All Day Chemist Payments & Order Timing


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Oct 28, 2020
Hi All,
I am waiting for my second order to ADC and wondered if others might be experiencing the same issues. First time, I paid by check and just sent the check to their Florida address--from WI. It took a long time for them to receive the check and I was at the point of sending another when they said it arrived. The second order, I thought I'll require tracking/signature so that I can have an idea of what is going on. Sent the check 1/2/24, saw it arrived at the post office in Florida on 1/6 and it is just sitting there. I have since filled out a request with the post office, but just curious if this is what others are experiencing? Would be happy to hear others experience or advice to make this a little more straightforward.
thank you!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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