Coffee As A Disinfectant

beta pandemic

Jul 25, 2016
Ever since I started drinking coffee regularly I always had it plain and in the morning on pretty much an empty stomach after drinking my lemon water. Strong black coffee in the morning was the most important of the tools I used to overcome being exposed to mold for a year. I wonder if i had been drinking strong black coffee while in that house wouldve prevented the misery. I'll never know for sure but I will guess probably.

1886 News Paper article
:Years ago some studious German made
the observation, the correctness of which he
endeavored (and, to a great extent, also suc
ceeded) to establish by statistical data that
coffee, if taken early in the morning on an

empty stomach, acted as a preventive against

infectious and mainly epidemic disease. He
quoted a great number of cases where indivi

duals accustomed to drink a cup of hot coffee

for breakfast had either escaped an epidemic

of typhoid then ravaging the part of Germany

in which the observer lived, or if attacked
by the disease contracted it in a much milder
form, while all those who died from the

disease had not been in the habit of taking
coffee in the morning.

Rest of the newspaper article can be read here

Coffee as Disinfectant (1873)
“Numerous experiments with roasted coffee prove that it is the most powerful means, not only of rendering animal and vegetable effluvia innocuous, but of actually destroying them. A room in which meat in an advanced degree of decomposition had been kept for some time, was instantly deprived of all smell on an open coffee roaster being carried through it, containing a pound of coffee newly roasted.
In another room, exposed to the effluvium occaisoned by the clearing out of a dung pit, so that sulpherreted hydrogen and ammonia in great quantities could be chemically detected, the stench was completely removed in half a minute, on the employment of three ounces of fresh-roasted coffee, whilst other parts of the house were permantently cleared of the same smell by simply being traveresed with the coffee roaster, although the cleansing of the dung-pit continued for several hours after.
The best mode of using coffee as a disinfectant is to dry the raw bean, pound it in a mortar and the roast the powder on a moderately heated iron plate, until it assumes a dark brown tint, when it is fit for use. Then sprinkle it in sinks and cesspools, or lay it on aplate in the room which you wish to have purified. Coffee acid or coffee oil acts more readily in minute quantities.”

Entry 1668, Enquire Within Upon Everything, printed by J & W Rider, 1873


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Interesting, I wonder if coffee itself has any significant antimicrobial properties or if it can all be attributed to the boosted thyroid and lowerred serotonin. :rage
Nov 21, 2015
I am always astonished when I leave Coffee out, how quickly it gets moldy. That doesn't speak well for any anti-microbial qualities, does it?

beta pandemic

Jul 25, 2016
I am always astonished when I leave Coffee out, how quickly it gets moldy. That doesn't speak well for any anti-microbial qualities, does it?

really? When i wasnt so lazy I did use fresh grind coffee and never had this. Each batch left on counter for up to 2 weeks at a time with bag semi open.

How long until your coffee gets moldy? You can see and/or smell the mold?
Nov 21, 2015
really? When i wasnt so lazy I did use fresh grind coffee and never had this. Each batch left on counter for up to 2 weeks at a time with bag semi open.

How long until your coffee gets moldy? You can see and/or smell the mold?

no coffee that is BREWED gets moldy very very fast.


hey, this is not on subject exactly but...have a real ant problem here in Belize....they go after everything but never come near coffee


Mar 10, 2016
So the last sentence or two is saying, coffee may be able to kill germs on a light switch or a bathroom faucet handle...not just in the gut and the stomach.
Very cool.
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beta pandemic

Jul 25, 2016
it is a cold winter atm and i see many people are sniffing and coughing (at work on train). i havent had any symtoms of cold sickness. nothing. i also live with 3 other people, 2 who i'd say are in the pre-sick phase and 1 is definitely in the thick of it.

i squeeze lemons in water every morning, follow that with strong black coffee and then have at least 5 but sometimes up to 10 kiwis.

i have another strong black coffee in the afternoon with my meal.

other guy and 2 girls (all mid-twenties) basically pay no attention to what they put in their mouths (like i used to be).... i also dont drink anymore so that could be a factor as well...probably.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
On the other hand, some say that it is not good to have coffee on an empty stomach!
So what?
And would it be efficient for SIBO?

beta pandemic

Jul 25, 2016
On the other hand, some say that it is not good to have coffee on an empty stomach!
So what?
And would it be efficient for SIBO?

increasing bile output and reducing bile reabsorption (therby forcing the liver to make clean bile) are key to fixing liver and improve everything else

the answer for coffee/caffeine is that it depends! if your nutrition and sleep is insufficient you can try the following:

1:taurine at least a gram a day or more in divided doses
2:cooked beetroot and raw carrot
(because cooked carrot taste ******* awful) after main meals and before bed. you cannot eat enough of these.

stick to vegetables and fruit for fibre and keep away from legumes and whole grains until you are 'normal'. because normal people can actually tolerate these hard to digest and estrogenic foods from time to time without too much detriment.

dont overcomplicate

example just like the girl in another thread who said she was on 1500 calories for months nobody in the thread brought that up instead suggesting bs supplements and other over-complicated crap. this is just one of many examples. i notice people here overcomplicate things for themselves. im in this not to impress anyone but to better my own health and share what worked for me so others can benefit. i aint afraid of anyone. if i find something that works i will ******* say it outright lol and people can do what they want with that info.

im not a science guy but im highly intune with my body and perceptive to what works and what doesnt. and to what things improve my health and those things that worsen it or dont hange it. im always learning and im not dogmatic and have no emotional attatchment to any food/diet or supplements. i take what works from and leave behind what doesnt. i try everything within reason/practicality.
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