Blood Test Results - Premature Ejaculation


Sep 29, 2014
Hello everyone,

Long time reader, first time poster. Keep up the good work.

This year I developed premature ejaculation. I've spent most of the year experimenting, mainly through a Peat prism, with methods to improve this. There has been slight improvement, but it's still an issue.

I decided to consult my GP and push for blood tests. This was to indicate any underlying issue and to provide me a baseline and understand where I was after years of Peating.

Around 15 years ago I developed, what I would describe as, chronic fatigue syndrome or maybe more accurately in my career fibromyalgia. I should state that this is self diagnosis as the doctors are mainly dismissive.

I've experienced a myriad of nebulous symptoms. But the main have been: shortness of breath; acid reflux; general digestive issues; burning sensations concentrated mainly on my neck, back and thighs; painful points on my chest, collar bone and back of neck; brain fog, numbness; spaced out, etc.

This happened after an extremely stressful period.

I've been interested in Peat for probably 8 years. But I only really started applying his ideas about 4 years ago. And I've increased this over the last couple of years. I would say it has massively improved my health. My symptoms are heavily reduced and sometimes almost eliminated.

Emotionally I struggle with motivation, confidence and asserting myself. This has improved, but it is not fully resolved.

Generally my diet:
2 litres milk
1 litre OJ
Lunch of baked potato or yogurt
Evening meal of beef and potatoes
Coconut oil
Lots of coffee

I'm a bit inconsistent with this, as I'm trying to find a balance. I have a large collection now. But at the moment:
Vitamin K2
Sometimes Zinc.

I've bought quite a few things from @haidut: estroban, energin, pansterone. I stopped these until I had a baseline, though.

I'm not sure I've felt too much effect from any of the standard Peat friendly supplements.

Here are the results I received. Clearly additional tests would have been helpful. But I took what I was given! Any advice? The doctor was happy with the results, but I feel testosterone is too low.

The night before the test I had a few drinks and a late night, so this may have had an effect in the results, especially the low blood sugar

Plasma glucose level: 2.2 nmol/l range 3.7-6.0

Serum free T4 level: 14 pool/l range 10-25
Serum TSH level: 2.63 mU/L range 0.55-4.78

Serum prolactin: 136 mU/L 45-375
Serum testosterone: 10.1 nmol/L 8-29

Serum albumin: 45 g/L 35-50
Serum alkaline phosphatase: 57 U/L 30-130
Serum ALT level: 23 U/L 9-55
Serum gamma GT level: 21 U/L 6-35
Serum total bilirubin: 9 until/L 0-20

Serum total cholesterol: 4.0 nmol/L
Serum HDL cholesterol: 1.3 nmol/L
Serum HDL cholesterol: 2.1 nmol/L
Total cholesterol: HDL ratio: 3.1
Serum triglycerides: 1.42 nmol/L

Serum sodium 145 mmol/L 133-146
Serum potassium: 4.7 mmol/L 3.5-5.3
Serum chloride: 106 mmol/L 2.5-7.8
Serum urea level: 5.1 mmol/L 2.5-7.8
Serum creatine: 88 umol/L 50-120
GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD > 60 ml/min/1.73m2 60-140

Lipid level satisfactory

Hemoglobin estimation 160 g/l
Red blood cell count 5.0 x10^12/1
Haematocrit - PCV 0.44 L/L
Mean corpuscular volume 88 FL
MCH 32 pg
Platelet count 235 x10^9/l
Total white cell count 7.7 x10^9/l
Neutrophil 4.1 x10^9/l
Eosinophil 0.11 x10^9/l
Basophil 0.03 x10^9/l
Lymphocyte 2.7 x10^9/l
Monocyte 0.5 x10^9/l
Large unstained cells 0.27 x10^9/l

Any thoughts would be greatly received.



Jul 28, 2013
Do you have a wife or girlfriend? Just go for a second shot, don't worry about the first one being premature. No one says partners have to have simultaneous orgasms. Your diet looks fine, if your doctor is happy with your blood work, don't worry about it.


May 3, 2015
I don't read blood tests but look at diet.

Zinc is necessary but you may be over doing it with supplements, as you get it from beef and dairy. Have you put the quantities of your daily diet into nutrition data tracking? Ejaculation could be your body trying to get rid of excess zinc.

K2 is already coming from dairy so probably don't need to supplement that either.

Small doses of Carrots, sweet potato or spinach could add beta carotene which may help your body regulate vitamin A, but don't overdo it. Spinach also has vitamin k1.

Bananas have b5.

Tuna in spring water has b3.

A little Vegemite = Australian yeast extract has a few b vitamins.

Brain fog could be low blood sugar so maybe reduce fat and add dates and dried figs.

Try a single dietary change every 3 days to see if you feel better or worse. When you have a dog you check its poo for health. Do the same to yourself. Straining is bad. Runny is bad. Explosive is bad. Well formed, easily passed is good. Let's call it the Poo Challenge. Cheaper, more immediate and easier to read than blood tests...


May 3, 2015
@Richiebogie Why not eat liver for all those things you mentioned?

I do like chicken liver pate. Which liver do you recommend?

Certainly @RobbieT should put his current diet into a nutrition program and experiment changing proportions and adding various other Peaty (non seed/nut/grain) foods to get adequate and not excessive nutrients.

Official Vitamin E requirements may be overstated if you avoid pufa. My vitamin C is way over!


Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
Do you sit down a lot? Do you exercise? Is your job active?

High estrogen really messes with my penis. It will make me climax faster, gives me weaker erections, and I can almost FEEL the agitation/hyperexcitability of my nervous system. Start supplementing niacinamide, aspirin, D, A, K, taurine, caffeine, glycine. Anything to maximize androgen signaling whilst blocking or removing estrogen.
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Sep 29, 2014
@Matt1951 I have a wife. Yes, I can always go again, but when I have, I've not found the issue particularly improved.

@Richiebogie good advice. I only added Zinc once I started experiencing the problem, before that I didn't take too many supplements. I've probably adopted a somewhat scatter-gun approach, looking to see if anything solves the problem. As you advise, I should be more systematic. I do periodically use cron-o-meter mainly to check calorie intake and macro ratios. I probably don't pay enough attention to the micro nutrients.

@raypeatclips good shout about liver. I did for a while add liver to my diet, but it didn't have a noticeable effect. I suppose then I got lazy with cooking it and stopped eating it. I shall add some back into my diet.

@redlight I agree that the testosterone level, although within range, is on the low side. As I was drinking the night before and had had little sleep for the previous couple of nights (yes, that wasn't too smart!) and the test was at mid-day, it is possible it was suppressed from it's more usual value. I think I will pay for a full hormone test privately. This will give me a more reliable testosterone baseline and, also, provide my estrogen level. I don't claim to fully understand blood work, but other than the lowish testosterone reading, the other results seem ok. Prolactin seems to be at a reasonable level. So I would take that as a good indicator?

@mujuro My job is nowadays almost exclusively office based. So I spend large portions of the day sitting. For exercise I lift weights at home 3 times a week. I also walk. Cardio does not work for me and leaves me with Post exercise malaise. In fact, at one point any exertion would result in this. So Peating has brought me a long way. I'm significantly bigger and stronger, although some of the additional weight is fat.

I first noticed that my penis felt weaker or numb at the start of the year - that has mainly passed. But this coincided with adding squats to my exercise. I have a herniated disc in my back and squats can inflame the nerve pain down my leg. There may be no link here. I removed squatting completely and did weight exercises seated to remove strain from my back and pelvic floor. I've also had the odd 2 week period off working out, and I've noticed no difference.

I've tried all supplements, "niacinamide, aspirin, D, A, K, taurine, caffeine, glycine". I drink a lot of coffee, for a while I was using niacinamide daily, I use taurine and drink Red Bull, I've tried glycine amongst other amino acids, I've been using Haidut's Estroban and I've been a long term advocate of aspirin. However, as I mentioned, I should definitely be more structured with my approach.

I'm not sure I really ever notice much response from supplements. I found my health and outlook improved mainly under the milk, oj, gelatin. I gained weight, increased muscle mass and felt much healthier. I wonder if the tweaking thereafter has actually been counter-productive. What I could do is be more strict and ensure complete removal of PUFAs. I still will eat at restaurants etc. so I'm not in complete control, but this is my compromise to reduce stress.

I suspect it is possible that raised estrogen may be to blame. But I'm not sure why it suddenly became an issue? Resolving the problem is much harder as it potentially could be a number of things: Pelvic Floor and/or nerve impingement; hormone imbalance; anxiety.

Thanks for the responses, I really appreciate all the help.


Feb 21, 2016
Your prolactin looks good. You could retest Testosterone to see if there is an improvement.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
Hello everyone,

Long time reader, first time poster. Keep up the good work.

This year I developed premature ejaculation. I've spent most of the year experimenting, mainly through a Peat prism, with methods to improve this. There has been slight improvement, but it's still an issue.

I decided to consult my GP and push for blood tests. This was to indicate any underlying issue and to provide me a baseline and understand where I was after years of Peating.

Around 15 years ago I developed, what I would describe as, chronic fatigue syndrome or maybe more accurately in my career fibromyalgia. I should state that this is self diagnosis as the doctors are mainly dismissive.

I've experienced a myriad of nebulous symptoms. But the main have been: shortness of breath; acid reflux; general digestive issues; burning sensations concentrated mainly on my neck, back and thighs; painful points on my chest, collar bone and back of neck; brain fog, numbness; spaced out, etc.

This happened after an extremely stressful period.

I've been interested in Peat for probably 8 years. But I only really started applying his ideas about 4 years ago. And I've increased this over the last couple of years. I would say it has massively improved my health. My symptoms are heavily reduced and sometimes almost eliminated.

Emotionally I struggle with motivation, confidence and asserting myself. This has improved, but it is not fully resolved.

Generally my diet:
2 litres milk
1 litre OJ
Lunch of baked potato or yogurt
Evening meal of beef and potatoes
Coconut oil
Lots of coffee

I'm a bit inconsistent with this, as I'm trying to find a balance. I have a large collection now. But at the moment:
Vitamin K2
Sometimes Zinc.

I've bought quite a few things from @haidut: estroban, energin, pansterone. I stopped these until I had a baseline, though.

I'm not sure I've felt too much effect from any of the standard Peat friendly supplements.

Here are the results I received. Clearly additional tests would have been helpful. But I took what I was given! Any advice? The doctor was happy with the results, but I feel testosterone is too low.

The night before the test I had a few drinks and a late night, so this may have had an effect in the results, especially the low blood sugar

Plasma glucose level: 2.2 nmol/l range 3.7-6.0

Serum free T4 level: 14 pool/l range 10-25
Serum TSH level: 2.63 mU/L range 0.55-4.78

Serum prolactin: 136 mU/L 45-375
Serum testosterone: 10.1 nmol/L 8-29

Serum albumin: 45 g/L 35-50
Serum alkaline phosphatase: 57 U/L 30-130
Serum ALT level: 23 U/L 9-55
Serum gamma GT level: 21 U/L 6-35
Serum total bilirubin: 9 until/L 0-20

Serum total cholesterol: 4.0 nmol/L
Serum HDL cholesterol: 1.3 nmol/L
Serum HDL cholesterol: 2.1 nmol/L
Total cholesterol: HDL ratio: 3.1
Serum triglycerides: 1.42 nmol/L

Serum sodium 145 mmol/L 133-146
Serum potassium: 4.7 mmol/L 3.5-5.3
Serum chloride: 106 mmol/L 2.5-7.8
Serum urea level: 5.1 mmol/L 2.5-7.8
Serum creatine: 88 umol/L 50-120
GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD > 60 ml/min/1.73m2 60-140

Lipid level satisfactory

Hemoglobin estimation 160 g/l
Red blood cell count 5.0 x10^12/1
Haematocrit - PCV 0.44 L/L
Mean corpuscular volume 88 FL
MCH 32 pg
Platelet count 235 x10^9/l
Total white cell count 7.7 x10^9/l
Neutrophil 4.1 x10^9/l
Eosinophil 0.11 x10^9/l
Basophil 0.03 x10^9/l
Lymphocyte 2.7 x10^9/l
Monocyte 0.5 x10^9/l
Large unstained cells 0.27 x10^9/l

Any thoughts would be greatly received.

Hello, your sodium looks a bit high, mind getting a few other things checked for me?
Testosterone (total)
Parathyroid hormone
Calcium (ionized)
Calcium (serum)
Serotonin (serum)

A few questions, have you ever taken an SSRI? how about accutane? Or any really strong antibiotics?
How old are you? Do you take any B complex vitamins like folic acid? Thank you


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
I first noticed that my penis felt weaker or numb at the start of the year - that has mainly passed. But this coincided with adding squats to my exercise. I have a herniated disc in my back and squats can inflame the nerve pain down my leg. There may be no link here. I removed squatting completely and did weight exercises seated to remove strain from my back and pelvic floor. I've also had the odd 2 week period off working out, and I've noticed no difference.
There could be a nerve/nervous system link here to be honest. I have noticed that After a really hard squat workout I will last considerably longer than normal without having to try at all. Some other poster here made a similar connection and actually went as far to advocate some kind of leg/hip exercises and stretches prior to the sexy times!


Oct 24, 2013
Imo " premature ejaculation" is almost always caused by low GABA and high adrenaline


Sep 29, 2014
@Brooks Esq. I'm mid-30's. I've never taken SSRI's, accutane or strong antibiotics. Before getting more into Peat, I tried where possible to avoid drugs. I have never taken folic acid. I periodically take niacinamide. Recently I've tried @haidut's Energin supplement, but I've not noticed an effect. However, I've not used it frequently, as it is not the most convenient of supplements to apply. I probably should consider buying some oral alternatives.

What's your concern regarding my sodium level? What do you think it might indicate? Should I be lowering salt intake?

This is something interesting I notice with myself. I drink a lot of fluids (milk, OJ, a can of red bull, quite a lot of coffee) but often feel dehydrated. I also add salt to food, but not in ridiculous volumes. I've tested with increasing salt intake. There have been occasions where I've experienced brain fog (or something similar) and found drinking a significant volume of water seemed to clear it. Now this doesn't tally with the world of Peat.

I think the additional blood tests you suggest could be useful, but I don't think I could get them through the NHS. So I will have to pay for them privately.

Does anyone have any advice for private testing in the UK?

@Gl;itch.e I've read similar on here before. I've tried returning to squats with lighter weights and adding lunges. But I haven't noticed an effect. My concern was a nerve impingement, which I was told was not likely. I suppose it could be something like CNS overload. Maybe because I lift to failure. But I'm not lifting ridiculous weights and I'm feeling generally well.

@Stryker How would you recommend lowering adrenaline and raising GABA? I've tried taking L-theanine, glycine, taurine. I upped my salt intake, but, in light of my sodium levels, that might not be advisable?


Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
It doesn't need to be nerve impingement in the clinical sense. If you have disc issues, well then I expect problems downstream. I started experiencing sensory issues in 2012, specifically PE and allodynia. For 18 months I saw neurologists, sports physiologists, urologists who told me nothing was wrong. It wasn't until I found my current chiro who in one session relieved and revealed everything that was wrong. I'll copy and paste my experience from another thread when I get home.


Sep 29, 2014
@mujuro I'm really interested to read your experiences. Thanks!

About 8 years ago, I went weekly to chiro in a desperate attempt to improve my spaced out feeling and numbness and generally feeling crap. I quite enjoyed the sessions, but I'm not sure they did much. It was not until I started Peating that things began to improve.

What are the thoughts in Peat land on chiro? Is there science to back it up? My concern is that it may make things worse.
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May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
There could be a nerve/nervous system link here to be honest. I have noticed that After a really hard squat workout I will last considerably longer than normal without having to try at all. Some other poster here made a similar connection and actually went as far to advocate some kind of leg/hip exercises and stretches prior to the sexy times!

What steps can one take to improve chances that they will experience "the sexy times"? Preferably with a member of the girl persuasion.


Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
I used to suffer PE time to time. The cause was absolutely not chemical or hormonal. Mine was physical.

I do a lot of weightlifting. My right leg tends to shorten if I am inactive between weight sessions because I tend to do a lot of sitting down. My quads are dominant over my glutes, especially my right quad, which tilts my pelvis forward as the rectus femoris tugs on the ilium. Weak glutes force the piriformis to undergo excess strain as it tries to do the glute's job of keeping the femur externally rotated and firmly in the socket. The pudendal nerve innervates the penis and anus. Its branching and its pathway can vary from person to person but generally runs adjacent to the piriformis, if not directly through it. It isn't just PE, it can also be allodynia, dysesthesia, discomfort during bowel movements and discomfort during sex, where gentle stimulation feels like sandpaper and climaxing can be almost impossible. I experienced all those things.

The solution for me was two-fold: lots of stretching/loosening of the hip flexors and rectus femoris, and lots of walking/lunges. Sitting produces the exact conditions of muscle imbalance (shortening of rectus femoris, hip flexors, hamstrings, weakened glutes) that lead to my problem, so sitting down is not something I do a lot now. I had strong glutes, but not nearly as strong as my quads were, which was a big problem. All these things keep the glute(s) dominant so that my pudendal nerve remains relatively free from irritation and my penis free from problems.

Okay so it wasn't much of an experiential description. I added a bit to fill in some gaps. I can only speak for me of course, and your disc issues complicate things but am I certain now that in MY case, it was a problem that drugs and supplements did nothing to change.


Sep 29, 2014
Thanks for the info @mujuro I think I might attend a chiro clinic and see if there is anything they can do.
Oct 5, 2016
I believe its alot in inflammation in the body and the gut

And high histamine

Are the 2 causes of it

Watch out what are the causes of your very high inflammations

Good luck
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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