Alcohol "addiction" Driven By Endotoxin (TLR4)


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I posted a few threads in the past about addiction, and especially alcohol addiction being driven by high cortisol and low dopamine. This new study adds more pieces to the puzzle by implicating endotoxin in that process as well. Just as importantly, the study found that the desire to drink alcohol is highest at night/drak (duh) which also happens to be when dopamine is at its lowest and serotonin at it s highest. So, it may very well be that endotoxin is the original culprit, with cortisol rising reactively to keep inflammation driven by endotoxin at bay. Given that alcohol is itself a TLR4 agonist, it is immediately clear how consuming alcohol stimulates even more alcohol consumption. I think it would be very interesting to see if the so-called "binge drinkers" have much higher TLR4 expression, higher cortisol, and lower dopamine levels than non-problematic drinkers.
Either way, administering the endotoxin (TLR4) antagonist naltrexone blocked the alcohol abuse behavior. This effect appears to be well-known by the FDA as naltrexone is even now prescribed off-label to curb excessive drinking even though the mechanism of action is officially listed as "unknown" because the official story is that "addiction" is genetic.
If endotoxin is the primary driver of alcohol abuse then antibiotics and charcoal should help curb it as well.

The efficacy of (+)-Naltrexone on alcohol preference and seeking behaviour is dependent on light-cycle - ScienceDirect

"...The researchers focused their attention on the immune receptor Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). They administered the drug (+)-Naltrexone (pronounced: PLUS-NAL-TREX-OWN), which is known to block TLR4, to mice. "Our studies showed a significant reduction in alcohol drinking behavior by mice that had been given (+)-Naltrexone, specifically at night time when the reward for drug-related behavior is usually at its greatest," Mr Jacobsen says. "We concluded that blocking a specific part of the brain's immune system did in fact substantially decrease the motivation of mice to drink alcohol in the evening." Senior author Professor Mark Hutchinson, Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics at the University of Adelaide and leader of the Neuroimmunopharmacology lab in which this work was conducted, says these findings point to the need for further research to understand the implications for drinking behavior in humans."


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
"A diet that consists predominantly of rice leads to the use of opium and narcotics, just as a diet that consists predominantly of potatoes leads to the use of liquor."

- Friedrich Nietzsche


Oct 11, 2015
"A diet that consists predominantly of rice leads to the use of opium and narcotics, just as a diet that consists predominantly of potatoes leads to the use of liquor."

- Friedrich Nietzsche

"It is disgusting to notice the increase in the quantity of coffee used by my subjects, and the amount of money that goes out of the country as a consequence. Everybody is using coffee; this must be prevented. His Majesty was brought up on beer, and so were both his ancestors and officers. Many battles have been fought and won by soldiers nourished on beer, and the King does not believe that coffee-drinking soldiers can be relied upon to endure hardships in case of another war."

Frederick the Great

Food quotes from historical figures are always interesting ( not necessarily promoting this one btw ).


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
"It is disgusting to notice the increase in the quantity of coffee used by my subjects, and the amount of money that goes out of the country as a consequence. Everybody is using coffee; this must be prevented. His Majesty was brought up on beer, and so were both his ancestors and officers. Many battles have been fought and won by soldiers nourished on beer, and the King does not believe that coffee-drinking soldiers can be relied upon to endure hardships in case of another war."

Frederick the Great

Food quotes from historical figures are always interesting ( not necessarily promoting this one btw ).
:D Humor really is timeless.


Oct 11, 2016
@haidut any clues about substances to combine with naltrexone? I mean theoretically - based on the action of the substance - what would you try if you were on LDN?


Mar 7, 2017
Would higher alcohol content not kill the endotoxin sterilizing the gut?


Jun 7, 2017
Would higher alcohol content not kill the endotoxin sterilizing the gut?
The main consideration would probably be the site of alcohol absorption, which would be largely influenced by whether the alcohol was consumed with food, the stomach acidity, strength and frequency of pyloric sphincter, etc. Much the microbiome is in the large intestine, whereas alcohol is typically absorbed earlier in the GI tract, the small intestine.


Mar 7, 2017
So if you're an sure to take your vodka enemas daily!!!:D


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
@haidut any clues about substances to combine with naltrexone? I mean theoretically - based on the action of the substance - what would you try if you were on LDN?

I've never tried naltrexone, but apparently, it helps with reduced cravings/blocked effects of/for, alcohol and or opiates. I've done both, and they're similar in ways, but different


Oct 15, 2016
"A diet that consists predominantly of rice leads to the use of opium and narcotics, just as a diet that consists predominantly of potatoes leads to the use of liquor."

- Friedrich Nietzsche
The Nietzsche Diet

There is an other nice quote from him there:
I am much more interested in another question which the “salvation of humanity” depends much more than upon any piece of theological curiosity: the question of nutrition. For ordinary purposes, it may be formulated thus: “How precisely must thou nourish thyself in order to attain to thy maximum of power, or virtue in the Renaissance style of virtue free from moralism?” Here my experiences have been the worst possible; I am surprised that it took me so long to become aware of this question and to derive “understanding” from my experiences. Only the utter worthlessness of our German culture-its “idealism”-can to some extent explain how it was that precisely in this matter I was so backward that my ignorance was almost saintly. For this “culture” from first to last teaches one to lose sight of realities and instead to hunt after thoroughly problematic, so-called ideal goals, as, for instance, “classical culture”-as if we were not doomed from the start in our endeavor to unite “classical” and “German” in one concept! […] German intellect is indigestion; it can assimilate nothing. But even English, which, as against German, and indeed French, diet, seems to me to be a “return to Nature”-that is to say, to cannibalism-is basically repugnant to my own instincts. It seems to me that it gives the intellect heavy feet, Englishwomen’s feet. . . . The best cooking is that of Piedmont. Alcohol does not agree with me; one glass of wine or beer a day is enough to turn life into a valley of tears for me; in Munich live my antipodes. Admitting that I came to understand this rationally rather late, yet I had experienced it as a mere child. As a boy I believed that wine-drinking and tobacco-smoking were at first but youthful vanities, and later simply bad habits. Perhaps the wine of Naumburg was partly responsible for this harsh judgment. To believe that wine was exhilarating, I should have had to be a Christian-in other words, I should have had to believe in what, for me, is an absurdity. Strangely enough, whereas small largely diluted quantities of alcohol depressed me, great quantities made me act almost like a sailor on shore leave. Even as a boy I showed my bravado in this respect. […] Later on, towards the middle of my life, I grew more and more decisive in my opposition to spirituous drinks: 1, an opponent of vegetarianism from experience-like Richard Wagner, who reconverted in annot with sufficient earnest-ness advise all more spiritual natures to abstain absolutely from alcohol. Water answers the same purpose. I prefer those places where there are numerous opportunities of drinking from running brooks as at Nice, Turin, Sils, where water follows me wherever I turn. In vino veritas: it seems that here too I disagree with the rest of the world about the concept “Truth”-with me spirit moves on the face of the waters. Here are a few more bits of advice taken from my morality. A heavy meal is digested more easily than one that is too meager. The first condition of a good digestion is that the stomach should be active as a whole. Therefore a man ought to know the size of his stomach. For the same reasons I advise against all those interminable meals, which I call interrupted sacrificial feasts, and which are to be had at any table d’hdte. Nothing between meals, no coffee-coffee makes one gloomy. Tea is advisable only in the morning-in small quantities, but very strong. It may be very harmful, and indispose you for the whole day, if it is the least bit too weak. Here each one has his own standard, often between the narrowest and most delicate limits. In a very enervating climate it is, inadvisable to begin the day with tea: an hour before, it is a good thing to have a cup of thick cocoa, free from oil. Remain seated as little as possible; trust no thought that is not born in the open, to the accompaniment of free bodily motion-nor one in which your very muscles do not celebrate a feast. All prejudices may be traced back to the intestines. A sedentary life, as I have already said elsewhere, is the real sin against the Holy Ghost.


The question of nutrition is closely related to that of locality and climate. None of us can live anywhere; and he who has great tasks to perform, which demand all his energy, has, in this respect, a very limited choice. The influence of climate upon the bodily functions, affecting their retardation or acceleration, is so great, that a blunder in the choice of locality and climate may not merely alienate a man from his duty, but may withhold it from him altogether, so that he never comes face to face with it. Animal vigor never preponderates in him to the extent that it lets him attain that exuberant freedom in which he may say to himself: I, alone, can do that. . . . The slightest torpidity of the intestines, once it has become a habit, is quite sufficient to turn a genius into something mediocre, something “German”; the climate of Germany, alone, is more than enough to discourage the strongest and most heroic intestines. Upon the tempo of the body’s functions closely depend the agility or the slowness of the spirit’s feet; indeed spirit itself is only a form of these bodily functions. Enumerate the places in which men of great intellect have been and are still found; where wit, subtlety, and malice are a part ,of happiness; where genius is almost necessarily athome: all of them have an unusually dry atmosphere. Paris, Provence, Florence, Jerusalem, Athens-these names prove this: that genius is dependent on dry air, on clear skies-in other words, on rapid organic functions, on the possibility of contenuously securing for one’s self great quantities of energy.


The choice of nutrition; the choice of climate and locality; the third thing in which one must not on any account make a blunder, concerns the method of recuperation or recreation. Here, again, according to the extent to which a spirit is sui generis, the limits of what is permitted-that is, beneficial to him-become more and more narrow. In my case, reading in general is one of my methods of recuperation; consequently it is a part of that which enables me to escape from myself, to wander in strange sciences and strange souls of that, about which I am no longer in earnest. Indeed, reading allows me to recover from my earnestness.

I read somewhere else that he ate incredible amount of fruits of lunch and that was probably the cause for his serious stomach issues.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
The Nietzsche Diet

There is an other nice quote from him there:

I read somewhere else that he ate incredible amount of fruits of lunch and that was probably the cause for his serious stomach issues.
He also talked about how coffee makes one "gloomy," which suggests a hyperactive cholinergic nervous system, later confirmed through his accelerated descent into dementia. Nietzsche understood that fruit grants the greatest nourishment of any food, but he personally featured a degenerated personality type.

Nietzsche's 'Mutter, ich bin dumm!' (Mother, I am dumb.) projected toward the Turin Horse does not concern itself with the act of beating the horse at all, but it's rather Nietzsche's admonishment of his own lack of coherence with those around him. He lives simultaneously at a higher plane of thought, but also in constant conflict with his fellow man. Nietzsche's loyalty to his own mind doubles as his greatest display of stupidity, where he exists isolated in exile, and spiritually castrated.

Many philosophers and poets have evidence of hypothyroidism. Excessive verbalization, neuroticism, physical ugliness (as with Socrates, and even Plato appeared ugly juxtaposed against Aristotle), anti-social tendencies, rigid political and moral ideologies along with strict religiosity (or with various philosophical dialectics in place of religion, as with Plato's Forms, Kant's categorical imperative, or Locke's social contract, and so forth), and shortened lifespans.
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He also talked about how coffee makes one "gloomy," which suggests a hyperactive cholinergic nervous system, later confirmed through his accelerated descent into dementia. Nietzsche understood that fruit grants the greatest nourishment of any food, but he personally featured a degenerated personality type.

Nietzsche's 'Mutter, ich bin dumm!' (Mother, I am dumb.) projected toward the Turin Horse does not concern itself with the act of beating the horse at all, but it's rather Nietzsche's admonishment of his own lack of coherence with those around him. He lives simultaneously at a higher plane of thought, but also in constant conflict with his fellow man. Nietzsche's loyalty to his own mind doubles as his greatest display of stupidity, where he exists isolated in exile, and spiritually castrated.

Many philosophers and poets have evidence of hypothyroidism. Excessive verbalization, neuroticism, physical ugliness (as with Socrates, and even Plato appeared ugly juxtaposed against Aristotle), anti-social tendencies, rigid political and moral ideologies along with strict religiosity (or with various philosophical dialectics in place of religion, as with Plato's Forms, Kant's categorical imperative, or Locke's social contract, and so forth), and shortened lifespans.
Very interesting @DaveFoster. Reading this thread put some pieces together for me. Thank you for contributing.
Nov 26, 2013
"It is disgusting to notice the increase in the quantity of coffee used by my subjects, and the amount of money that goes out of the country as a consequence. Everybody is using coffee; this must be prevented. His Majesty was brought up on beer, and so were both his ancestors and officers. Many battles have been fought and won by soldiers nourished on beer, and the King does not believe that coffee-drinking soldiers can be relied upon to endure hardships in case of another war."

Frederick the Great

Food quotes from historical figures are always interesting ( not necessarily promoting this one btw ).
But I think those beers were like 1-2%


Apr 30, 2015
"It is disgusting to notice the increase in the quantity of coffee used by my subjects, and the amount of money that goes out of the country as a consequence. Everybody is using coffee; this must be prevented. His Majesty was brought up on beer, and so were both his ancestors and officers. Many battles have been fought and won by soldiers nourished on beer, and the King does not believe that coffee-drinking soldiers can be relied upon to endure hardships in case of another war."

Frederick the Great

Food quotes from historical figures are always interesting ( not necessarily promoting this one btw ).

HA! I guess those hyper alert thinking people were less likely to charge then the beer drinkers.


Mar 15, 2014
Many philosophers and poets have evidence of hypothyroidism. Excessive verbalization, neuroticism, physical ugliness

Dolichocephaly causes the verbo-analytical and hyperfocused mode, brachycephaly the spatial-flexible and situationally aware one.

Has anyone else noticed that they get tipsy quicker while in a good metabolic state, or is it just me?


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Dolichocephaly causes the verbo-analytical and hyperfocused mode, brachycephaly the spatial-flexible and situationally aware one.

Has anyone else noticed that they get tipsy quicker while in a good metabolic state, or is it just me?
Stress Leads To Lower Dopamine And More Drinking

That's an interesting hypothesis. Joseph Firmin, a white supremacist, social Darwinist, and behaviorist mentions this topic in his book, The Equality of the Human Races:

"Enlightened and impartial criticism has brought maturity to the discipline of history. We know today that not all Greeks had achieved the same high level of intellectual development as the brilliant Plato, Pericles, and the marvelous constellation of immortal men who graced the Hellenic archipelago from the end of the fifth century to the beginning of the third century before the Christian era. In this respect, anthropological research has brought to light a curious fact which corroborates quite convincingly my theory. The majority of the early Greeks most definitely had the characteristics of a dolichocephalc race. Homer's description of a misshapen and ugly Thersites offers early evidence of this fact. But without going so far back, we can point to Aesop and Socrates as atavistically typical examples of the ugliness of the primitive Greek race. Aesop's ugliness is proverbial. As for Socrates, his beloved discipline Xenophon left to posterity an unforgettable description of his face with its up-turned pug nose and wide open nostrils.

The paradoxical coincidence of a highly developed intellect and very irregular facial features in Aesop and Socrates should not surprise us if we remember the strange and unpredictable manifestations of atavism which science has only recently began to study. Curiously, the modern man who most resembles Socrates intellectually, taking into account the differences between their respective period, is the famous French scientist Littré, whom Pasteur calls a "secular saint", just as we could call Socrates a "pagan saint". As in Socrates, we see in Littré the same clashing juxtaposition of a highly developed intellect and not very handsome features.

Can such signs mislead us? Should we not close our eyes to the truth and blindly follow dogmas which contradict it? Never! We shall proclaim the truth despite everything. "Human intelligence," we say with César Cantu, "seems able to modify the encephalon and, through it, the body's configuration. When intelligence is used widely and effectively, the result is greater physical beauty, as in the case of the White race. When it is abused or neglected, man can descend to the level of the Hottentot. Nevertheless, however low man's level might be, the species never loses its nature nor its ability to rise again. It has been said over and over that Negroes are at the lowest rung of the ladder. Well, see how they have just conquered their freedom in Haiti, and they do not make any worse use of it over there than we do in Europe. The Abyssinian race is also Black, but these people are as handsome as they are civilized.

When we consider the times when such ideas were expressed, we cannot help but admire the spontaneity, acuity, and openness of which the human mind is capable whenever it is not blinded by passion. It will not be long before the correlation between intellectual development and physical beauty becomes one of the most elegant basic laws of anthropological biology. It has its scientific basis in the theories of evolution and sexual selection formulated by Herbert Spencer and Darwin. But even before this correlation between the intellect and the body's appearance was given a scientific foundation, it was instinctively, if somewhat vaguely, understood. The idea was expressed long ago in the form of an adage which physiologists must have found very baroque indeed: "Corpus cordis opus."

The secret has been discovered then. Every time we want to transform the physique of a particular race of men, whose repulsively ugly appearance is a sure sign of savagery or of moral depravity, we need only cultivate their intellect and their heart. We will thus cause to germinate slowly and steadily in them such noble sentiments as generosity, enthusiasm, heroic dedication, love of work, scientific curiosity and, above all, love of liberty, the very spring of life, from which flow dignity, individual initiative, all sentiments without which there can be no evolution, no progress, no amelioration." (Firmin, The Equality of the Human Races, 1885, p. 192-3)​


Both Plato and especially Socrates have unattractive faces relative to Aristotle.

Madison Grant states in her book, The Passing of the Great Race,

"Aristotle was a Mediterranean if we may trust the authenticity of his busts and had a small, long skull, while Humboldt's large and characteristically Nordic skull was equally dolichocephalic. Socrates and Diogenes were apparently quite un-Greek and represent remnants of some early race, perhaps of Paleolithic man." (Grant, The Passing of the Great Race, 1916, p. 226-7)​

From J. J. Lawrence's Medical Brief:

"The brachycephalic races and people commit suicide oftener than the dolichocephalic, e. g., the Mongolians, Germans and American Indians are generally brachycephalic.

The negro, English and native Americans and Russians and Hebrews are generally dolichocephalic, and do not commit suicide as often as the first named, all of which I will not now stop to explain. I will merely say that the dolichocephalic man is not by nature as selfish as the brachycephalic man." (The Medical Brief, Volume XXXIII, 1905, p. 4)​
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Mar 15, 2014

I never drank much to start with. I had very high alcohol tolerance when I first started drinking alcohol. This was also when I was eating high fat low sugar, n-3s, and hair loss. It takes 1/3 of what it used to for the same effect now.

It's sort of interesting, but I don't care very much about the cephalic indices of individuals. On a population level, dolichocephalic ethnic groups have a tradition of debate, logic, formative paradigms, and religion. Brachycephalic groups have a tradition of engineering, manufacturing, artisanship, and authoritarian governments. This is true within europe and across the world.

I also believe that dolis are fundamentally emotional (more loving and more hateful), and brachies are more steady and grounded. The former are hot adapted, and the latter cold.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I never drank much to start with. I had very high alcohol tolerance when I first started drinking alcohol. This was also when I was eating high fat low sugar, n-3s, and hair loss. It takes 1/3 of what it used to for the same effect now.

It's sort of interesting, but I don't care very much about the cephalic indices of individuals. On a population level, dolichocephalic ethnic groups have a tradition of debate, logic, formative paradigms, and religion. Brachycephalic groups have a tradition of engineering, manufacturing, artisanship, and authoritarian governments. This is true within europe and across the world.

I also believe that dolis are fundamentally emotional (more loving and more hateful), and brachies are more steady and grounded. The former are hot adapted, and the latter cold.
Wouldn't Middle-eastern cultures be both religious and authoritarian, and wouldn't Central Europeans (Germans mostly) historically be both oriented toward logic, religion, authoritarian governments, engineering and manufacturing?


Mar 15, 2014
Wouldn't Middle-eastern cultures be both religious and authoritarian, and wouldn't Central Europeans (Germans mostly) historically be both oriented toward logic, religion, authoritarian governments, engineering and manufacturing?

Arab nations have a forced authoritarianism that doesn't work, similar to Victorian England. Germany, Russia, and China have sustainable authoritarianism. The latter are more suited to authoritarianism.

In addition, northwest Germany is where indices transition from proper long to proper broad. This complicates things, perhaps best of both worlds? But the most formative inventions still come from England rather than Germany (and of course earlier the ancient Greeks, and Arabia/Persia/India, which all have rich philosophical traditions, and along with England, have relatively poor engineering reputations).

South Germany/Swiss is where heads get very broad, and unsurprisingly this is where you get high IQs and the crazy spatial indexing mechanisms. High IQ, spatially oriented soulless people, who are great at manufacturing and literally eat dog to this very day. Sound familiar?

I know Hitler talked about "bearers" and "creators" of civilization. Long heads tend to be creators, and broad heads tend to be improvers/maintainers/bearers. There is also a trend towards "brachycephalization" with time, which makes sense--as civilization grows more complex, the usefulness of long headed creativity shrinks, and wide heads enjoy more reproductive success as their longer attention spans and high IQ allow them to make more money.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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