences.


Jun 13, 2019
I'm finding it strange that on this forum there are so several individuals who have this very linear View of the organism. every individual will be somewhat different and that range of difference of course does have an average but you have to consider these peoples metabolic history, both themselves and their parents. you have to consider the environments of the womb in which they developed. In other words the principles are the same across the board they just apply somewhat differently depending on the given individual . We are working with a sliding scale. And this idea also applies to the age I mentioned of 35. Can some individuals go past that and have no problems of course they can. but eventually and ultimately there will be consequences. Will somebody hit hard before 35 or so ? Of course . And generally the principles on this forum help to explain or describe what's happening, and more or less understand how to avoid said consequences.

agreed. not to mention Ray has even talked about stressful events 2-3 generations before showing up in an organism. health is so broad, you have to take in the grandparents life, parents health, childhood life, being breastfed, growing up in stimulating environments, avoiding heavy metals. some world war 2 veterans live to 110, others commit suicide at 25. Stress effects people in such a variety of ways it's impossible to pin it down to pufas, although avoiding pufas can make you more resistant to stress, it has to be viewed in the overall context of someone's history and perspective on life. A positive attitude alone can make people live years with debilitating illnesses


Jan 25, 2014
One thing I struggle to understand are the PUFA fiends out there who have been eating high amounts of PUFA years, with perfect skin, intact hairline and in generally good health. I have been observing these nut butter/tahini addicts for quite a while and the only explanation I have is if you start out healthy, it really does not matter much:

Shouldn’t these people be dropping instead of looking absolutely great?

You can't tell a lot about a person's health from publicly available photos or video. Go look at pictures of Selena Gomez from the past six years. Does it look like she has lupus? Does she look like she needed or had a kidney transplant?

As for "perfect skin," well, hate to break it to you, but there's this thing called "makeup," and, shocker, people use it to hide skin flaws. Especially if they are gonna be on camera.


Oct 1, 2019
@ursidae A good vegan diet is probably possible, but none of them do it. A lot of them are fakes too, and have been caught eating animal products.

Our bodies are amazingly resilient and can cope with malnourishment and toxins for many decades, but time always catches up with them.
There are some very revealing before/afters in those videos:

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Feb 12, 2020
I am aware of the use of makeup and I can tell when it’s used to cover up skin disease. I did not really bring this up as an example of someone thriving on veganism. I simply find it mind boggling that going over 4 grams is hazardous yet there are people out there doing okay/not falling apart on over 70 grams. I’ve read about trans generational stress inheritance and what lack of breastfeeding does to a person, I think about this every day and why there’s a difference between my peers and I, but still... I’d have thought eating this much Pufa should be equivalent to drinking motor oil. Anyway you’ve all shared your opinions and I take your points


Jun 13, 2019
I am aware of the use of makeup and I can tell when it’s used to cover up skin disease. I did not really bring this up as an example of someone thriving on veganism. I simply find it mind boggling that going over 4 grams is hazardous yet there are people out there doing okay/not falling apart on over 70 grams. I’ve read about trans generational stress inheritance and what lack of breastfeeding does to a person, I think about this every day and why there’s a difference between my peers and I, but still... I’d have thought eating this much Pufa should be equivalent to drinking motor oil. Anyway you’ve all shared your opinions and I take your points
you keep saying 70g of pufa. i think your vastly overestimating. even an entire jar of peanut butter isn't 70g of pufa, and no one eats close to that much peanut butter a day . just because their reviewing and living on nut butters for a video doesn't mean they do that daily. the body knows how to handle pufa. it either removes it, burns it, or stores it. but long term it compromises the system. peanut butter also has vitamin E and niacin which prevents any major direct harm


Mar 30, 2020
Healthy and attractive people know how to be healthy and attractive intuitively. They do things which bring them energy and vibrancy, and have a great sense of their bodies, breathing and emotional states. I think meditation is a good way to get better in touch with this side of health.


Feb 12, 2020
you keep saying 70g of pufa. i think your vastly overestimating. even an entire jar of peanut butter isn't 70g of pufa, and no one eats close to that much peanut butter a day . just because their reviewing and living on nut butters for a video doesn't mean they do that daily. the body knows how to handle pufa. it either removes it, burns it, or stores it. but long term it compromises the system. peanut butter also has vitamin E and niacin which prevents any major direct harm
The man in the first video did a Cronometer breakdown of a day that wasn’t a nut butter review. 75g. Could have still not entered the actual amount accurately but he does put tahini on pretty much every meal, eats nuts and spoonsfuls of nut butters.
Alright, I got it.


Sep 22, 2020
The man in the first video did a Cronometer breakdown of a day that wasn’t a nut butter review. 75g. Could have still not entered the actual amount accurately but he does put tahini on pretty much every meal, eats nuts and spoonsfuls of nut butters.
Alright, I got it.

Nah, I think you’re right. Looking at what he eats to get his calories I can believe he probably averages that much PUFA per day. He said só himself in the video that he eats that much fat everyday because it makes him feel good. And a large part of his diet are nuts and tahini, so the points you raise are reasonable. And yes he does have fantastic skin. You can see there’s a glow there. It looks nothing like make up.

I think it’s interesting to see if he can keep eating that way, and let’s see how he looks when he’s 40.


Jun 13, 2019
The man in the first video did a Cronometer breakdown of a day that wasn’t a nut butter review. 75g. Could have still not entered the actual amount accurately but he does put tahini on pretty much every meal, eats nuts and spoonsfuls of nut butters.
Alright, I got it.

oh yea your right. by the way, that youtuber has other health problems. he had severe binge eating disorder, he's an ex tennis player, he has "excersise addiction". He's definitely burning through a lot of calories, most likely through adrenaline. i wouldn't consider him a standard of health


Nov 22, 2017
the only explanation I have is if you start out healthy, it really does not matter much:
You're exactly right in the sense that if you have robust health and aren't succombing to stress, you can get away with a lot. You have to think of the PUFAs in a context of stress. Some people don't experience much of it. That can be due to life circumstances, or epigenetic factors. Everyone has a different path.

Stress by definition is an energetic requirement which is not met by the body, leading to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), because the resources simply aren't there. That's usually where the stored fatty acids are released and the organism shifts from glucose oxidation to using fatty acids almost exclusively, at least until the stores are empty, then the actual tissues themselves are used as fuel.

The PUFAs are the precursors to prostaglandins and amplify inflammatory processes. But if there is not excessive stress in the first place, there is not much to amplify. People with serious health problems and hypothyroidism won't heal themselves with peanut butter, but it won't do excessive harm to someone who's doing well already. Moreover, good peanut butter (not rancid) is nutritious; it has b vitamins, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamin E (if not rancid). Moreover, the fat and cholesterol content helps to synthesize steroid hormones, so aside from PUFAs it's not bad at all.

From the videos, it seems like they're eating good quality PB and other foods so that helps.

As others have alluded to, this is an extended process. Diet is just one factor, and remains quite marginal when compared to the physiological state of the individual. I'm sure you're realizing by now that people can be really healthy eating very subpar food, if they're healthy to begin with.

In youth, we have all sorts of mechanisms to prevent the cascade of stress. These individuals who look great probably have good functional muscle mass (as most young people do) , healthy livers, and therefore they can probably burn those fats relatively safely, and their livers can detoxify the toxic byproducts. How long that will last, depends on how long they stay healthy and their individual experiences of stress. As @gaze mentions, all it takes is a few stressful events to spiral downwards.

when your young, your anti inflammatory hormones are enough to do pretty much whatever, especially if you excersise. all it takes is a couple stressful events and their lives can be flipped upside down. Also when i was at my worst, i still had good skin and a full set of hair, i wouldn't base everything on looks

As Ray has said before: ''Intense stress activates epigenetic processes that I think are hard to reverse.'' Eating peanut butter and loads of PUFAs is not necessarily an intense stress in of itself and the body can take care of it. It's definitely possible for someone to be healthy eating 50+ grams of PUFAs, provided the rest of the environment is not so stressful. (There's only so much the liver can handle in terms of toxins, bacteria, alcohol on top of the PUFAs)

But if you're experiencing degenerative symptoms due to chronic stress, extra dietary PUFAs will be like adding oil to the fire. Once again, context is everything.


Aug 11, 2019
I'm 5 seconds into the first video, and all I can see is perfect lighting, camera filters, maybe some make-up because of the low glow on his skin and a lot of cuts. This is the Vegan fake community in a nutshell.

At this point, I'm actually mad not many people know anything about the work influencers put into those videos. Their job is to look healthy and vibrant in front of the camera. They will only publish videos/photos in which they represent the best version of themselves. It's that simple.

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