Absolutely done with milk

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
I hope he didn't view it as that I like his posts. Ill elaborate for him

he didn't lol

just there is zero context...when i read the thread i could replace milk with literally anything and it reads the same, if you know what i mean

personally i think forcing yourself to do anything that makes you sick is silly. doing it because other people tell you to is even worse.

i drink milk, but i've been told i have certain reactions to it that suggest allergic reactions,, so i was just curious

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
It varies. Yesterday was gas. Some days I feel cramps. Other days bloat.

i get that with green peas. i can eat absolutely anything else that is generally considered food and have zero issue in terms of digestion...but green peas will turn my insides into an industrial warzone

go figure. some bodies just say no to certain things.

Jack Earth

Nov 15, 2019
In theory milk is ideal food.
Ray Peat = milk, milk and lots of milk. Everything else if just a side dish. Milk is balanced with calcium/magnesium/phosphoros / aminoacid profile. Just add some orange to get vit C and you are good.
Lactose is prebiotic itself and is good for those who tolerates it.

I totally hear what you say, I get same thoughts everyday.
I would be happy to quit it but every day I encounter new studies involving centenarians doing very good with couple glasses of milk compared to non-milk-drinkers.
But is it really beneficial for people who force milk on themselves? I never heard somebody really restored 100% lactose tolerance. How many years would it take ? I don't think it is just a matter of weeks or several months.

Imagine a person who drinks a gallon of milk everyday + orange juice...
if you are a normal person going to work everyday you would need access to that gallon of milk(+ juice) all the time (as you need to drink it through out the day with small portions) + add pooping three times a day + accidental farts :))) hell of life unless you are living out of town. It is completely antisocial. All your life turns into simply satisfying your nutritional needs.

Though I like munching on something and drinking every 30 min - 1 hour, milk is cheap and accesible ... and easy to calculate the amount of calcium and it is low fat, contains small amount of thyroid and small amount of igf-1 in milk is beneficial. So munching on milk is probable healthier than cookie or nuts.
It can be easily converted to yogurt.

On the negative side , milk made me addicted and I have trouble focusing since I have started drinking milk.
It is difficult to combine milk with other foods.
Yes I don't need it all
he didn't lol

just there is zero context...when i read the thread i could replace milk with literally anything and it reads the same, if you know what i mean

personally i think forcing yourself to do anything that makes you sick is silly. doing it because other people tell you to is even worse.

i drink milk, but i've been told i have certain reactions to it that suggest allergic reactions,, so i was just curious
I just replied to him

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
In theory milk is ideal food.
Ray Peat = milk, milk and lots of milk. Everything else if just a side dish. Milk is balanced with calcium/magnesium/phosphoros / aminoacid profile. Just add some orange to get vit C and you are good.
Lactose is prebiotic itself and is good for those who tolerates it.

I totally hear what you say, I get same thoughts everyday.
I would be happy to quit it but every day I encounter new studies involving centenarians doing very good with couple glasses of milk compared to non-milk-drinkers.
But is it really beneficial for people who force milk on themselves? I never heard somebody really restored 100% lactose tolerance. How many years would it take ? I don't think it is just a matter of weeks or several months.

Imagine a person who drinks a gallon of milk everyday + orange juice...
if you are a normal person going to work everyday you would need access to that gallon of milk(+ juice) all the time (as you need to drink it through out the day with small portions) + add pooping three times a day + accidental farts :))) hell of life unless you are living out of town. It is completely antisocial. All your life turns into simply satisfying your nutritional needs.
Not to mention supplying your fridge every couple days with that amount of milk - is just insane. So think carefully if you really need/want to be like Ray Peat living in the city...

Though I like munching on something and drinking every 30 min - 1 hour, milk is cheap and accesible ... and easy to calculate the amount of calcium and it is low fat, contains small amount of thyroid and small amount of igf-1 in milk is beneficial. So munching on milk is probable healthier than cookie or nuts.
It can be easily converted to yogurt.

On the negative side , milk made me addicted and I have trouble focusing since I have started drinking milk.
It is difficult to combine milk with other foods.

tbh i've drank grass fed milk every day for over 30 years, but the idea of drinking milk straight out of the fridge is awful

i can't even take milk in cereal. it needs to be at least warm, preferably hot. at the same time, i still don't think it's an ideal food simply because i'm a stickler for "natural" so despite having a solid supply of nice irish cow juice, it's always pasteurized and homogenized and harvested in a way i don't particularly like, so it doesn't surprise me that some bodies just refuse to entertain it.

luv dem opioids though >.>

Jack Earth

Nov 15, 2019
i get that with green peas. i can eat absolutely anything else that is generally considered food and have zero issue in terms of digestion...but green peas will turn my insides into an industrial warzone

go figure. some bodies just say no to certain things.
Interesting.. yes our bodies can be like that. I wanted to offer a different viewpoint to those struggling with milk. Don't keep working on it, quit and get calcium from something else.
I like the poster who said listen to your body.


Jan 13, 2021
I disagree with the overall mindset here about milk which is if you don't react well to milk the problem is you.
If you tried and it's really not for you then quit rather than forcing it upon yourself because others tell you that it's good for everyone and the problem is you.
Try raw if you haven’t yet. Had problems for years after starting metabolic dieting until then. It has been a boon.


Jun 22, 2021
Milk never digests perfectly for me, A2 is the best I've tried but it still gives me issues in larger amounts, but with that being said on days I don't drink milk I feel A LOT weaker and feel slightly frail even if I consume other protein sources and try my best to balance everything, I don't feel anywhere near ideal without it - my life feels significantly better with milk versus without - It's one of those things I don't really appreciate until I have to spend a day without it

Jack Earth

Nov 15, 2019
Try raw if you haven’t yet. Had problems for years after starting metabolic dieting until then. It has been a boon.
For me it's very hard to find. I've had unpasteurized milk recently didnt like the feeling either.
I'm completely done with it. I don't feel like I'm missing out at all.
Ive tried other sources of calcium and felt great. No turning back at this point I want to offer an alternative viewpoint that you don't need milk to be healthy and feel great.

Jack Earth

Nov 15, 2019
Milk never digests perfectly for me, A2 is the best I've tried but it still gives me issues in larger amounts, but with that being said on days I don't drink milk I feel A LOT weaker and feel slightly frail even if I consume other protein sources and try my best to balance everything, I don't feel anywhere near ideal without it - my life feels significantly better with milk versus without - It's one of those things I don't really appreciate until I have to spend a day without it
Milk is the perfect food for some. I just don't like how people here suggest that everyone should be drinking milk and if they don't react well they need to work on it and the problem is always them.


Apr 15, 2015
For me it's very hard to find. I've had unpasteurized milk recently didnt like the feeling either.
I'm completely done with it. I don't feel like I'm missing out at all.
Ive tried other sources of calcium and felt great. No turning back at this point I want to offer an alternative viewpoint that you don't need milk to be healthy and feel great.
I think it makes sense to stick to some small amount of milk that you can tolerate, like 100 -200 ml a day , just in case you change your mind and to not shut down your milk tollerance completely.

Jack Earth

Nov 15, 2019
I think it makes sense to stick to some small amount of milk that you can tolerate, like 100 -200 ml a day , just in case you change your mind and to not shut down your milk tollerance completely.
I can feel even that small amount in my stomach don't like it. Besides I like the taste of vegan creamers better in my coffee than milk. It's really not for me

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Not sure if my story would help but- I gained a bunch of weight forcing myself to eat milk, cheese and ice cream. I started to experience blatant estrogenic symptoms the 2nd half of my cycle - horrible cramping pain, constipation, and severe itching from my shins down to my ankles. Also allergies and heavy feelings in my chest, my nose was chronically clogged, I was sluggish and depressed and the more dairy I forced on myself the more hypothyroid symptoms I exhibited.
This spring, I went to an acupuncturist who gave me some herbs. I lost 20lbs over a few months, the cramping went away, my pms became a bit more manageable and I started to have 2-3bms a day. The eczema that had started to appear under my eye disappeared. My allergies completely disappeared. The first few days I took the herbs I had no appetite and felt like I was cleansing myself of built up junk in my digestive tract. A few days later there was a dramatic change in my ability to sense things. I have experienced this before with Chinese herbs. I would touch a food and I could feel how that food would effect me. I had absolutely no craving for milk or dairy products. Slowly over months I started to crave cheese so I introduced raw goat cheese, melted on corn tortillas. I seemed to handle that fine, my issues didn’t return, I didn’t gain weight or have the cramping. Then a few weeks ago I started to add in regular homogenized cow diary - cottage cheese, whole milk lattes here and there, and ice cream for the first time in months. I gained weight immediately but it looks like the same water weight I had lost so quickly on herbs. My cramping is horrible this month, and I’m constipated. I have gone through this cycle before of experiencing dramatic benefits from acupuncture and Chinese herbs and then getting back into peat’s work and having some sort of cognitive dissonance about what is good and right for me.


Jun 10, 2020
Try raw if you haven’t yet. Had problems for years after starting metabolic dieting until then. It has been a boon.
+1 I cannot digest cow’s milk, but raw goat milk is the most healing, nourishing food I have consumed. Like @ursidae pointed out, not all the variations of milk might make a difference for everyone.

But if you haven’t tried different forms of milk (like many she mentioned), it’s worth trying them all to rule them out. If by chance your body tolerates one form of milk, it could make a huge difference in your health.


Apr 15, 2015
it took me a month to get used to a carrot a day. Felt really bad first week.
Oranges are still the worst, 1 freshly sqeezed orange is enough to cause backpain.


Jun 13, 2019
the high tryptophan is a problem not talked about enough. Kids can handle it due to the overly high metabolism/growth, and also people who supplement a lot of thyroid also seem to do decent. For most adults cheese and yogurt, without the whey, seems to be easier to handle. I think theres a reason in most cultures around the world, adults don't drink as much milk as kids.


May 30, 2018
I disagree with the overall mindset here about milk which is if you don't react well to milk the problem is you.
If you tried and it's really not for you then quit rather than forcing it upon yourself because others tell you that it's good for everyone and the problem is you.
I just don’t find large amounts of milk appetizing. I eat cheese and Greek yoghurt along with eggshell powder.
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