Beginning My Journey To Halt Early Baldness, Fix Metabolism, And Live With HIV


Mar 29, 2014
Platinum said:
post 113168 I'm hoping that I'm minimum getting 2,000-2,500. What should I be shooting for you think?
As far as I can tell, normal for adult men is in the order of 3000 cals, but there is no doubt some healthy variation. If you are getting over 2500 and not exercising excessively, and not spending time stressed from hunger, it doesn't seem too far off.

Have you had a go at incorporating a raw carrot in there somewhere? Grated as salad can be good, but just chomping on a whole raw one might be easier for you in your more mobile times? They're relatively easy to pack and keep pretty well for a few days. NAti-estrogenic and anti-endotoxin effects, if it works for you.

Platinum said:
post 113195 Last month, temps ranged from low 97's up to the mid 98's some afternoons. pulse ranged from upper 70's to low 80's, mainly low 80's
That seems consistent with slightly low metabolism to me. Ideally it wouldn't be getting below 97.8 too much of the time. I think Barnes targettign waking temps 97.8-98.2 when supplementing thyroid. I think his method was to try 1/4 grain/day for a month, then increase by another 1/4 if waking temps had not reached this range.

Glad you sleep is good.
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May 3, 2015
Originally in the 80's AIDS was diagnosed as immune problems like fungal pneumonia along with Kaposi's Sarcoma.

When they started treating gay men with AZT and other chemo drugs there was a lot of anemia and wasting. This is when Freddie Mercury and Kenny Everett, Nureyev etc died.

As the treatments have become less iatrogenic survival rates have increased.

One should ask whatever became of Kaposi's Sarcoma...?


Nov 9, 2015
Well, my temp this morning was 100.5 F :shock:

i was feeling a little tired and decided to go to bed early at 9:30 to make up some sleep. I proceeded to sleep and wake up and sleep for 9 hours while feeling very warm. So of course, I took my temp when I woke up and I have a mild fever.


Nov 9, 2015
Just an update, 4 hours later my temp is down to 98.5. I still feel a little ill but that fever went away pretty quick it seems.


Aug 24, 2013
Platinum said:
post 108635 Hey everyone,

I just joined the forum and wanted to introduce myself. I don't often participate in forums, but I've come to realize that when it comes to my health I shouldn't try to go at it alone and decided I would start this log. See, although I first encountered Ray's ideas through Danny's website many years ago when I was researching my thinning hair, something happened 2 months ago that re-ignited my focus on taking better care of myself. On September 25th, I was informed that the HIV virus was detected in my blood. I was reminded of my mortality, started researching things and discovered that Hair Like a Fox and Organizing the Panic had become available for free and I started devouring information. I figured if I was going to see a doctor anyway, and max out my deductible on medicine, that I should also try to fix my other health problems with guidance provided by insurance covered testing.

Even better, this month my physician is enrolling me in a clinical trial for a new HIV medicine which means that I'm going to spend the next 2 years receiving very comprehensive health care, blood testing, DEXA scans, etc. all free of charge. I don't know what all the tests are going to be (especially as it relates to Ray Peat's ideas) but I thought my unique case would be a great live case study and I'll be able to provide updated labs throughout my journey.

About Me
I am a 24 year old male, 5' 8", 154 lbs, with thinning/receding hair, mild gynecomastia, mild dermatitis/dandruff on scalp/dry skin on face and most of my body fat is around my abdomen. I am also newly diagnosed with HIV, starting medication this month, possibly this Wednesday the 11th. The other factor that makes my situation different is my profession. I travel 80% of the time as a consultant in IT, flying or driving to different cities almost every week, often without the luxury of having my own kitchen to cook my own food. It's a good thing continental breakfast includes milk, coffee and OJ huh? :D

I'm going to regularly post my labs, starting in another post. But notably, my TSH is 3.0, my total testosterone is 385.86 ng/dL, and prolactin is 12.12 ng/mL. These numbers didn't surprise me at all.

Later on I'm going to add a bit more backstory on my health, my lab results to date, supplements I'm starting and other changes I'm making.

It's nice to meet you all!

Helpful backstory
When I look back at my health since childhood through the Ray Peat lens, it's interesting how things make sense. The tldr version is this: PUFA definitely played a role in my issues.

Growing up I was on a SAD diet. I got up to chubby 150lbs by 6th grade and proceeded to do a typical "diet" where I was "low-fat" and watching calories, and that sort of thing works when you're a kid. Certainly I probably had a less PUFA but it was calorie restriction too. I was skinny when I started 7th grade, about 120 lbs, and once or twice dipped close to 115. I almost became anorexic, but I eventually relaxed and ate more. Unfortunately, I still didn't know what I was doing. For example, I remember times when I was home alone and needed dinner, so I would make a box of Kraft mac n cheese with canola oil (gross, I'm cringing just thinking about it!!). My peak weight reached 180 lbs at 5' 8" in high school. Ouch.

Thankfully I started to see some light. I was reading online about vitamin D3, and this led me to Paleo sites and other blogs. I ditched canola for butter, bought D3, K2, and Magnesium, lost just a little weight. A year after finishing college, in 2012 when I was 21, I moved into my own apartment. I know this is when I found Danny Roddy because I remember drinking Orange Juice, hiding chopped up liver inside chilli so wouldn't have to taste it :lol: and trying to be gluten free. I didn't know how to cook much but I was damn sure trying! I maintained a weight in the 130's.

Fast forward to now
I started my current job in 2013, my 50-80% traveling on business trips started in January of 2014. Needless to say, my weight went from ~130 lbs to ~150. Why did this happen? well, hotel food isn't exactly ideal and I LOVE to save money so I was all about the free food. The first year was particularly bad because I didn't have Marriott status yet and I was eating fast food for dinner to save money (no kitchen to cook in!). When I reached Marriott Platinum status (get it? ;) I'm also platinum with Enterprise and American Airlines) I realized I was able to get free breakfast at actual Marriott hotels and free dinner too (I formerly used Springhill and Fairfield). The quality was better but there's no doubt that there's PUFA in the ingredients anyway.

Last month on Oct 20 I started shifting more of my calories to the freely available OJ, milk, and potatoes available for the breakfast buffet. I take extra to my refrigerator. I'm trying to be pretty low fat most of the time to clear PUFA. I added a daily 6 tbsp divided of Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate to my meals 2 weeks ago. In the evenings at Marriott there's cheese and veggies (aka my raw carrot source) plus the hot appetizer(s) of the day (may or may not have PUFA).

By the way, I have a free membership to Planet Fitness which means I have access to Beauty Angel Red Light Therapy booths unlimited, and UV for Vit D (so awesome). I have bought supplements to counteract the occasional PUFA exposure, see below. Lastly, I weighed myself at 150lbs on Oct 24 and on Nov 11 I weighed 156 lbs. I don't really look fatter in the mirror, so I'm hoping some of the weight gain was muscle! :mrgreen:

Since around age 20 I've been taking supplements... several have been on and off, like zinc, B vitamins, A and others, but faithfully I have been taking 5000 IU D3 daily, magnesium glycinate, and a K2 complex such as Vitacost's or the LEF Super K (my current one). The last two years have mainly been those three, I added zinc and selenium back in earlier in the year and do those a few times a week. Plus I use Relentless Improvement 15mg K2 once a day. I've been reading all over the forum about supplements and here is what I'm experimenting so far, as of today:

With every meal (3 a day)
B1 Thiamine 100mg
B2 Riboflavin 100mg
B3 Niacinimide 500mg
B7 Biotin 5mg
2 tbsp Collagen Hydrolysate

Aspirin 325mg
D3 5000IU
RE K2 MK4 15mg
Vit A 10,000IU
B6 P5P 25mg

Vit A 10,000IU
Couple times a week: 50mg Zinc picolinate and 200mcg Se-Methyl L-Selenocysteine from LEF. I don't know if I'll restock when they run out, particularly if I'm able to start a weekend habit of seafood/oysters and liver between business trips.

Swanson Gamma Vitamin E, every other day but willing to do daily if it should have a noticeable effect that way.

Swanson Magnesium Glycinate 2x 133mg (266mg)

Now that my first post feels complete, further updates will be in the thread. I look forward to collaborating with you all, the support I've seen so far has touched me :)
Absolutely no grains or unsaturated fat (except olive oil). High protein---I use Naked brand Casein powder. Take taurine and use coconut oil, coffee and butter gernerously. Use diluted magnesium chloride on skin and especially on scalp.
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Nov 9, 2015
tara said:
post 113201

Have you had a go at incorporating a raw carrot in there somewhere? Grated as salad can be good, but just chomping on a whole raw one might be easier for you in your more mobile times? They're relatively easy to pack and keep pretty well for a few days. NAti-estrogenic and anti-endotoxin effects, if it works for you.

That seems consistent with slightly low metabolism to me. Ideally it wouldn't be getting below 97.8 too much of the time. I think Barnes targettign waking temps 97.8-98.2 when supplementing thyroid. I think his method was to try 1/4 grain/day for a month, then increase by another 1/4 if waking temps had not reached this range.

Glad you sleep is good.
answersfound said:
Definitely get on desiccated thyroid. With a TSH of 3, it will be very difficult to bring it under 1 without it. Also, I find that when using desiccated thyroid I can tolerate a lot of liquids better.

I use this (Atrium brand) and Nutri-Meds, and both work well:

So, if I'm understanding correctly, the OTC brands like Nutri-med are less potent and I would have to take a lot more to equal the dose of hormones found in regular prescription NDT? So, would it more cost effective to get my doctor to write me a prescription? such as Acella
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Jan 12, 2014
Platinum said:
tara said:
post 113201

Have you had a go at incorporating a raw carrot in there somewhere? Grated as salad can be good, but just chomping on a whole raw one might be easier for you in your more mobile times? They're relatively easy to pack and keep pretty well for a few days. NAti-estrogenic and anti-endotoxin effects, if it works for you.

That seems consistent with slightly low metabolism to me. Ideally it wouldn't be getting below 97.8 too much of the time. I think Barnes targettign waking temps 97.8-98.2 when supplementing thyroid. I think his method was to try 1/4 grain/day for a month, then increase by another 1/4 if waking temps had not reached this range.

Glad you sleep is good.
answersfound said:
Definitely get on desiccated thyroid. With a TSH of 3, it will be very difficult to bring it under 1 without it. Also, I find that when using desiccated thyroid I can tolerate a lot of liquids better.

I use this (Atrium brand) and Nutri-Meds, and both work well:

So, if I'm understanding correctly, the OTC brands like Nutri-med are less potent and I would have to take a lot more to equal the dose of hormones found in regular prescription NDT? So, would it more cost effective to get my doctor to write me a prescription? such as Acella

Yes probably. As long as it's not armour.
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Mar 29, 2014
I don't know about the relative strength of nutri-meds and acella or other NDTs.

But one thing to look out for is that there are some glandular products where they actively remove the T4 and probably T3. These ones aren't going to have the intended effect. According to at least one site, Amercain Biologics is in this category. I've only tried AB nad Nutrimeds, and I'm pretty sure the latter did me a lot more good.

Which ever brand o NDT you get, I think starting small and incrementing after 3 weeks or so is the safer route. If you take too much, the body can do things to compensate, and then you've got a more complicated situation to untangle (even if you don't get dangerously hyperthyroid).


Aug 15, 2015
hang in there brother, don't let this silly virus consume your life. You can beat his ****, I know you can! Be the first one who beats the virus with high metabolism. Then you can be a living proof and maybe create your own book and sell it for millions :cool:


Aug 7, 2014
Stay strong Platinum! You've got this my friend!

The generative energy podcast discussing autoimmune conditions can be great resource! I thought haiduts mindset on decreasing free fatty acids made the most sense to me thus far in how to decrease disease progression. The studies on B3, B7, aspirin, and discussion on bears and diabetes elevated my understanding of health greatly.

In my experience with increasing metabolic function....eliminating phosphate, unsaturated fat and starch has yielded the best results I've seen so far. Except beef liver, carrot, pufa in nutritious foods.

Fruit, coconut oil, milk, gelatin, beef liver, ice cream, coffee, epsom salt baths, red light, blue blocker sunglasses have made the largest difference in feelings of well being so far for myself.

With all my athletes, as soon as they eliminate high amounts of phosphate, starch, pufa and replace with sugar, saturated fat, milk and epsom salt baths their world lights up.

Blue blocker sunglasses and red light before bed time has become a team hit before bed time....I mention blue blocker because I know you travel a light could be more difficult on the road. Most players notice ease in falling asleep with glasses before bed.

Stay strong!


Nov 9, 2015
tara said:
post 114385 I don't know about the relative strength of nutri-meds and acella or other NDTs.

But one thing to look out for is that there are some glandular products where they actively remove the T4 and probably T3. These ones aren't going to have the intended effect. According to at least one site, Amercain Biologics is in this category. I've only tried AB nad Nutrimeds, and I'm pretty sure the latter did me a lot more good.

Which ever brand o NDT you get, I think starting small and incrementing after 3 weeks or so is the safer route. If you take too much, the body can do things to compensate, and then you've got a more complicated situation to untangle (even if you don't get dangerously hyperthyroid).

Well, I've pretty much narrowed down my options to Nutri-meds or Thiroyd. The way I see it, I can either get 90 tablets for $42 with Nutri-med, or 1000 tablets for $70. Not only is Thiroyd way more cost-effective, but it's a known quantity for the dose (1 tablet = 1 grain). I can buy a pill cutter and start a low dose of it, and 1000 tablets should last me a very long time even while I slowly increase the dose over time and track my temps. I'll admit, I also like the idea because I don't need a doctor's prescription to buy it.

I've been taking armpit temp but I read somewhere Peat prefers oral. I keep my house cooler to save money in the winter and it cools the thermometer so much it takes like 15-20 minutes or more in my armpit to reach my body temp. At home my morning temp seems to be 96.7 sometimes and in my hotel rooms (where its warmer) I get 97.3-97.4. Either my body temp is actually lower at home, or I'm simply not measuring my temp long enough. I think it's possible the oral temp might be better for this.
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Jan 12, 2014


Jan 12, 2014
tara said:
I don't know about the relative strength of nutri-meds and acella or other NDTs.

But one thing to look out for is that there are some glandular products where they actively remove the T4 and probably T3. These ones aren't going to have the intended effect. According to at least one site, Amercain Biologics is in this category. I've only tried AB nad Nutrimeds, and I'm pretty sure the latter did me a lot more good.

Which ever brand o NDT you get, I think starting small and incrementing after 3 weeks or so is the safer route. If you take too much, the body can do things to compensate, and then you've got a more complicated situation to untangle (even if you don't get dangerously hyperthyroid).

American Biologics was used successfully by Haidut. He said he worked his way up to 4 tablets. American Biologics does not remove any T4 or T3.


Nov 9, 2015

The re-done HLA-B gene test came back and my first official study day was Dec 22. Every morning since that day I've taken my study drug and placebo. For most of the first week I felt pretty fatigued, and also felt like I had a cold and dry throat. (could it be the drug? maybe. I also could have caught something. I was at my parent's house for the holiday and I usually get allergies when I'm there anyway). I feel fine now, relatively.

Weight gain continues, I was 162.5 lbs on Jan 2 :cry: Temperatures continue as 97.2-97.4 in the morning. I did follow previous advice and halt the vitamin A for now.

Unfortunately, the way the blood tests are handled means that I can only receive paper copies during follow-up visits, introducing additional lag to my analysis of results. I had the full set of blood tests done on Dec 22 but have to wait until Jan 19 for results. However, I do have the results of my Nov 11 blood draw. (remember this is one month after the round of bloodwork that included my first TSH)

I will start with notable results, followed by the full results. The full results are everything that will be tested during the study visits. my next follow-up is Jan 19. Over time, they will increase the amount of months between visits.

Notable results 11/13/15

TSH: 3.4 (an increase from 3.1)
HIV RNA: 9630 copies (decreased from 12322)
CD4 #: 642 (increase from 565)
CD4 %: 24.7% (ref: 33-58%)
Amylase: 109 (Ref 28-100 U/L, result is high. does it mean anything?)

All Results 11/13/15

HIV RNA: 9630
HIV Log10: 3.98

Creatinine Clearance CC&G
--Weight 72.1 kg
--Creatinine 0.94 (0.45 - 1.24 mg/dL)
--C&GCrtClr 123.06 (85-125 mL/min)

TSH 3.40 (0.34 - 5.6 uIU/mL) (Yeah, 5.6 is totally normal [/sarcasm] )

Chemistry Panel
--Total Bilirubin 0.3 (0.2 - 1.2 mg/dL)
--Direct Bilirubin <0.1 Low (0.1 - 0.4 mg/dL)
--Indirect Bilirubin <0.3 (0.0 - 1.2 mg/dL)
--Alkaline Phosphatase 74 (31 - 129 U/L)
--ALT (SGPT) 27 (6-43 U/L)
--AST (SGOT) 27 (11-36 U/L)
--GGT 21 (10-61 U/L)
--LDH 162 (53-234 U/L)
--Urea Nitr 22 (4-24 mg/dL)
--Creatinine 0.94 (0.45 - 1.24 mg/dL)
--Uric Acid 4.4 (2.1-8.2 mg/dL)
--Calcium 9.6 (8.3-10.6 mg/dL)
--Phosphorous 3.3 (2.2-5.1 mg/dL)
--Total Protein 7.5 (6.1-8.4 g/dL)
--Albumin BCG 4.8 (3.3-4.9 g/dL)
--CK 75 (39-308 U/L)
--Sodium 134 (132-147 mEq/L
--Potassium 4.0 (3.4-5.4 mEq/L)
--Bicarb 20.4 (17-30.6 mEq/L
--Chloride 98 (94-112 mEq/L)
--Magnesium 2.1 (1.60-2.60 mg/dL)

Amylase 109 High (28-100 U/L) (G1 toxicity grade, on a scale from G1 to G4)

Glucose 88 (70-100 mg/dL)

Albumin Corrected Calcium 9.6 (8.3-10.6 mg/dL)

Hematology & Differential
--HGB 14.9 (12.7-18.1 g/dL)
--HCT 43% (39-54%)
--RBC 5.0 (4.5-6.4 x10^6 /uL)
--MCH 30 (26-34 pg)
--MCHC 35 (31-38 g/dL)
--MCV 87 (79-96 fL)
--WBC 5.96 (3.80-10.70 x10^3 /uL)
--Neutrophil 3.04 (1.96-7.23 x10^3 /uL)
--Lymphocyte 2.48 (0.91-4.28 x10^3 /uL)
--Monocytes 0.33 (0.12-0.92 x10^3 /uL)
--Eosinophil 0.09 (0.00-0.57 x10^3 /uL)
--Basophils 0.02 (0.00-0.20 x10^3 /uL)
--Neutrophils 51.0% (40.5-75%)
--Lymphocyte 41.6% (15.4-48.5%)
--Monocytes 5.6% (2.6-10.1%)
--Eosinophil 1.4% (0.0-6.8%)
--Basophils 0.4% (0.0-2.0%)
--Platelets 248 (140-400 x10^3 /uL)

Urine Micro & Micro Panel
--Color: Yellow
--Clarity: Clear (Ref:Clear)
--Spec Gravity: 1.016 (1.003-1.035)
--pH: 7.0 (5.0-8.0)
--Protein: Negative (Ref:Negative)
--Glucose: Normal (Ref:Normal)
--Ketones: Negative (Ref:Negative)
--Bilirubin: Negative (Ref:Negative)
--Urobilin: Normal (Ref:Normal)
--Blood: Negative (Ref:Negative)
--Nitrite: Negative (Ref:Negative)
--Leuk Est: Negative (Ref:Negative)
--Microscop: Negative

Hepatitis C Negative
Hepatitis B Negative

CD4 % 24.7 Low (33.0-58.0%)
CD4 D 6442 (404-1612 /uL)

Other News

My shipment of Thiroyd from Thailand will finally arrive at my PO Box in the next couple days. I'm flying home from my current trip on Friday, so I'll be able to start on Saturday :D Now I feel compelled to attempt a fresh set of lab tests that I'll have to purchase on my own, including but maybe not limited to a thyroid panel, prolactin, estrogen, PTH, TSH, testosterone, iron, etc. I have a lot to do :( I have to resist the urge to do too much too fast. I really hope I can become lean again one day, and build muscle.

also, I talked to my doctor about my hypothyroid as he was walking out of the room and he completely brushed off the whole idea. Typical doctor who doesn't show what a normal TSH is. He claims my body type (not the exact wording he used) doesn't match hypothyroidism.

After being inspired by a thread someone posted asking people for before and after pictures of peating, I took some pictures 12/31 (and I already had pictures from 6/28). I'll post them another time.

Current daily supplement doses (most divided throughout day)
Aspirin 3,250mg (4 in morning, 2 lunch, 2 dinner, 2 bedtime after reading uncoupling thread)
Thiamine 300mg
Riboflavin 300mg
Niacinimide 3g
B6 P5P 25mg
Biotin 30mg
Vitamin E (Swanson Gamme) 1 every other day
D3 5000 IU
K2 MK4 30mg + 1mg
K2 MK7 200mcg
K1 1.5mg
Magnesium Glycinate 400mg
Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate 6 Tablespoons
Taurine 5g
Zinc picolinate 50mg (dose only twice a week)
LEF Selenium 200mcg (dose only twice a week)


Nov 9, 2015
Well, things seem to be moving in a good direction these days. First let's start with my doctor's appointment this morning. I received a copy of my 12/22/15 test results. Unless you guys find the information useful, I'll skip posting the long liver/kidney/urine analysis results.I can always share if you want.

However, I'm happy to report that as of 12/22, my TSH was 2.76 (down from 3.4 the previous time!). That was simply based on the dietary changes and supplements I've been taking. I don't know if that's too small a change to be significant but it's nice to see.

They also included cholesterol this time, here's the result:

HDL-C 37 mg/dL
Triglycerides 123 mg/dL
Cholesterol 178 mg/dL
LDL 129 mg/dL

CD4 continued to improve as well (708, up from 642)

I had more tests this morning of course. (Remember that today is day 29 of taking the HIV drugs) By the end of the week I'll call for results over the phone, I don't want to wait until Feb 15 to learn my next TSH :) Why? Well, I've been taking 1 grain of Thiroyd daily (cute into morning and noon doses sublingually), started on 1/9.

The morning that I started my Thiroyd, I weighed 166.5 lbs, this morning I weighed 163. I'm happy to see my weight trend downward, my bowel movements seem more regular and I feel less bloated. My mind also seems clearer and I feel more motivated to get work done (so I'm procrastinating less). This makes me very hopeful. My temperatures haven't changed at all however, I may consider increasing to 1.5 grains next weekend. I'm trying to stay patient :)


Mar 29, 2014
Glad you are getting some good signs.
Have you agreed to any constraints on your private supplementation in relation to experimental drug? You'll be messing with their stats. :) What if you sort yourself with thyroid, aspirin and nutrition, and they conclude it's their drug?

Seems like you are taking some high doses of some of the vitamins. If they are not messing with you, that may be fine. I couldn't take that much niacinamide, and I'm a bit wary of too much B6.
The Mg glycinate - is that 400mg Mg from the glycinate, or 400g MG glycinate? If the former, maybe a good dose. If the latter, this might be something you could experiment with a bit more of?

CAn you feel anything from taking the Thiroyd?] I'd give yourself 3 weeks on the 1 grain before considering increasing. The blood levels might still be going up after just 11 days, if it's got the real thing in it. What are your temperatures? Resting heartrate?


Nov 9, 2015
Glad you are getting some good signs.
Have you agreed to any constraints on your private supplementation in relation to experimental drug? You'll be messing with their stats. :) What if you sort yourself with thyroid, aspirin and nutrition, and they conclude it's their drug?

Seems like you are taking some high doses of some of the vitamins. If they are not messing with you, that may be fine. I couldn't take that much niacinamide, and I'm a bit wary of too much B6.
The Mg glycinate - is that 400mg Mg from the glycinate, or 400g MG glycinate? If the former, maybe a good dose. If the latter, this might be something you could experiment with a bit more of?

CAn you feel anything from taking the Thiroyd?] I'd give yourself 3 weeks on the 1 grain before considering increasing. The blood levels might still be going up after just 11 days, if it's got the real thing in it. What are your temperatures? Resting heartrate?

Well, they might not know how much, but they do know what I am taking ;) (such as, one aspirin/day :joyful:)

As for the doses, I came up with the amounts after much forum reading, especially posts from haidut.

Mg - As far as I know, it is in fact 133mg of magnesium per capsule (I take 3)
"(from TRAACS® magnesium glycinate chelate buffered)" -

When I take Thiroyd, I don't feel acute effects in the moment. However, I just somehow feel better overall throughout the day. I feel less stressed. More motivated. It's hard to describe but I feel different in a good and productive way.

Axillary Temp logs during thiroyd (all morning unless specified otherwise):

1/8/16: 97.4 F
1/11/16: 97 F morning --> 97.7 (evening)
1/13/16: 97.6
1/14/16: 97.4 --> 98.2 (evening)
1/15/16: 97.2
1/17/16: 97.4 --> 98.6 (between breakfast and noon)
1/18/16: 97.1
1/19/16: 96.2 --> 97.1 (this evening)

that 96.2 this morning was strange. Kept the thermometer in my armpit for 30 minutes and it wouldn't go higher. unless that becomes a pattern I'll assume I was doing it wrong.

Heartrate: honestly, this is more labor intensive than placing a thermometer under my arm. I need to buy a device to count this for me.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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