Adrenal Fatigue From Pancreatic Insufficiency?


Aug 11, 2020

I am dealing with heavy symptoms since 2012. In 2012 different things happened to me. One of these events was a pancreas inflammation. Probably due to too much consume of alcohol. Wich ended with pancreatic insufficiency shortly after. Ever since my pancreas does not produce any digestive enzymes. In my stool there is no evidence of enzymes. My stool is fatty and swims on water. I take lots of enzymes (Nortase) with each meal I eat but it does not do its job as a working pancreas would do.

So my theory is, the pancreas insufficiency lead to adrenal fatigue and thats why I feel so awful. The theory is that my adrenals do not get enough cholesterol, because the body cant digest fats. What you guys think? Could that be the case?

Why am I suspecting adrenal fatigue? I started taking 25mg DHEA and 10mg Pregnenolone in December 2019 and felt immediately like a reborn human. All my anxiety went away. I got my personality and confidence back. My memory came back. My brain started to function. I was able to talk and build normal sentences while talking with people. I was relaxed and felt good. It was night and day. I stopped taking both 7 weeks ago because I am doing a 6 months HCG cycle due to PFS (got it in 2005 and still have it). And I feel horrible. All symptoms are back. Bad **** social anxiety. While I was approaching girls in January 2020, at the moment I cant look women in the eyes. Even with friends, I am full of anxiety and cant look them in the eyes.

What you guys think about the Adrenal Fatigue from pancreatic insufficiency theory? Possible? Is there any supplement like pre digested cholesterol to feed my adrenals?

Unfortunately I can not find any doc who is willing to test my adrenals. In Germany they dont believe adrenal fatigue is a thing. The docs I went to say, if I had adrenal fatigue, I must have a black skin by now. I currently am in Turkey and think it is even worse here with testing.

Edit: I know mct oil is pre digested. But as much as I know, it blocks DHT. Wich I already have problems with due to pfs.
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Tom K

Jun 8, 2018
Digestion of fat requires bile salts. Begin taking ox bile capsules to digest fat.


Aug 11, 2020
But my galbladder is working? I take Nortase, wich includes lipase, amylase and the ones for proteins. My digestion got way way better after ı started taking betaine HCL. Also finally gained good weight ever since. It seems I have no gastric acid. Wich I found out, can come from not properly working adrenals.


Apr 14, 2013
I have chronic pancreatitis (have had bouts of acute pancreatitis as well). Personally I have found bovine pancreas capsules way more effective than enzyme supplements. Once my digestion improved with the bovine pancreas my energy levels improved as well.
RP mentioned using bovine pancreas in one of his interviews with Jodelle Fit. He mentioned the work of a Dr. Gonzalez in pioneering the research in using bovine pancreas to treat pancreatic cancer. This is what prompted me switch to the pancreas verses digestive enzymes, ox bile, and cyproheptadine. And I'm so happy I did.

I don't know the brand of enzymes you are using but doesn't sound like it's working so maybe the bovine pancreas could be an alternative option for you.


Feb 13, 2016
Vitamin D increases cholesterol, pregnenolone, and DHEA. I have similar issues with fatigue and low cholesterol, and in my case it seems that it might not be so simple as just supplementing vitamin D, but it might do the trick for you. Dr. Peat recommends having it at middle of range (50).


Aug 11, 2020
I have chronic pancreatitis (have had bouts of acute pancreatitis as well). Personally I have found bovine pancreas capsules way more effective than enzyme supplements. Once my digestion improved with the bovine pancreas my energy levels improved as well.
RP mentioned using bovine pancreas in one of his interviews with Jodelle Fit. He mentioned the work of a Dr. Gonzalez in pioneering the research in using bovine pancreas to treat pancreatic cancer. This is what prompted me switch to the pancreas verses digestive enzymes, ox bile, and cyproheptadine. And I'm so happy I did.

I don't know the brand of enzymes you are using but doesn't sound like it's working so maybe the bovine pancreas could be an alternative option for you.

I tried these but did not notice anything. Maybe I took not enough. I think I took one pill every day couple minutes before each meal like described on the package. Do you take them with each meal? I take prescribed digestive enzymes. First I took tons of Kreon 25.000 4-5 each meal for 5 years. But it did nothing. Than I switched to Nortase and they work better since they are not dependent on the small intestine PH like the Kreon ones from pork pancreas.

To make it clear, you now take:
- bovine pancreas
- ox bile
- cyproheptadine

with or before each meal?

Did your pancreatitis stop with these? Does it now produce enzymes on its own? I read before that by taking extracts from animal organs can heal your actual organ. I also took adrenal extract but did not feel anything either.

Luckily I dont have pancreatitis. I mean any pain in that area. My pancreas looks healthy says my doc. I did ultrason and MRT. It simply stopped producing digestive enzymes 8 years ago. It was after a flu. Where I guess I had an acute pancreas inflammation that day because I had pain under my left rib for 2-3 hours. Doc says the pancreas is not completely damaged by just one acute pancreas inflammation. So I still try to figure out why it stopped producing digestive enzymes.

Sorry, english is not my native language so maybe I misunderstood some things you wrote.


Aug 11, 2020
Vitamin D increases cholesterol, pregnenolone, and DHEA. I have similar issues with fatigue and low cholesterol, and in my case it seems that it might not be so simple as just supplementing vitamin D, but it might do the trick for you. Dr. Peat recommends having it at middle of range (50).

I take around 5.000 IU a day and get around 3-5 hrs sun a day. My Vit. D was pretty high on different tests.


Apr 14, 2013
To make it clear, you now take:
- bovine pancreas
- ox bile
- cyproheptadine

with or before each meal

I no longer take the ox bile and cyproheptadine. I only take the bovine pancreas; 2 capsules with each meal and 1 or 2 with snacks. I do also take some vitamin supplements and thyroid meds but the pancreas was what really changed my life due to improved digestion.
The one you linked to has some unwanted additives. I use the Ancestral Supplements brand.
I also do a starch free diet.
I don't know if the bovine pancreas is the answer for you since we have slightly different issues but I thought it was worth mentioning.


Aug 11, 2020
Let us know if it still works in some time
It still does. Lets see. But I lost so much weight again. Not sure if because I ran out of Betaine HCL 2 weeks ago or if Ashwaghanda is accelerating metabolism. I look super skinny again, wich sucks.


Apr 15, 2015
It still does. Lets see. But I lost so much weight again. Not sure if because I ran out of Betaine HCL 2 weeks ago or if Ashwaghanda is accelerating metabolism. I look super skinny again, wich sucks.
How did it work for you?
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