Are Tocotrienols Confirmed To Be Bad?


Jun 28, 2019
It seems like all the oils/fats which contain tocotrienols are safe ones like macadamia nut oil, coconut and red palm oil. Soybean oil i think has almost no tocotrienols. I was thinking of getting the nutrigold vitamin E supplement to use 4x a week. Everything about it looks good, not too high a dose, mixed tocopherols sourced from sunflower/red palm, but it also has 40mg mixed tocotrienols in it, which may be entirely sourced from red palm oil. So im not sure if i should go for a different vitamin E like the thorne vitamin E

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
For anyone interested, the delta tocotrienols, which are devoid of alpha tocopherol such as the DeltaGold brand, have many positive studies. Concerns about estrogen, PUFA , and liver enlargement are not a concern, and this form of vitamin E has benefits far beyond tocopherols. This is the reply I received when questioning the alleged 'liver enlargement' assertions by Peat:
Hi Dave,

I have heard back from the team regarding your question below. Here is their response:

The liver enlargement the forum is referring to is out of context. Liver enlargement was only observed in toxicology studies. Toxicology studies are used to assess the safe dosages of compounds introduced into the food supply. These studies aim to detect the No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL), which means that dosages increase from low to very high. One study, for example, found no adverse effects under ~5,000mg tocotrienols (translated animal dosage to a 70kg human), whereas another study found no adverse effects under ~1,000mg (translated human dose). The drawback of some of these studies is that the difference between the intermediate and high dosages are too large, and high dose adverse effects are often due to the oil content of the diet simply being too high for the type of animal studied, which can cause liver enlargement that is entirely unrelated to the study compound (in this case tocotrienol).

In any case, the statement that tocotrienols have hardly been tested is outdated. We now know that tocotrienols – and not tocopherols – are able to regulate cholesterol synthesis, and as antioxidants, they are ~50-fold as active as tocopherols. Clinical trials have also shown tocotrienols to have a beneficial effect on cardiometabolic, liver, cellular, and bone health. None of these clinical trials have reported any adverse events.

I hope this helps!

Kind Regards,


Kim Dunne

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Jul 13, 2014
what's the deal with the Unique E product, is that safe to use?


May 17, 2018
Just eat sweet potato and drink cranberry juice. High vitamin E, low PUFA. No need for supps.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
If you check out the work of Dr. Barrie Tan, he has been studying tocotrienols for 30 years. He recommends annatto based tocotrienols because they have no alpha tocopherols to inhibit the functions/benefits of tocotrienols. One of the reasons you often hear people say to take vitamin E sups 6 hours away from tocotrienols, apparently the alpha tocopherol antagonizes them. Here is Tan's site, you can check out webcasts/podcasts to listen to his story and the science: Home | Dr. Barrie Tan. The best science has been around the delta tocotrienols, which is prominent, if not exclusive in the annatto source. I think the appreciation, understanding, and awareness of tocotrienol's benefits may still be in their infancy.


Nov 29, 2017
@olive what brand of cranberry juice do you buy? The pure stuff is pretty expensive no?

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
If you are looking for the benefits specifically of tocotrienols, you won't find hardly any in common foods. Tocopherols, yes, but if you check out the science, there are different benefits from tocotrienols, and if you desire them, you will need supplementation. If tocotrienols are what interest you, food sources also contain alpha tocopherol which inhibits the function of tocotrienols. Supplements are the way to go when seeking the benefits of tocotrienols, specifically delta tocotrienol from annatto.
Aug 14, 2015
Barrie Tan, PhD: Using Tocotrienols to Address Lifestyle and Metabolic Disease
**** Benson

Additional article information

Vitamin E has two subgroups, tocopherols and tocotrienols. In this interview, Dr Tan describes current sources and compositions of tocotrienols. The discussion also explores the anti-inflammatory properties observed with tocotrienol application in cardiovascular and metabolic disease, cancer, radiation exposure, and bone ailments; the nutrient’s potential in management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; and addresses recent studies highlighting tocotrienol’s role as the 21st century vitamin E. Tocotrienols from plant sources were first developed and brought to the market by Dr Tan, inventor of numerous processes for tocotrienol extraction from plants. These discoveries include tocotrienols from palm (1992), then rice (1998), and finally annatto (2002).

Barrie Tan, PhD, is founder and chief scientist at American River Nutrition. He has made notable contributions in the field of vitamin E tocopherols and tocotrienols, particularly in the area of plant-based tocotrienols. He spent 10 years as professor of chemistry and food science/nutrition at University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal (IMCJ): Can you discuss the potential for vitamin E tocotrienols to affect nonalcoholic fatty liver disease?

Dr Tan: When people have fatty liver, it is very hard to lower their liver enzymes, because the liver is so stressed. The organ is very intolerant to fat. The presence of a little bit more than 5% fat is called simple fatty liver. If a lot more than 5% of fat is present, then the condition progresses to something called NASH, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. When this occurs, the patient becomes the subject for a liver transplant. If you go down that road it’s very bad.

I did not know that the liver is so intolerant. To give you a concept of how intolerant that is, consider cirrhosis of the liver. This condition is usually due to insults by continuous alcohol consumption. However, in 1984 The Mayo Clinic had a patient who came in to have his liver examined. A liver biopsy was done and it looked like the liver was cirrhotic. The attending physician asked the patient, “Are you a chronic alcohol consumer?” The patient replied, “No, I never drink alcohol.” That was the first time fatty liver was ever reported outside the context of alcohol consumption, and hence the name to this day is nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, NAFLD. It’s a very awkward name to describe dysfunction of the liver that appears to be related to alcohol, but is not.

Now, if you put that in perspective today, for every person who has cirrhosis because of alcohol consumption, we have probably 20 to 40 people who have NAFLD. That means this is going to be a 21st century epidemic—unless we change our diets, that is. I cannot imagine there are enough liver transplants available for people with progressive NASH.

Tocotrienols may be a compelling therapeutic approach to NAFLD. In a recent 12-week double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 71 NAFLD patients, researchers administered a dosage of 600 mg/day—300 mg twice daily—tocotrienols from annatto, which led to decreased biochemical levels and metabolic factors associated with fatty liver. Not only did patients lose an average of 10 pounds, but their fatty liver index score also decreased by 11%, indicating reduction of fat within the liver.

IMCJ: How do tocotrienols affect cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome?

Dr Tan: As we age, our lipid levels increase. High triglyceride levels, in particular, have been linked with metabolic syndrome. Tocotrienol was first discovered to lower the synthesis of cholesterol. Although the cholesterol drop with tocotrienol is not as dramatic as with statin drugs—approximately 15 to 20% versus 30 to 40%—supplementation of the vitamin does not cause the side effects commonly experienced with statins.

While designing a clinical trial in collaboration with the University of Missouri, I asked a professor from Harvard Medical School about cholesterol and heart attacks, and he said, “Half the people who have heart attacks have high cholesterol. The other half of the people who have heart attacks have normal cholesterol, but inflammation is high.” With this in mind, I asked the study team to measure inflammation, as I was interested to see if tocotrienol could impact the half of the patients who experienced a heart attack without elevated cholesterol levels. When the study was complete, we found not only a cholesterol reduction of 15% to 20%, but inflammatory markers, including C-reactive protein, dropped by 40%.

Triglyceride levels—relevant in their connection to metabolic syndrome—also dropped by approximately 15% after only 4 weeks of supplementation. The importance of triglyceride lowering is much more well-known in the context of omega-3 fatty acids. People take omega-3s not to lower cholesterol, as cholesterol does not drop if you take omega-3; rather, there may be a risk of increasing cholesterol. Instead, people take omega-3 to lower triglycerides. The reason we care about triglycerides, as I mentioned earlier, is because it is one of the five hallmark criteria for metabolic syndrome. Other criteria include elevated blood pressure, low HDL, fasting glucose over 100, and increased waist circumference. Cholesterol is not on this list.

So if you take omega-3, your triglycerides need to drop. If your triglycerides drop, you are controlling your metabolic syndrome, and you’re controlling the dysfunction of metabolites in your body. And triglyceride is one of these metabolites.

Twenty years ago, we did not call this phenomenon metabolic syndrome. It was called syndrome X, if you remember. The person who changed syndrome X into metabolic syndrome is Gerald Reaven, MD, a Stanford University professor.

He was studying people who have diabetes, and found a cluster of risk factors including abnormal triglycerides, cholesterol, and sugar, among others. He couldn’t figure out what was causing these related elements, so he called it syndrome X. What he found was that the first component of syndrome X to surface was high triglycerides, not sugar. When people have high sugar and they become diabetic, it is already too late.

Even today, the American Diabetes Association states “The one singular marker of diabetes is high sugar.” I don’t have problem with that, but I’d like to figure out long before I’m diabetic how to fix my problem. Dr Reaven provided the answer.

I met him one time, just prior to his retirement, probably 15 years ago. I said, “You’re always busy, and people need your time. Just give me one or two sentences to take home from your findings. I hope that you’ll get the Nobel Prize.” So far he’s not been nominated. He told me “Hypertriglyceridemia always precedes hyperglycemia. Therefore, high triglyceride comes first, before you experience high sugar.” He said, “By the time your sugars are not working properly, your triglycerides have been dysfunctional for a long time. Therefore, when the body’s metabolites are out of order, look at triglycerides. If triglycerides are elevated and you don’t address the problem, sugar will eventually become impaired as well. If you can lower the triglycerides, sugar will stay in check with time.”

Once people have high sugar and become diabetic, it is questionable if a type 2 diabetic can become nondiabetic. I know there’s a lot of debate out there, but I know this, whether you’re diabetic or not, when you have metabolic syndrome, controlling your triglycerides is a good place to start. And tocotrienols lower triglycerides as well as fish oil. I recommend people to take fish oil and tocotrienols to address hypertriglyceridemia.

As you can see, I am very passionate about this topic. Even though I have been a scientist for over 30 years, I continue to do this research, and am beginning to see well-designed studies bearing fruit for our personal well-being. I am very proud that many health care professional brands wanted to partner with us on this tocotrienol journey, and hope our combined efforts will strengthen the education surrounding this vitamin, so that health professionals and their patients can reap the benefits.

Article information
Integr Med (Encinitas). 2019 Apr; 18(2): 26–27.
PMCID: PMC6601449
PMID: 31341440
**** Benson
Copyright © 2019 InnoVision Health Media Inc.
Articles from Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal are provided here courtesy of InnoVision Media

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017

What do you need explained? Dr. Tan describes the compound and how it works. As a supplement, it is pretty expensive. Delta tocotrienols are not that expensive, and a good place to start to get the benefits of this unique form of a vitamin E type nutrient.
This is a good brand with no junk oils: Amazon product ASIN B07PY8RF69View:

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