All Around Trouble


Sep 19, 2013
It has been a while since I posted on here, but I will give it another go. Overtime, I have a gradually just continue to get worse and worse.

My main symptoms are currently severe brain fog, severe nerves, severe fatigue comma very faint feeling. I can't really even go in public anymore. I went to the barber today, and what a nightmare. I sat in the chair, started sweating profusely, my entire body went cold, and I felt like I was just going to faint. One of the worst experiences of my life, and it is becoming more regular. Even laying down in my own bed, my body hurts from being so tense and in stress. Walking is tough as I'm so off balanced. Standing in lines is all but impossible. Sitting in traffic is absurd because I constantly feel like I'm moving.

At this point, I don't know if it is an infection, just terrible thyroid status, or something severely messed up with in my body. No doctors are able to figure out the pieces to this puzzle either. I have tweaked my diet numerous times over the past five years, it's done absolutely nothing.

I want to try cutting out all stimulants such as caffeine, and all Dairy, but that is proving very difficult to try and get my calcium and protein requirements. Desperately looking for help as I don't know how much longer I can take this.
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Apr 27, 2015
Your issues sound similar to mine.

I used to have lethargy, brain fog, tingly fingers etc. up until some weeks ago. Then I went Very Low Fat -- no more added butter on meals, no cheating with fried potato chips -- and it's all gone. I feel great. My diet is basically OJ, milk, rice, potatoes, coffee with plenty of sugar.

As for dizziness, having trouble walking, etc.: I have that too. Feeling like I'm moving, tense shoulders: yep. But I seem to be recovering from it. Here's what I did:

I have recently realized that what I have is TMJ, or something very much like it, induced by the orthodontic braces I wore as a teen. According to Dr. Mike Mew, the Orthotropics guy, always resting your tongue on the roof of your mouth can eventually fix TMJ... as well as facial assymetry, bad posture and so on. Sounds unbelievable, but I've been doing it for a week and I'm breathing better, walking better, feeling better. My posture is surprisingly upright. I do it almost unconsciously when the tongue is in the right position.

The extent to which the maxila, jaws etc. affect the rest of your body is huge.

This site has a good explanation of the tongue posture thing:

Proper Tongue Posture

And here's Mike Mew:

But of course, maybe your problem is different...


Apr 18, 2016
Definitely drop all stimulants! And don't worry about hitting certain percentages, as long as you are eating above starvation calories and avoiding pufa, your fine.


Mar 10, 2016
@Jayfish this is far-fetched, but would tongue posture help with like, stale breath from a long day at work?


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Serotonin syndrome
Serotonin syndrome is a group of symptoms that may occur following use of certain serotonergic medications or drugs. The degree of symptoms can range from mild to severe. Symptoms include high body temperature, agitation, increased reflexes, tremor, sweating, dilated pupils, and diarrhea.


Sep 13, 2012
May I suggest to you to start looking elsewhere for your chronic illness? The obsessing over what could be causing it just runs people around in circles. Maybe start focusing on success stories of healing chronic fatigue syndrome? Here is a whole success story that has nothing to do with hormones or anything like that:

I've also been following pages that focus on wellness. One lady HarmonyRestored, healed her hashimotos by using self-care. She has videos on facebook about using EFT to calm anxiety. I did it this past week during an adrenaline rush, within a few minutes my nervous system calmed down and I was able to go about the rest of my day. Its more than just positive thinking. It's about re-training your brain to focus on healing and wellness. You are not broken!! "Love yourself like your life depends on it, because it does"


Sep 25, 2016
I have been struggling with similar issues for ages and they recently took a turn for the worse. Have you been diagnosed with ME/CFS/POTS/Dysautonomia?

Anyway recently I have been taking Mirtazapine, Valerian Root + Hops, and Propanolol and noticed okay improvements in my gastroparesis, POTs, and sleep. I have also been trying everything I can think of for the last 5 years.

member 2106

It has been a while since I posted on here, but I will give it another go. Overtime, I have a gradually just continue to get worse and worse.

My main symptoms are currently severe brain fog, severe nerves, severe fatigue comma very faint feeling. I can't really even go in public anymore. I went to the barber today, and what a nightmare. I sat in the chair, started sweating profusely, my entire body went cold, and I felt like I was just going to faint. One of the worst experiences of my life, and it is becoming more regular. Even laying down in my own bed, my body hurts from being so tense and in stress. Walking is tough as I'm so off balanced. Standing in lines is all but impossible. Sitting in traffic is absurd because I constantly feel like I'm moving.

At this point, I don't know if it is an infection, just terrible thyroid status, or something severely messed up with in my body. No doctors are able to figure out the pieces to this puzzle either. I have tweaked my diet numerous times over the past five years, it's done absolutely nothing.

I want to try cutting out all stimulants such as caffeine, and all Dairy, but that is proving very difficult to try and get my calcium and protein requirements. Desperately looking for help as I don't know how much longer I can take this.

This sounds to me like severe anxiety, nothing more. Eating well can help, but, if my diagnosis is correct, what you really need to address are the psychological issues. I recommend reading the works of Claire Weekes, because her approach to anxiety seems to me the most sensible one. In short, you need to cultivate an attitude of acceptance towards what is happening to you, rather than constantly battling it and thereby giving it more strength. This may sound counter-intuitive, but I'm convinced that it's the way forward - at least, it's what works for me.


Aug 9, 2012
Have you tried a course of antibiotics, minocycline perhaps.


Your issues sound similar to mine.

I used to have lethargy, brain fog, tingly fingers etc. up until some weeks ago. Then I went Very Low Fat -- no more added butter on meals, no cheating with fried potato chips -- and it's all gone. I feel great. My diet is basically OJ, milk, rice, potatoes, coffee with plenty of sugar.

As for dizziness, having trouble walking, etc.: I have that too. Feeling like I'm moving, tense shoulders: yep. But I seem to be recovering from it. Here's what I did:

I have recently realized that what I have is TMJ, or something very much like it, induced by the orthodontic braces I wore as a teen. According to Dr. Mike Mew, the Orthotropics guy, always resting your tongue on the roof of your mouth can eventually fix TMJ... as well as facial assymetry, bad posture and so on. Sounds unbelievable, but I've been doing it for a week and I'm breathing better, walking better, feeling better. My posture is surprisingly upright. I do it almost unconsciously when the tongue is in the right position.

The extent to which the maxila, jaws etc. affect the rest of your body is huge.

This site has a good explanation of the tongue posture thing:

Proper Tongue Posture

And here's Mike Mew:

But of course, maybe your problem is different...

@milk I looked up Mike Mew and the link above about tongue posture. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing. Have been trying to reposition tongue when I can remember and must say, I like the position better. Think it does make a difference.


Oct 15, 2016
This sounds to me like severe anxiety, nothing more. Eating well can help, but, if my diagnosis is correct, what you really need to address are the psychological issues. I recommend reading the works of Claire Weekes, because her approach to anxiety seems to me the most sensible one. In short, you need to cultivate an attitude of acceptance towards what is happening to you, rather than constantly battling it and thereby giving it more strength. This may sound counter-intuitive, but I'm convinced that it's the way forward - at least, it's what works for me.

This is one of the fundation of the practice of buddhism and meditation. It is powerful and yet extremely simple. A friend of mine says humans can only think about one thing at a time, and therefore what you think about becomes the most important thing in the world.
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