Blood Type And Coronavirus Susceptibility

Mar 10, 2021
So I recently came across this study and although not peer reviewed - Relationship between the ABO Blood Group and the COVID-19 Susceptibility Which talks about blood types and how O apparently better at handling the virus then type A. There's actually a few getting around and probably one that's better than what I have linked.

"Meta-analyses on the pooled data showed that blood group A had a significantly higher risk for COVID-19 (odds ratio-OR, 1.20; 95% confidence interval-CI 1.02~1.43, P = 0.02) compared with non-A blood groups, whereas blood group O had a significantly lower risk for the infectious disease (OR, 0.67; 95% CI 0.60~0.75, P < 0.001) compared with non-O blood groups.In addition, the influence of age and gender on the ABO blood group distribution in patients with COVID-19 from two Wuhan hospitals (1,888 patients) were analyzed and found that age and gender do not have much effect on the distribution. CONCLUSION People with blood group A have a significantly higher risk for acquiring COVID-19 compared with non-A blood groups, whereas blood group O has a significantly lower risk for the infection compared with non-O blood groups."

This interested me quite a bit, not only because I'm O negative but it lead me down a rabbit hole of other discussions on blood types and how they interact with disease. Apparently it was similar with SARS, type O fared better then A.

Also there is this - Blood Group Diet Research is the Key to get Precise Results to Improve Human Health | Open Access Journalsand mentions "Blood group research however, specified Macro and micronutrients to specific blood group types as “A” need Zinc and Magnesium, “B” needs Iron, “O” needs Iodine and AB needs additional calcium to maintain good health"

This got me thinking about how zinc is showing to be quite important in dealing with Covid-19 and A type needs more zinc while also being more susceptible to the virus.

I'm not sure if this is entirely fact but it's interesting and thought it would make a good discussion. There's also this study -blood groups in infection and host susceptibility-

Sorry for the poor formatting and if this has already been discussed, I just found this to be a topic of interest, especially given the current situation.
So far what you posted here seems true. I am an “O” blood type and never got Covid, and neither did either of my two sons who are “O” blood types too.
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