Advice on my diet


Sep 10, 2014
Hi guys,

Still learning. This is what I started today. Im 22 fit active male, doing gym (weights, but no more than 45mins, 2-3 times a week) + sport. Currently have oral thrush which has gone bad from eating peat style (coming from high fat paleo of 2-3 months) and some undigested food in stool.

UPON WAKE UP : 1 carrot salad + large glass OJ + tbsp coconut oil
BFAST : 150g buckwheat in milk with sugar (like a cereal) + coffee SUPP : grape seed extract, k2 100mg
LUNCH : 4 kiwis (with custard if im at home) + coffee (skim+sugar)
DINNER : Grass-fed steak + large glass of OJ with tbsp gelatin,taurine,MSM + coffee + SUPP : vit e 500mg, k2 100mg, betaine hcl+ pepsin + digestive enzymes
BEFORE BED : 200g low fat cottage cheese + organic canadian maple syrup or raw honey + glass OJ with tbsp gelatin
IN BETWEEN MEALS : 2L easy digestible(lactaid), low fat milk with 4tbsp sugar and 2 tbsp raw cacao powder

I try to fit in egg shell calcium when i can, liver/oysters atleast once a week. On workout days I add a post workout shake afterwards, basically milk, ezy(biofermented brown rice protein?) protein powder, blueberries, honey, sometimes banana.
CAL : 3262 PRO : 199.2 CARB : 487.3 FAT : 68

Am I doing everything right? I checked my pulse today when I was on the computer and it was 57. Should I start taking some thyroid supp? Will they increase my testosterone etc? My PUFAs are a little high (buckwheat a slight culprit, but its so good for managanese) but is that okay since im eating more cals? Im gonna add in a bit more for lunch, I was actually quite hungry today despite eating alot more than many diets ive seen on here.




Jul 8, 2014
Hey Echo,

I just wanted to mention that mussels, maple syrup, wild blueberries (fresh or frozen) and if I remember correctly, pineapple and young coconut flesh are all very good sources of manganese. Below is a list of high manganese foods. ... ganese.php


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I would have the OJ separate from the beef since vitamin c will increase iron absorption.


Feb 20, 2013
Pineapple is a very rich source of manganese. Cooked( grilled or baked) pineapple is very tasty.
RP recommends pineapple in moderation as it is high in serotonin.
Apple juice has good amount of manganese, 4 cups of apple juice has about 40 percent of RDA.
chocolate is another good source.

I do not know much about buckwheat. A cup of buckwheat shows 1700 mg of PUFA.
Seeds are very nutritious but they are not meant to be human food unless they
are sprouted or soaked in water for long time to break down some of the toxins.
Seeds naturally contain lot of defensive toxins.

RP has mentioned how athletes often have very low pulse.
If you have done a lot of endurance exercise it may take longer time to
fix that damage. He also mentioned it takes less time to increase temperature than pulse.

If you had a low PUFA diet in the past then you can get away with a lot of bad habits.
RP has mentioned that hypothyroid people should limit protein intake to 80-100 grams.
Gelatine is an exception as it does not have anti thyroid amino acids.

Oral Thrush sounds like a digestion issue. Check all the new foods you have introduced.
Milk is problematic for many people. Slowly introducing milk is a good idea,it gives body
to get adjusted to new food. You can also use home made fresh cheese or hard cheese
instead of milk. Strained yogurt or Farmer's cheese are easy to make.
Supplements often are major source of allergens.
Pectin in OJ and other fruits can be major source of gut irritation.
Any food that irritate your gut is not a good food for you.
Eating easily digestible non-allergenic foods is the key to good health.
You can try cooked bamboo shoot instead of carrot salad to see if you get
better benefits. Bamboo shoots has to be cooked thoroughly, it contains goitrogenic
substance. If you buy cans then cooking in fresh water for 5-10 min removes the bad taste.

RP recommends eating most of the protein in day time and after sunset it is mostly carb and fat.
Digestive system slows down after sunset and protein requires strong digestive system.
A cup of milk with some sugar before bed and some fruit juice are suitable before bed.
Cottage cheese is fine but i would not eat a large amount before bed.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
Try some flowers of sulphur for your oral thrush. Instead of swallowing straight away just try and swish it around your mouth and hold for a time. Maybe even doing so multiple times a day and then spitting and rinsing instead of swallowing after.


Mar 29, 2014
A couple of thoughts to add to the above.
I would be hungry and tired all afternoon if I ate such a small lunch. I and quite a few others seem to do better with a solid meal (protein and carbs) at lunch time, and bit less at dinner.
I think some people have trouble with buckwheat, but that doesn't necessarily mean you would.
200mg K2 seems very high. I'm not aware of any negative effects of high doses (except on wallet). I think many people use between 1-15mg, occasionally up to 50mg. If others see this differently, please correct me. Is there a reason for taking so much?


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
tara said:
A couple of thoughts to add to the above.
200mg K2 seems very high. I'm not aware of any negative effects of high doses (except on wallet). I think many people use between 1-15mg, occasionally up to 50mg. If others see this differently, please correct me. Is there a reason for taking so much?
I just assumed that was a typo! maybe he meant 200mcg or 20mg or something more "reasonable"! ;)


Sep 10, 2014
Thanks for the replies!

Sorry the k2 was in mcg so I am taking 200mcg (2 pills). Im looking to get the liquid when I run out and up the dose as high up as I can (for calcification purposes).

The buckwheat is also high in protein and VERY high in vitamin K, 150g pretty much is 100%. Its gluten free (i have no problems digesting it) and I absolutely love it with milk and sugar, I used to eat it like this growing up as a kid. Its also my pre-workout meal in the morning so I want to make it work. What can i take/do to minimise PUFA during this meal? aspirin?

I will separate the OJ and meat, I thought it would be good because they are acidic.

I didnt react well last time I had pineapple, my tongue was sore afterwards (maybe the thrush?)

I came from 2 months on high fat paleo, lots of supplements and lots of iodine where I felt amazing at first but then developed digestive problems (constipation) and thrush. Did some colonics, colon cleansing, liver flushes etc.

Ive looked at flowers of sulfur but I dont want to try anymore supplements because I have a million of them already and my colonics that I just finished set me back very deep. I already take MSM for sulfur. I got Diatomaceous Earth, zeolite (this stuff is good), psyllium, bentonite clay, parasite herbs (walnut cloves wormwood), probiotics, apple cider vinegar and many others. I dont take any of these at the moment.

Im still very new to this so its early days for me to be evaluating anything anyway, thanks for all your help :)


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
Echo said:
I didnt react well last time I had pineapple, my tongue was sore afterwards (maybe the thrush?)
Did you remove the core of the pineapple properly? That thing is usually what does this. Im pretty sure it does it to everyone. Its where the most bromelain is.

Ive looked at flowers of sulfur but I dont want to try anymore supplements because I have a million of them already and my colonics that I just finished set me back very deep. I already take MSM for sulfur. I got Diatomaceous Earth, zeolite (this stuff is good), psyllium, bentonite clay, parasite herbs (walnut cloves wormwood), probiotics, apple cider vinegar and many others. I dont take any of these at the moment.
Well I suggested the flowers of sulfur to treat the local effects for your "thrush". Sulphur in general is good for the body. I prefer to get mine from Taurine as Im a bit dubious about MSM. Flowers of sulphur is cheap and its not something you need to take all the time. Its pretty versitile as well. But hey, if you are getting emotionally attached to your thrush I can understand :lol:


Sep 10, 2014
I got my minerals results back. They seem to generally point towards adrenal burnout, which I assume is caused by hypothyroidism. It explains why im always under stress, very weak and tired, low stomach acid, thrush, gut imbalance, allergies, hair loss to name a few. Now to figure out why I got hypothyroidism. It should be either from taking too much iodine (also because I found the selenium from the brazil nuts I was taking was insignificant) or from my change/damage done from a high fat paleo diet. My constipation resolved a little when I stopped all fats (including coconut oil) and ate primarily fruit. My TSH is 0.95.

My questions are:
1) What is next to test? t3, t4? How do I test for hashi/goiter etc (I do think my thyroid is enlarged a little)
2) Do I need to get some thyroid extract/pregnenalone?
3) Should I keep drinking OJ if my magnesium is so high? Also it aggravates my thrush as does coffee, sugar so is this an issue?
4) Should I still be smashing regular coffees/refined sugar etc with weak adrenals?
5) Any ideas on what to do next



Feb 20, 2013
Echo said:
My questions are:
1) What is next to test? t3, t4? How do I test for hashi/goiter etc (I do think my thyroid is enlarged a little)
2) Do I need to get some thyroid extract/pregnenalone?
3) Should I keep drinking OJ if my magnesium is so high? Also it aggravates my thrush as does coffee, sugar so is this an issue?
4) Should I still be smashing regular coffees/refined sugar etc with weak adrenals?
5) Any ideas on what to do next

You did not mention if this mineral test is blood or those hair sample analysis.
You are less likely to have goiter with suppressed TSH like 0.95. You probably
had some inflammation from excess estrogen and other factors like iron, iodine
etc. Your TSH level is quite good now. RP has mentioned people with TSH below
0.4 has lowest rate of thyroid cancer.

1.Total T3 and total T4 with total cholesterol can be quite useful.
Total cholesterol reflects thyroid function. Low thyroid function usually
mean high total cholesterol and good thyroid function means the opposite.
But cholesterol is a protective substance even when it is not converted to
protective hormones under the influence of of thyroid and vitamin A.

2. I think measuring T4 and T3, especially total cholesterol is important
before starting thyroid hormone. RP has mentioned you need at least
160 , preferably 200 before you start thyroid supplement.
RP think pregnenolone is very safe and you can find good quality
pregnenolone without bad excipient, it can be very helpful.
Tracking temperature and pulse 1 hour after breakfast helps to
get a good idea about your thyroid status. People used to get
half a grain of Armour equivalent daily from fish and chicken stew.
You can use chicken neck or fish head soup regularly to get what
people used to get from food or you can experiment with half a grain.

3. RP recommends strained OJ from sweet ripe orange. Unripe orange
can be problematic and pectin in OJ causes digestive problem in many.
You can experiment with apple juice to see how you react to it.
You may have to experiment with several brands to find out which works
best for you. They often use spoiled apple in juice making.
I cant tolerate OJ but doing very good with apple juice.
Apple juice is high in fructose which does a host of wonderful things
including lowered insulin and steady blood sugar.
Blood Magnesium can be high in hypothyroid people as cell can not
retain magnesium and it gets in the blood. Dehydration can also
give false high level magnesium.

4.I think your focus should be on low thyroid function instead of
weak adrenals. If your thyroid and other protective hormone is there
you do not need to rely on stress hormones to function.
If you eat a lot of pure sugar you have to make sure you are getting
all the required nutrients from other foods. Potassium, magnesium,
calcium, sodium, protein, B vitamins etc play role in metabolism of
sugar and blood sugar level. You can find out about your nutrients intake


Sep 10, 2014
Thank you for your excellent response Mittir !

It is a hair minerals analysis. According to Dr Wilson and a few others, elevated magnesium in this test = high stress added with low sodium and low potassium = adrenal fatigue. My zinc was a little lower than normal even though I supplement a fair bit of it (citrate). I had an extremely high level of uranium which im worried about (could it be from iodine I was taking and does zeolite rid of uranium?).

Here are the results from my latest blood test with reference ranges in brackets.

TSH : 2.04 (0.4-3.8)
FT4 : 13.6 (10.0-22.0)
FT3 : 4.7 (2.5-6.5)
Renal function test (kidneys) all mid range (good)
Serum Cortisol : 402 (100-540)
ACTH : 19.3 (7.2-63.3)

I dont think I mentioned this previously but in the last blood test, my ferritin saturation levels were very low (my body had iron but wasnt releasing it, maybe due to infection?). Whats interesting is that in just over 2 months, my TSH went from 0.95 (when I was taking iodine) to 2.04 (when I had stopped). Ontop of the initial detox which made me feel better afterwards, it ramped up my metabolism hardcore and I lost lots of bodyfat. Im yet to see any clear evidence on why a small amount of natural iodine taken with selenium can be harmful and not pro-thyroid so im on the wall on it besides not taking it anymore. ... C1xkRaLWa4

I have this stuff sitting on my table (raw natural thyroid +adrenal, pituitary etc.), is it safe and/or beneficial for me to take as a 22yr old male? I tried it yesterday and I had some crazy energy and adrenaline all day long and felt my adrenals tingling a little at night time.

What tests do I have to do to identify whether I need to take progesterone or not?

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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