Anthropomorphization of animals in movies/TV contributing to vegan mentality?


Mar 31, 2021
Has anyone else thought of this before? I have a strong intuitive feeling that anthropomorphization of animals in movies and TV is what is contributing to the desire for people to become vegans. While I feel that hormones and biological problems contribute to people becoming vegans, I do think there is a social contagion aspect to it that is what drives them to see veganism as the answer to their inherent neurotic beliefs about society and how they view themselves and humans, etc.

For those who don't know anthropomorphization means to ascribe human values to a non-human thing. Such as an animal. Something that is very recent is portraying animals as humans and it is generally done in the form of entertainment that is aimed at young children who are the most easily manipulated. Instead of growing up learning to hunt, seeing animals being slaughtered for food and consumed, they watch TV shows where animals are the main characters, they talk like humans, they have human emotions and they tell very strong human oriented stories with the animals as the focal point and use heavily emotional music and whatnot to pull on those emotional strings as much as possible. The goal is obviously to make you empathize with the animals, who are basically really just humans in the shape of a cartoon animal.

Are we then surprised that many of these children grow up and find veganism an attractive lifestyle option? Are we surprised that so many of these vegans refer to animals as "people"? They grew up with their sole experience of animals being depicted as humans, from the youngest of ages. What about the degeneracy of "furries" who want to take it that step further?

Tribal peoples of course, have zero concept of being a vegan. This simply does not exist in their minds at all. Meat is the core of their diets. Even in modern society, in many countries in Europe, like in Italy, Bulgaria, etc, the concept of being a vegan is not understood by most people. If you say that to people they'll tend to think you only eat chicken or something and not beef. They can't imagine the concept of not eating a single animal product. It is obviously completely insane from an evolutionary and historical perspective to not consume animal foods at all and the vegan movement is a relatively new phenomenon that goes against all of your instincts. Many vegans try to continue eating meat in the form of synthetic meats or by dressing up their vegetables with oils and fats and other stuff to try and make it taste more palatable, aka, to give your body what it truly wants.

I have not heard of anyone talking about this connection before, so wondering what you guys think about this or if you've heard anyone talking about it.


Mar 26, 2014
I know about them already! I think it's all related. It's just an even more extreme consequence of this type of social contagion, I think.

I just saw the part where you mentioned them, apologies! Yes it's like a vicious cycle where the chemical and social contagions feed into themselves.


Mar 31, 2021
I just saw the part where you mentioned them, apologies! Yes it's like a vicious cycle where the chemical and social contagions feed into themselves.
Haha no problem. I edited it just after posting to include it, there's a chance you saw it before I edited it. I forgot to include that originally.
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