Best Drug/Alcohol From Peat Perspective


Jan 11, 2019
Great post. What dosages of ketamine and psilocybin have you found beneficial? Thanks!
Dissociatives have different threshold levels. There's a fine line between feeling great and having a terrible time. I typically do really small amounts, gradually doing more, until I feel slightly uncomfortable/anxious, then I eat some fruit juice and salty cheese and wait to do more (or stop if I'm done lol). And as far as psilocybin, its tricky, because the same weight of two different mushrooms can have different concentrations of psilocybin. Like I said before, start small. The whole point of a micro dose is for it to be sub perceptual, so I'd say start extremely small, and try more if you think there's room for more before you'll be "tripping", and just learn whatever strain of mushrooms you're working with. Generally 200mg is a good starting point imo, seeing as the strongest mushrooms will start to become perceptual at doses around .4-.6 g. Ketamine is ******* awesome tho, and has helped me more than any other substance


Aug 5, 2020
Hmmm so it seems from the bioenergetic/Peat perspective, not much benefit from these substances and what little benefit there is...caution lightly.

And the reason so many use these substances is because no of some underlying stress?
Correct, the use or abuse of vices has a weakening effect over time as it interferes with the bodies natural stress response. Its a maladaptive way of coping with stress in other words, so I suspect anti Peat. Im new to his work and this forum, however recovering from years of addiction I understand its relationship with stress, and if wishing to build the level of emotional resilience and health Peat discusses the vices are best avoided.
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Aug 23, 2019
I think mu-opioid agonists are actually best viewed as hormones, as this is a G protein coupled receptor which yields a wide cascade of effects on one's physiology -- you may become somewhat superhuman until, as with anything, prolactin catches up and ruins everything.

I had a 5 night bender last week for my brothers bachelor vacation, and as someone who very rarely drinks, I drank as much in the first 3 nights as I normally would in a full year. I even indulged in some edible gummies and a few cigars. It was interesting to observe how alcohol acts like a cheat code for sociability, I will still continue to strive to become my best self without substances, but there can be no denying that the utilization of substances such as alcohol can enable our peer society to capitalize on the liabilities of those who choose not to indulge at all. By the 3rd night, I could feel that my thyroid and metabolism were completely off, having to eat to stimulate appetite. My glycogen reserves which were full for the first 2 days, were complete trash by the 4th and 5th day. It took a good 60-72 hours of abstinence to start feeling back to my near-normal healthy state again.

I've been dabbling in 2-4mg of nicotine as an evening pre-workout no more than 1x a week lately, and this frequency seems to be OK, but I am keeping an eye out for any bad signs.

Extracted coca is absolutely stressful and terrible on one's body, but I suspect a very small pinch of maté may be a great pre-workout, as long as one is well fed and does not push their cardiovascular system beyond limits.


Mar 6, 2022
Wow I'm surprised no ones mentioned Ketamine. I personally love ketamine, and its known to make you much more insulin sensitive. I get cravings for icecream and pop and juice often on it and always feel amazing. Other ones I like are LSD, mushrooms (psilocybin), DMT, MDMA, etc. That all seem to be extremely helpful with mental/spiritual illness
I don't think that PEAT think the same, but for me 5mg of dmt with ~60mcg of ALD52(1-acetyl-lsd) is VVEEERYYYY good


Mar 6, 2022
I think mu-opioid agonists are actually best viewed as hormones, as this is a G protein coupled receptor which yields a wide cascade of effects on one's physiology -- you may become somewhat superhuman until, as with anything, prolactin catches up and ruins everything.

I had a 5 night bender last week for my brothers bachelor vacation, and as someone who very rarely drinks, I drank as much in the first 3 nights as I normally would in a full year. I even indulged in some edible gummies and a few cigars. It was interesting to observe how alcohol acts like a cheat code for sociability, I will still continue to strive to become my best self without substances, but there can be no denying that the utilization of substances such as alcohol can enable our peer society to capitalize on the liabilities of those who choose not to indulge at all. By the 3rd night, I could feel that my thyroid and metabolism were completely off, having to eat to stimulate appetite. My glycogen reserves which were full for the first 2 days, were complete trash by the 4th and 5th day. It took a good 60-72 hours of abstinence to start feeling back to my near-normal healthy state again.

I've been dabbling in 2-4mg of nicotine as an evening pre-workout no more than 1x a week lately, and this frequency seems to be OK, but I am keeping an eye out for any bad signs.

Extracted coca is absolutely stressful and terrible on one's body, but I suspect a very small pinch of maté may be a great pre-workout, as long as one is well fed and does not push their cardiovascular system beyond limits.
Cocaine is just -caine as lido- and procaine with very high affinity to neurotransmitter transporters


Oct 11, 2021
Cocaine is just -caine as lido- and procaine with very high affinity to neurotransmitter transporters
Most of the coke available to the average person these days is garbage. Nothing like the stuff from the 70s and 80s
Mar 10, 2021
People have always and continue enjoy the vices of “drugs” and alcohol. I’m sure there a plenty of threads but wanted to start fresh. What are the best and worst from a Peat lense?

  • tobacco (chewing, cigarettes, cigar)
  • Amphetamines
  • alcohol (spirits, beer, wine)
  • Marijuana (smoking, eating)
  • Opium/opioids
  • Cocaine

Just curious. People will do these no matter what, just curious which one is the healthiest, peatiest, etc.

I think one’s health and diet, how much a person drinks and how pure the alcohol is makes the difference in who gets hurt from alcohol and who can benefit from it….

“Although publicity has emphasized the anti-inflammatory effects of fish oil, experiments show that it is extremely effective in producing alcohol-related liver cirrhosis. Breakdown products of polyunsaturated fats (isoprostanes and 4-HNE) are found in the blood of people with alcoholic liver disease (Aleynik, et al., 1998). In the absence of polyunsaturated fats, alcohol doesn't produce cirrhosis. Saturated fats allow the fibrosis to regress:“ -Ray Peat
Mar 10, 2021
“Although publicity has emphasized the anti-inflammatory effects of fish oil, experiments show that it is extremely effective in producing alcohol-related liver cirrhosis. Breakdown products of polyunsaturated fats (isoprostanes and 4-HNE) are found in the blood of people with alcoholic liver disease (Aleynik, et al., 1998). In the absence of polyunsaturated fats, alcohol doesn't produce cirrhosis. Saturated fats allow the fibrosis to regress:

“A diet enriched in saturated fatty acids effectively reverses alcohol-induced necrosis, inflammation, and fibrosis despite continued alcohol consumption.” -Ray Peat
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